InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Of Shadow & Light ❯ When Doves Cry ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Of Shadow & Light
When Doves Cry
Chapter two
By Smittin Kittin
I don't own Inuyasha! U should be glad cuz...kitty's not into sharing!
Kagome lay quietly, nestled atop the soft down duvet wrapped in a scarlet colored chenille throw. The young woman rocked her self lightly her gaze fixed on a distant point in the vast landscape of the forest just beyond the shrine grounds. It was late afternoon and the fading sun shone into the spacious room reflecting off the ivory walls and bathing it in a warm golden glow. Waning daylight cast long shadow on the refinished dark wood floor. The blanched girl appeared fragile and small balled up on her side in the center of the sizable four-pollster canopy bed with her knees drawn up and her head tucked against her chest. Kagome's eyes shimmered with unshed tears that remained trapped in her dark turbulent eyes as she stared out of the polished glass of the bay window above the cushioned window seat. The vivid ruby tinted raw silk curtains were pulled aside revealing an unobstructed view of the Goshimboka from the converted attic loft and the heartbroken miko watched the wind blow through the barren boughs of the god tree with growing resentment.
The once supple green leaves now tuned hard and brown lay discarded at the base of the ancient tree. Marred remains of the shed foliage lay resting, waiting to be buried by earth and snow in the hardened soil that surrounded the gnarled roots of the weathered shade tree.
Winter months would pass quickly for the detached petals as the once vibrant leaves disintegrated into mulch to be absorbed by the old tree. Rejoining with it once more would invigorate their life force.
Kagome's brows creased into a frown as anger coursed through her she rolled onto her back. Every year simple leaves were blessed with the privilege of casting off their damaged shells to be born anew. Anger ebbed into sorrow, envy gnawed at her insides. Those leaves only had to suffer a season alone, cold, cast out from the familiar warmth of the sun. She was being forced to endure the loneliness of her emotional winter much longer.
Three months had past since Inuyasha was gunned down. Kagome clenched her eyes shut her body trembled under the mental strain as she tried desperately to block out the memory of that cursed day. Silent tears streaked her sallow cheeks as her mind tormented her with morose images of her fallen love.
Kagome wallowed in piteous self-disgust. Unable to flea the relentless pain of being left behind the distraught girl felt as if her soul was being crushed by the weight of her guilt. It had been a near tragedy this time. Kagome almost succeeded in escaping her misery the only way she could think to. She curled in on herself clutching her arms around her tummy she hung her head hiding her soulless mocha eyes behind her unruly bangs. The fates truly were cruel she had been so close to being with Inuyasha again then those damnable paramedics brought her back forcing her to continue to endure the hell that her life had become. Turning her head back towards the window with a wistful sigh she prayed the unwanted figure looming in the doorway would just leave if she ignored them long enough. Again, her prayers went unanswered. Wearily Kagome frowned mumbling curses under her breath. The soft click of the door drew her attention and the distraught teenager sniffled brushing the back of her hand over her bleary eyes. She looked up pinning the intruder with an icy glare. “What the hell do you want?” She inquired venomously.
“Kagome?” Mrs. Higurashi called her daughter's name imploringly.
The bitter young woman flinched the sound of her name rolling from the older woman's lips in a falsely sympathetic tone too sugary sweet to be sincere. The teenager ignored her mother's presence even as the bed shifted under the added weight. “Dear, I know you're still upset but...” Reaching out slowly Kari Higurashi placed a delicately manicured hand on the shoulder of her eldest child squeezing lightly she attempted to comfort her.
Kagome flinched at the contact shrugging off the unwanted touch. A soft sob escaped her she didn't want to be here and she didn't want to be consoled by these people. The only thing Kagome wanted was Inuyasha and cruelly he'd left without her. Choking on a sob, she sat up drawing her knees toward her chest and resting her chin against them.
Glancing at the shell of a girl huddled against the headboard Mrs. Higurashi sighed wondering where she'd gone wrong. Last year this time Kagome had been a vibrant sixteen year old full of life and promise. “Kaggy, we need to talk...about the baby.”
Kagome responded tersely, self-consciously smoothing her right hand over her slightly protruding belly. “There's nothing to talk about.” The guilt-riddled mother to be hadn't known about the pregnancy before her third suicide attempt. The first two times her parents drove her to the family physician that they paid well to keep such incidents secret. Luckily for Kagome, she'd never taken drugs of any kind while attempting to end her life. Motivated by the guilt brought on by not dying on the dirty concrete beside her beloved the depressed youth refused to grant herself an easy death. Her first attempt involved jumping off the cliffs at Flexures Point figuring the brief moment of serenity during the fall just before she slammed into the icy water would allow her just enough time to relive that tragic summer day when her love was slain. Her efforts were thwarted when a couple of hikers spotted her. Mr. Higurashi thanked the good Samaritans for their interference by rewarding them for their efforts and desecration with large sums of cash. After that, Doctor Buckley prescribed some sleeping pills that Kagome only pretended to take. Sleep only brought nightmares. Her most recent attempt was a classic, a tub full of hot water & two properly slit wrists. It'd almost worked too. If the maid Helena hadn't been in need of her dirty laundry Kagome would be with her beloved Inuyasha in the great beyond. As it was, they had to shock her heart with the defibrillator twice. At least this time her stepfather was unable to keep the scandal from leaking. The whole country club now knew about his poor mentally unstable daughter.
Kagome had been lucky the doctor said it was nearly a miracle that her baby remained unharmed and then he spent the better part of an hour lecturing her about better ways to end an unwanted pregnancy. Unaware of the baby growing inside of her at the time Kagome was relieved to know she hadn't caused any real harm to Inuyasha's unborn child. The shocked young woman swore she'd take better care of herself if only for the sake of their unborn child. That had been less than a week ago and everyday since her mother tried to convince her to get rid of her baby either through a controversial late abortion or a secret adoption. Closing her eyes and tapping down her anger, Kagome spoke in a level voice. “I'm keeping our baby. Now that's settled so you can leave me alone.”
Kari stood shaking her head lightly. “No, it's not settled...” suppressing a sigh the elder Higurashi walked over to the vanity and sat down upon the upholstered bench. “Kagome...why would you...I simply don't understand why you'd want to...” Kagome had just returned from the hospital, the last thing the woman wanted to do was upset her unstable daughter. Releasing a breathy sigh Kari fell silent for a moment before speaking. Wringing both hands in frustration Mrs. Higurashi tried to reason with her daughter once more. “You can't keep doing this. The situation must be dealt with.”
Kagome bristled at that. “So that's all my baby and I are to you? Something to be dealt with?” She clutched Fluffy, the large stuffed dog Inuyasha bought her close to her chest burying her face into the soft white fur. Diverting her eyes, she avoided her mothers gaze.
Mrs. Higurahi couldn't believe what she was hearing. How long was her daughter going to behave like this. It had been well over the timeline the psychologist projected and still Kagome hadn't returned to her senses. Kari wanted her daughter back and was determined to do whatever was necessary in order to achieve that goal. “Look dear...I understand that you think you lo...” The woman was cut off by an outraged scream.
Kagome scooted to the edge of her bed and sprang to her feet. How dare her mother presume to tell her how she felt. “NO! You don't understand...not a damn thing!” Dropping the stuffed dog onto the alabaster goose down comforter in favor of rubbing her hand along her belly the sobbing teenager swiped angrily at the tears streaking her face.
Her mother rose to her feet stalking towards the sniffling girl. “I don't understand?” She inquired with a snort. “No young lady it is you who doesn't understand! was a criminal Kagome! Why on earth would you wish to keep his bastard child? Have you completely lost your mind?”
“You don't know him! He's not like that... Inuyasha's not like that at all!” Coughing back heaving sobs the hysterical girl struggled to defend the man she loved. “You have no idea what his life was like...he never had a chance no one ever gave him a chance!” Kagome took a step back when her shocked mother reached for her. “I love him mom... he didn't kidnap me! I ran away with him!” Kari turned her back on her first born child attempting to block out the angry tirade. “Why won't you look at me mom? I'm telling the truth!”
The elder Higurashi turned around a concerned expression on her face. “Kagome you don't know what your saying. Your still in shock.” She pinched the bridge of her nose. Apparently her husband was right their daughter was too far gone they needed the help of professionals.
Kagome's fists clenched at her sides why didn't anyone believe her? Not the police not her parent her friends. “I know exactly what I'm saying mom! No one's in shock for three fucking months! And I don't give a shit what that asswipe district attorney says...Yash didn't rape me!”
The middle-aged homemaker decided she'd had enough if her daughter wouldn't listen to reason she'd just have to tell her the cold hard truth. “You say you love him Kagome...well you can't. There is no Inuyasha for you to love because he's dead! He was a murder and a thief! A kidnapper...a god damned pedophile! In the end, he got exactly what he deserved!”
The room was silent for what seemed like an eternity until the unmistakable sound of skin against skin resounded in the quiet room. Kagome's cheeks were flushed and her hand trembled as she drew it back. She could barely breathe her lungs burned and she gulped for air between sobs. The angry welt forming on her mother's face mimicked the rage boiling in the young woman's gut. “Shut up! He...he di...didn't deserve...” Weeping openly Kagome collapsed onto her bed unable to support her own weight as the memory of that day weighed heavily on her heart. After a long moment, she finally spoke her voice a soft whisper. “He deserved better than being gunned down in the street like a's...not's just not right.” The grief stricken youth clutched her stomach and began rocking in an effort to comfort herself mumbling about how she loved Inuyasha and no one could take their baby away.
Kagome was so lost in mourning that she failed to notice her mother's teary-eyed retreat nor did she hear the subsequent call to the West Hills mental facility.