InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Now And Forever ❯ Conversation Is the Key ( Chapter 11 )
Next Chapter!!!!
A/N: I'm sorry to all the people who didn't know I had updated but the site isn't putting up new info for some reason.
A/N: You can't own someone you love so I don't own Inuyasha
Inuyasha was livid, was Kikyou trying to cause trouble? Sango looked ready to kill!
` I've got to set things straight between us now.'
He stopped when he saw her laying in a tree with eyes closed, her demons feeding the souls into her clay body. The light from the glowing orbs lit up her pale skin and made her dark hair shine. She had an eerie sort beauty about her, yes she was beautiful in that cold, freezing way. Kagome was warmer, her beauty held life and she wasn't cold to the touch. Sometimes when he would have to touch her, like when he carried her on his back he could feel how warm she was and at made him want to bury himself into her forever. He even had dreams like that sometimes of her holding him with his face in the crook of her neck. But he couldn't think about that now he had to take care of something.
"Inuyasha?" She opened her eyes and waved her soul stealers away.
"Kikyou why did you start that fight with me and Sango?"
"I did not mean to start a fight, she is just too aggressive that's all, she try's to make a fight out of everything."
"No, Sango doesn't start fights without good reason, and the way you implied that there was something going on between us was a lie, you knew they would be upset about that."
"Are you denying your feelings for me? We are very much together, you promised to come to hell with me."
"I'm not denying anything, we are not together anymore. I loved you Kikyou but you died and I was asleep, pined to a tree for fifty years, but Kagome woke me up and taught me how to love again and she's my best friend."
"Loved? As in past tense? Are you saying that you could stop loving me so easily for someone else? She is my reincarnation after all you know."
"I still care for you Kikyou and I'm going to put you to rest, but I don't love you like that anymore. And Kagome is more than your reincarnation, she has the same soul but she is a completely different person."
"So you do not plan on keeping your promise to me then?"
"I shouldn't have made that promise because I can't give that to you, Kagome holds my heart and soul, I belong to her. I can't go to hell with you Kikyou."
"So you have made your choice?"
"Yes, I'm sorry."
He turned around to head back to camp, but her voice calling back to him made him stop.
"I will continue to help you find her if she means that much to you."
"Thank you Kikyou."
When he was gone and she was sure that he couldn't hear her anymore she spoke to one of her soul stealers as she petted its head.
"Well I guess we have to get rid of her a little sooner than I thought."
Kagome was sound asleep when Naraku came into her room. The last time he had known she was awake but decided not try anything that time she still wasn't comfortable with him. He decided to try and win her before he had to go and get rid of that dog of hers.
`Tomorrow Kagome, we will spend every minute together until you love me.'
Miroku decided to try and talk to Sango, bad idea. She was beautiful when she was angry but right now she was just scary. She and Hiraikotsu were destroying the forest when he arrived, Kirara and Shippou were just watching her, they knew better than to go near her when she was like this.
"Sango I may have some good news that could cheer you up!"
"It's about Inuyasha."
`BANG' down came another tree
"I don't want to talk about that jerk!"
"But you have to hear what he said about Kagome!"
`TIMBER' and another one bits the dust
"What that he's going to let Naraku keep her so he can be with Kikyou!?"
"No, before when we were talking he said he doesn't love Kikyou anymore and he would stay with Kagome! I think he just went to talk to Kikyou and tell her!"
That made Sango calm down some, she sat down and Miroku sat next to her.
"Well I'm glad Inuyasha finally came to his senses."
"Yep Sango isn't love beautiful?"
Hiraikotsu got one last work out on the monk for letting his hands wander with his mind.
"So Kagura who is Roshi, I've never seen him before?"
"He is the latest incarnation of Naraku, shadow."
Kagura was brushing Kagome's hair again inside her room. They were talking about Roshi and well his good looks, and how Kagome thinks he and Kagura would be perfect together. The door slide open and Naraku stepped in, he signaled for Kagura to leave and took her place brushing Kagome's hair.
"Yes?" She squeaked
"I think we should spend some time together."
Yuck! Spend time with Naraku!?!?! I'll pass