InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Oh No! ❯ Chapter Ten: Worry ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Oh No!

A/N-Here is the Oh No! Chapter ten. Enjoy this chapter. Thank you my fans for reading this and reviewing this chapter. Thank you to my beta reader named WitchyGirl99. Thank you.

Chapter Ten: Worry

Kagome woke up to see two Inu beside her. Yawning and stretching, she slowly moved out of the bed, noticing her belly was swollen and big with Lord Toga's pup. She wondered if Inuyasha was going to be born by her. Her mind tried to wrap around it but it still wasn't sinking in. She heard the servants going about their duties and work outside of the room.

Kagome wondered when she would be truly going home and not almost seventy years or seventy-five years. She had to heal the well a few more times. Kagome hoped that Shippo was okay and that everyone else was too.

………Present Time………< br>
Inuyasha sat in the tree near Kaede's hut. He could hear Shippo struggling to fall asleep. He jumped down and walked into the hut, heading towards Shippo. He felt the small child shiver from the cold, so he pulled out Kagome's blanket that they still had and covered him with it.
Inuyasha went out and kept watch as Kikyo floated towards the well. She would help them get Kagome back.

The next morning came, and Sango was the first to wake up. She stretched out her sore muscles and then began to practice with her sword first, then her inventor. Her moves were just a bit sluggish, and Inuyasha knew it was due to the fact that Kagome wasn't cheering her on. Miroku came out and went to help the village men, not even smiling at any cute girls. Kagome's disappearance had affected everyone.

Shippo was suffering the most… Inuyasha jumped down again and walked into the hut. His sensitive nose notified him that something was wrong with the kit. He quickly went towards him and then placed his clawed hand on his forehead, pulling it away fast. The kit had a fever – a high one.

"Kaede!" Inuyasha called out as he wrapped Shippo to his chest, keeping him warm. Kaede came in and noticed Inuyasha with a worried look on his face.

"What do ye want, Inuyasha?" Kaede asked.

"It's Shippo," he told her. Kaede went over to him and felt his forehead. She went alone her hut and gathered some herbs, crushing them together and making them into a paste for medicine.

………Past Time………

It hit her like a battle cry. Kagome held onto the wall, feeling the pain and illness that Shippo felt, too sick without her to heal him. Her mind went into full panic as the pup within her started to move franticly. It was the pup's movements that caused Lord Toga to open his eyes. He looked at the bed to see that Kagome was no longer there. Quickly he darted his eyes to the wall, seeing Kagome's face twisted in pain and fear.

Lord Toga got up swiftly, waking up his son. He went over to Kagome. "What's wrong?"

Kagome looked at him and burst out crying. "My kit is sick, very sick. I can feel him through our bond. "

Sesshomaru stilled completely. "Your kit?"

She nodded.

Lord Toga sighed at this and then brought her to his chest. He growled softly and then whispered a spell to make her fall asleep. He knew that she wouldn't go to sleep without an aid. Now, he needed to find someone that was connected with his future son to tell him what was going on. Lord Toga picked her up and lay her down on the bed. He covered her up and placed his clawed hand on her belly. He could feel his pup responding to the touch. Smirking, he looked at his son and nodded, deciding to leave the room.

Sesshomaru's mind was still processing the fact that she had a kit. He wondered who the kit was. Who was the father and was the father still alive?

Maybe this was why she kept on saying that he wasn't her alpha.

………Sesshomaru from the Present………

Sesshomaru woke up, his body waiting for something to happen. Since his mate… well, his soon-to-be mate; Kagome was in his past time. He was getting new memories that weren't there before. Like the one that his mother was still alive with his baby sibling. They didn't survive when they were attacked at the palace but now.

Kagome's kit was sick and she was also pupped by his baby sibling. His mother was okay now. He sighed at this and yelled, "Jaken!"

Within moments that green toad came running into the room. "Milord."

"Get Lady Kina," Sesshomaru ordered. Jaken struggled to his feet as he nodded his head, and then he left the room.

………Lady Silva………

Lady Silva woke up and rubbed the sleep from her eyes. She yawned as she smelled her mate coming into the room.

"Toga," she said, looking at him lovingly.

He smiled at her, licking her neck in affection. He lightly bit into her, just over her mark to renew it. He licked the blood from her neck as the wound sealed over.

"Kagome's kit is sick. She's so worried that I had to place her under a sleeping spell. Sesshomaru was shocked to hear that she already had a kit," Lord Toga said.

"What? Lady Kagome came back?" Lady Silva asked in disbelief.

Lord Toga raised an eyebrow. "Mate, what do you remember?"

Lady Silva's eyes widened as she suddenly looked to her belly, only to see nothing there. "My pup! Where's my pup?" Her mind went hysterical, tears coming down as she looked at her stomach where her pup could once be seen.

"Silva, calm down, please the pup is safe! Lady Kagome had to use a chant to save him. The pup is within her right now," Toga told her.

Then Silva's mind jolted up as she remembered everything after she got hurt. "You're right mate, Kagome's kit is sick? We need to try to get a hold of future Sesshomaru, and now," Silva said. She got up and went towards her kimono, Toga helping her get into it. He carried her into the bath house and they had a bath together. Then they went they separate ways. Toga went into his office to find a way to let future Sesshomaru know about Kagome's kit while Silva went into the room where Kagome was with her son, Sesshomaru.

Silva undid the spell and told Kagome that everything would be fine with her kit. He was getting his treatment to stop the fever. Even though she knew this, Kagome still felt worried.

Silva told her that the first snow fall was starting now. Kagome's eyes lit up as she got out of the bed with the help of Silva, noticing that Sesshomaru was no longer at her side. Kagome stared outside to see falling snow; the ground was getting covered. Kagome smiled and felt her worries start to fade away.

"Lady Silva, Toga told me that the pup will be due in three weeks. I'm sorry but if I do that chant again, the pup could die from it. I will have to be the one to give birth to your pup," Kagome told her apologetically.

"Kagome, I trust you. And I will be there all the way," Lady Silva murmured to her.

Kagome stayed at the palace for one week as she meet all the new pups, kits and cubs that lived within the palace. She smiled at them but she still missed her Shippo – her son. Kagome taught the youkai children new games to play in winter. They made wooden planks and she taught them to go down a hill. They wanted her to go down with them, so she placed a pillow around her belly to protect the pup. She slid down; Kagome was having so much fun with the game.

Nanomaru and Sho stood out and looked around when they heard giggling and laughing to their right. They moved over to see Lady Kagome having fun with the youkai children, teaching them how to slide down a hill. They smiled as they went back to duty.

Silva stood up and went to find Kagome and her pup. She walked into the library, but there was no Kagome. She headed towards the bath house, but she was still nowhere to be found.

Eventually, she stopped Kagome's servant and asked. "Have you seen Lady Kagome?" Silva questioned.

"Hai, I have milady. Lady Kagome is outside playing with the pups in the snow," she told her, barely waiting before going on with her duties.

Silva nodded her head and then went out to find Kagome. When she did, she never expected to see her flying down a hill with snow on it, on a wooden plank with a pillow around her pup.

"Kagome!" Silva yelled out.

Kagome looked over and smiled at her. "Lady Silva, you got to try it."

Silva thought about it at first, soon smirking. "What the heck."

She took Kagome's plank and climbed towards the top of the hill. Sitting down on it, the pups pushed so she could gain speed. Her face lit up as Lady Silva laughed, flying down the hill. When she stopped at the bottom, she stood up, smiling at Kagome.

"That was fun, but now you need to rest," Lady Silva ordered.

"I know. You guys keep having fun!" Kagome said to the children, as she started to walk with Lady Silva back into the palace.

A/N- I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter. Until next time, bye