InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Of Shadow & Light ❯ Not Quite Bonnie & Clyde ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Of Shadow & Light
Chapter One
Not Quite Bonnie & Clyde
By Smittin Kittin

I do NOT own Inuyasha or any related characters they are the brilliant products of the vast imagination of Rumiko Takahashi (bows deeply) in other words... (sigh) no Inuyasha 4 kitty & no animated smut 4 u!
As u all know I've been MIA. My terminally ill aunt whom I spent most of the year caring 4 passed away several weeks ago & my cousin who was also battling cancer lost her fight 2 weeks later & I just recently feel like writing again. I'm sorry 4 the delay in updates but hopefully I'll be able 2 resume a some what regular schedule. I do work & will be resuming school soon so my time is still a bit limited. I'll do my best 2 crank out a chap a week on various fics tho. As u read this I'm finishing up the next chap of `The Gift' & `All of You'. If I have time I'll work on the new installment of the UD series.
I've made some changes 2 the format of that series but I'll post a note with the new chap when it's done. Right now i hope u enjoy the first chap of this new fic. it's a bit different than my usual work so let me know what u think! I've already written the next chap of this one & will send it 2 my beta some time tonight. One last note... my original beta & dear friend has a ridiculously busy schedule this fall so she is unable 2 edit all of my fics. tho I dislike splitting my stories up amongst different betas it is a necessary evil. I'm lucky enough 2 have recently gained a new beta 4 `Of Shadow & Light' as well as `The Gift' & if all goes well as I think it will things will continue along smoothly! my original beta will continue working on the `UD' series & I will most likely get someone else 2 work on `All of Me', `Harsh light of Day'(part 2)& my remaining works. If anyone knows a good beta please send them my way! Until I get enough help 2 pick up the slack I won't be able 2 update all my fics sorry!
A special thanks & round of welcoming glomps 2 my newest beta, Aidlbia 4 being so willing 2 help me out! I appreciate ur hard work on my fic & look forward 2 continuing working with u! Welcome 2 Kittyland (giggles)
An artificial breeze lightly stirred the unbound sable tresses framing the delicate contours of her angelic face.  Cool air swirled around curvaceous feminine legs to stir the loose fabric of the scanty silk skirt.  Chilled air caressed her bare thighs causing the provocatively dressed girl to shiver from the unbidden loss of warmth.  She grumbled glaring at the casually dressed male to her immediate left, remembering his words to her several hours earlier. 
“Kagome, it's a hundred and two fucking degrees outside!”  He complained snatching the three-quarter length, faded denim jacket from her hands and tossing it into the backseat of the silver drop-top Mercedes.  It landed with a muffled thump before slowly sliding off the lightly colored Corinthian leather seat and crumpling onto the plush tan carpet of the floor. 
“Stupid girl... Who the hell wears a coat in Las Vegas in the middle of July?” He complained, shaking his head slightly in disbelief.  With a heavy sigh, she clutched his hand tightly in her own.  Taking a few quickly paced steps, the nervous girl wrapped her slender arms around his waist, happily snuggling against him when he pulled her securely to his side and began swiftly maneuvering through the throngs of tourists. 
`Should've known better,' she now thought with an exacerbated sigh.  The heat of her temper did little in way of raising her rapidly decreasing body temperature.  Grumbling to herself, she frantically tried to rub some warmth into her arms while contemplating whether it was possible to suffer air conditioning induced hypothermia.  Initially she had been thankful for comfort that the burst of cool air provided, but now she cursed both the technology and it's creator.
Letting out another breathy sigh, she focused her attention on the man inadvertently responsible for her current state of discomfort. The slight shift of her weight reminded Kagome that her feet ached as well.  Stilettos were defiantly not meant for distance walking, especially not at the pace Inuyasha had dragged her along at.
They had parked the rental car at the Bellagio and briskly walked the five or so blocks to the Flamingo. She'd questioned the reasoning behind a walkway that forced them to go two blocks passed their destination only to cross a bridge and double back the same two blocks to the hotel they'd started across the street from.  Her irritable companion mumbled something about teenage girls playing in heavy traffic while dragging her along behind him.  The speed of his gate forced her into a steady jog.  Clutching his hand tightly in her own, Kagome decided to keep any further questions about the route Inuyasha had chosen to herself. 
Kagome sighed wistfully at the memory then returned her attention towards her grumbling companion. The contemplative girl shuddered at the look of intensity in his brightly glowing eyes. The fire smoldering in his jewel toned orbs caused her cheeks to dusk a pretty shade of pink. He averted his gaze from the tinted glass that he was staring out of and smiled down at the girl that stood at his right side anxiously worrying her bottom lip.  Turning, he reached for her, his large hand easily wrapping around her dainty wrist.  Gently tugging her small form to him, he used his free hand to tangle in the loose waves of her silken ebon tresses.  After releasing his hold on her wrist, his right hand slipped behind her, coming to rest against the dip in her spine.  Fingers absently stroked the smooth flesh of her exposed back.  As she continued to tremble against him, he pulled her trembling form closer to him.  Feeling the rapid beating of her heart, Inuyasha tilted her head so he could see into the warm depths of her cinnamon eyes. 
They had been held up in the building for hours.  The frigid air was starting to give him chills, so he was certain Kagome was freezing.  The thin silk of her halter-top left her arms and most of her back exposed and did little to shield her from the continuous blast of cold air from the overhead vents. 
“Cold?”  He asked while loosing his hand from her hair in order to wrap both arms around her. 
“A little.”  Kagome replied, snuggling into him in an effort to absorb some of his warmth.  Perhaps the flirty emerald mini skirt had been a bad choice.  Her head rested lightly against his chest, arms encircling his torso as she allowed her eyes to drift closed. Within his arms, she inhaled the woodsy scent of his cologne and listened to the rhythmic beating of his heart.
Inuyasha in turn tightened his hold on her, simply reveling in the light floral scent of her perfume and the softness of her skin.  He placed a soft kiss atop her head before tucking it under his chin. 
“You know... the day I met you my life changed... ” She shifted in his embrace, not certain she wanted to hear his next words. 
“Yash...don't...” Her voice soft, a desperate whisper.  A chill raced down her spine and she shuffled closer to his warmth.  Shaking his head, he pressed her tighter to him and continued. 
“Let me finish, Kagome.”  Feeling her nod against him, he took a deep breath to fight back the tears that pooled in his sorrowful eyes before he continued. 
“You're the best thing that's ever happened to me... The only good thing in my life.”  He drew her closer in an attempt to draw strength from the young woman who served as the anchor that tethered his turbulent emotions. 
Inuyasha sighed, struggling to maintain his composer.  Romantic declarations and outpouring of emotions were not among the short list of things he considered himself inordinately adept “Before... before I met you... “I didn't give a shit if I lived or died...” He swallowed the lump forming in his throat, tracing small circles along the exposed back of the sniffling girl nestled against him in an effort to sooth her.
“I didn't give a shit if I lived or died...” He swallowed the lump forming in his throat, tracing small circles along her exposed back in an effort to sooth the sniffling girl in his arms. 
“I don't know why the fates blessed me with you... not after all that shit I...” With an amused snort and a dry laugh, he gathered his courage to utter the last part of his speech.  Small hands clutched at the back of his shirt as quiet sniffles gave way to silent tears. 
Sighing heavily, he held the weeping girl securely in his embrace, gliding hands along her back more in an effort to sooth himself than the distraught teenager. 
Clearing his throat, Inuyasha continued, “Kagome... I...” His tongue darted out of his mouth moistening his lips.  His hands stilled his voice a strained whisper.  “I love you.”  He closed his eyes, the weight of his admission making the situation less bearable. 
She gasped, her grip on his shirt tightened a fraction before her fingers relaxed.  Fresh tears sprang forth at his words.  Inhaling deeply, she breathed in his familiar comforting scent before turning her shimmering brown eyes up at him. 
“Inuyasha...” She whispered his name in a breathy sigh.  His eyes where closed and his body shivered slightly along with her own. Kagome took a moment to gain some sense of composure before speaking again.  “I... I love you too.  You and I are right, from this lifetime to the next.”  She replied softly, capturing his gaze. 
Warm amber pools sparkled in the dim lighting to further enhance the mesmerizing beauty of his remarkably pigmented orbs of gold and honey.  He stared down at the girl in his arms.  Her fierce loyalty and boundless love for him was more than he felt he disserved and the depth of her devotion was staggering.  His heart thudded in his chest as warmth rippled through his body.  The light of acceptance in her eyes was a glorious thing and he could pass peacefully into his next life with the memory of her face to comfort him.
A wry grin slowly turned the corner of his mouth.  Inuyasha's hand tangled into the loose flowing strands of her dark hair as his lips covered hers.  Burying his fingers more securely, he tilted her head and nipped lightly at her bottom lip to plead for entrance.  A low moan vibrated in the back of Kagome's throat as she eagerly opened to him, allowing the pleasurable intrusion.
After a few blissful moments, he reluctantly broke the heated embrace.  Placing his hands on either side of her face, his thumbs gently swept away the trickle of moister.  He leaned into her and lightly pressed his forehead against hers.  Inuyasha was not a man of regrets but he found himself longing to change the dismal circumstances leading up to this moment.  Stepping away from the girl snuggled against him he attempted to make amends.
Sensing his unease as he backed away, Kagome stepped forward, again closing the gap between them.  When he began to speak, she placed a gentle hand on his cheek and shook her head to silence his flow of words. 
“No regrets... I'll cherish every moment spent with you... Always.”  Her hand slipped behind his neck and she pulled him down, her lips smoothly glided along his in a leisurely display of affection.
“Ready?”  He asked, his lips still lightly brushing hers.  She closed her eyes steeling her resolve and nodded.
The doors to the outside world slid open letting in the harsh brightness of the midday sun.  Kagome squinted as her eyes adjusted to the light.  Abruptly Inuyasha released her hand and she turned her puzzled gaze on him.  Time moved in slow motion and a dazed Kagome could only watch in horror as the scene played out before her. 
In a flash Inuyasha's hand had moved behind him, removing the illegal firearm that had remained easily concealed at the small of his back.  Grabbing the alarmed girl by the arm, he stepped outside the tinted glass casino doors with the barrel pressed lightly against her temple.  Kagome blinked as realization set in. 
“Inu... Inuyasha... NO!  Don't do this!  You promised!”  She began struggling in earnest trying to free herself from his grasp, desperate to stop him to save him.  His fingers tightened around her upper arm and he tugged her forward gaining her attention.  She stared at him wide-eyed, shock and hurt evident in her wordless expression.  He winked at her with a sad smile slightly turning the corners of his mouth before roughly shoving her to the ground. 
An eerily, exaggerated silence gripped the occupants of the quartered off section of the Vegas strip before the world erupted in a clamor of indistinguishable noises.  All she could hear from her place on the scorching concrete were shouted commands and the familiar rumble of a dispirited laugh. 
Dragging herself up onto her knees, she whirled around, which caused the rough cement to scrape her bare legs.  Particles of dirt stung the thin cuts, but she ignored the slight pain and frantically searched for the silhouette of her beloved.  Chestnut eyes dilated with panic as the thunder of gunfire hammered at her instincts.  The frightened girl crumpled to the ground in a ball with her head nestled between her quivering thighs, hands clasped protectively against her skull.
Trembling, she raised her head cautiously in search of the man that had lay claim on her soul.  At the sight of him, her heart stammered against her rib cage.  In the instant it took her to scramble to her feet, he was already laying on the ground with the scarlet of his own blood pooling beneath him.  Her chest constricted as the world fell away.  She was vaguely aware of the sound of her own screaming as she ran towards her fallen love.  Collapsing at his side, she lay sobbing, her ear pressed against his heart.  The sluggish gurgle of the slowing organ echoed in her head.  She gasped for air hysterically and clung to his blood-stained tee shirt begging him to take her with him.  His hand gently stroked her cheek lovingly, brushing away the flow of tears. 
“Sorry princess... not this time,” he choked out forcing a weak smile.  “Don't cry... you know I hate it when you cry.”  He uttered those last words to her before closing his once bright amber orbs. 
Choking on heavy sobs Kagome bristled when strong arms wrapped around her waist, forcefully lifting her from the ground.  Her heart shattered and the broken girl whaled her sorrow to the heavens as the officer carted her off to the awaiting ambulance.  The misinformed patrol officer attempted to calm her by rambling on about how she was safe and everything would be fine now. Annoyed with the endless prattle of the naive deputy, Kagome's eyes glazed over and she hung her head. Dark wavy tresses hid her mournful expression.  She felt light headed dizzy as her world spiraled out of control and came crashing down around her. 
Closing her tear-filled eyes, the heartbroken teenage girl felt herself slipping into unconsciousness.  Reality melted away in a blurry haze.  Inuyasha was gone and nothing would ever be all right again.
I hope u enjoyed the chapter! As always...if u like R&R even if u don't like R&R! Please & Thank You Hugs & Kisses Smittin,