InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Oh My Gods! ❯ Sleeping Arrangements ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Oh My God! 4

His silky silver bangs swayed with the nighttime brisk winds, dancing before cold honey eyes that adeptly scanned his surroundings as he practically glided across the football field towards his dorm house. He detested the world he was forced to live in–dammit, if it wasn't for her and his father's will, he would currently be in the private comfort of his castle in the Western Lands, which was in the immortal realm!

But no, he just had to be the type of son who was loyal to his father!

Now he found himself betrothed!

Dammit all. Supposedly he knew her, but he didn't remember her! That little fact spoke volumes to him about this woman!

And why the hell were the dormitories so far from the academic buildings?! He had to walk a mile!

This is ridiculous! Why must I be here surrounded by filthy humans and second-class demons for every single second of the day? His thoughts were racing angrily, but his inner turmoil did not show on his outward mask of pure icy indifference. To others, he merely seemed chillingly beautiful. Despicable mortals.

And now, his sole problem was the fact that he had to possibly sleep in the same apartment with a mere mortal bitch, who just so happened to be his fiancée! Imagine him, the great Lord of the Western Lands, Prince of his father's kingdom, a demon god, having an unworthy, uneducated, unmannered mortal in his vicinity!

Not only that–he nearly went insane when he found out that his future wife was a human! Tons of humans had already ogled his looks–and they weren't all females, either! Disgusting creatures, they were; he couldn't see himself marrying a mortal.

Why was he, a demon god, in the mortal realm, then?

Because he was a damned son.

But he knew instantly that he wasn't the only immortal on the college campus–he sensed the tenacious aura that could only belong to someone of his bloodline when its owner had passed the guidance office. Hell, even from outside the dorm house he could feel the sheer golden power radiating off the walls in waves, yet of course the power didn't amount to his.

With a growl that was supposed to be a sigh, he realized that of all the prestigious schools in the mortal realm, he and his younger half-brother were attending the same damn academy.

And as he neared the building, he sensed the aura strongly coming from the fifth-floor...where his own apartment was supposed to be.

Hopefully, he and his brother were on opposite ends of the floor.

Knowing the half-breed, I'll never hear the end of it if I have to tell him why I'm in the mortal realm. I knew I should have killed him when I had the chance. It was his father's entire fault for not letting him chew the whiny brat's head off when they were pups.

Sesshoumaru was finally able to sigh without growling once he neared his dorm house, though was pretty annoyed when he saw a group of guys–were they drunk or something?–yelling profanities at someone. He hardly cared, but the fact that they were obstacles in his way was ticking him off.

How dare those mortals cut off his path and expect him to walk around them! And it was all over some stupid, human teenager standing nervously in the center of a circle composed of five guys!

The fact that it was illegal to just kill them darkened his mood.

Damn his luck.

"So, babe, you said you wanted to be on your way? Would that happen to be on your way to my bed? Smart girl..." The dog demon hated the shrill voice of the human bastard in his line of sight.

Surely the imbeciles heard him coming towards them, or were they too stupid to use their ears for a change? Oh well, he needed some stress relief at the moment.

And why did mortal men have no respect for women? On her way to his bed–what the hell kind of line was that?! Her scent wasn't tarnished by the sweat of hundreds of men like a whore's... From where he stood about a few meters away from the group, she smelled like vanilla and lilies...he admitted it was a rather soothing and pleasant scent...

What the hell?! Am I already going insane being in the presence of mortals? Probably.


"Don't touch me! Just move!" He had to give the girl props for being brave and slapping the bastard. Everyone else 'oohed'.

"Hey, Jiro, I think she's askin' you to fuck her brains out!"

Humans are all disgusting, vile creatures that should rot in hell or fall prey to my poison whip...especially human males. Have they no dignity? Sesshoumaru felt like he could rant about the pitiful scum human men were for an eternity, but he summed it all up with two words: man whores.

Human men were man whores–simple as that.

Now he was about ten feet away and still no one noticed him. And all this commotion was occurring directly in front of his dormitory building–they were all blocking the doorway.

Damn them all once more.

Where the hell was security? These lazy mortal law enforcements were just asking for him to dispose of these wretched vermin the old fashioned way. Not that he'd complain about some bloodshed..."Move." The circle of five college students immediately formed a u-shape at the cold, commanding tone of his deep voice, allowing him full view of the girl they were harassing–she had immediately gasped at the sight of him, but he ignored it–and their leader.

The bastard himself was a sewer rat compared to his looks and power; he was just a poor idiot seeking attention and someone to warm his bed. If he was allowed to use his immortal powers, the sewer rat would instantly cease to exist.

Hmph, pathetic.

The leader of the group scoffed and turned to him. "You talking to me, pretty boy with the long, freakish hair?"

Freakish hair? What the hell? Sesshoumaru's eyes narrowed. My hair is not freakish. "Move or I will make you move."

Jiro, the dark-haired leader, smirked and stood his ground, crushing the girl to his side with his free arm. She looked desperate with her big, glassy cinnamon eyes pleading at the nearby dog demon to help her. Apparently, her attempts at freedom failed miserably.

Why did her near-tears affect him so much that his vision flashed red once or twice? He didn't care about the amazingly cute teenager with the tantalizing scent of lilies!


"Why don't you just go get a manicure and leave me and my girl alone? We're just having a small lover's quarrel that's none of your business, bitch," Jiro spat, smirking as if he had already won the 'fight'.

Sesshoumaru quirked an eyebrow, incredulous. He was also not a bitch. Dog: yes. Female dog: no. And he never had a manicure–no one touched him with putrid chemicals and lived to tell about it. It was not his fault his nails–or claws–were always immaculate.

The obsidian haired teenager, who Sesshoumaru guessed to be around seventeen, started struggling once more. "Your girl? Lover's quarrel? All of that came out of your ass, you dick! Let go of me!"

Her struggles, however, were futile because that Jiro bastard threw her forcibly onto the ground, probably threatening a few bruises and scratches on her arms. Furthermore, the now furious bastard was even going to strike her directly in the face with his closed fist, and the girl only awaited the pain with her cinnamon eyes tightly squeezed shut.

Yet...the pain never came.

"Do you know what I detest the most?"

The girl snapped her eyes open at the sound of a velvety, rich deep voice coming from directly in front of her. She gazed up and was met with the wonderful sight of a silver-haired dog demon gripping Jiro's fist with one clawed hand, nearly crushing it, if the look of pure agony on the shaggy haired asshole's face was enough proof.

Even though his expression was cold, the teen couldn't help but to muse that the dog demon protecting her was handsome...beautiful even...

Jiro whimpered and begged fruitlessly to be released. Sesshoumaru refrained from rolling his eyes and only tightened his grip further. "Answer me, human. Do you know what I detest the most?"

"F-Fuck o-off–AHH! Ok, ok! I give up–I don't know!" Why weren't his friends helping him? They ran off a while ago; Jiro, a coward, was surrounded by more cowards. "W-What do you...d-dete-est?"

"I detest lowly scums like you who feel the need to hit defenseless women in order to feel secure of their masculinity. Do you know what I do to those lowly scums?"

Jiro didn't want to know, though he shook his head nonetheless. His face was beet red from enduring so much pain.

Sesshoumaru allowed a small smirk appear on his chiseled face, a smirk that was far from amusement and bordered on complete malice. He was a born killer; anyone could tell by the tiny, rather creepy smirk that had yet to fade. "I kill them."


"Then leave my sight at once...and I wish to never see you again."

With a broken sob forming in his throat, Jiro scurried off when Sesshoumaru let him go, and never once looked back at the 'scary pretty boy with the long, freakish silver hair'. The dog demon was dismayed; he couldn't actually kill the human, but threatening him felt immensely good... Alas, the thought of being betrothed and having to live near his brother finally shot out of his mind!

Yes, he was a born killer, a demon god who had completed his necklace and held ultimate power back in his realm.

He was death.

"E-Excuse me..."

Oh wait–Sesshoumaru completely forgot about the girl he 'unintentionally' saved. He did unintentionally save her, right? He just really hated bastards who hit women and desired to teach that human a lesson–nothing more, nothing less!

Then...why had he only reacted when Jiro's fist had been descending upon the teenager? Why had his heart stopped as if an enemy was about to land a fatal blow on him?

Argh! Curse human mortals for reawakening his 'nonexistent' emotions! Seriously, they had no right to render him like this!

Sesshoumaru glanced at the dark-haired student, who was now standing to his right. The scent of blood wasn't emanating from her, so the worst injuries she possibly attained were a few bruises.

Good. Wait–why did he care if she was hurt or not? Either way, he admitted that she was quite attractive for one of her petty race with long, lustrous obsidian hair naturally curling at the tips above her waist and a sunny smile that could light up–what?!

She wasn't attractive at all! Hmph!

Gods...he really had to leave...

The teenager gulped and continued speaking when the dog demon glanced at her in acknowledgement. That was as good as a 'what', right? Sheesh, why was she so nervous?! "I just...f-first off, I'd like to thank you for...for saving me back there–"

"I did not save you," Sesshoumaru stared ahead at the dorm house's entrance double doors as he spoke, trying to ignore the innocent yet penetrating look he was receiving from a certain cute human–damn, he was losing his mind too soon. "That human scum was in my way."

The girl hid a bemused smile. Suuure, whatever you say... "Well, thanks anyway. Those guys just came out of nowhere and pounced on me. I don't think I could have gotten out of that one alone!" She grinned, and Sesshoumaru wondered why he was pleased with her sincere gratitude... "And secondly...well...this question might be out of the blue, but..."

She hesitated, and Sesshoumaru absolutely hated it when people refrained from voicing their opinions and forced him to idly wait for another meaningful sentence. "Speak your mind. I have things to attend to."

That gave her the courage to continue, at long last. "Well...does your name happen to be Sesshoumaru? Maebashi Sesshoumaru?"

Hold on a second–this human knew his name! He hadn't visited the mortal realm in years–no one should know his name! Although he had been residing in the city while learning modern concepts and technology for future references, he hadn't confided his name to people!

Much less to this human teenager, whom he had never met before in his entire life... Her scent was tantalizing; he was positive he'd remember it–crap, there he went again!

But...his fiancée was a human, too...a human with dark hair...who was a student...and...


Damn, damn, damn, DAMN!!

This can't be...don't let this be...she can't be! Sesshoumaru's dread wasn't expressed in his collected tone of voice as he responded, "I presume you are Rin Osaka."

The obsidian-haired teenager beamed widely at him. "Yup, that's me! So you're my dog demon fiancé, huh? I've heard much about you!" She failed to notice when her fiancé uncharacteristically winced.

He raised a delicate, thin dark brow at her bubbling statement. "I see..." Well, his father really outdid himself.

The deceased King of Makai just had to arrange a marriage with his complete opposite–a human woman who showed too many emotions, especially in her glittering, transfixing cinnamon eyes. He was a truly damned son.

"Come, I'm sure you are aware of our new...apartment."

Rin pouted cutely at his indifferent attitude, but shrugged it off and linked arms with him anyway. To say that Sesshoumaru was shocked was an understatement–his eyes, yes, his perfectly shaped icy eyes actually widened! "Alright, then let's hurry! I have so much homework to do that it's not even funny!"

She smiled up at him and giggled...and it was then that Sesshoumaru knew he wasn't only a damned son...

...he was going to be one whipped husband, too.


Kagome couldn't believe what had just happened.

Ok, so she and Inuyasha had entered the academy's lobby and hastily went to the guidance office. The head guidance counselor, a kind mid-forty year-old woman who immediately put her attention solely on them, had already known about Inuyasha's arrival and easily registered him.

She had only asked to see his papers and whatnot, and then he took his ID picture, which was an event utterly hilarious to Kagome. The hanyou had been so confused once he saw the digital camera and sported the look of an innocent puppy on his boyishly handsome face.

Thank gods he was smart enough to not inquire about the digital contraption or he would draw attention to himself. But Kagome figured he stopped himself from asking due to his overwhelming his pride...

Anyway, Inuyasha was officially registered into Imei Academy–no questions asked.

However, it seemed that her mother had intervened a bit here and there. Before the two teenagers had left the guidance office, the kind woman informed Kagome of their new living area. That piece of info baffled the miko since she already shared a dorm with Ayame, an overly hyper wolf demoness, yet apparently her mother was dissatisfied.

And now, Kagome found herself rooming with Inuyasha instead.

She didn't know how the school would even let such a thing happen since girls and boys weren't supposed to room together unless they were eighteen and married., surely Mom hadn't told the school of my engagement!

Even so, Kagome was still in shock at what was happening currently to her...

Not only that...the guidance counselor also said they were going to room with another couple. I wonder who it could be. I hope Inuyasha doesn't give away the fact that he's a demon god; I don't think anyone around here will believe us.

"Hey, wench, in what room am I sleeping in?" Inuyasha grimaced as he added as an after thought, "Or rather, we're sleeping in..."

Kagome blinked and turned to face Inuyasha, who was suddenly standing next to her in their double room apartment suite. It reminded Kagome a lot of her old dorm, except of course this one was virtually empty, much bigger, nicer, and had its own bathroom.

Hmph, it was the only plus she could think of at the moment at having to share an apartment with her supposed fiancé...and a room thanks to her meddling mother.

Sheesh, mama's really pushing it! First she announces that I'm engaged, then she kicks me out of the house, and now she forces me to share a room with my alleged fiancé! Does she want grandchildren this badly?! " doesn't matter to me which one. You can choose whichever you like."

"Keh, they're both the same!" The hanyou exclaimed, gesturing to two mahogany doors that were across from each other. He had checked both of them while his fiancée stood in a daze in the living room, staring at all her and someone else's things scattered about, and truthfully, the hanyou couldn't find anything different about either room.

What an annoyance, geez.

Kagome shrugged, turning to face her things scattered about the living room. Hmm, I only see a girl's things in here with mine... Hopefully our roommates aren't two girls; I won't be able to deal with them gushing over Inuyasha. The thought almost made her growl, but the confused teen stopped before she did.

Was she already becoming possessive?! No!

I've only known him for less than a day and I act as if he's been my boyfriend for years! What's wrong with me?! No point in bothering to figure it out–it'd take forever, obviously.

Um, back to an impatiently waiting hanyou! "Exactly, so just pick a side you like best."

"I don't care about a damn side!" Inuyasha threw his arms up into the air, frustrated beyond belief that the miko was too stubborn to do him a favor and pick a mere room for them to sleep in!

"And you think I care?"

Inuyasha didn't flinch at her overtly sugary voice. "Yes!"

"Well, too bad! I don't!"

"Can you just pick one, wench?!"

Kagome rolled her eyes and answered nonchalantly, "Fine, take the room on the right. Happy now, my oh so loving and intelligent fiancé?"

The silver haired half-mortal kehed, also rolling his eyes at the raven-haired teen, and retreated to the room while Kagome sighed. Now I have to reorganize all my stuff. I'm already dead tired.

At least she couldn't wait to go shopping tomorrow! Now that she had her own place–well, Inuyasha wouldn't use up much space–there was extra room to put things where she liked and hang what she liked on the bedroom walls.

I might as well start putting away some things. I have to finish my homework, anyway, and I can't leave everything for the weekend, Kagome thought as she entered the room she picked, carrying a basket of her stuff into it.

The room looked like any master bedroom; yet, it was much, much larger than the dorm room she had shared with Ayame. There was even a balcony on the far side of the room, most likely facing one of the academy's surrounding forests, two desks, shelves, built-in wall drawers, a double-closet...

But one detail made Kagome freeze at the door, with the basket still in her hands...

Inuyasha was also staring back at her with a tight frown on his face while standing near their beds...

Well, it should've been beds... However, it was only one bed...a queen-sized bed...

The miko unwittingly dropped the basket once her arms slackened. "There's no way I'm sleeping on the same bed as you." Certainly her mother wasn't so insane!

Her fiancé merely scoffed. "Yeah, yeah, wench. It's either we sleep on the same bed, or one of us sleeps on the floor." He then narrowed his vibrant golden eyes when the raven-haired teen parted her lips to speak. "And it ain't gonna be me! I need a good night's rest after all the energy I used to travel to this realm!"

"But I'm not sleeping on the same bed as you!"

"Keh, why not?!"

"What do you mean 'why not'?!"

"What do you think I mean by 'why not', wench?!"

"How am I supposed to know what goes on through your head, hentai?!"

Inuyasha looked taken aback. "H-Hentai? As if I'd do anything perverted to an annoying wench like you who takes five hours to pick a goddamn room out of two that look the fucking same!"

"Hey, I already made it clear that I don't know you as well as I should, and I wasn't the only one who couldn't pick a side!"

"Well, I'm not a fucking hentai!"

"Do you think I know whether or not your hands wander in your sleep?"

"WHAT?! T-They d-don't!!" Inuyasha acted like he had been slapped and Kagome smirked slyly, deciding to use the hanyou's innocence to her advantage.

Is he really this gullible? The miko stifled a giggle. He looks really cute right now, with his puppy ears twitching and all. Wait–cute?! Ah heck, he's more than cute–he's hot! At least her fiancé was one gorgeous hanyou rather than some perverted old man. Ew.

"You're stuttering! I wonder what that could mean...hentai." This is actually pretty fun. Now, if only I can trick him into letting me sleep on the bed...


"Suuure, and I am a blonde super model in disguise."

Inuyasha rolled his eyes. "You're a supermodel, whatever the hell that means? Then I might as well be a flying donkey!"

"Hm, so you're a flying-donkey-inuhanyou-half-mortal-hentai. Cool!"

"How many times do I have to tell you that I'm NOT a damn HENTAAAI?!"

Kagome grinned mischievously. "I won't believe it until you prove it by sleeping on the floor."

"No way in he–" Inuyasha suddenly paused in mid curse and twisted his head to face the door. His eyes were fixed on the entrance to their room, and Kagome noticed his fine nose twitching occasionally, as if he was tentatively sniffing the air.

Why would he sniff the air? And why's he growling?

Before the dark haired miko could inquire any further, the silver-haired hanyou suddenly bounded out of the room and towards gods knew where. Kagome blinked at being so easily ignored.

"Did he leave the room because he was really pissed at me?" No, that can't be it. Inuyasha would keep arguing until his lungs collapsed. Heck, maybe even then he'd still mouth comebacks while he's dying.

There was no sign of his return; therefore, Kagome grinned in triumph. Well, since he left, I get the bed all to myself. She smirked at the thought, and for old time's sake, she was about to throw herself on the lovely queen-sized bed...








Well, this was a sight to see. Kagome rolled her chocolate eyes at her fiancé in annoyance, who ignored the death glare she was sending him. Of course, with the staring–or better yet, growl and glare–contest he was actively participating in, he hardly noticed anything!

He's so annoying sometimes! Geez, he's going to be even more annoying now that his brother's living with us...

Yup, the other couple who would be sharing their apartment suite happened to be the couple sitting across from her and Inuyasha–a dark haired teenager, whom she remembered seeing in some of her classes, and a stoic dog demon, who definitely appeared to be related to her fiancé.

The teenager, a girl her age named Rin, was currently looking around her new home, and obviously trying to disregard the dark, chilling vibes coming from the demon glaring back at his younger brother beside her. Kagome sighed; she instantly related with Rin because her own fiancé was a pain in the rear, too.

"Sooo...let me get this straight," Kagome noted the smile of relief Rin sent her from across her in their kitchen table–it was the only piece of furniture in the dorm, excluding anything from the bedrooms, since it was attached to the wall, "Sesshoumaru, you're Inuyasha older brother–"

"Half-brother." The two continued to glare at each other, even more so when they both spoke in unison. Talk about sibling rivalry...

"Whatever." Kagome nearly pulled her bangs in frustration as Rin giggled. She was starting to like the younger girl; she was really fun to be around. The miko was glad that she was gaining one good thing from the other bad things recently happening to her: a nice, understanding, not-nosy friend. "Anyway, you're Inuyasha's half-brother, and you're engaged to Rin...and you're immortal..."

"And he's the biggest bastard in the whole universe!" Inuyasha narrowed his eyes at his older brother, who nonchalantly flexed his claws, pretending to exercise them. The hanyou growled and copied his actions.

Rin sighed, finally feeling a migraine coming on. "Alright you two, can you at least get along with each other? You're going to be living together for the next year and I'd prefer it if my fiancé didn't become a psychotic murderer."

"I agree with that!" Kagome piped up and high-fived her classmate.

Sesshoumaru glared at the two teens from out of the corner of his eyes. "It is not my fault that this half-breed is too incompetent to admit defeat."

"Hey! I told you five million damn times that I won that match!"

"You did not, liar." The fact that Sesshoumaru was calling anyone a liar was saying a lot–this 'match', whatever it was, truly had no known winner.

Inuyasha scowled. "I'm not a liar! You just have shit for brains!"

"Half-breed, you should not talk so openly about your own physical deformities."

"WHAT?! Dammit, get over it already! I won!"

"You did not."

"YES I did!!!"

"No, shut up and admit defeat. Coward."

"Keh, bite me!"

"I already did when you were five and I was eight. Have you so easily forgotten?" The dog demon said this with his earlier malicious smirk curving his lips.

Inuyasha cringed at the memory. It wasn't pretty. "Fuck yeah! You almost freakin ripped my head off! I still think my ears are scarred for life thanks to you!"

"You're pathetic and weak. Admit defeat and salvage your pitiable pride."

"Not when you're just a dumb asshole whose pride abandoned him centuries ago!"

Kagome shook her head at the more than asinine conversation the two brothers were having without battling a single eye-lid, and she, along with a sighing Rin, decided to give them some privacy. Besides, they needed the whole kitchen to fit their gargantuan egos–hell, maybe even the whole campus.

Hmph, what were they barking about anyway? What match that Inuyasha had supposedly won, though Sesshoumaru adamantly denied it?

Maybe it was their former glaring contest–the winner was indeterminable.

At least, as far as their fiancées knew.

"So, how did you and Sesshoumaru become engaged? I seriously can't see the two of you getting along at all!" Kagome laughed as she walked into the living room, and took a quick glance around.

She forgot about organizing her things, not to mention about doing her oh so important homework...

Rin smiled and shrugged. "The same way you and Inuyasha did, I guess. I still don't know Sesshoumaru's part of the deal since I just met him on my way here, but supposedly, my parents knew his and they all decided to have us married. Hmph, and here I thought arranged marriages didn't exist anymore..."

"Yes! I'm so glad someone knows what I'm going through!" Kagome exclaimed. "I tried and tried convincing my mom how it's a bad idea–I mean come on, I'm only seventeen–but she didn't budge a bit. -sigh- Now I'm stuck with that hot-head."

"At least yours isn't a cold-head." The two girls chuckled, but soon sobered and assessed the things scattered about them.

The living room was a huge mess with containers full of their...stuff laying around, books here and there, papers covering the creamy yellow carpeted floor, and were those their laptops sitting under a box?! No!

"Well, I don't know what's going to become of those two testosterone-driven demon gods in the kitchen, but I have major homework to do. Inuyasha can sleep on the floor for all I care!" Kagome huffed and crossed her arms, glaring at the kitchen entrance at the far end of a hall opposite the bedroom wing.

Rin's cinnamon eyes widened. "Oh my gods! How could I have forgotten about my homework?! I won't be able to do it all weekend!"

"I have a great idea!" The older raven-haired student grabbed her essential things on the floor, of course things that had something to with her homework. "Why don't we both do our homework together in one room, and the guys can work out sleeping arrangements in the other room? There's only one bed in each room, unfortunately..."

Heheh, Inuyasha's just going to love this...

"Hmm...our fiancés will end up dead by morning... You're a genius, Kagome Higurashi!" Rin high-fived the grinning-like-an-idiot teen and copied the miko, also rescuing her silver Toshiba laptop from under a...heavy box. Good, it wasn't scratched!

The people who brought our stuff here were very rude! Couldn't they place things down in a more orderly manner?! And why is my History report all over the place?! It has coffee stains and footprints on it! No, that meant she had to write it all over again because she was stupid and hadn't saved it on her laptop!

"Alright, it's only nine o'clock." Kagome's eyes suddenly became serious after she gathered all her school items, and she faced Rin with a determined expression on her face. "Let's do this."

The younger girl pumped her free fist into the air. "Right!"


She was so tired, so very dead tired. Ugh, what time is it? Did it even matter? She wasn't going to wake up anytime soon. Yeah...sleep, back to sleep...

It never registered in her mind that she was flush against a rock-hard chest that had nice abs...and wasn't supposed to be there... I'm really warm...ok, sleep, take me now... And were there muscular arms around her waist? Huh? I don't care, though. I'm still sleep...

Yup, it wasn't registering.


Kagome bolted upright on her queen-sized bed at the loud sound of a ringing object. Where the heck was the awful noise coming from? Her drooping chocolate eyes soon focused on a vibrating contraption on top of the wooden nightstand right next to her bed.

It was her cell phone creating the horrendous sound. Who's calling me at this hour? She sighed, slightly annoyed at being woken up, but picked up the flip-phone, nonetheless.

Yet, she first glanced at the caller-ID.

Oh no. Crap. She totally forgot about them!!!

"Wench, are you going to stop that goddamn noise anytime soon?"

W-What the– Kagome twisted around and almost shrieked when she saw a pair of annoyed golden-amber eyes glaring back at her. And their owner? A handsome silver- haired hanyou god...who was lying on the bed next to her...with his arms propping his head up...which had been around her waist...

...and he was shirtless...

Oh my gods, oh my gods, oh my gods!!! Inuyasha was in bed with her! Huh?! If the miko remembered correctly, Rin had nearly collapsed alongside of her last night after finishing their homework! Then what the hell was he doing on her bed?! And where's Rin?!?! Did he dump her in a graveyard?!

"Hey, wench, can you make the noise stop already?! My ears are starting to ring!" He narrowed his eyes and flattened his twitching dog ears atop of his head in emphasis. Kagome had been so dazed that she disregarded her cell phone.

The miko sighed to calm herself. She was going to take care of Inuyasha later, but right now...she only nodded and flipped the phone open. "H-Hello?" Please cancel, please cancel, please say you're canceling!

And a shrill voice answered from the other line... "Kagome! Wake up, you sleepy head! It's time to go to the mall!"

Dang, she was hoping her friends were canceling! Out of the corners of her eyes, she saw Inuyasha's ears perk up at the word 'mall'. She had painstakingly explained it to him the night before, and he seemed curious to see it for himself. There's no way he'd agree not to come with me. Shoot. Curse overly curious dogs!

"Umm...well, about that..."

Before she could mutter anything else, one of her friends took the phone from the other and exclaimed something that the raven-haired teen's heart stopping...

"Hurry up and open the door! The three of us are right outside waiting for you!"