InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Oh My Gods! ❯ The Hanyou God ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A/N: This was on my fanfiction. net site, but...

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or his clothes, ahem I mean companions! Heheh, Happy Halloween!

Oh My Gods!

So tiring...her life was so tiring.

Granted, she wasn't the only person in the world suffering through boredom, or wishing for a handsome stranger to come whisk her away on some dangerous, mystical journey. It was completely normal, wasn't it? She was still a teenager–she could daydream once in a while.


Sometimes, like right now, she wished she had an aspect of her life to look forward to.

She wasn't by any means whining or complaining; the importance of staying in school and living a moral life was ingrained into her brain. Besides, if she gave up now, then she would be betraying her family, and that was not even the last thing she desired to do.

However, everyday was the same schedule, the same repetitive classes, the same people...

Every week there were the same tests, the same responsibility to pass them, the same hours spent studying her life away...

No wonder most teenagers committed suicide or were driven insane! High school wasn't easy, and whoever said it was...well, he or she wasn't anything like straight-A student, Higurashi Kagome.

The seventeen-year old teen sighed as she trudged down the hallway towards her dorm room, which she shared with another girl her age. Hmph, her roommate hardly shared the same ideals about high school life–she was barely ever there. It came naturally while living in a boarding school.

Oh, right, boarding school...meaning, she lived in her school.

Three years of high school...and three years of college: six years in total.

"Why am I torturing myself?!" Kagome shook her head and quickened her footsteps. Now I'm talking to myself, great... Perhaps she was becoming one of those insane overachievers; most of them were already crowding the guidance counselor's office...

Poor souls–Kagome knew how they felt.

She was one of the few students attending this boarding school, Imei Academy, based on academic scholarship. Yes, this academy was usually reserved for the wealthy students whose parents could afford tuition. Nope, Kagome's family was far from wealthy, but she was an intelligent pupil.

Isn't that what counted now a days?

Of course not! It was all about money, influence and power!

So, if she wanted to continue attending a prestigious school that would be her high school and college, then she had to achieve near perfect scores on her tests and study until her rear-end fell off. Therefore...her current life was more of a chore than anything else.

Study equals good report card.

Good report card equaled scholarship.

Scholarship equaled a college degree.

College degree equaled an actual career.

Career equaled money to help her family.

And that was about it. At some point, she planned on marrying, having two or three kids, perhaps a pet dog, and working for the rest of her years until she retired and eventually died. Her whole life was already planned out, and she was how old? Seventeen? Obviously, clubbing wasn't included in her plans; neither was a handsome stranger whisking her off on adventures.

And if I ever do meet a handsome stranger, he better have wings. Ooh, golden, sparkly wings! Kagome smiled to herself, ignoring the fact that she was daydreaming again rather than focusing on her upcoming Anatomy report. Oh, and the aforementioned report was worth half her grade. I forgot what we're studying in Anatomy, anyway...

At long last, she arrived before her dorm room and slid her key into the lock prior to entering the serene residence. Apparently, since it was so quiet, her roommate, Ayame, wasn't home. "No surprise there, I guess."

The young wolf demoness was quite friendly and kind, but she was always busy! If she wasn't working on the school's literary magazine, she was in a study group. If she wasn't tutoring, she was out kayaking in a nearby lake.

Unlike Kagome, Ayame barely worried about her homework...

The dorm room actually consisted of two rooms, a very tiny living room, and a matching diminutive kitchen. The walls and carpets were dreary, though they seemed to reflect Kagome's mood most of the time, either way. It wasn't like she cared much about interior decoration when she had work to do.

Kagome dropped her backpack on the carpeted floor, not really caring where it landed, and sunk into the comfort of the couch Ayame had provided when they first moved in. She sat in complete silence for a few moments, taking a much needed break from her recent mental challenges–ahem, Calculus test–and preparing to begin her oodles and oodles of weekend homework.

It was Friday and what was she doing?


It was Saturday and what was she doing?


It was Sunday and what was she doing?

More homework!

"I have no social life. I have no love life. I have no life period," she mumbled as though in a trance, her chocolate eyes blankly staring at the television in front of her. Was the machine with the black screen listening to her?

Well...the television preferred to innocently gaze back at her, despondent because she always neglected it and never turned it on. It glistened in the little light infiltrating the dorm's windows, begging to be used for once, desiring to extend her little 'break'. Denying the poor television became increasingly difficult, and in a lapse of better judgment–or insanity, as Kagome pleaded–she picked up the remote and pressed the power button.

"Only for a few minutes..." The raven-haired teen comforted herself with words, though promised it would only be for a maximum of five minutes.

At four, she would start her Literature biography on a famous poet named Matsuo Bashou, then five o'clock was reserved for her History essay on the causes of World War II, and at six–

Forget six o'clock; Kagome was already fast asleep.

...Dream State...

Kagome opened her chocolate eyes and the first thing that came to her attention was the brilliant green blades of grass beneath her. She furrowed her eyebrows and glanced up at the sky–ah! Fluffy white clouds dotted the azure sky; for a moment, it seemed like she could reach out and touch them, like she would soft cotton balls.

An ocean lingered at a distance, yet the scent of salt never pricked her nostrils as usual. It only further accented this place's unreality–the scenery was so breathtaking, it must’ve been a dream illusion! Well...she was dreaming, obviously...

Even so, Kagome took her time to take in the sight, hoping she would remember it after she awakened. With all the stress her body and mind was put through, she'd love to have a beautiful place like this act as her sweet escape! The smell of the forest was refreshing since there was still dew on the grass, and all in all, it represented a much welcomed change from the pollution surrounding Tokyo at every corner.


For once in her life, she wasn't dreaming about failing a test, losing her scholarship, her family needing money to pay off debts–she was in a relaxing place! Relax! Break! Calm! Serene!

It felt...wonderful!

Kagome grinned and stood onto her feet, but now there was the question of what to do in this vast environment. Were there other relaxing spots in the area? Would she see a cascading waterfall? Her eyes lit up at the thought of seeing a waterfall–she wasted no time to walk off in search of one deep within the forest close by.

"If this is a dream, I should be able to fly," she mumbled, suddenly feeling drained of all energy once she reached somewhere in a forest. "Is it possible to get lost in dreams?" Well, she did. "This sucks...I need a map..."

The trees were taller and thicker from where she stood, meaning she was probably in the middle of the forest. Which way is North again? I knew I should've taken classes in wilderness survival...

"Maybe I can find a talking unicorn that'll help me out of here..." Kagome sighed. Unicorn or not, outside aid was a necessity.

Suddenly, however, glowing tendrils of red-gold energy began to seep into the area she was in, coiling around her legs as though her own spiritual energy attracted them. Whatever it was, the energy was electrically charged, almost–but not quite–like a demon's youki, or aura.

She blinked in confusion–what the heck was the source of the totally random glow?! "There’s only one way to find out!" And if she was lucky, the source of the youki would know a way out of the forest! Hurray!

At long last, after following the tendrils of energy for a good five minutes, Kagome reached the exact center of the forest, and upon glancing up, she gasped. There was some kind of... angel hovering over a diminutive lake! Angels had wings! This person had wings! Golden wings!

Handsome...stranger...with...golden wings... Kagome stared at the 'angel' in complete awe. Her mind was playing tricks on her... Hadn't she wanted to be swept off her feet by a handsome stranger with sparkly, golden wings?

Well...he was the one! hot... His long curtain of silver hair flowed around him as he floated above the lake, suspended in air by his glittering wings spanning at least twice her height–each. She couldn't see his eyes because they were closed, but his lips constantly moved in a rhythmic chant. What he was actually saying fell beyond her comprehension, though it wasn't important.

Hot... Gods, she saw one gorgeous guy and she passed-out standing up!

The red-gold tendrils of powerful youki energy was radiating from him, wrapping around him like a raging, electric vortex. It was spinning around him quickly enough to great a whirlwind effect in the lake beneath him; it swirled in the same direction the vortex did.

Amazing enough, this handsome angel was wearing some sort of obsidian black outfit that seemed...imperial in style. It was far from Japanese, however, since the outfit consisted of a black shirt embroidered with golden silk tucked under a patented leather black vest and matching black trousers–overall, his clothing accentuated his slender frame with no billowing apparel in sight.

Kagome couldn't help but wonder if he was a dark angel... "Um...hello?"

At the sound of her tentative voice, the angel startled out of his deep chant, and immediately, his wings as well as the vortex of red-gold energy disappeared. He plunged back-first into the lake with a yelp, only to resurface a few seconds later wearing a feudal crimson haori (kimono jacket) and matching hakama.

What happened to his sexy black fallen angel clothes?!

The miko tried not to laugh at the angel, who seemed to be her age, when he fell into the lake. But it was hopeless; her inner maniac unleashed and she laughed at the disgruntled expression on his face. Now that she noticed he had dog ears on top of his head, he resembled a 'wet dog'–his long silver tresses were dripping and his once baggy clothing stuck to him like a second skin.

"Dammit! Shut the hell up!" The angel bellowed, jumping out of the lake only to appear merely a few feet away from her. He was still drenched in water, and as beads of water trailed down his flushed cheeks, continuing slowly towards the smooth dip of his neck...

Kagome gulped. No bad thoughts, no bad thoughts, no bad thoughts... Was the desire to kiss a person's neck normal? It would just be a chaste kiss...a mere taste...a feel of his soft skin... Err...I think that's categorized as a bad thought...

"Wench! Answer me! Who the fuck are you and how the hell did you get here?!"

Oh! He's talking to me! Wait–wench?!?! "Excuse you! My name isn't 'Wench'!" The teen glared at the furious angel, placing her hands on her hips defiantly. Her chocolate eyes flared in anger. "I'm Higurashi Kagome, and for all I know, this is my dream."

It was now that she noticed the exotic color his eyes–a molten, liquid gold that easily reflected light, especially when he was angry. Her indignant posture almost faltered before she caught herself. Losing her rational mind in those amber depths was dangerous...

The demon in front of her crossed his arms; no, he was a half demon...a PMSing one... "Keh! I don't know what you're babbling about, wench, but this isn't a dream."

"My name isn't wench!" Kagome stomped on the ground in fury, glaring at the obnoxious jerk, who merely rolled his mesmerizing eyes. Hot or not, he's an inconsiderate jerk! Weren't her dreams supposed to be an escape from her stressful reality?! "Kagome! Say 'Kagome'!"

Ha! This 'angel' was the embodiment of stress!

And what did he say about this not being a dream? Perhaps he was trying to purposely confuse her. Jerk!

"Does it look like I care what the hell your name is?" He paused for a second to let it sink in her brain. Obviously, she was barely paying attention. The hanyou sighed and raked a hand through his wet silver bangs plastered to his forehead. "Just leave and I won't kill you."

"Does it look like I know how to leave?!" She happened to be lost, in the first place. "And stop acting as if we're not in my dream! I can do whatever I want here!" Then again, if this was a dream, then why was she conscious of it?

"For the sake of your goddamn shit-sized brain–you're not dreaming! You're in MY freakin' training grounds, in MY territory, and you're wasting MY valuable time!" He threw his hands up in exasperation up, reaching out towards the sky party barricaded by the branches of tall trees. "I'm the one in charge, wench, so leave already!"

"Geez, I never knew angels were this rude! No wonder you were meditating! You definitely have anger issues..."

"A-Angel...?" The silver-haired hanyou gaped incredulously for a moment, until the corners of his mouth twitched into a smile. Kagome stared at him, now scared instead of angry. He's creepy...really creepy...

Even more so when he doubled over in laughter...

"Hey!" Kagome frowned and glowered at the hanyou with all her might. "Stop laughing, dog boy!"

"Dog boy?!" He immediately snapped out of his laugh-trance with an annoyed bark, surprising the miko enough for her to take a stay away from him. "First I'm an angel and now I'm dog boy?!" His frazzled state only made him seem more humorous, since his long hair was still clinging to his body.

Slender, muscular body, too...

"Aren't you an angel?" The raven-haired teen tentatively asked.

"Fuck no!"

"Then what are you?" Certainly he can't be a normal half demon because he has wings! Golden, sparkly wings! That was all that mattered, wasn't it?

For a second, he only gazed at her, calculating whether or not he should trust her with 'important' information. They were trapped in an uncomfortable silence–or at least, for Kagome it was uneasy–until he scoffed and simply replied, "I'm a demon god."

She stared blankly at the hanyou. "As if I'm supposed to know what that means..." He couldn't mean that he was a spiritual deity deserving to be worshipped, right? Then, was this dream a divine vision telling her that her life was too uneventful?

Ah...she could totally agree with this 'divine omen'...

"It means, idiot wench, that I'm a powerful bastard who might just kick your ass if you don't leave."

"Why do you want me to leave so much?" Even the way he was standing screamed the fact that he was on guard. His eyes narrowed every so often as he continued to analyze her actions, her he was waiting for her to attack...


Surely he couldn't think of her as a threat! She was a high school student, for goodness sake! If she knew how to activate her spiritual power–why she couldn't was beyond her–she'd have already purified the insolent 'demon god'!

"Look," he alas sighed as his shoulders sagged, apparently relinquishing any hope that she would decide to frolic anywhere far from him, "I don't know how you got into my training grounds–it's damn near impossible. Obviously you must be some kind of witch."

"Rest assured; I'm not a witch." Kagome's eye twitched at his statement, and he conspicuously winced. No need to start another piss fight... "Anyway, I told you my name. What's yours?"

"Not that it's any of your business, but...I'm Inuyasha. Maebashi Inuyasha in the mortal realm."

Kagome was on the brink of insanity driven by confusion. "Mortal realm?"

"Yeah, you know, the place where all the mor...tals..." A look of understanding crossed the hanyou's face, and his vibrant eyes lit up with a new discovery the miko was unaware of. "You're mortal... Keh! I knew it! Mother must've been talking about you!" Inuyasha then scrunched up his face in disgust. "Damn...I thought you'd be a bit smarter..."

Eh? His mother knows me? Weird. And of course I'm smart! She wouldn't have survived in Imei Academy if she wasn't! Kagome was about to voice her opinions, and quite heatedly, yet a disturbance in the sky bound her attention.

She blinked and glanced up. Through the small cracks the large, looming trees left of the sky, she noted that the sky was...dissolving... Black dots were quickly consuming the entire area; it was a plague leaving absolutely nothing untouched.

This was even weirder...

"What's...what's happening? Is the sky falling?" Kagome asked no one in particular prior to facing the hanyou god beside her. He seemed pensive, and his expression was unreadable for once–it was carved from stone. Normally one would be able to discern the emotions enveloping him.

"There's trouble...I gotta go. See ya later, wench!" Inuyasha quickly summoned his golden wings before sparing her a smile–a rather charming smile, if she cared to admit–and spread the sparkling appendages before flying towards the dissolving sky. Soon enough, he disappeared without a trace.

Kagome stood in front of the lake, her mouth portraying a mini cave that could house a family of small foxes. She couldn't believe what...he left! He left without explaining anything to her! This is why demon gods don't exist!

Everything around her was feeding a black abyss slowly creeping towards her, but Kagome was rooted to her spot. There was nowhere to run, nowhere to hide...what was she supposed to do?! She bit her lip and closed her eyes tightly, wishing to be back in the warm comfort of her bed, no matter how crappy it was...

...Out of Dream State...

"Kagome! Wakey wakey!"

The raven-haired teen opened her eyes and dumbly stared into the emerald irises of her room mate, Ayame. They remained gazing at each other in complete silence before the fiery red-headed wolf demoness beamed, exposing one of her sharp fangs.

"Well, well! Straight-A-Kagome falls asleep on the couch instead of doing her homework!" Ayame sighed despondently, shaking her head in pity. She paced in front of the green couch her unblinking friend was reclining on. "I'm ashamed of you, missy! You're going to lose your scholarship at this rate! Go do your homework right now!"

"My homework..." Kagome discerned since the lights were on in the dorm, then it should've been already dark outdoors...which meant it was evening... "MY HOMEWORK!!!"

"EEK! WAIT! I'm not serious!" The wolf demon hauled her room mate back onto the couch when she bolted off in the speed of light. She realized Kagome always finished her homework on Fridays since she visited her family on Saturdays and spent time with her other friends throughout the weekend, but sheesh!

Once the miko calmed down some and ceased to pant as adrenaline exited her bloodstream, Ayame smiled and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Look, Kags, you overwork yourself. I know I'm too much of a laid back student, but geez, woman! Get a life! You won't lose your scholarship if you score a few B's here and there..."

Easy for you to say because you can afford tuition. Well, Kagome wasn't about to argue with Ayame. The youkai was on the debate team for a reason... "I don't have a life–I know. I can't do anything about it." This is the life I chose, so I'm sticking with it, I guess.

Ayame shook her head. "No way! You just need a boyfriend! I'm sure you'd even forget to do your homework with a guy around!"

And one of her admirers happened to be a wolf demon her roommate liked, so obviously Kagome wasn't about to impose on their 'possible' relationship. Although, Ayame did have a point. "Kouga's too touchy-feely for me and Houjo...well...Houjo–"

"–is a special case," the demoness finished. Kagome merely nodded. There was nothing to say when it came to Houjo... "Kags, go out tonight. Even if it's to visit your family, just go out. And hey! Then you'd have the whole day to yourself tomorrow!"

"But I promised Eri, Yuka, and Ayumi I'd go to the mall with them..." It was a promise she couldn't back out of, no matter how much she yearned to. She owed it to them, she supposed.

Ayame rolled her emerald eyes. "So? It's only like five or six o'clock. You'll have time to finish your homework later."



"Fine, fine!"

So, Kagome gathered her belongings, grabbed her purse, and heeded Ayame's words. At least I'm finally breaking away from a schedule... Yup. All she needed in order to please her room mate was a boyfriend to keep her busy. Yeah, as if that'll ever happen.

Then again, who knew?


Kagome sighed as she pedaled towards the city, where her family's shrine home was, on her pink bike that had a brown weaved basket on it. Imei Academy, her boarding school, really wasn't far from her home; it was approximately twenty minutes by car and a little under a half-hour by bike. However, a forest separated the boarding school's campus from the actual city.

Yes, the school was surrounded by woods, woods, a lake, and more woods. The scenery was breathtaking during spring and autumn, so she couldn't complain much. Sure, it was a bit difficult to be forced to ride her bike into the city for a half-hour, but worth it if only to have a serene environment close by to study.

Of course, she was one of the few students who couldn't afford a car...

Given how the trees were becoming thicker as she pedaled through a narrow road in the forest, Kagome surmised she was somewhere in the middle of the woods. Only ten or fifteen more minutes. Her calves were beginning to protest the prolonged muscle strain, yet she ignored it and pushed herself forward.

But suddenly, a familiar glow was emanated from further ahead, forcing Kagome to come to a complete halt once its warm, pure energy wafted to where she was. Tendrils of red-gold energy coiled around her...and she recognized the demonic youki it originated from...

Her dream...

"I can't be dreaming again, right?" Kagome's jaw hanged for a second in complete shock. Perhaps she secretly suffered from narcolepsy and fell asleep while riding her bike. It could happen... Yet, it wasn't probable.

The raven-haired miko scrambled to start pedaling again, but this time her destination was the source of the powerful, flowing youki. If what she was currently witnessing was real, then what did her dream entail?!

Should she trust an annoying demon god, who always called her 'wench', when he said it wasn't a dream?

It didn't stop her from pedaling faster! And faster...and faster...and–wait she was there already! And... Oh my gods, it really wasn't a dream...

There he was, the so called demon god Inuyasha, coming out of some sort of bright white portal on the ground where the glow was coming from. He was wearing the same imperial black clothing and his wings were completely spread to their full length, shining in golden glory.

Kagome had to admit, his wings were very beautiful...never had she seen golden wings before, not even in fantasy pictures.

No, his were unique...sparkly unique...

Why did she have a tendency to ogle his wings like nothing else in the world existed?!

The raven haired teen watched in awe and apprehension as the hanyou god wholly exited the portal, and it soon disappeared afterwards. He now hovered over the grass-covered ground, and his molten gold eyes matching the sheen of his wings abruptly fixed upon her. It took all the power Kagome possessed to close her gaping mouth before drool dribbled down her chin.

Hmph, her knees were going to buckle if he kept staring at her so intensely... His eyes were too enchanting! She was under a spell, she swore it!

Finally, Inuyasha's feet touched the ground after his gradual descent, and he treaded closer to her, only staring at her. Kagome felt like someone gripped her heart and plunged it into her stomach... Was it a sin to be overly handsome? No wonder he denied being an angel...

Ack! The hanyou bent on one knee! What the heck was he doing?! And why was she still staring at her like she was a goddess with a glowing halo over her head?! But now the miko had a closer view of his wings, and they seemed to be soft and...fluffy...

Her fingers twitched...she wanted to touch surreal...sparkly wings...

"I have come to you, as requested, my princess."

Kagome quickly froze and disregarded his enticing wings. What the hell?!?! Is he joking? First he called her wench and suddenly she was his princess?! "Sorry, dog boy, I think you have the wrong girl..."

This seemed to grab Inuyasha's attention since his eyes snapped up to hers as he stood to his full height–which was at least a foot taller than Kagome's five-foot-four–and glared down at her. His golden eyes were vibrant with suppressed anger and confusion, and she fleetingly wondered where this hanyou had been hiding his expressive eyes!

Oh, but the fire in them did burn a little...

"Hell no! After I said all of that mushy crap, you can't be the wrong girl!" Inuyasha was once again disgusted with himself, and the miko in front of him mulled over his...'mushy crap'. Maybe someone told him to say them? "Keh! Aren't you Higurashi Kagome?"

Kagome nodded, yet she was noticeably reluctant. Can someone tell me what's happening right now, who I'm talking to, and why I'm still standing here like an idiot? Do girls my age normally have dreams about demon gods and then meet them in person?

Well, it wasn't everyday that a winged, alleged hanyou god came out of a portal in the middle of a forest and called her his princess! She was a figment of her imagination–he had to be! Kagome wasn't superstitious, unlike her grandfather, and she retained a good sense of reality, so she was sure demon gods or whatever didn't exist!

Of course, she had wanted some excitement in her life, a little chaos to overturn her perfect schedule and uninterrupted sequence of events, but this was too much! She wasn't going to start believing in the paranormal, devote herself to religion, and much less accept that her dream was supposedly a reality!


Inuyasha crossed his arms, and his expression became annoyed once more. "If you're Higurashi Kagome, then I got the right girl! Don't confuse me, wench!"

Why the heck was he always blaming her?! He was the gullible one! And she wasn't a wench, dammit! "I'm not a princess, dog boy!" Geez, she was sure the hanyou had disappeared in a dissolving sky...couldn't he disappear again?

"No duh you're not a princess!" He rolled his eyes, becoming frustrated with the stupid mortal with a thick skull. "You're just a worthless human wench. However, you're my fiancée, and I'm a prince, so put two and two together–"


"Keep it down, wench! I'm not deaf yet, ya know..." Inuyasha blinked and cocked his head to the side when he glanced at the annoying teen. "Are you ok, wench?"

Kagome fled to her own, imaginary world at hearing the word fiancée coming out of the hanyou's mouth. No matter how many times the demon god waved his clawed hand in front of her face, she still didn't snap out of her daze.

Ugh! How the heck was he supposed to revive her without any slapping involved?! Then again, Inuyasha enjoyed hitting people...

After a while, he sighed in defeat, yet soon caught sight of a pink contraption lying in a heap behind Kagome. It was...dear gods, that color was absolutely horrid... "Well, since I guess you don't care, I'm gonna steal your pink thing over there... What the hell is it, anyway? I have no clue, but"

"It's a bike."

"Ah, so you are alive..."

Kagome rolled her eyes at the hanyou, whose wings and imperial clothing vanished. He was now decked in the crimson haori and hakama that used to be dripping wet. "Why do you keep changing outfits?" It fooled her eyes!

They didn't like being tricked!

"Maybe 'cause I'm more comfortable in this without my wings...and it's required of my 'princely' status." Inuyasha quirked an eyebrow at her stupidity, momentarily forgetting that she, a mortal and not a demon god, was unfamiliar of the way he lived.

"Ok, I still don't understanding this whole fiancée-princess thing..." Kagome mumbled, returning to the main topic rolling in her jumbled mind. It was bad enough she was standing in the middle of a forest talking to some sort of celestial being from a totally different realm or whatever.

A 'princely' demon god, to be specific...

Inuyasha's jaw hung loose. "Don't tell me your mother didn't tell you!"

He knew her mother? What?!

"Fine, then I won't."

"She didn't, didn't she?"

"Nope, not a word."

The hanyou god slapped his forehead and muttered something under his breath, though Kagome couldn't hear all of it. But she figured it was probably a very colorful string of very colorful words. Men had no self-control along with a limited vocabulary...especially hanyou gods. After a while, however, Inuyasha finally retrieved words she alas understood in her native language.

"This is what I know. The other day, I was reading my mother's journal–I was forced to, actually–and it turned out to be like a guide book. My mother wrote that I need to find my fiancée in the mortal realm, a girl named Higurashi Kagome, the only mortal who can travel to the immortal realm without assistance, like you did a few hours ago."

So, basically, he was insinuating that her dream wasn't truly a dream...again. Still, Kagome chose to deny it. "What in does your mother know me?" The next thing she knew, she would encounter the prime minister's son in the street and discover she was his long lost sister!

"Trust me, I reacted the same way you did, but I did what my mother told me to do and came here." Inuyasha shrugged, and Kagome mused if he regarded his mother's journal as sacred scripture. "Mother also wrote that your mother, Higurashi Aya, knows about this and would answer our questions. And that's all I know."

"And the princess thing comes in where?"

" never pay attention!" Inuyasha growled, shaking his head. "I'm Prince Inuyasha of the Western Kingdom, son of King InuTaishou and Queen Izayoi of the Western-Eastern Empire, which I will eventually help my bastard of a brother rule. So, if you're my fiancée, you'll be Princess Kagome."

"I'm still confused..."

"It's a simple math equation, wench! Just shut up and accept it for what it is!"

"I hardly think you're real! I need an emergency psychiatrist!"

"What?! I'm real! I eat, I sleep, I walk, I read, I talk, I–"

"I get it, thanks."

Kagome shook her head, spreading her raven locks over her shoulders, and started walking back to where she had left her bike. She was surprised when Inuyasha followed her, but ignored him until she climbed onto the 'pink thing'.

Turning to the curious hanyou, she shot him a steady look. "Where do you think you're going?" He was trailing behind her like an adoring puppy not knowing what to do with his free time. It unnerved her, even though she liked the adoring puppy part...

"Isn't it obvious? I'm coming with you." The hanyou stood his ground firmly, crossing his arms again and glaring down at his raven-haired fiancée. Kagome glared back at her silver haired fiancé, but she cursed his height. What was he, six foot three? That was insane!

"Why do you have to tag along?" Surely he could return home–wherever that was, maybe he lived in her dreams–and forget about the whole ordeal. Just because his mother's journal guided him to her didn't automatically mean they were actually being forced to marry...

Right? Kagome hoped so, because she had a scholarship to maintain!

Inuyasha begged for patience–was she stupid or what?! "Three reasons. One: you're my fiancée, like it or not. Two: I'm confused as hell and I want answers. Three: I'm not supposed to leave your side." His mother's journal told him so.

"Don't tell me you're staying here for more than just a day..."

"What the hell don't you understand about the word fiancée?! Of course I have to! I have to live with you! I have to marry you!"

What about her studies? Her career? Her plans for the future? Her homework?! Kagome shuddered at the thought of a fiancé causing her to disregard school altogether. Besides, if she was getting married to a prince, did that mean her ambitions for a good paying job was utterly worthless?

Oh gods... All her hard work would be for nothing! She couldn't bear it! It actually hurt to think of her endless hours of studying to be successful in the future all going to waste. "I don't want to marry you..." She mumbled, more to herself than to anyone.

As far as she knew, marriage wasn't an option until after college.

Her statement, however, struck a chord in Inuyasha, and he fleetingly appeared as though she slapped him. Kagome didn't notice something was wrong until she glanced up and saw hurt flitting in his eyes. She blinked, forgetting her own pains and worries for the moment.

Had she said something wrong?


Kagome was a bit surprised when he reeled at her angrily. "What? You hate half-breeds so much you can't even hear the word marry? It should be a fucking trend."

"Don't even go there! This has nothing to do with prejudice!"

"Then what the hell is your problem?!" The hanyou shouted, genuinely confused and aggravated. Raw emotion was imbedded in his words, and they stabbed the raven-haired teen like hot knives. "If you still think I'm not real, then open your fucking eyes! You mortals are ignorant of the universe–you're so skeptical of the unknown, you all stop believing before the mystery unravels!"

"It's not my fault you immortals or whatever the hell you are suddenly show up in my more than normal life and screw things up!"

"Keh! You're just afraid of change," Inuyasha spat, furious beyond belief. "I bet your life is boring. You have nothing to look forward to–why? Because you're afraid of the unknown. Ha, congrats, wench, you're worse than most mortals."

"Shut up!" Kagome shouted back, since his anger was rubbing off on her. "I'm only seventeen years old! Seventeen! I'm still in high school, so I have my grades to worry about as well as my scholarship! I can't afford to start getting married to 'princes' like you–I'm too young!"

Inuyasha's lips curved into a sardonic smile. "And what about me, eh? You forgot I'm still inuhanyou, meaning I mate for life. I'm giving my whole fucking life to you and you think you're too young? News flash–I'm as young as you are!"

"JERK! You seriously piss me OFF!!!"

"What a coincidence–we piss each other off! You're prize is an arranged marriage to none other than Prince Inuyasha of the Western Kingdom! Damn, you're one lucky bitch!"

"ARGH! Fine! Let's just go, Inuyasha; let's just go."

Inuyasha growled in acrimony before deciding to run after Kagome instead of riding on the bike with her when she gestured it. Like hell he was ever going to touch that thing! Not only that, but the aura surrounding her was less inviting than the was downright crackling.

It repelled the bike looked pink enough to burn his hands...

Chills ran up his spine at the thought and he started running after Kagome once she took off pedaling without warning. Her bike was still haunting him, though, and it became his focal point in order to control his still raging fury. It was better not to think about his past arguments, right?

But...that pink thing...was so pink...and it scared him...

A/N: girls in my high school wear so much scares me...

This chappie has been edited as of 1-23-09