InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Off Again, On Again ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimers: I do not own InuYasha or any of the manga/anime characters. They belong to the wonderful genius Rumiko Takahashi. I just enjoy making them do things to each other.
AN: I am the first to admit that I never planned to continue this story in any fashion. However, nine hours driving alone on Christmas Eve sent my mind some places I really hadn't planned for it to go.
Merry Christmas, everyone!!
Warnings: Lemons, Bestiality
Off Again, On Again - Chapter 2
Trips to three different doctors had determined that there wasn't anything physically wrong with InuYasha. The third one said that he suspected he had suffered some type of trauma when he was younger that he had blocked out. He suggested that they see a hypnotist for help. They wouldn't be able to do anything for him until they knew what the issue was.
It had taken several sessions, but the hypnotist had finally rooted out the traumatic event that was causing InuYasha's erectile dysfunction. In fact it wasn't one event - it was a series of events over a period of time. Even Sesshomaru had cringed as he listened to InuYasha relive what had happened to him. At the hypnotist's recommendation, they were now standing at the door to the office of a sexual therapist - one who could hopefully help him work out his issues so that he could have a normal sexual relationship with his wife - or at least as normal as one could be while he was sharing her with his brother.
The door swung open and the man that appeared before them wasn't quite what they expected. Dark haired, good looking, three rings in one ear and wearing a black and purple kimono.
“Dr. Miroku?” Kagome asked.
He bowed. “At your service. Kagome and InuYasha?” he looked puzzled at the addition of the third person.
Kagome indicated InuYasha. “This is my husband. The other gentleman with us is his brother, Sesshomaru. He lives with us and is aware of the problem. He came with us in case there is anything he can do to help.”
“Will he be participating actively in the therapy?” Miroku asked.
“If necessary,” Sesshomaru responded.
“Fine, fine. Come with me, please.” Miroku locked the door and then led them from the reception area to another room. He waved at a row of doors along the far wall. “Those are dressing rooms. Please remove all of your clothing, including your undergarments. You will find a robe there for your use while you are here. I will be waiting right here for you.”
They reconvened with Dr. Miroku. Each of the three apprised the others though they did not speak. Kagome was wearing a simple green kimono, InuYasha a red one, and Sesshomaru white. Kagome had no idea what the good doctor had planned, but she was willing to do anything to help her husband - especially after finding out what he had been through.
Miroku led them into yet another room with more doors and several comfortable looking chairs. “Please, have a seat. Now, InuYasha, I understand that you have a problem.”
He flushed red and nodded.
“And I understand you finally found out why you are unable to perform in bed,” the doctor continued.
InuYasha turned a deeper shade of red. Kagome reached over and took his hand. “Honey, you have nothing to be ashamed of. What happened to you was horrible.” She looked directly at Miroku. “Doctor, I will tell you right now that I am willing to anything, and I mean anything, to help him through this.”
“Why don't you tell me what you've found out,” Miroku suggested.
“I'll explain,” Sesshomaru volunteered. “We had a nanny to care for us. At some point, our father told the one responsible for our care that when the time came for her to deal with it.”
“Time? Deal with what?” Miroku asked.
“You know, wet dreams, erections - things that happen when your body starts to change. InuYasha's nanny—”
“You didn't have the same one?” Miroku interrupted.
“Due to our age difference, we did not. As I was about to say, when these perfectly natural occurrences began to happen to my brother, Kikyou punished him for it.”
“Punished?” the doctor questioned.
“She told me only dirty boys let their penis get hard. Only filth like me would allow such a thing to happen. She whipped me if she caught me touching myself and then… then…” InuYasha froze.
“She put a cock ring on him. She put a cock ring on a twelve year old boy so that if he did have an erection, he would suffer excruciating pain,” Sesshomaru continued for him. “Then she went and told our father he was gay. She effectively ruined InuYasha from ever having a normal relationship with anyone, male or female.”
“So you two didn't have sex before you were married?” Miroku asked the couple.
InuYasha shook his head and Kagome offered, “He wanted to wait until we were married. I thought it was sweet. It wasn't until we were home after the disaster of a honeymoon that I found out something was terribly wrong.”
“Did you think about having the marriage annulled?” the doctor asked.
“We did, but we love each other and wanted to work it out. If I don't help him, I don't know who else would,” Kagome said, squeezing her husband's hand.
“Very admirable,” Miroku commented. “All right then. InuYasha, is there anything that helps give you even the start of an erection?”
“Sometimes watching,” he mumbled.
“Say again a little louder? Remember, we're all here to help you so don't be embarrassed,” the doctor said.
“Watching,” InuYasha said again.
Miroku clapped his hands together. “Like porn movies? I have plenty of those here we can start with.”
InuYasha shook his head. “Real.”
“What else can you tell me,” the doctor prodded.
“Can't touch…” his voice trailed away.
Kagome jumped in, “If he touches himself or anyone else does, he loses it. And if watching will help, well… like I said, I'll do anything.”
“Okay, so no hands. Let's get started. Follow me, please, all of you.”
Dr. Miroku led them to yet another room with quite a lot of doors around it. In the middle of the room was a table not unlike those used by a gynecologist, except that this one was well-padded with a fluffy pillow at the head. Even the stirrups were padded. “All right, Kagome, drop your robe and climb up on the table.”
She didn't even ask why but did what she was told. She scooted her butt down to the edge and put her feet up in the stirrups. “This about right?”
“Let me scoot you down just a hair further. We want to make certain you are fully open and accessible.” Once he had her bottom half to his liking, he said, “Okay, now raise your arms back behind your head.” She did so and he pulled a pole up that was located at the center of the head of the bed. He pulled a long soft cloth strip from a drawer on the side and loosely tied her hands together and then to the post behind her. “There, now there is no danger of you accidentally using your hands.”
Turning to InuYasha he said, “So, you like to watch? We're going to try a number of different things to see if any get a reaction from you. Will you please remove your belt and just let your kimono hang freely? I need to see if any of what we are about to try works. Are you ready, Kagome?”
“Let's get started,” she stated.
Miroku reached between her spread legs to a drawer that was located under her bottom. Pulling it open, he asked, “Blueberry, strawberry, or chocolate?”
“Blueberry,” InuYasha said without thinking.
“Good, my favorite,” the doctor said as he pulled out a bottle with a long cone shaped dispenser top. “Come a little closer where you can be sure to see everything,” he told InuYasha.
Both of the brothers moved closer, one to either side of the doctor.
He placed a drop of the purple liquid on the pad of the middle finger of his left hand. He then placed that against her nub and started to rub. When he heard Kagome suck in her breath in response, he stuck the cone-shaped opening up into her and squeezed a significant amount of the liquid into her. As he continued to stroke her nub and clitoris, he set the bottle back in its drawer and then worked two fingers up into her.
“Are you enjoying this, Kagome?” he asked.
“Yessss,” she whispered in return. “But I thought this was about my husband.”
“It is - he's watching very closely. We're going to keep doing things to you until he at least gets that erection started.”
“I understand… oh gods… don't stop…” Her butt arched up off of the table.
“InuYasha, I want you to come around her and hold her open for me,” Miroku instructed. “And keep watching.”
Her husband did as instructed and spread her apart for him with the fingers of both hands.
“Excellent,” Miroku commented as he continued to stroke her but pulled a vibrator out of the drawer. Turning it on, he pushed it into her.
“Unhg.” Kagome arched off of the table again.
“Still nothing on this end, though,” Miroku commented. “Time to step it up a notch. Keep her just like you have her, InuYasha.”
Miroku put the vibrator back in its drawer and untied the belt of his kimono to allow it to fall open. Like them, he had nothing on under it but had a rather impressive erection himself. He pulled a condom out of the drawer and slid it over his cock. “Let's see if this gets a rise out of you.”
InuYasha's penis actually twitched as he watched Miroku slide into his wife and begin to fuck her.
“Oh, InuYasha, we have got to get you into your wife. She's a fantastic fuck,” the doctor commented while looking at the patient's penis. “Hmmm. A little reaction but not enough.” Miroku pulled out, went to his knees and thrust his tongue up into her. He began to suck her clitoris and pushed his fingers up into her again. This time he kept on her until she was writhing on the table under him and the juices were pouring out of her. “See all of this pouring out of her? One of my general rules is `suck before you fuck' because it'll make it more pleasurable for both of you.” InuYasha looked closely to see the liquids flowing out of his wife, enhanced by the blueberry lubricant he had squirted into her.
“Still not enough. Okay, it's time to make certain you aren't actually gay.”
He turned and yelled towards one of the doors. “Bankotsu, Jakotsu, come on in.”
InuYasha started to back away as the two naked men strolled in.
“Come back here, InuYasha. They're going to do each other and your wife, not you,” Miroku said.
He'd barely finished speaking before Jakotsu had impaled Bankotsu. He banged against him while the man in front leaned over and dug into Kagome with his tongue. He already had a condom on and stood upright to push into the girl. He hammered into her hard until he finally ejaculated and Jakotsu had done the same.
Miroku observed InuYasha closely during the entire encounter. While Bankotsu fucking his wife got a little bit of a rise, he shrunk away and wilted when Jak slammed into Bank. “Okay guys, that's all for now.”
“Ta ta!” Jakotsu waved as they went back the way the came.
“You did say anything, correct?” Miroku clarified.
“Yes,” Kagome. “Has any of this helped yet?”
“Some, but there hasn't been a strong enough reaction yet. It's time to change tactics.” Miroku reached down and pulled out the bottle that was filled with the blueberry lubricant and filled her again. He did notice that the seepage out of her seemed to get a reaction from her husband. And even though his robe was belted shut, Miroku could tell the brother was rock hard.
The doctor reached into his pocket and pulled out something wiggly. “What's that?” Kagome asked, not really able to see.
“A new tactic. Now don't be alarmed.” He held the gerbil by its tail and held it near her hot slit where the purple liquid was seeping out. Kagome barely felt the little nose and whiskers at her entrance before the feet started scrambling and Miroku turned it loose.
“Oh my god! What did you do?” Kagome cried out, though she was wiggling on the table as the gerbil moved inside her.
“Well, our hungry and horny gerbil is trying to eat his fill and fuck you. I do believe that got a rise out of your husband,” Miroku observed.
He was right - InuYasha was partially erect.
“What if it won't come out?” she asked, though secretly enjoying the little warm fur body scrambling around inside her.
“Oh, that won't be a problem.” Miroku reached between her spread legs again to another drawer at the edge of the table. Opening it, he pulled out a snake.
Kagome closed her eyes because she wasn't sure she wanted to see what was next.
Miroku held the head of the snake to her opening. The boa flicked its tongue, scenting her vagina and making Kagome gasp as the tongue flittered along her clitoris. Suddenly, the head went up into her as the snake went in search of his dinner.
“Oh, gods…” Kagome said. “Did he…”
“Did you feel that?” Miroku asked. “Did Henry catch the gerbil?”
“I would guess… yes…” she rasped.
“Okay, InuYasha. I want you to come and gently get a hold of the snake and start to pull him out. Now, if he wants to go back in, let him. Imagine it is your penis that is moving in and out of your wife.”
Wide-eyed, InuYasha did as instructed. He found the snake was warm and dry to the touch. He pulled back, and then the snake tried to go further into her.
“Oh, InuYasha…” Kagome whispered. “That really feels good.”
“Now be careful. When you get to the part of the snake where the gerbil is lodged, it will be bigger. You don't want to tear anything when you pull it through,” Miroku instructed.
For several minutes InuYasha continued his tug of war with the boa, in and out of his wife. Kagome sighed when he finally pulled the snake clear, but she had gasped when the enlarged section came through her opening. She almost sounded disappointed when the head was clear.
“Well, that's the best reaction we've had yet. It seems like your husband is fascinated with bestiality. Shall we try another?” Miroku moved to push a button on the hydraulic table to lower it. “That should be about right.”
He walked over to another of the doors to the room where they could hear whining and scratching. He opened it and a golden retriever came charging in. “Have at her, Butch. InuYasha, you might want to spread her for him until he gets going.” Miroku said as he stood back and watched.
Butch headed straight for the waiting pussy and dug in with his tongue, making Kagome moan in pleasure. When he lapped up everything that he could, he wrapped his front legs around her hips and mounted her. It only took him a few thrusts before he had found the mark and was humping frantically into her. However, his knot formed outside of her so he was not tied to her. Panting heavily, he backed out and started lapping madly at her again. Once he'd cleaned away most of the semen seeping out of her, he went and sat down to start licking himself.
Miroku noticed that InuYasha's penis was now at half-staff and that his brother wasn't even hiding the fact he was rubbing his.
“Why don't you let Kagome take care of that?” Miroku suggested.
“You want me to fuck her?” he asked.
Miroku shook his head. “Not yet. I have a couple more things to try before we get to that. No, why don't you let her suck you off.”
Sesshomaru shrugged his shoulders and untied his belt, allowing his kimono to fall open. He moved to the side of the table and Kagome turned her head so that she could draw the hardened cock into her mouth. The older brother started to move his hips to help since her hands were tied.
While Kagome gave Sesshomaru head, Miroku went and opened another door. Kagome almost bit down when she felt the huge penis slide up into her. This time, the good doctor had let a miniature stallion into the room and he went straight to business, mounting the pussy that was spread before him. The only warning she had was the few hoof clops before he reached her and climbed on.
“We're making progress,” Miroku noticed. At the sight of his wife being fucked by the small horse and sucking off his brother, InuYasha was finally starting to get a decent erection.
“How you holding up, Kagome?” the doctor asked when the horse backed away and Sesshomaru pulled out of her mouth. InuYasha moved in closer to see the immense amount of spillage pouring out of her opening.
“Are you ready for that to be your semen coming out of her yet, InuYasha?”
“I…” he fell silent but was amazed at what she was willing to do for him.
“I have one more that might do the trick. You're getting close, InuYasha. Length of time you get to watch seems to help.”
Miroku walked over and opened another door. This time a huge shaggy dog that looked more like a wolf with bright blue eyes came running out. “He's the best pussy hound I have. Be prepared, because he'll tie with you, Kagome. Kouga, she's all yours.”
Kagome gasped loudly as the huge canine penis hammered into her. The dog didn't have to make more than two tries before he was inside her and pounding away. As Miroku warned, his knot formed up inside of her and he was quite content to hold on to her and keep humping.
“Oh, gods… touch me, someone… please…”
“You heard her. Both of you help her out,” Miroku instructed.
Sesshomaru and InuYasha each brushed the shaggy hair out of the way and leaned over to take a breast in their mouth. Sesshomaru slid his hand between the furry body of the dog and the sweat covered abdomen of his sister in law and slid his hand down to where she was locked with the dog.
InuYasha continued to fondle her breast as he mouth moved up to find hers. He had to pull away to allow her to gasp for breath when she came with Kouga tied with her body while Sesshomaru rubbed frantically at her nub.
“I see that InuYasha is getting hard enough to perform pretty soon,” the doctor commented.
“I suspect he's remembering something from our youth,” Sesshomaru said.
“Would you care to enlighten us while we wait for Kouga to pull away? We have at least fifteen minutes or more,” Miroku informed them.
“As we said, we had different nannies. While Kikyou was incredibly cruel, mine was quite the opposite. When my father told her to deal with it, she did. As soon as I started having wet dreams and erections, she taught me to masturbate. On my fourteenth birthday, she came to my bed. We fucked pretty much every day after that, and sometimes several times a day.
“We came home from school one day and there was Kagura in my bedroom with the family dog. She was fucking him like Kagome is this animal. When he finally pulled away she asked me what I was waiting for. It became a rather common occurrence. If she was too horny to wait for me to get home, she'd fuck whatever was available - the dog, the gardener, the pony - whatever she could get between her legs. I'd come in and take over when whatever was there was finished. InuYasha had to have witnessed at least some of that.”
“In that case, when Kouga pulls out, it's your turn. I want you to fuck your sister-in-law good and hard and then we'll see if your brother is ready,” Miroku said.
InuYasha was bright-eyed and panting when Kouga pulled away. As with Butch, before he dropped to the floor to take care of himself, he licked frantically at Kagome and lapped up everything that was spilling out of her - which was a lot after their twenty minute tie. Miroku raised the table to make it a more comfortable height for Sesshomaru, and the elder brother slid into her. Miroku did not comment that he did not use a condom - somehow he suspected it wasn't the first time this had happened in the home of the dysfunctional husband.
Sesshomaru leaned over and pulled a breast into his mouth as he slid easily in and out of her. When he felt his climax approach, he tightened his grip at her hip and started to slam into her fast and hard. He realized she was also near another climax, and moved one hand down to just above where they were joined and started rubbing with the pad of his thumb. She came with a loud cry and he joined her when he felt her ripple around him as her body tried to pull him in. He spilled himself inside her and fell over her with a groan.
“Are you ready?” Miroku asked the young husband. “You're good and hard right now if you want to slide in.”
Sesshomaru backed away and watched as his brother moved up to his wife. He was terrified to touch his erection that was waving in front of him for fear that would make it go away. His eyes were wide and he was panting heavily.
“Just step up to her and slide it in,” Sesshomaru encouraged.
“You can do it, InuYasha. Do it for me,” Kagome added. “More than anything, I want to feel my own husband fuck my brains out.”
Sesshomaru moved next to Kagome and reached down, spreading her apart with his fingers. “The doctor is right. Your wife is a fantastic fuck and you need to feel it for yourself. There's the target - just get it in.”
InuYasha closed his eyes and drew in his breath as his cock slipped into that amazing passage that everyone else had been in. He sucked in his breath and just remained still for a moment.
“InuYasha, are you all right?” Kagome asked softly.
His mouth was still hanging open, but he nodded. “They're right - you feel fantastic. I never thought…”
“Just be sure you don't pull all of the way out - pull back and then push back in again,” Sesshomaru suggested. “Just wait - you won't believe what you've been missing out on.”
He pulled back and then pushed gently back in, reveling in the sensations that were flooding through his body.
“Hard - do it hard, InuYasha,” Kagome suggested. “Make me feel you cum.”
Jerkily, he pulled back out and then pushed harder into her.
“It's certainly acceptable for you to hold her like your brother did to help maintain your balance and control,” Miroku recommended. “Go on, you're doing well.”
InuYasha gripped her at the hip like he noticed his brother had done and slid out and back in again. “Oh, gods,” he groaned as he started to move harder and faster. “Oh, oh, oh, oh, Ahhhhhhhh!” he cried out when he came.
Sesshomaru stepped up and held him against her. “Stay in her until you are finished. In fact, you can still hump against her and continue to make you both feel good until you slide out.”
The look on InuYasha's face was one of absolute wonder. “That… that…”
“Say it - say it out loud, InuYasha,” Miroku directed. “Acknowledge what you just felt.”
“I… I don't know how to describe it. It was wonderful, it was fantastic… I don't understand…” his voice trailed away.
“What is it, InuYasha? What do you not understand?” Miroku asked.
“How… how could she tell me that something that feels that good is bad… that it's dirty? It was the most fantastic I've ever felt…” He pulled back and this time watched in wonder as his own seed leaked back out of his wife. “How could something that helps create a new life be filthy? I don't understand…”
Miroku had moved to free Kagome's hands. She pulled her feet up out of the stirrups and let her legs dangle over the edge of the table before she reached out to pull her distraught husband to her. “InuYasha, there are some people who can't accept sex as the beautiful act that it is. But now that we know why you have these issues and we can work on it - we can help you. Now that you've done it once and know that you like it—”
InuYasha grinned. “Like it - I LOVE it!”
Kagome wrapped her arms around him and squeezed his buttocks, making him blush. “I'm sure it'll take more than this one session, but we'll do whatever we have to so that you and I can make love anytime we want.”
He wrapped his arms around her in return and kissed her forehead. “At least we know where to start now.”
“So, would you like to sign up for more sessions? Or would you like a plan to work on this at home? Now that we know what worked the best, you can cut to the last steps and then come in for a follow up in a few weeks,” Dr. Miroku suggested.
“We don't have a dog, much less a pony,” InuYasha admitted.
“I've been known to lease them out - as long as you promise to bring him back. I could charge you of course, but he'd be difficult to replace,” the doctor said, talking half to them and half to himself. Well, not really, but they did take a little training and someone willing to let them practice.
“Which one are you talking about?” Kagome asked.
“Who do you think? It would be the one that helped your husband get hard,” Miroku responded. “Of course if your brother-in-law is willing to help at home, that will go a long ways.”
“As my sister-in-law, I am willing to do anything necessary to help my brother,” Sesshomaru said.
“It always helps when the family is willing to sacrifice,” the doctor said as he wrote out his instructions and set the date to come back.
Sesshomaru shrugged his shoulders. “One does not have to be in love to love to fuck.”
Miroku grinned. “Truer words were never spoken.” He was thinking it might apply to more than one member in that household after watching Kagome take it over and over again on behalf of helping her husband.
He turned to the three. “You still have some time left. Do you want to try one more time before you go try it at home?”
Kagome hopped back on the table and put her feet back in the stirrups. “I'm ready. Are you InuYasha? You want to see if we can do it again?”
“Buster or Kouga?” Miroku asked. “They're both ready and willing.”
“Let's try Buster first. Kouga was great, but I don't want to be stuck for that long if I can help it. We'll try him again if the first one doesn't work, okay?” Kagome suggested.
Miroku was lowering the table as she spoke. “I'm not going to tie your hands this time, but hold on to the table or something so you don't accidentally grab InuYasha before he's ready.
“Sesshomaru, as soon as Buster is done, go in like you did before. Hopefully by the time you're finished InuYasha will be ready,” the doctor said. “Everyone ready? Well, let's do it.” He released the waiting Buster from his room.
It was nearly six weeks later. Sesshomaru was fucking Kagome hard and fast while InuYasha watched. Except now, it was with enough light on for him to see everything. In fact, they had progressed to where Kagome could suck off InuYasha while his brother was fucking her doggie style. InuYasha still had difficulty if he tried to touch himself, but at least he could now let his wife do so without immediately losing his erection. In fact, his brother had even been able to help guide him into Kagome. They had progressed past needing the dog and had returned him the week before (though Kagome hated to admit she missed that wide expansive tongue).
“Are you ready, little brother?” Sesshomaru asked as he finished emptying into the warm, willing and pliant body.
He was squirming on the bed, responding to his wife's ministrations. “Gods, this feels so good, too. What do you want to do this time?”
Kagome looked up and grinned. “I want you to fuck my brains out.”
Sesshomaru pulled out and sat back on the bed, pulling Kagome onto his lap. “You want to try it?” he whispered in her ear.
She grinned and pulled up just enough so that when she settled back down, he was seated up her ass. She spread her legs so that they were outside of Sesshomaru's, opening herself up for her husband.
InuYasha moved to his knees on the floor between their legs. Seeing semen pour out of his wife still turned him on, so Sesshomaru used his fingers to spread her further apart so he could watch. They were surprised when he leaned forward and licked, causing Kagome to moan. Remembering what Miroku had done, he slid three fingers up into her while he sucked noisily on her clit. He kept at her until she was writhing underneath him and started to jerk in response. He finally stopped and looked up at her.
“Was that good?” he asked softly.
“It was great!” she answered. “Now fuck me.”
He leaned in towards her and she gently took his cock and guided it into her. “Oh, gods,” she said softly as he slid into her.
Sesshomaru cupped a breast in one hand while his other slid down to her nub. InuYasha balanced himself by holding Kagome's shoulders as he started to push into her.
“Holy fucking… what's different?” he panted as he pounded into her, seeking his release. He'd also built up his stamina and could last more than a few thrusts now.
Kagome smiled and leaned back. “I'm fucking you and your brother at the same time. How does it feel?”
“I… could… do… this… every… night…” he panted back in return. “Sesshomaru?”
“I've never been known to turn down a good fuck,” the elder brother responded.
“O…kay… ahhhhh…” InuYasha cried out as he came. “Damn, that was good. Kagome, you're sure you don't mind?”
The good wife reached up to stroke his cheek with her thumb. “Honey, I told you I was willing to do anything to help you get better.”
InuYasha cupped her face in his hands and leaned forward to kiss her.
Sesshomaru just grinned.