InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Oh My Gods! ❯ Facing the Next Morning ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Oh My God! 5


W-What the–
Kagome twisted around and almost shrieked when she saw a pair of annoyed golden-amber eyes glaring back at her. And their owner? A handsome silver- haired hanyou god...who was lying on the bed next to her...with his arms propping his head up...which had been around her waist...

...and he was shirtless...

Oh my gods, oh my gods, oh my gods!!! Inuyasha was in bed with her! Huh?! If the miko remembered correctly, Rin had nearly collapsed alongside of her last night after finishing their homework! Then what the hell was he doing on her bed?! And where's Rin?!?! Did he dump her in a graveyard?!

"Hey, wench, can you make the noise stop already?! My ears are starting to ring!" He narrowed his eyes and flattened his twitching dog ears atop of his head in emphasis. Kagome had been so dazed that she disregarded her cell phone.

The miko sighed to calm herself. She was going to take care of Inuyasha later, but right now...she only nodded and flipped the phone open. "H-Hello?" Please cancel, please cancel, please say you're canceling!

And a shrill voice answered from the other line... "Kagome! Wake up, you sleepy head! It's time to go to the mall!"

Dang, she was hoping her friends were canceling! Out of the corners of her eyes, she saw Inuyasha's ears perk up at the word 'mall'. She had painstakingly explained it to him the night before, and he seemed curious to see it for himself. There's no way he'd agree not to come with me. Shoot. Curse overly curious dogs!

"Umm...well, about that..."

Before she could mutter anything else, one of her friends took the phone from the other and exclaimed something that the raven-haired teen's heart stopping...

"Hurry up and open the door! The three of us are right outside waiting for you!"

...End Recap...


Kagome couldn't believe what she just heard! They were right outside, as in outside? As in...outside?!?! B-But she wasn't even ready yet! And what was she supposed to tell them about her engagement to Inuyasha?

Wait–crap!!! How was she going to even present the already peculiar hanyou to her friends without them both facing embarrassment?! I mean, they'll start asking questions about his gaudy red kimono and I can't just say he works at the shrine! Oh no, this can't be happening!

"Y-You guys...can't we...uhh...I-I'm not..." She tried telling them to postpone their shopping trip, but it wasn't coming out right!

Now it seemed that her third friend, who was the densest, but most understanding of the three–not to mention the romantic–took the phone and gushed, "Yeah, Kagome! We're all excited to meet your fiancé, too! I can't believe you let Ayame tell us you're engaged! Well, we'll see ya in a few!"

And with that, the teenager hung up, not sparing the spluttering raven-haired miko a chance to protest again. Kagome sighed and placed her cell phone on the nightstand.

Her life was over.

"Well, wench...? Are we leaving to that 'mall' thingy any time soon or what?" Inuyasha cocked his head to the side, wondering why the fiery miko was all of a sudden melancholy.

Wasn't she happy about going to the mall yesterday? He didn't know why, but the way her head hung low, enough so that her raven bangs covered her eyes, affected him greatly. Damn, I'm becoming soft!

He wanted to comfort her...odd as the feeling was...and he wondered if being with her friends meant a good or a bad thing if she would end up acting like this every time. If he scared them away, would Kagome liven up? I'll gladly try...


The hanyou blinked when the miko muttered his name in an overly calm whisper, so calm in fact that chills ran up his spine. She sounds like she's about to kill me! she? He did sleep alongside her when she fervently refused to share the bed with him last night...

...uh oh...

"K-Keh! What do you want now?" He tried to sound unaffected, but he was inwardly wincing.

Kagome's deep chocolate eyes then settled on him... "You have five seconds to explain how you ended up in my bed."
"Uhh..." Was she serious? A blush rose on his cheeks, remembering every single detail of the night before, especially the reason why woke up with Kagome in his arms... Gods, how was he supposed to answer her without the word 'pervert' involved?! "I can't explain it! I just...did..."

"So what, you just slept walked?"


"That's bull! You better tell me now or I swear–"

"Fine!" Inuyasha growled at the fact that he caved in so easily. Kagome was a mystical sorceress of some sort–she had the ability to demolish his stubborn resolve! She placed a spell on him! the time I'm married, I'll probably be the wench's slave... "Before I say anything, you have to promise not to call me a hentai. Got it, wench?"

Kagome rolled her eyes and pulled up the purple covers of her bed–the same ones she used on her old bed in her old dorm. It barely fit the queen-sized bed, and it only covered Inuyasha because of his close proximity.

Yeah...they were still very close to each

"I shouldn't need to remind you of what you are." She cut him off before he could protest. "Well...? You still have five seconds."
The hanyou sighed. "It happened like this. After you and Rin left to do...whatever, Sesshoumaru and I stayed behind in the kitchen to figure out a winner..."

...Flashback to Last Night...

"For fuck's sake, bastard! Blink already!"

"I don't take orders from you, half-breed."

"Grr...I'm getting tired of this..."

"Then simply admit defeat."

"Hells no! Not until I prove to you once and for all that I can beat your dumb ass!"

"Hmph, as if that will ever happen. It is not wise to dream during battle."

"Keh! We can keep this up all night if we have to!"

"I don't see why not. Are you certain you don't require beauty sleep? Gods know you need it."

"Fuck you, bitch!"

"Why is everyone calling me a bitch today?"


"Never mind. Now, admit defeat."

"-yawn- No."

"-sigh- I thought as much."

This was becoming tiring.

They couldn't remember how much time passed since they last blinked, the signs of exhaustion were starting to show, and all in all, neither brother was going to back down anytime soon. It was a battle of wills because keeping their sleepy eyelids from moving for hours straight took sheer will power.

Well, it was impossible for the two brothers to deny their exhaustion–for one, Inuyasha used a lot of energy to travel between realms and Sesshoumaru...was just tired.

But no one would give up!

Inuyasha narrowed his eyes once they were too dry for comfort, enough so that he was still able to see behind his long lashes, but he was careful not to let his eyelids droop. He noted his brother copying his actions, yet he widened his eyes before the urge to blink overcame him.

I can't take much more of tired...I need sleep...sleep... No! I will
not lose to Sesshou-bastard again! I will win this time!

Though, could he take a break first?

Ah, but it seemed that the end was soon approaching when from out of nowhere, a little vermin in the shape of a black fly flew in between the two immortals. It decided to rest for a while and perched upon Inuyasha's nose...

The hanyou's eyes crossed as he glared at the insufferable insect, hoping it would be intimidated and fly away. However, the thing remained oblivious, and Sesshoumaru smirked at his brother's new adversary.

He cursed under his breath since he merely jinxed himself–the little bug then flew over to sit on his nose once it felt threatened by Inuyasha's growling. Now the hanyou was the one feeling smug at eliminating the insect and watched as the demon god tried to swat at the thing without blinking.

"Having trouble, bastard?" He spoke too soon, because the fly went back to his nose.

"Oh, little brother, I think there's a fly on your nose." And the damn fly flew over to Sesshoumaru once again.

"Ha, it seems to like you more!" Shit, now it's on me again!

"No, half-breed, don't confuse yourself. It likes you." Damn insect, if it wasn't for losing to my brother, I'd put all my attention to kill you. "Call back your vermin lover, Inuyasha."

"No thanks, it can have an affair."

And much the same mantra continued until all of a sudden, both brothers’ noses twitched. They felt an itch in their nostrils, so bothersome that their noses twitched once more.

The fly had long since flown away since it couldn't find a tranquil place to rest, but it had obviously left the two demons with the urge to sneeze. And there was no way either of them could sneeze without blinking–the itch was unbearable; it was going to be a huge sneeze.

Shit! Inuyasha scrunched up his nose, but it was hopeless. Damn, it's coming! No, I can't lose!

Sesshoumaru narrowed his eyes and fisted his hands, yet failed in suppressing the oncoming sneeze. I swear, if I ever see that cursed vermin again, I will not kill it, I will annihilate it.

The itch, gods the itch! Doom was quickly approaching! And it soon happened...


"I win!" Both brothers claimed at the same time, standing from their seats only to step closer to each other, treading forward until they were nearly nose-to-nose.

"No, half-breed, you are mistaken. You blinked first," Sesshoumaru said, his golden honey eyes promising pain if the whelp resisted.

Inuyasha's nostrils flared–he ignored the warning. "As if, bastard! I saw you! You sneezed before I did!"

"We can dispute this the entire night..."

"Sure we can, but I'm going to bed because I know I won."

"Hn, keep denying the truth in your dreams, then. I hope you have a nightmare of how you just lost to your big brother."

"Sesshoumaru," Inuyasha gasped, feigning extreme surprise with a hand over his heart and all, "I didn't know you were psychic! How else can you foretell your nightmare like that?"

In reality, the contest was a stalemate, because both had sneezed at the same exact time. No one was going to tell them otherwise, however, since they continued bickering all the way until they reached the hallway to their respective rooms. Their argument only ended after they slammed the door in each other's faces.

Inuyasha growled to himself in annoyance–why couldn't his brother admit defeat for once?! Hell, he was positive the bastard blinked first! Stupid Sesshoumaru! Stupid fly! Stupid–

The sight before him erased all and any thoughts from his head and rendered his mind blank. He blinked a couple of times as he tried to comprehend his current predicament.

"Ok..." It seemed as if his side of the bed was occupied by a certain obsidian-haired teenager, while the other side obviously contained his fiancée. She was adamant about him not sleeping next to her, but...

...did she really think he was going to sleep anywhere near Sesshoumaru?!

With that thought in mind, he stormed over across the hall and nearly tore open the mahogany door to his brother's room, only to find the immortal in question a second away from climbing into bed.

The silver haired demon god was done preparing for the night decked in black satin sleeping pants, but before he could sink into the comfort of...a piece of crap bed, he was rudely interrupted by his brother, who stood in the doorway flushed from angrily.

What does he want now? Younger siblings were annoying.

"Is there something you'd like, little brother?" Sesshoumaru raised a questioning dark eyebrow, wondering why the hanyou refused to leave him alone and sleep. He also dismissed the fact that his chipper fiancée was no where in sight.

Oh well, it wasn't his problem as of yet.

"Come get your woman off my bed." Inuyasha crossed his arms and tapped his foot impatiently. He wanted to sleep, dammit, but nooo, some damn girl just had to fall asleep on his bed! Dammit all!

Sesshoumaru stared at the hanyou blankly. "What woman?"

Inuyasha growled, "You know who the hell I'm talking about! That Rin girl!"


"Your fiancée, for fuck's sake!"

The demon god blinked. "And your point is...? Let her be, Inuyasha; if she wished to fall asleep on your bed, then I commend her for it."

"And where the hell am I supposed to sleep?!" The hanyou refused to acknowledge the fact that Kagome won their earlier battle–he was not going to sink so low as to sleep on the floor!

Especially not when she had obviously aimed for it! That conniving wench! I bet she told Rin to sleep on my side of the bed just so that I'd have to sleep somewhere else! Keh, she has another thing coming...

The hanyou's older brother, however, hardly seemed bothered by the fact that he was technically 'bedless'. "This apartment is virtually empty. You can sleep on whichever part of the floor you prefer most. I believe the living room will be your best bet–the carpet is fluffier."

Inuyasha rolled his golden amber eyes at the supposedly 'wise' advice. "Keh, if you don't 'kindly' remove your woman from my bed, then I'll have to do it for you–and trust me, I won't be so kind."

"Touch her and die."

Bingo! He struck a nerve. But why would Sesshoumaru care if he touched Rin or not? No matter, he was winning this battle. With a smirk, Inuyasha said, "But, dear brother, since you won't do it yourself, then I'll have to. And who knows if I'll give into primal urges and decide to–"

The hanyou's smirk widened as his brother stormed past him into the room across the hall and came back not even a second later with his soundly sleeping fiancée snug in his arms. He icily glared at the inferior being standing across from him with a damnable smug expression on his face, and he growled threateningly.

Inuyasha took the hint, for once, and left the room, closing the door behind him before proudly sauntering into his own room, crawling onto his bed without forgetting to turn off the light.

Heh, I guess you didn't win, wench. Ah, two victories in a row! He loved winning–no one could tell him that being a winner didn't feel good.

Soon, however, he found himself listening to the even, deep breathing of a certain raven-haired beauty lying beside him. She had curled herself in her purple comforter, which was of course too small for the bed, and her back was to him...

Her soothing jasmine scent was lulling him, causing his inner youkai to contentedly hum in his being. He hadn't known that her scent was so intoxicating; hell, he hadn't even known that a human could smell so sweet.

He craved to bury his nose in her silken locks of raven hair, to lose himself in her scent for the rest of his life, if only to feel a sense of belonging and completion, of serenity and even safety. Inuyasha sighed, pushing away thoughts of being so close to Kagome.

If she wakes up and finds me anywhere near her, she'd kill me for sure. Still...he couldn't resist. What would it hurt? Ok...I'll wake up before her–she'll never know.

And just like that, the hanyou shifted closer to his fiancée, wrapping his arms around her waist to draw her warmth closer to him. He ended up nuzzling her neck, burying his nose in the crook of her neck where a sweeter version of the scent, if possible, was much stronger than in her hair.

Why was that specific patch of skin on her neck so alluring, so enticing? The scent coming from it calmed him, though, so Inuyasha sighed one last time and banished all other thoughts, already feeling sleep assuaging his tense muscles–the effects of inhaling too much of a soothing scent.

I can get used to this... A small, satisfied smile appeared on his face...and remained planted there for the rest of the night.

...End Flashback...

Of course, that smile was erased when the woman in his arms woke up...

"And that's that."

Inuyasha avoided looking at Kagome, hoping that he would be able to live out the rest of his half-immortal life in peace. At the moment, he was glad he left out the part of him getting practically intoxicated by her scent, because he could just feel flames from hell emanating from her.

He didn't dare turn his head to meet her penetrating gaze, but all of that was for nil when she sweetly called his name...


He cringed and slowly turned to face at her. He wished he hadn't, for what he saw had no other word to describe it other than pure hell.



Rin's eyes twitched in annoyance at the sound of shouting coming from somewhere in the apartment...somewhere close to her and Kagome's room. But...the one shouting sounded feminine...or at least, she hoped it was feminine because the only two other people in the whole dorm were males.

It couldn't be Kagome either because the teen was sleeping right beside her. Ugh, she didn't care enough to find out what was happening–she was dead tired. Why, oh why did she have to make her History report ten pages long? It took nearly three hours to rewrite it!

Can whoever's screaming just shut up for a minute? She groaned and snuggled closer to what felt like a rock-hard chest, but she felt warm–no reason to wake up if she was warm, right?

And the arms around her waist responded by drawing her closer to their owner. Hmm, someone's hugging me. Being embraced was a great feeling, especially when the one embracing her possessed a muscular physique; so, she wasn't complaining.

Rin currently felt safe and protected.

Err...something was wrong with the scenario in her head, though. And why was...a nose suddenly nuzzling her neck? Her eyes bolted open. Ok...what happened last night? Since when did Kagome sleep shirtless and have a chest like–-oh my gods...

A lock of silver hair crossed paths with her shocked cinnamon eyes; a lock of silver hair tinted an icy shade of blue...

"S-Sesshoumaru?" Rin was completely awake now, but she didn't dare move a muscle in fear of disturbing the demon currently sleeping behind her. She soon felt the nose that was affectionately rubbing circles on her soft skin twitch a little bit before settling deeper into the crook of her neck.

A soft sigh of bliss escaped lips dangerously close to the teenager's bare shoulder. Well, at least I'm not naked...though, I'm still just in a cami... "Sesshoumaru, are you awake?"

Her response was a growl of annoyance as the muscular arms around her waist tightened somewhat possessively. Rin mentally groaned since she obviously couldn't free herself from the dog demon's strong grip.

Now what? Sheesh, how can he still sleep through the racket Kagome and Inuyasha are causing? Wait a minute–Kagome and Inuyasha?! How did we all end up–?

The obsidian-haired teenager's thoughts were cut off with a sharp gasp once she suddenly felt a moist tongue trace a vein on her neck...right where her neck and shoulder met. She knew this was all wrong–heck, they hardly knew each other–and she should be doing something more to stop him...

Rin opened her mouth to try to rouse Sesshoumaru from whatever trance he was in, but she couldn't contain a moan when his sharp fangs joined his tongue in assaulting her neck. W-What is he d-doing?!

And why did she like it so much?!

"O-Oh gods, S-Sessh–" Her words were interrupted by another gasp half moan as his tongue and fangs grew harsher, pressing forcibly on the sensitive skin on her neck, nipping at it...

I have to stop him... Rin fisted the white sheets beneath her as she tried to restrain herself from making her pleasure audible. Geez, Sesshoumaru, I never imagined you'd be this frisky in your sleep!

A satisfied growl rumbled in his chest, and Rin felt it vibrating her back from their close proximity. At least he likes what he's doing, even if he is practically unconscious. "Y-You can stop now..."

Did she really think it would work? Damn, how was she supposed to stop this neck-lusting, gorgeous dog demon if she could hardly speak?!

He nipped her neck again, bidding her inaudibly to be quiet and stop fidgeting. It worked, since every time he gently bit her, all her movements stilled and her nerves tingled in pleasure.

She never felt this way before; not that she ever partook in this kind of thing prior to her current situation...but still! I hardly know him...he's my fiancé, sure, yet, that doesn't give us the right to–


It was when Kagome screamed again that Sesshoumaru finally tensed and opened his eyes, only to come face to face with creamy skin otherwise belonging to a certain fiancée of his.

Err...why was her neck all red?

Rin blushed cutely under the dog demon's intense scrutiny–of course he was confused and wondering why he was so close to her. What am I supposed to say? 'Yeah, you were giving me a hickey in your sleep.' I'm sure he'd be thrilled.

"Rin..." He mumbled her name, his voice deep and baritone, and it made Rin blush a deeper red. He had asked a million questions just by uttering her name–she couldn't stand answering even one of them.

Either way, the teen slowly turned onto her back to face a sitting upright Sesshoumaru, whose cold golden honey eyes revealed none of the confusion she knew he was currently feeling.

"Umm...good morning..." Her words were delivered in a meek mumble, and Rin tried desperately to look anywhere but him. This is so embarrassing...

Sesshoumaru continued to stare at her blankly. She didn't know what was passing through his mind at the moment, or what his next actions would be–but did she want to know? Was he going to leave her on the bed and pretend nothing happened with his usual indifferent attitude or would he sneer at her in disgust?

She was human...just by looking at him she could discern he disliked humans. Though, what did she want him to do? Did she really mind that he had been kissing her neck?

Her answer was no.

And that truly scared her.

I know nothing about him, Rin's eyes closed, not bearing to remain open and having to face her fiancé's reaction, and yet, I'm way more attracted to him than I should be.

"Well, uh, I guess we should get up and–" The teenager gasped when she abruptly felt warm lips pressing on hers, savoring her taste, moving gently in a pace that she easily followed after a few shocked moments.

Her hands slid up Sesshoumaru's chiseled chest as the passion of their kiss increased, and they moved to fist in his long silver hair, which surrounded their tangled form like a curtain of platinum silver silk. His hands also wandered, exploring creamy flesh that soon became exposed as her orange cami rode up.

Rin gasped out a moan and pulled the demon closer, nearly crushing his lithe form against her as a satisfied growl emanated from deep within his chest. She found that she liked the feeling of his bare chest vibrating on top of her and raked her nails across his scalp.

Wait–how did she know that he would like that?

Was it because he was a dog demon...? No, she just...guessed. Even so, she began to do this gently, but soon pressed harder, and continued until Sesshoumaru couldn't contain another growl.

Yup, she liked it a lot and ignored the origins of that knowledge.

How did this come to happen? Rin didn't know, but did it matter? He seemed pleased with their current situation, so shouldn't she be, too?

Besides, she'd never done something so pleasurable in her entire seventeen years of life!

Once a few minutes of 'chaste' kissing flew by, the immortal demon gently nibbled on her bottom lip, tenderly sucking on it to sullen its earlier abuse. Rin acknowledged the hint and slightly parted her mouth for him to enter and explore.

Now she knew what French kissing was like...



After nearly mauling down the door to the room across from theirs, Inuyasha and Kagome finally looked up from their heated argument and openly gaped at the scene in front of them. Two angry pairs of eyes peered at them from the queen-sized bed in the middle of the decently large room...

Their owners, however, were in a rather comprising position with a certain someone's legs wrapped around the other's waist...hands were all over the place... One of them was shirtless while the other was slowly getting there...

"Uhh...." The poor hanyou god couldn't manage more than indecipherable sounds, his golden amber eyes brightening a shade in extreme shock. His stoic brother was engaging in intimate activities! Dear lord!

It was obviously not processing through his one-size-too-small brain...or so Rin furiously thought.

"I knew one can have a sexy fiancé like him and not do sexy things..." Kagome's chocolate eyes never left the pair, who had yet to break free from their intimate hold.

It hardly fazed her that the two people on the bed were fervently glaring at her; well, one was. The male of the pair was coldly glaring at her, almost threatening to freeze her from the inside out. Oh well.

Sesshoumaru placidly disentangled himself from Rin without sparing her a glance and stood up as if he hadn't been caught red handed by none other than his half-breed brother and his miko. He narrowed his eyes at the two fools that had dared to barge into his room screaming their heads off like a bunch of five-year olds.

Sometimes it was hard to believe the hanyou who called himself a demon god was actually a prince of two kingdoms...

"Why are you two nuisances here?" His voice betrayed any emotion whatsoever–surprisingly, it included his inner fury as well. In contrary, his voice was cold, commanding, and it overall scared the wits out of Kagome.

Inuyasha took the spot light from his frozen-still fiancée since he was used to the aloof manner his brother spoke when he was substantially annoyed. "Keh, you don't have to sound so excited to see us, ya bastard! We just wanted to, uh...actually..." The hanyou blinked dumbly and turned to Kagome for help. "Why are we here again?"

She rolled her chocolate eyes, at long last out of her reverie, and Rin groaned in frustration from her seat on the bed as Kagome responded, "Because you didn't want to be killed!"

The cinnamon-eyed teen refrained from pulling her obsidian bangs. A once in a lifetime make-out session with Sesshoumaru was interrupted for this?! Ok, maybe it wasn't once in a lifetime, but still! It was the best she ever had!

Err...when did she ever have a make-out session before that?

"That reminds me–wench, you can't murder your wonderful and kind fiancé with a fucking slipper!" The hanyou god seemed pretty angry at the thought of his demise being caused by none other than a mere floppy slipper.

Oh yeah, I can see it now: Prince of the Western and Eastern Lands killed by his crazy-wench-fiancée's slipper! Keh! What an honorable way to die...

Kagome gripped the aforementioned slipper in her hand. "That was before I woke up only to see my idiotic and annoying fiancé lying next to me! I told you I was not going to share a bed with you!"

"It's not like I did anything!"

"You had your arms around my waist!"

"Is that a crime?! I told you it was in my sleep!"

"So what?! Do you think I'd notice if your hands suddenly crept lower? I don't want to take any chances, hentai!"




"Enough!" The arguing couple blinked and faced Sesshoumaru, whose golden honey eyes were even more frigid, if possible.

It was strange how by uttering one word, no, even by glancing at someone, he was able to force them to do his every bidding, including his younger brother. But right now, he was pissed off, along with Rin. Of course, their make-out session was cut short for no apparent reason at all.

"You come unwelcomed into this room while yelling like children only to carry out your puerile argument here?" Not one of the two teenagers wanted to answer the question... Well, it was more of a statement. Only an idiot would miss the slight edge in the dog demon's tone of voice that warned of a dire...punishment. "I should kill the both of you for such an offense."

It was really sad that Rin only just found out she was not in the room she fell asleep in. Not that she was about to ask about it now–her voice probably refused to work past the lump lodged in her throat created, passion. Hmph.

"Keh! Just keep your pants on, Prince Stick-Up-Ass! You can have all the fun you want on your wedding night!" Inuyasha huffed and ignored the steadily growing angrier couple in the room. He then faced his fiancée again. "Are we going to the mall or what? Your little friends are causing a riot outside."

"Crap! I forgot about them again!" It was funny how Kagome couldn't seem to remember her friends at all. Oh well. No one cared.

The raven-haired miko darted towards a dumbly blinking Rin and, without another word, grabbed the younger girl and practically fled from the room. Both demon gods still standing in the middle of the room gazed at the door, trying to comprehend what had recently happened in the span of two seconds.

To their amazement, or dread, Kagome's head soon popped through the small opening between the wooden door and the frame. "Oh, I was wondering, Sesshoumaru, if you could lend Inuyasha some of your clothes, if only until we buy him some new ones? And can it, Inuyasha, there's no way you're going to the mall in a gaudy red kimono."

"My regular clothes aren't gaudy! Sheesh, you mortals are fucking weird!" The hanyou indignantly claimed, crossing his arms over his bare chest. He was ignored, for the most part.

Sesshoumaru glanced at his inferior younger brother and then to the pleading miko now completely inside his room. As much as he yearned to decline, it would be the most logical thing to do–his brother was already an embarrassment to his family name, there was no need to add to it.

Why hadn't the hanyou been smart like him and come to the mortal realm earlier in order to attain needed items such as modern apparel? The half-immortal was, unfortunately and not surprisingly, a fool.

"Very well, miko, if only for today." Kagome beamed and immediately left the room, leaving a thoroughly shocked Inuyasha and a haggardly sighing Sesshoumaru behind.

The hanyou then reeled at his brother. "I don't want your damn stench on me even for one god-forsaken second!"

"You have no choice." Sesshoumaru shook his head and began to walk towards the door, completely disregarding his fuming younger brother. His was dismayed when he was followed, most likely because the hanyou wanted an explanation.

Again, younger siblings were annoying.

"Listen, half-breed, mortals do not understand our culture and most deny our existence. They do not appreciate our feudal clothing, even the imperial ones, and do not comprehend our abilities. They do not believe in immortal creatures, or in winged gods, or in...anything we believe in. That is what I learned from my three months among them."

Inuyasha blinked incredulously at what his brother just told him. Wow, mortals didn't think people in his realm existed, and his brother was actually explaining the main concept he learned over his three-month observation to him of all people!

"So this is where you've been all this time! Over here it was only three months, but in our realm it's been like...almost a year! You never told me you were engaged, either... Were you betrothed like me?" He wouldn't put it past their father.

Sesshoumaru rolled his honey eyes and strode over to the living room, at long last noticing just how empty the whole apartment was. If one of the females neglected to shop for furniture, then he might have to do it himself. From the other side of the door, he heard three gossiping human girls, whose shrill voices were grating on his nerves, and mentally groaned at what was to come.

And why was that damn whelp following him?!

Oh, he was supposed to answer him, right. "Yes. Father stated in his will that if I desire to take his throne, I need to marry a woman he specifically chose."

"Keh! Sounds just like him, alright."

The older dog demon only nodded, not wanting to feel anymore anger towards his deceased father for such a...horrendous and mandatory request. At least his fiancée wasn't similar to those girls standing like idiots outside the dorm...

Thinking about Rin brought back images of what he had initiated with her before his brother interrupted them... He pushed it to the back of his mind to think about later. It was too early to confuse himself with meaningless things–they were meaningless, right?

Why was it that he was so unsure of himself, lately?

Sesshoumaru rejected the offer to find out.

Inuyasha growled in fleeting annoyance and rolled his amber eyes. Those girls were driving him insane and he hadn't even met them yet! Why couldn't they just shut up for a few seconds, or at least respect others who didn't want to listen to their incessant blabbering?!

How can that wench stand those bitches? They don't sound like her type of friends! Did his fiancée enjoy gossiping like her friends obviously did, too?


"Ok, that's fucking it!" Sesshoumaru disregarded his brother when he exploded in fury, his eye twitching and trademark scowl firmly in place. It was a usual occurrence with the hanyou–there was no new development. "I can't stand their stupid chatter any longer! If they complain one more time about being forced to stand outside for-fucking-ever, then I–"

The half-immortal blinked once his brother reached the wooden door in exactly one graceful stride and pulled it open–basically, the asshole had beat him to ending the bitches' whining. He couldn't help the growl that formed low in his throat at the victorious look he was thrown.

Dammit all, why is he always one step ahead?! It was a phenomenon for the hanyou.

But, they both regretted opening the door when they were met with three curious stares...perhaps one was a little more curious than the others.

Their bare chests weren't aiding the brothers, and they just so happened to be uncannily handsome with a fine pack of abs that would alas satisfy even an insatiable woman.

"Oh my gods..." One of the three dark haired teenage girls standing in a stupor in front of the two demons was nearly drooling.

Her mahogany brown eyes were the size of the sun at the godly sight before her. She couldn't believe she was the chosen, the one who was allowed to see this divine, forbidden vision of utter beautiful perfection!

"Uhh..." The mouth of the girl standing in the middle, who had auburn hair shorter than her friend, might have been mistaken for a cave because of how it was gaping.

She at long last used her blue-gray eyes to analyze every single detail on the bodies of the two men before her–there was no way she was ever going to forget such eye candies!

"Wow..." And the last girl was faring slightly better than the rest with her coffee eyes speculating the gentlemen who had come to save her and her friends from their been-in-hallway-for-like-five-million-hours torture.

Her hair wasn't as short as the rest; rather, it fell until her shoulders in midnight black waves. It showed how different she was from the others girls, because she not only looked...original, she also wasn't lustily staring at the brothers–it was solely 'healthy' curiosity.

"What in the hell are you three staring at?! Are you just gonna stand there gawking at us or are you coming in some goddamn time soon?" Inuyasha was obviously in a foul mood.

First, he was rudely awakened by some weird vibrating contraption that just so happened to make ringing sounds merciless to his sensitive ear drums. Then, his fiancée flipped out on him for sleeping on her, well, their bed–hell, she acted as though he had raped her, which he will never, ever do in his entire...half-immortal life!

And now these bitches arrived like all the other women he met in his life who wanted him for his body and nothing else! Fuck it all!

"Hey," the girl with the auburn hair was the first to be turned off by the hanyou’s attitude, "you're not supposed to be rude to your guests, ya moron!"

"Moron?! I'll have you fucking know, bitch, that I'm the–"

"Be quiet, Inuyasha." The hanyou growled, glaring at the stubborn human woman, who met his intense glower straight on, but soon consented to his brother's command and said nothing more.

Sesshoumaru then shifted his gaze from his younger brother to the three teens still standing in the hall. "Excuse his crudeness; there is no hope for him," the half-immortal snorted at his statement, "but come in. Kagome will be out shortly."

The three girls stepped inside the empty apartment and quickly took a look around while the dog demon closed the door behind them.

"Thank you very much, uhh...?"

Sesshoumaru glanced at the dark-haired girl, who wore a yellow headband on her head, speaking to him rather...dreamily. Her bright headband was the only object distinguishing her from the others–all humans looked the same to him.

Except for Rin, she stood out like a sore thumb...

...he was not supposed to think that.

"Maebashi Sesshoumaru."

With one glare from a certain inuyoukai, Inuyasha hmphed and also said, "Maebashi Inuyasha." No one missed the tension between him and the girl he had argued with.

"Well," the headband girl surely doesn't miss a beat, or so Sesshoumaru thought as he watched her smile flirtatiously, "I'm Eri, Furigawa Eri. It's a pleasure to meet you, Sesshoumaru! This is my best friend, Morimotto Yuka," she pointed to the seething auburn haired teen, "and this is my other best friend, Sumeragi Ayumi!" The wavy haired girl grinned.

Does she think I actually care? He raised one delicate eyebrow at the absurd thought of him bothering to remember these vexing humans' names, but the headband girl didn't seem to notice what this action meant. "Hn."

And that was his very articulate response. Eri hardly minded. Damn.

"So," Yuka glared daggers at Inuyasha, who refrained from snarling at the challenge she silently issued him, "where's Kagome? Hiding from her fiancé, who must be a certain dog-eared asshole in front of me?"

"It's none of your fucking business where she's at. And I rather be a dog-eared asshole than Queen Shit-in-Mouth like you."

Inuyasha would not let this bitch get to him, to sink her sharp talons into him and dissect him from the inside out. She challenged him, however, and she would suffer the consequences. Stupid little human wench just doesn't know when to back the fuck off.

He didn't know why he instantly detested her–was it her insufferable scent, her gossiping, or her goddamn stubborn pride? Being around her just made him feel like he had to prove himself to her, as if he wasn't good enough for Kagome and she would tell him so.

That didn't bode well with him or his raging inner youkai.

To hell with the bitch! Kagome's mine and it's going to fucking stay that way. He stopped when the thought registered in his brain. I m-mean, she's my fiancée and I...oh dammit all! When did he get so possessive? -sigh- It's the curse of all inuyoukai, I guess.

Ayumi finally decided to say something before Yuka did, but she was amazingly oblivious to the growing tension of her best friend and who seemed to be her other friend's new fiancé. "Hm, Kagome's probably changing or something. When we called she sounded like she wasn't ready yet."

"Now we have more time to get to know each other!" Eri ignored the fact that the two guys needed to change as well. Why the hell did they open the door again?

Sesshoumaru figured he had been possessed.

"Ok, guys, we're–"

When Kagome and Rin stepped out of the room they shared, they believed their fiancés were already dressed and waiting for them in the living room. Of course, it took a man less time to dress than a woman–hopefully–so by the time they showered, changed, and primed themselves, the guys should've been done, right?

With the sight meeting their eyes once they reached the living room, obviously their assumption was incorrect.

Why me? Please gods, why me?! Not only did she have a fiancé who was an annoying hanyou god, not only did she have to move from her old dorm and live with him, not only did he disregard her statements of not wanting to sleep on the same bed as him–but for the love of all that's high and mighty!

Did he have to be such an unbearable prick and decide not to change before opening the door to her friends?! WHY is he such an IDIOT?!

"Inuyasha..." The hanyou finally roused from a glaring contest with that Yuka bitch and faced a once again furious Kagome. Damn, she's gonna try to kill me with a slipper again! "You have three seconds to go change..."

"That goes for you, too, Sesshoumaru."

With the death glare potent enough to kill vengeful spirits, which were already dead, sent his way, the dog demon knew if he decided to be proud and disobey her, Rin would assassinate him with something even more humiliating than a slipper...

"One..." Kagome's chocolate eyes flared and Inuyasha gulped in apprehension. Great, she's gonna kill me with two slippers!

"...Two..." Rin cracked her knuckles as Sesshoumaru visibly winced. You may kill me after our wedding night–not anytime before...


In a split second, both brothers were out of sight.


Twenty minutes later, the group made it safely to the mall without many mishaps, but a certain miko and a cinnamon-eyed teenager sighed in relief that they all finally arrived. For one thing, it was pure hell to try and get Inuyasha into a car without making his apprehension of them obvious.

Kagome tried bribing him, Rin attempted to lessen his wariness by consoling him; heck, even Sesshoumaru threatened him–it was all for nil. In the end, the hanyou agreed to climb into the car, a sleek black Mercedes-Benz surprisingly belonging to his older brother–who knew the dog demon had a license?–only if his fiancée promised not to be angry with him anymore.

She reluctantly agreed.

"Alright, we're here, now what?" Rin smiled as she watched Inuyasha gape at the enormous size of the mall, and his eyes widened at all the people outside and inside of it.

Sesshoumaru didn't seem to care about any of it since he was gazing off to the side with his usual stoic expression on... Hmph, and not to mention that Eri girl was practically latched onto him. It made her boil with jealousy–wait, what?! Rin, jealous?! No!

"We shop, of course!" Ayumi giggled and led them all inside the mall, while Kagome dragged her fiancé along since he hadn't snapped out of his stupor.

She was surprised that Yuka was unusually quiet–normally, the girl wouldn't stop chattering her head off with gossip and other nonsense. But she wasn't babbling, and Kagome was slightly worried. She also noticed that Inuyasha and Yuka tried to avoid each other at all costs, but still sneaked each other glares when they thought no one was looking.

What happened between them? She couldn't fathom it. Then, her chocolate eyes strayed to her newest friend, who was venomously glowering at Eri like a snake stalking its prey.

The miko realized that Rin instantly disliked the coquettish girl with the yellow headband for the blatant reason that she was currently flirting with her extremely polite and patient fiancé. He must be patient; if I was Sesshoumaru, I'd go psychotic with all the attention Eri would be giving me! Heck, she'd already be dead!

Apparently, Ayumi was the only one who was content with their little outing so far.

"Ok, you guys, let's split up! The girls can stick together, and the guys can do whatever they want until we're done shopping!" Ayumi clasped her hands together at her fantastic idea, and Kagome figured it would help to keep her friends away from the two demon gods.

Besides, Inuyasha needs a whole new wardrobe and he knows nothing of modern clothing. They'll start making wrong assumptions if I'm the one helping him pick out clothes. Err, would Sesshoumaru even help Inuyasha shop? Hopefully...

"Aw, that means we'll have to separate!" Rin wanted to gag at the sultry tone of voice Eri was talking in with Sesshoumaru. "But we can always meet up for lunch. Come on, girls, let's go!"

She winked at the expressionless immortal before walking up to her friends as though she hadn't been openly flirting with an engaged demon. Does she even know that he's mine? Rin guessed the teen ignored it. Huh? Mine? No! She was getting possessive, too!

It was a curse, she swore!

"Rin." The girl blinked; it was the first time Sesshoumaru had spoken to her since their little 'incident' in the morning. She received the impression that he was avoiding her, but it all flew out of the window now.

"Yeah?" He inclined his head for her to come closer, and she complied, watching him dig into his pocket only to retrieve a black leather wallet. Soon enough, he took out a rectangular card and offered it to her–at the sight of it, Rin's eyes widened. "N-No way! I can't accept–"

"Nonsense. Take it–it is yours to buy what you like." Her eyes questioned him, and he sighed before answering, "For some reason, my father opened an account for me years ago. He also opened an account for you under my name, which will become a joint account after we're married."

Rin nodded in understanding and accepted the credit card graciously–there wasn't much money in her purse, anyway. This is actually pretty nice. Finally, something good was coming out of being engaged to a gorgeous dog demon!

Besides the obvious, of course.

"Keh, can we leave now, Prince Stick-Up-Ass?" Inuyasha raised an eyebrow at his older brother, who in return rolled his eyes and headed to gods knew where.

He shrugged and followed after him. Kagome had just handed him some 'important' things he would need from his envelope of infinite papers. He didn't know how a plastic card thingy could hold money, but whatever; she let him have it before he insisted she take the other one.

What good would two of those crap things do for him, anyway?

Once the two brothers left, Kagome walked up beside Rin. "Are you ok being with my friends? If you want, we can 'unfortunately' end up separated and shop on our own...?"

The teenager giggled at the enticing thought, but shook her head. "No, I'm alright." She faced her friend and grinned brightly at her. "Come on, we can't keep them waiting!"

As Rin bounded off in front, Kagome remained in the back. She noticed that the teenager hadn't sounded as reassuring as she wanted to be...but why? What was going on through that dark-haired girl's head?

Was Eri...or Sesshoumaru troubling her? Or maybe it was her engagement?

I don't know, Kagome sighed, but it's not my problem, I guess. We only met yesterday, but I feel as if I've known her for much longer. The same goes for Sesshoumaru, and especially Inuyasha. Why is that? If what Mom said is true, then I should know Inuyasha...I just don't remember him.

Was it only her, or did it sound wrong? Why wouldn't she remember him–the hanyou was practically unforgettable with his exotic looks and surly attitude. I need to learn more about my past with him; it might be useful in the future.

She figured it would be a long, painful journey.

Hmm...something felt...wrong.

Being a miko and all, it was natural for her to sense danger coming from afar, but her sixth sense was only triggered on rare occasions. Now, it was biting at the back of her mind, bidding her to pay attention to it and look in back of her. Kagome complied in order to ward off her growing concern, and shifted her eyes to look out of the corners of their sockets.

A group of four dark-haired men was what she saw, all dressed in black suits with black-tinted sunglasses covering their eyes–overall, they seemed like government agents, but their auras were that of youkai. She watched them cryptically give each other a signal, and they then separated into groups of two before one of the duos nodded and turned around, walking away from the others without a second glance.

This wouldn't have been so suspicious if that one group hadn't headed in the same direction as Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha...


The remaining one...seems to be following us...