InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Now And Forever ❯ Kagura Explains It All ( Chapter 7 )
A/N: I don't own Inuyasha, he's a free spirit!
Kagome was relaxing in the hot springs but was still very alert, she knew it was only a matter of time until Naraku tried to force himself on her and she at least didn't want to be surprised.
She couldn't help but think about Inuyasha and what he must be thinking of her now.
`He knows I trust him with my life and that I would never do anything to hurt him so couldn't have believed Naraku's tricks.'
Kagome heard footsteps approaching from down the hall and her heart started to race. What if it was Naraku? And here she was without a stitch of clothing on, wet, and helpless.
Kagura could smell the scent of fear coming through the door before she even walked in.
`The girl probably thinks I'm Naraku, can't say that I blame her for being scared, truth be told I would be too if he had half of the demented thoughts he thinks about her about me.'
She opened the door and stepped inside, she walked over to a very stiff Kagome, who had yet to turn around, and sat on her knees behind her. Sitting down the clothes she brought for her, she picked up a brush from the table of soaps and oils and began to brush her hair.
"Its only me miko, Naraku will not come for you yet."
Kagome visibly relaxed at the fact that it was not Naraku, but didn't know why Kagura was taking care of her.
"Kagura when will he come for me?"
"I do not know, but I have been ordered to care for you until then."
"This must be terrible for you, I'm sure there are other things you would rather be doing then tending to me."
"Yes, but Naraku is always finding new ways to remind me of the fact that I serve him."
"That's awful why don't you leave him?"
"Naraku has me bound to him, he holds my heart in his hands and can kill me at any time if he wishes so."
"I'm sorry it must really bad having to do all the things that he tells you, what about your sister Kanna?"
"She is also bound to him."
Kagome felt bad for Kagura and Kanna being held against their will, but what did that say about Naraku if he doesn't even trust his own creations and keeps them bound to himself?
"He desires you, you know."
Kagura's statement broke Kagome from her train of thought, she had been so scared of the fact that Naraku was trying to rape her that she didn't even consider the reasons why he would want to in the first place, but now she wasn't so sure that she actually wanted to hear the answers.
"He is intoxicated with the fact that you are so pure, even more pure than the dead miko Kikyou, and since you are her reincarnation and the guardian of the Sacred Jewel he has become infatuated with you."
"So the only reason he's doing all this is because I'm her reincarnation!?"
Kagome was more than a little pissed, Naraku had tried to rape her, make her hate Inuyasha, kidnapped her, and all because he wanted to fulfill his desires for Kikyou on her!!
"No, he believes you are more powerful than her, even if you are untrained which actually serves as best."
"I don't understand."
"You are Kikyou's reincarnation, but you are also more than she ever was, you are more pure, more powerful, and you are warm with life, while Kikyou is cold and dead. He also believes that he can taint you, and in doing so turn you evil and have you under his control, in short to have you is to have power, which he has a great thirst for. He also wishes to cause Inuyasha pain and by taking you he has."
"Why are you telling me all this?"
"I will be honest with you Kagome, you are unlike any other human I've seen, you actually thanked me for doing what I was told. If it were Kikyou in this position I would not care, but you do not deserve what he has planned for you. With this information I hope you will be able to resist him, even if he does take your innocents you must remain pure at heart and not let his evil touch your soul, that is the way to fight him from where you stand."
Kagome thought about Kagura's words and decided that she was right, if she did become evil she would giving him what he wanted. As for him taking her innocents she just hoped Inuyasha was on his way to save her.
They had been following Kikyou for an hour now and Sango did not take her eyes off
of her. She had bad feeling about this plan, nothing good came of anything when Kikyou was involved and Sango was waiting for the moment when the miko would try and turn the tables so she could be there and give her exactly what she deserved.
Kikyou was leading them to the castle where Naraku and Kagome were, but she had no intention to actually help save her incarnate.
`I knew Inuyasha would follow me without question, I expected as much from him. I will do away with that Kagome girl, she has not only stolen Inuyasha's heart away from me but also managed to gain Naraku's attention as well, she taking everything that belongs to me and she will pay for it. But I will have to get rid of that demon exterminator and her cat demon also that little fox, it will be no problem for me once their gone,'
Okay we're moving right along with this story.
I have a question; sense Kikyou's body is made of clay, if someone threw her into a river would she turn into mud?
Okay don't answer that, I'm just being mean to the dead girl!