InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Oh No! ❯ Chapter Eleven: Pain ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Oh No!

A/N- Here is chapter eleven. Enjoy it. Thank you to my beta reader named WitchyGirl99 for doing this chapter. Thanks.

Chapter Eleven: Pain

Lady Silva helped Kagome into the bed, when the young miko felt Shippo getting worse.

"Silva…. Shippo!" she screamed, trying to get out of the bed but Lady Silva kept her here. She muttered out a sleeping spell for Kagome, leaving the room the moment she went unconscious. She walked out and was stopped by her son.

"Mother, I heard Kagome. Is she okay?"

Lady Silva wasn't going to lie to her son. "If her adopted son doesn't heal and fast, he will die. As for Kagome, she will die of heartbreak," Silva told him.

Sesshomaru's eyes turned red and were going to mark her to stay with him, when he felt sleepy. He cursed his mother and her knowledge of sleeping spells. He growled at his mother and then fell into a deep sleep.

Lady Silva caught him and picked him up, taking him back towards his room.

………Present Time Sesshomaru………

"Milord, Lady Kina is here," Jaken yelled.

Sesshomaru got up and walked out to greet this healing female. "Welcome to the Western Lands. This Sesshomaru greets you."

He could see she had long flowing pink hair and her eyes were of an even darker pink. She was a Neko demoness with a long tail that was wrapped around her shoulders like a scarf.

"Lord Sesshomaru. You have summoned me to heal someone," she stated, probing for more.

"Hai, I have, but we need to get to him first," Sesshomaru replied as he walked up to her and gently picked her up.

She hissed at this but said nothing. She knew Sesshomaru's reputation about his lack of patience. Her body was being placed onto a cloud and then swiftly, the two of them headed towards someplace.

Sesshomaru soon landed at the elder miko's hut when his brash brother stormed out.

"What are you doing here? You bastard!" Inuyasha hollered.

"The kit is ill. If he doesn't get better then he will die and Kagome will suffer the loss of her kit," Sesshomaru stated as he led Lady Kina past the Inu-hanyou, who had a look of astonishment plastered across his face.

Inuyasha really thought that Sesshomaru would be so stupid as to not notice the changes to Kagome and her kit's auras. Heck, he remembered having her under his body, covering her together by the tree. His inner beast was trying to claw out of his cage to get to her.

He also remembered the blast of her reiki into his shoulder, and the pain it caused. It appeared that his younger self also had experience with her reiki. He laughed at her words because she was clearly his mate. He would just have to prove to her that he was when she came back.

He missed her too much. He had had to go back to the western palace to get away from Inuyasha yelling and trying to whip out his sword at him. Now here he was again, pushing the door over to walk inside the hut.

He could see the elder miko trying to bring Shippo's fever down. "Lady Kina, this is Lady Kaede. I need you to heal this kit."

Lady Kina went towards the kit and took in his appearance. She could sense reiki flowing in him and his youki emerging with it.

"Who was his mother and why isn't she here?" Lady Kina asked.

Sango, who had woken up to see her, answered. "Shippo's real mother died long ago. Lady Kagome, the Shikon Miko, had adopted him in human and youkai terms."

Lady Kina processed that in her mind. "And Lady Kagome is?" She needed to know this, for if she was going to heal him then it would be best if the mother was held down by her mate or alpha.

"Lady Kagome is…" Sango started to explain but then she looked at Sesshomaru, the alpha of the group.

"This Sesshomaru is getting tired of your questions," he growled.

Lady Kina nodded her head and went back to the sleeping kit. She took out the white chalk she had and drew a triangle around the small boy. She then chanted words that no one could understand, sitting down. Cross-legged, she closed her eyes and placed and chalk barrier around the both of them, cutting her hand and also placing a blood barrier. She couldn't be interrupted when she was healing the kit. She would need all of her energy to do this. With a cup of her blood, she placed some drops on Shippo's face. He moved but didn't open his eyes.

She was thankful for this, sitting back down and chanting more words as Shippo glowed blue. Instantly, he let out a scream of pain.

Sesshomaru watched, listening to the kit screaming. He clawed at the barrier with help from Inuyasha, the demon slayer, the monk and the elderly miko Kaede. Sesshomaru's beast snarled at the barrier, for nothing they did was breaking it. They would now have to suffer Shippo's painful cries for his mother.

Kagome moved her head sharply, feeling her son's pain. She broke through Lady Silva's spell, waking up to see that Sesshomaru was sleeping near to her. Getting up, Kagome opened the door and ran out speedily. Someone was hurting her kit and that person would pay dearly.
She didn't care if she was pupped; she needed to get to her son now.

Lord Toga sat down and read though his scrolls when he felt Kagome panicking again. He got up and went to see what was wrong. Once he opened the door, he looked into the room to see that she wasn't there. He sniffed the air and almost growled. Quickly going after her, Lord Toga knew where she was headed. She would be trying to go back to see her kit. Something must have been happening to him.

Toga transformed and took off swiftly. Soon, he was at the well. He could smell Kagome coming closer, but she would go no farther than him. Lord Toga would not let her go; she was pupped with his and his mate's child. She needed to stay here.He saw her running into the clearing, her face drawn with anguish and his heart went out to her. The moment the young miko spotted him, she stopped.

"Lady Kagome, you can't go," Lord Toga ordered.

"Sorry, what did you say?" Kagome screamed, throwing a ball of reiki towards him. Toga whipped it away and then vanished, moving to her back. He gently grabbed her, trying to hold on without hurting her or the pup, even as she struggled.

He was getting burned quickly from her reiki; he needed to do something, and fast. He called for his mate to bring Sesshomaru. Long moments passed, and soon Lord Toga felt two strong youkai coming his way. He struggled for a long as he could but was soon blasted into a tree.

Kagome raced towards the well now that she was free. Lady Silva and his son landed nearby, but Lord Toga feared it may be too late. "Sesshomaru, go and stop her!" he yelled weakly.

Silva gasped at his condition, running towards him. "Toga!"

Sesshomaru looked at his mate and charged after her. He jumped, landing on top of Kagome and making her fall to the ground. His pelt wrapped around her belly, trying to protect the pup from the ground.

"Let me go, Shippo is screaming in pain! He is being hurt!" Kagome exclaimed in anger, struggling to try and get away from him.

Sesshomaru gently purred into her back but it wasn't calming her down. He moved her head and nipped her neck, making her go still as his fangs toyed along skin.Once Sesshomaru knew he got her attention, he stated, "Kagome, worrying about this in your condition isn't good for the pup or you. Koi, please don't hurt my sibling."

Kagome gasped at this, tears in her eyes. She never wanted to hurt anyone. Relaxing into Sesshomaru, the demon gently lifted her up. Her mind went back to his word: Koi.
Kagome's eyes widened, replaying it in her head.


She was being held against a tree while they were training. She started to tell him that she had fully adopted Shippo in human and youkai terms. She remembered the growls that came from deep in his chest, his almost red eyes staring when she said that word.


After that, he let her go and they started to train.

"Sesshomaru…" Kagome said and then fainted into his arms.

Sesshomaru became alarmed at this, sitting down with her in his lap and sniffing her. She was just overwhelmed, the unconsciousness lasting for only a few minutes before she woke back up.

"Lord Toga!" she gasped, now fully alert and trying to climb out of Sesshomaru's lap.

"Sesshomaru, your father!"

The demon understood and got up, but didn't let her walk. He carried her over to Lord Toga, who was still lying hurt against the tree.

Kagome looked at him and had tears in her eyes. "I'm sorry, Lord Toga…" she whispered as she healed him.
He looked at her while she cried into Sesshomaru's chest. He looked at his son for a moment and then reached out to the young miko to hug her. Once she was in his arms, she latched onto him, still crying. His rumbling purrs slowly stopped the onslaught of tears running down her face.
Kagome let go and looked at the ground. She made a small gasp in pain, loud enough that everyone could hear it. Toga sniffed and his eyes widened in shock. Silva growled loudly at them. "Toga…"

Sesshomaru had already picked her up and swiftly started to run back to the palace.

"I guess Sesshomaru would be doing that. We should go," Silva said.

Toga nodded and got up, running off to following his son.

A/N- I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Until next time. Bye.