InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Now And Forever ❯ Arguments and Escape Plans ( Chapter 10 )
A/N: Okay next chapter! I felt really good about the last one and in this one I'm going to introduce an original character of my own! Maybe this injury wasn't such a bad thing it really helped get my creative juices flowing!
And about the ideas for my new fic, I actually thought about it so much yesterday that last night I had a dream about the Inu gang, freaky!
Thank you to all my readers, reviewers, and well wishers I love you!!!!!!!
A/Q: Is it just me or is has there been a real shortage of Inu/Kag pairings? Don't get me wrong I love Sess/Kag pairings too but they're not balancing anymore.
A/N: I don't own Inu, he owns me!!!
"She actually said that to you about Kagome?"
Miroku had listened to Inuyasha retell his earlier conversation with Kikyou and now he couldn't help but think that maybe Sango was right after all.
"Yeah, and she actually sounded amused at the thought of me staying with Kagome if Naraku did rape her." He plopped down next to Miroku hoping his friend could help him understand what was going on.
"It sounds like she is trying to make you disgusted with Kagome."
"What? How? You better explain because I sure don't know what you're getting at!"
"What would you do if Naraku did violate Kagome? Sure the natural answer would be that you would stay with her like she did you when you were having your problems with Kikyou, but now that Kikyou has planted the idea of you being with someone who had already been touched, she is making you doubt Kagome."
"But I know she hasn't been touched!"
"We don't know that for sure Inuyasha, who knows what Naraku could have done to her, what he could be doing to her right now. The point is, that if Kagome does come back tainted, because of Kikyou every time you look at her you'll feel jealous of not being her first, and lets all face it you're violent when you're jealous, it would make you mad and you would take that anger out on Kagome."
"She wants me to hate Kagome!?"
"What better why to get you to go to hell with her than to paint herself as the pure one, the one that only you would touch, and Kagome as the tainted one that would spark your jealousy?"
Inuyasha slumped back and his ears folded down to his head, The Kikyou he knew would never think to do such things, and all just to get him to come to hell with her.
`I'm not bound to her anymore, she doesn't even make me as happy as Kagome makes me, and I'm not leaving her.'
"I will stay with Kagome, and I won't get jealous if she's raped, how could I get jealous if she didn't do it willingly?"
"I'm proud of you Inuyasha, you're growing up."
"Of course I wouldn't leave her, I've been wanting to be truly happy my whole life, I have that with Kagome and now that I've found that happiness I'm going to give it up so easily."
"That is very good news, it should put Sango and Shippou to rest but it looks like Sango was right about Kikyou."
"Right about what?"
"She suspected that Kikyou was up to something and has been trying to keep a close eye on her, and think that she would love hear this."
"How does everyone else see things I don't!?"
"That is easy Inuyasha, its because you are a simpleton."
Inuyasha chased Miroku all the way back to camp but when they got there they were both shock at the scene taking place. Sango and Kikyou were in an argument, almost flat out fighting. Kirara was next to Sango fully transformed growling and looking ready to pounce on the miko. Shippou's fur was on ends and he too was growling. Kikyou looked as calm as ever but was surrounded by her soul stealing demons. And to put it bluntly, it looked like all hell was breaking lose.
"Get rid of them! We don't need your slimy, soul sucking snakes hanging around our heads!"
"They are doing no harm to anyone, and you have your demon companion with you, I see no difference."
At that comment Kirara's eyes started to bleed red and Sango grabbed her boomerang. The boys knew they had to stop this now.
"Kirara is none of your concern and she has never stolen the souls of innocent people just feed them to some smug, arrogant, bossy, overbearing bitch like you! Now I said get rid of them before I slice them in half! Then you'll have no one to steal souls for you and maybe you'll do us all a favor and drop dead again!"
"Wait just a damn minute you two! What the hell is going on here!?"
"Sango you must calm down!" Miroku ran and stood in front of her, going against his better judgment of standing in the way of an angry demon exterminator.
"Sango how did this get started!?" Inuyasha couldn't believe it, the moment he and Miroku are gone someone leaves the gate to twilight zone open.
"She started with her nasty ells, I don't care if she needs them to bring souls for her to survive she can do that somewhere else, I don't want those things near me or Shippou!"
"I understand your point Sango they are a bit unsettling, but will the four of you calm down?"
"Yeah those demons make my hackles rise too but we can fix this."
Kikyou cut her eyes in Inuyasha's direction, she had wanted him to take her side in the issue, but no matter.
"No need, if they upset everyone so much then I will go elsewhere and gather their souls."
"So it's not a problem when they bother us, but when Inuyasha doesn't like them you change your tune."
"Our relationship is only concerning Inuyasha and myself, it is not your business."
"Oh so there is something going on with you two!" Sango turned to Inuyasha with a look that promised serious pain.
"That's enough you guys! No, Sango there isn't anything going on with us!"
Kikyou had already walked off with her soul stealers satisfied with the new argument she'd started.
"I will not sleep in the same camp as her, I'm leaving."
She started walk off with Kirara and Shippou in tow, when Miroku looked about to protest she shot him a look that shut him up. He turned to see Inuyasha walking off in the same direction as Kikyou.
"Where are you goi…"
"I need to talk to Kikyou."
And just like that Miroku was left alone to figure out just how he always seemed to be the middleman.
Kagura had told Kagome to stay strong as long as she could because she didn't know when she would be able to get her out of the castle. She would have told her more if Kanna hadn't come in the room to tell her that Naraku wished to see her, so she had said that friend of her's that would come to Kagome's room to give her the information as soon as they got it.
Now you can imagine the reaction Kagome had when she was laying in bed that night and a shadow demon appeared in her room from under the door. She was about to scream until he clamped a hand over her mouth.
"Quiet human, do you wish to get us caught?" When she shook her head no he continued.
"I am Rushi, Kagura sent me to tell you when it will be time to escape." He took his hand from her mouth when he sensed that she had calmed down.
Kagome looked him over and had to admit he was nice looking, not as handsome as Inuyasha but good looking all the same. He had spiked hair that was midnight black and pale gray eyes that seemed to shine in the dark the way Inuyasha's amber eyes did but Rushi's was less catlike. He wore a black Kimono with matching leather gloves. Kagome had to shake herself from the daze she was caught in.
"Oh, I'm sorry, so when is it?"
"The reason why Naraku called to his chambers today was to tell her he would be going out to confront your hanyou, he and his friends are getting closer to castle. We should try to get you out then before he moves the castle again."
"When will that be?"
"In two night's time, I will come for you then."
As he stood to leave Kagome let out a small thank you, he turned around and flashed her a rather sexy smile that showed one of his fangs.
"Kagura was right you are different."
With that he turned back to the door, melted into a black puddle and slide under it silently, leaving her to stair at the spot where he had just been.
That was longer than usual, that fight popped out of nowhere! It just hit me and I had to put it in!
Well come on tell me what you think!