InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Of Spring Rain and Thunder Storms ❯ Prologue: Dreams ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Of Spring Rain and Thunder Storms
Prologue: Dreams
It was raining hard in feudal Japan when Kagome landed back through the well, which was sort of depressing considering how sunny it had been in the future. She sighed, tossing her bag over the top of the well and starting her climb over the top. The forest was abnormally dark, her miko powers spread out but she couldn't feel anything out of place. She but her lip, wishing that Inuyasha still cared enough to wait for her to come back at this moment, she steeled her nerves and told herself it would be fine before continuing on.
She had opted to give up the school uniform after she had barely graduated high school. She chose instead to wear a pair of loose fitting black skinny jeans and usually just a simply colored top with a light zip up jacket and black low top Converse. It was simple but kept her warm and comfortable, while managing to lose the “whore” complex that she'd built up over four years of a bad choice to wear her uniform to the past.
Kagome shook a hand through her much longer black hair to release some of the water that was resting on top of the crown of her head. She walked briskly through the trees into the village that had become her home away from home. She smiled at the children laughing and playing in the water puddles before running into Kaede's hut. When she entered Inuyasha was resting against the hut and Kaede was stirring a pot of stew. Kagome placed her bag on the floor before shrugging out of her jacket and sitting across the fire from Kaede.
The old woman smiled at her before pouring her a bowl of the stew and handing it to Kagome. They made small talk about what had happened while she was gone. Inuyasha piped off with little comments in between about how he hated Buyo but missed Souta.
Four years had changed him for the better, but they had realized not long after the well had let her come back that their relationship just wouldn't work out, only because they treated each other like siblings, not lovers. It had taken them trying to be intimate with each other to prove it. He was courting a girl at the moment named Mizuki, and she did wonders on his personality. They were often seen in a meadow together, his head in her lap while he told her of his adventures. She was a warrior, much to the displeasure of her mother and brothers but she followed only the sound of her father's wishes.
Inuyasha had demanded Kagome's approval of her and the relationship before continuing it, but she was absolutely happy for him. Kagome stayed in the past because it was what felt right, trying to start a life after being in a whole other time for three years was very odd. She just felt more at home with her friends and visiting her family was still entirely possible but this is where she belonged.
So now she had been back here for almost a year, living and loving every moment of it. Sango had worried for her, but honestly, the only thing Kagome could want at the moment was someone to love. Sure, she wanted a family eventually, but Shippo was already like her kit, and she treated him as such. Any man that she eventually settled down with would need to understand that the children always come first, always.
Sango came into the small hut with a toddler on her hip and a swelling bump on her belly to mark that she was pregnant with her and Miroku's fourth. “Oh hello Kagome, you're back already?” she said smiling before setting Kenji, the second born boy, down on the ground and sitting next to him and Kagome.
They chatted for a while before Miroku came in with the twins and Shippo. Kaede called Rin in for dinner, her and Shippo colored with the crayons from Kagome's bag while eating. Rin had started staying with Kagome on her `rough days' when she missed Sesshoumaru, and just wanted him to come back to get her. She hadn't wanted to hurt the old woman's feelings so she vented to Kagome whenever she had a chance.
The tajiya family all took their little ones to their home before bidding the little rag tag group goodnight. Kagome lay on her own cot before feeling Rin and then Shippo snuggle up beside her. She smiled slightly when Inuyasha and Kaede chuckled at their antics, she knew they were thinking the same as everyone did, that she was kind of starting a herd of children but she could never deny them. She strayed to thoughts of children for only a brief moment longer before placing ear buds in her ears and going to bed.
~Dream Land~
She stood in the middle of a dark forest; it looked familiar, but not enough to be able to know without a doubt where she was. “Please, I beg of you, help us, help me!” Someone, a woman, screamed. Kagome looked but all she saw was forest. She could hear dark, loud laughter. It wouldn't stop, and the screams continued. Kagome put her hands to her ears and cried out, but it wouldn't stop. She ran further into the woods, trying to find the person who was screaming. In the shadows, there was a break, it was a light far away from her, and it sounded like the screaming was coming from there. She ran towards it, when she got closer however she only saw shadow creatures all huddled together, holding something tightly bundled. They hissed at her as she walked towards them, she held a bit of purity in her fingertips to keep them at bay.
They placed the bundle on the ground and backed away quickly, trying to get away from her. When she came close to the bundle however a bright flash of light appeared. Rin and Shippo then stood in front of her trying to tell her something but she couldn't read their lips and couldn't hear them. She felt a dark force behind her, in the woods, but it wasn't being seen. At first she thought it must be the shadow demons but like a flash of lightening, it was gone and she couldn't find it at all.
All that remained were her and the children. They were all now in a meadow, with hundreds of flowers while Rin and Shippo were giggling and telling her to come play with them. She smiled and did, but couldn't shake the feeling that something was very wrong. When she looked up the last time, she saw a small figure, of maybe six or seven with light hair hiding behind a tree. It was shaking, and when Kagome tried to go near it, it disappeared along with everything else around her.
She woke up from her dream with a gasp, everyone else was still asleep, and it was very early. She placed a hand over her eyes and then put it on her mouth, contemplating the dream. She checked her watch and realized it was four in the morning. Kagome rose and walked outside to sit in the field not far from the village. It was late winter, early spring so she could still see little puffs of her breath come out into clouds in front of her. She leaned her head against the old tree in the field, her miko powers relaxed and stretched out to the edges of the field, they would alert her if any danger approached.
This had become a habit in this time, sitting out and away from the others in her thoughts. She had gotten a lot stronger recently, but still felt weak a lot of times during fights. She had begged Inuyasha to teach her how to fight with a sword or a least a miko staff, but he refused every time. Sango couldn't or wouldn't more like it because she thought Kagome was very capable on her own. When she asked to be taught hand to use hand combat, they had given her a strange look before brushing off her request.
While they all agreed that she had gotten stronger, they believed that she still needed them, and didn't see why it was necessary to teach her. She had considered asking Koga for help but he was too advanced and relied on his abilities as a wolf demon for way too much to be of any real help to her. She didn't know any mikos who were trained in anything more than the bow and arrow, and while she was sure that she could find one if she searched really far, she knew that Inuyasha would tell her it was a dumb idea and wouldn't be cooperative.
Kagome felt a sharp tug at her miko powers and looked to the east to see Inuyasha leaning against a large stone with his eyebrow raised at her, “I'm fine Inu, I was just about to head back.” He grunted before walking over to her and helping her up. She climbed onto his back and he ran back to the village and let her down in front of Kaede's home. When she crawling in-between the two young children, she sighed before closing her eyes and falling asleep again. This time she was dreamless and actually relaxing.