InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Now And Forever ❯ Enter Kikyou ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]


A/N: I don't own Inuyasha

Thanks to all the people who reed my story and to all of you who reviewed!!


Naraku landed in the courtyard of his castle with the still unconscious Kagome in his arms. The bat-like wings shrank into his back and he continued to walk into the castle.

He laid her down the bed in one of the many rooms. He sat next to her gazing at her sleeping form, he reached his hand out to stroke her cheek, he sat for a while letting his hand roam over the soft skin of her face and neck for a moment he contemplated exploring he rest of her body but decided it wouldn't be as much fun without her being awake.

He left the room and to wait for her to awaken.


Inuyasha raced forward at blinding speed to where ever Naraku's scent was taking him. He didn't care that he had been running all morning, or that he was leaving the others behind, the only thought that lay on his mind was rescuing Kagome and killing Naraku for daring to touch what was his.


Kagome woke up feeling warm and comfortable, it took a second for her to remember everything that happened in the last few hours but when her memory came rushing back she shot straight up into a sitting position.

`Naraku changed into Inuyasha and attacked me, he wanted me to hate him, he was going to rape me in Inuyasha's form! And he said he changed into me went to Inuyasha! Oh gods he probably hates me because of Naraku!'

She covered her face with her hands and cried


Inuyasha had left them behind again and Miroku was beginning to worry about him pushing himself too hard.

The fact that Kirara had come to an abrupt stop snapped him from his musing. They descended to ground gently and he saw the reason why, Inuyasha had stopped and was standing with his nose to the air.


"The scent is gone." He took a few more sniffs to see if there were any traces of it.

"Is the scent completely gone?" Sango had jumped down off Kirara at the sound of what he was saying, it couldn't be gone they had to find Kagome, she was not going to let Naraku have her.

"Yes, its gone, almost like it just vanished… dammit! I'm going to find him if it's the last thing I do!"

"Calm down Inuyasha, we will find Naraku and save Kagome, but we should all get some rest." Miroku had already sat down to lean his back against a tree and closed his eyes by the time he got that out.

Shippou and Kirara had already curled up together and were asleep but Inuyasha and Sango were still standing glaring at Miroku. Sango herself was shaking with suppressed anger.

"Miroku we don't have time for naps, Naraku has Kagome now!" Her fist were clenched at her sides and her breath was coming out in hard pants.

Miroku looked at her with the most serious face any of them had ever seen him use.

"You will take a nap, the both of you, or least sit down for a while and clear your head maybe then one of us could think of a way to find the trail again. The both of you are to angry to even see straight, if Naraku showed up right now you would attack without thinking and get hurt, neither of you are of any use to anybody when you're like this, now rest."

He closed his eyes again much like he did the argument but allowed himself a small smile when he heard the sounds of Sango finding a comfortable spot on the ground and Inuyasha jumping into the tree he was leaned against.


Naraku could hear her cying down the hall, she had been doing that for some time now.


"Yes master"

"Take our new addition to the hot springs to relax, give her, her new clothes and tell her I will come to her later after you have attended to all her needs."

Kagura nodded and disappeared down the hall.

What was she now, a maid? He always found new ways to make her feel so low, now she had to tend to his new little toy, but at least it wasn't Kikyou, she never did like that one.

Kagome looked up at the sound of someone entering the room and left the color drain from her face at the sight of Kagura.

"I have been instructed to take you the hot springs, follow me."

`At least it wasn't Naraku again, but why is he ordering Kagura to wait on me? Can't he just defile me and get it over with?'

She slide out of bed and wrapped the towel tighter around herself and followed the wind demon to the hot springs. They walked to the other side of the castle and stepped into a room that seemed to have been built around the spring.

"I will return shortly with your new clothes, miko."

As Kagura turned to leave she heard her say something that no one ever said to her for her serves.

`Did she just say `thank you'?'


Everyone woke up later and had to admit that Miroku was right they were rested and more calm but no one had come up with any ideas of how to locate Naraku from there.

"Maybe we should just going in the same direction, he might have masked his scent hoping we would believe he had changed his coarse." Sango really needed to thank Miroku for making her rest she hadn't even thought of that while she was in her heated state.

"I think I may be of some help."

They turned at the sound of the new voice and came face to face with Kikyou and her soul stealing demons.

"Kikyou what are you doing here?" Inuyasha was surprised to see her, especially since he didn't even know she was near.

"I'm to help you save my reincarnation."

"Kagome, her name is Kagome and how did you know she was missing?" Sango's anger returned at full force at seeing the dead miko and hearing her call Kagome that like she was just some down rated version of herself. Why Inuyasha could never stand up to her had Sango losing a little of her respect for the hanyou.

"I'm sorry for my disrespect, but have been watching Naraku for some time now and he has her at his castle."

"And you know how to get there Lady Kikyou?"

Sango rolled her eyes at the monk.

`Why does he have to call her that, she's no lady.'

"Yes, Narku has hidden his castle behind a barrier that makes it look as if nothing is there to an outsider."

Shippou decided it was time he jumped into the conversation and point something out that no one seemed to remember.

"Why do you care if Naraku has Kagome, you keep trying to kill her!"

"Shippou!" Inuyasha turned around and glared at him.

"Inuyasha he's right, she has tried to kill Kagome and stole her shards and gave them to Naraku, I don't trust her." Sango crossed her arms over her chest and Kirara growled at Kikyou from her shoulder, apparently whomever her mistress doesn't like Kirara doesn't like either.

"I know I have been untrustworthy in the past, but make no mistake, I loath Naraku and do not wish for my reincarnation"(she looked to see Sango scowling at her)"Kagome, I do not wish to see Kagome in his hands. I will lead you to his castle if you will except my help."

"We should follow her." Inuyasha turned to the rest of them to get their answer.

Sango still had her arms crossed with eyes averted and didn't say a word

"Sango this is the best chance we have to find Kagome, do it for her." Miroku put a hand on her shoulder.


"Lead the way Lady Kikyou."

She turned walked into the forest and they all followed but Sango grabbed Miroku's arm and turned him to her.

"I still don't trust her, if she does one thing deceitful I will put her in her grave again."

She let go and followed them leaving a stunned Miroku to catch up.


Another chapter done, sorry to all the Kikyou lovers but I don't like her.

Okay so review for me!!