InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Of Spring Rain and Thunder Storms ❯ Chapter One: Hard Arrivals ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Of Spring Rain and Thunder Storms
Chapter One: Hard Arrivals
Kagome awoke to the sound of a yelling Inuyasha and the children giggling, Rin, Shippo, Kenji, and the twins, Akemi and Akiko were all jumping over Inuyasha. The poor half demon didn't have a chance as the girls Rin and Akiko jumped all over his ears and the boys had him pinned down beneath them. She stretched her arms over her head before saying loud enough that the kids would hear her, “Oh boy I sure would like to play a game of Hide and Go Seek today… I wonder of anyone will play with me?” They all turned bright eyes to her before yelling loudly that they all would, they all ran outside while Kagome got dressed.
Inuyasha laid on the ground groaning and saying obscenities about little brats and his ears. He sat up before muttering thanks beneath his breath to her. She smiled and grabbed her brush, shampoo, conditioner, soap, a towel, a change of clothes, toothbrush, and tooth paste before heading towards the spring that was close to the village, there were just some things she wasn't willing to give up, and personal hygiene was one of them. She stripped quickly and stepped into the luke warm water; she quickly bathed and got ready for the day before relaxing against a large stone that was on the bank of the spring.
When she finally felt clean enough and thought she should join the children, she climbed out of the water and dressed before heading back. They were playing tag with the other village children and cheered when they saw her grabbing the blindfold that they always used for hide and go seek. She walked up to all the kids, and there were about fifteen not including the teenagers that looked like they would probably join on the second round.
On the third or fifth round Inuyasha came out to join them along with the non busy adults, they watched in mild curiosity at Kagome, and how free hearted she was with all of the children. Miroku had laughed when his children found each other, claiming the peeked every time. By the time they had tired out all of the children it was almost dinner time. Sango went to her home with her three little ones while Kagome hustled Shippo and Rin into Kaede's home. They ate dinner happily before out of no where Inuyasha got up and ran outside. Kagome followed him only to see his eyes narrowed to the west, and the flames and smoke of an explosion she gasped, “Inuyasha, we need to help them!” he turned to her as Miroku and Sango ran up beside them with Kirara in tow, “Do we know which village has been attacked?” Miroku said hurried. Inuyasha shook his head before looking at the newly pregnant Sango, “You're going to have to stay here with the kids Sango, and we can't risk your new runt getting hurt.” She started to protest before sighing and nodding.
Kagome grabbed her bow and arrow quickly from Kaede's hut and returned to see Sango gone and Miroku on Kirara. She got onto Inuyasha's back before they all headed off to the village. Her heart pounded against her chest as she recognized the dark forest from her dream the night before. As they approached she could hear screams of women and children, while dark laughter filled her ears far off. They could see people running from the village already, and the dark smoke filled her lungs as they got closer, causing her to cough into Inuyasha's fire rat cloth. When they came to the outskirts of the village, it became very apparent that there were a lot of demon woman who were struggling to keep the attacking dark male demons away from their demon babies.
Kagome knocked an arrow up and took aim to the attacker of a struggling woman who was trying to protect her babes before firing at random to anyone who looked like an enemy. She felt Inuyasha leave her hip while Miroku had Kirara stay in between her and himself while he tried to fight off who he could. They were vastly outnumbered, and could only help with the immediate danger. The cries of children over their injured mothers was enough to send Kagome into a full on panic, while she would stand in front of them till their mothers could stand on their own and then she would move onto another. The problem was, she was running out of arrows fast, not because she was wasting them, but because there were just so many enemies.
Suddenly she was attacked from behind, leaving a gash from the top of her left shoulder to the middle of her back. When she cried out Inuyasha sprinted towards her, he killed the demon that attacked her and stayed with her while she regained her bearings. They stood back to back while she took care of any of the flying demons; he took care of those on the ground. Inuyasha was using the backlash wave but didn't want to risk hurting any of the mothers or children.
There was a huge cry from near the center of the village, as Kagome and Inuyasha turned towards the noise; a huge ogre type demon was running towards them. A streak of white that didn't belong to Inuyasha struck the ogre across the face, making him scream in anger. He took one of his massive clawed hands and struck her like a fly, she flew across the air before trying to stand. It was obvious to Kagome that her leg was broken but she tried anyways.
Kagome ran across the ground to her side, placing her arm around the girls' waist she lifted her out of the way of the ogre rampaging path. The girl was young, at least it seemed so to Kagome, she appeared to be in only her late teens. She was bearing her teeth at the ogre, and trying to keep her inner demon in control but the pain was making her eyes from a clear sea blue, to a bright, striking red every few moments. The girl was beautiful, with hip length white hair that had light blue streaks mixed into it. She pushed her hair back with her left hand before turning to Kagome, “My pup, he's still in our home, I need to get to him.” Her voice rang out in Kagome's ears. Kagome glanced at the battle with the ogre quickly.
Inuyasha had used the wind scar against him but the ogre would just cackle before striking Inuyasha down. The ogre and the other demons that were fighting against them were now very aware of the Tetsusaiga's strength and were being wary. The woman growled as she tried to put weight on her broken leg. “My pup needs me miko! Help me or my beast is going to come to the forefront!” the dog demoness commanded hastily. Kagome nodded letting the woman tell her where it was.
It was on the outskirts of the village, in the far right corner, they tried running but the demoness couldn't without her leg giving out. The ogre had taken notice of them as the dog demoness cried out, “Miko! Run to my home, save my pup! Please miko!” Kagome released her as the ogre suddenly slammed one of him massive arms in front of them. She looked at the woman once more before running as fast as she could to the out skirts of the village. She checked two huts that were obviously ransacked before coming to a home that had an actual door.
She slid it open and saw that there was a main entrance and a back room. She heard a whimper come from the back bedroom and she walked slowly into the room to see a large bed with a lot of furs and covers over it. She looked for the source of the whimper but couldn't see anything. Then suddenly she heard it again, coming right from the bed, she walked to the bed and pulled back many of the covers but again saw nothing. Then as she brushed one of the pillows, she felt a draft, she moved the pillow to see a little safety den behind it. She gasped at the very tiny pup; it couldn't be more than a week old as she lifted it into her arms.
It was pure white, and very tiny. She sat on the bed and placed the pup on her lap before pulling off her jacket that was stained with her blood on the back but she didn't think the pup would mind right now. She tied the sleeves together and then the separate sides before placing it around her body like a sling. She put the pup into the safe little pocket that was against her body before picking up her bow and the rest of her arrows and leaving the home.
She returned to the battle field to see the mother laying on the ground with blood tangled in her hair and across her clothing, “Oh Kamis… please no.” she whispered placing the mother's head into her lap. The battle was starting to die down; Inuyasha had cut of one of his arms and one of his legs. The mother opened her eyes and looked towards the sling and back at Kagome's eyes, “My pup..?” she gasped out. Kagome pulled the side of the sling down before letting the pup slide onto his mother's warmth. He whimpered and crawled to his mother's pulse and kept whimpering.
She teared up and nuzzled the pup before looking Kagome dead in the eye with a shuddering breath, "Please, help me, help us, and just help my pup. I beg of you miko, in the kindness in your heart, protect my pup." the mother gasped out before handing Kagome the small pup. Kagome held him close to her chest, “Wait, what is your name? What's his name? I am no mother, or a demoness my lady, I don't know how to!” panicking. The woman looked at her kindly, “I'm so sorry miko, my name is Hanako,….my pup, he has no name yet, his father was supposed to name his in his return, but….my mate, Hiroshi, he has died in this battle as well. Miko-sama, you are a woman…… you are kind, and have helped demons who have never helped you before. You have a pure heart, please, Miko-sama…protect my beautiful pup.” She gasped out the words in between breaths. She closed her eyes and took only a few more breaths before exhaling deeply. Kagome help the pup as it cried and started to howl in mourning the moment his mother's heart stopped.
Kagome placed him in the sling and said a prayer for his mother. She looked at Inuyasha and the battle to see him run the ogre through one last time before the ogre fell. The other demons had slowly been cut down or had run away between him, the other demons, Miroku, and Kirara. Inuyasha, Miroku, and Kagome were all wounded. The guys and cat demon all approached and as Inuyasha took in her shaken form in front of the dead dog demoness. His ears lowered and he sat beside her, Kagome wasn't aware that there were tears streaming down her face, until he pushed them from her cheek. The monk said a prayer as Kagome looked at Inuyasha in the eyes, “She-she has a pup Inu, he's only a few days old, and his father is dead. He needs us, she told me to protect him, I need to take care of him, and- and I just don't know how!” she was near hysterics as Inuyasha finally noticed the pup in the sling around her. He reached into the sling before pulling out the full demon pup carefully. He was still howling slightly but was mostly full on whimpering.
Inuyasha petting his back and started a low rumble in his chest to calm the pup, it still cried out for his mother, but it was a little less frequent so Kagome could at least think slightly. “Kagome, you're not a demon, or a mother-“she turned to him sharply, “Don't you think I know that!? I told her that! But she insisted! She told me to protect him!” he watched as she leaned across the mother and took out one of her arrows, she cut a piece of her hair off and tied it with a piece of torn fabric, then she placed it into the sling. She took a piece of the mother's kimono and tore it placing it also into the sling and held her hand out for the pup. Inuyasha for once, chose to stay quiet.
He knew she was scared, hurting, and didn't know what to do. Then, she stopped, and looked at the mother closely, there was a bracelet around her wrist and a necklace around her throat, which she took both and placed them in the sling, anything to help the pup grieve. “She needs to be buried. Please, will you guys do this for me?” Kagome said quietly. Miroku nodded and lifted her onto Kirara with Inuyasha's help. Kagome watched as female demons, their children, and mates were staring at her strangely. Finally, a male demon with cat eyes and a black panther's tail approached her with his mate, that she recognized protecting along with their two cubs.
The male went to his knees in front of her and then looked her in the eyes, “Thank you, for helping us. All of us are forever in your debt.” The rest of the demons approached her now, along with their children and mates. They bowed their heads in respect and then the panther's mate came near her. “You are taking Hanako's pup…?” She asked carefully. Kagome pursed her lips and nodded, “She asked me to…I don't know why though.” A male dog demon approached her then, “It is because your scents are similar, and it will comfort the pup. There is a light that resonates from your aura; it speaks of no ill intent. I'm sure that has something to do with it.” He spoke gruffly before returning to his mate's side.
She nodded and pulled the pup out of the sling, it was dark all around them, so it was hard to see him, but he had snuggled into her pulse like he had with his mother. She looked at all of the demon families in front of her, “What do I do from here? How am I supposed to feed him?” The women closed their eyes from the grief they all felt for the girl and pup. A bear female came close to her and placed a light clawed hand on the pup, “In our society, when one mother dies, whoever the pup is left too, feeds the pup with herself..” she pet the small pup once more before stepping back. “Wait so, I should breast feed him? But he's in pup form…how should I…” the male dog demon frowned slightly, “He's only in that form because of the grief of his mother and father's death, and because he's so afraid. It is instinct.” She nodded and held the pup closer for comfort. “Miko, do you have a mate?” it came from the back of the crowd. Kagome shook her head, and all the male demons bowed their heads as if recoiling, “Why? What does that mean?” she said worried. “It means that you are going to have a lot of sleepless nights and days, a male pup especially needs a father around.” Kagome sighed in resignation before nodding. The panther woman came to her and led her to their still held together home.
The woman gave her tea while trying to do anything she could to help Kagome's frazzled nerves. The pup had cried himself to sleep with the rhythmic beat of her heart and intakes of breath. “Miko-sama, may I ask your name?” She looked tiredly at the woman and nodded, “I'm Kagome, and I live in a village not far from here.” The woman nodded, “I am Mei it's nice to meet you Kagome.” The woman held one of her cubs on her lap humming softly.
There was a knock on the homes shoji screen and Miroku walked in quietly, “Lady Kagome, the woman has been laid to rest along with the other bodies we found. I have said prayers to send their souls on. Do you wish to leave anytime soon?” Kagome nodded. “We'll leave pretty soon Miroku, just give us a moment.” He nodded and left the home again. Mei walked over to Kagome who still held the pup. She placed a hand on Kagome's shoulder before deciding against it and giving Kagome a hug, “You will be okay Lady Kagome, you and him will make it through this.” She petted the sleeping pup slightly so as not to wake him and gave Kagome a blanket to place in the sling with him.
Mei and Kagome walked out where Inuyasha, Kirara, and Miroku stood waiting for her. Inuyasha bent down for her to get on his back, but watched as she paused, put the pup into the sling, and received another hug from Mei, “You will always have allies here Lady Kagome.” She whispered into her ear before letting go. Kagome nodded and then went to Inuyasha, he rose and let her adjust herself and the pup before Miroku got onto Kirara and they headed home. The ride back was silent and felt much quicker than the run to the village had felt.
When they arrived into the village, they had seen Sango already leaving the house and approaching them quickly, Kirara landed and Inuyasha slowed, Sango hugged Miroku and it was obvious she had worried. They were reletively unscathed other than the wound on Kagome's back and Inuyasha's legs. Sango turned and looked still smiling to Kagome and then noticed her best friend's attitude, “Kagome…? Are you alright?” she looked at her sister then and almost started crying but knew it would only distress the pup and her friend more. She shook her head and hugged Sango, who held her til Kagome finally let go. “What's wrong?” Kagome laughed a little bitterly, “I'm a mom as of a few hours ago to a dog demon pup.” Whatever Sango had been expecting, it obviously hadn't been that, because her jaw looked like it was going to drop to the floor. “What in the world are you talking about Kagome?” she sighed before pulling the sling open and lifting the small little pup into her arms. “Sango, this is my new son.”
A/N: Hey everyone! Thanks for reading! I hope you are enjoying this as much as I am writing it! Let me know what you think! <3