InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Oh No! ❯ Chapter Nineteen: Kidnapped ( Chapter 19 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Oh No!
A/N- Here is chapter nineteen of Oh No! Enjoy the chapter. Thank you to my beta reader named WitchyGirl99 for beta reading this chapter for me. Thanks for all of the reviews too.
Chapter Nineteen: Kidnapped
Kagome heard Inuyasha calling his former lover's name. She looked at Miroku and then towards the rest of the demons around her. She sighed, racing towards Inuyasha and leaving Miroku within her barrier. He would be protected until someone could get to him.
She evaded and spun out of the way from oncoming demons, slashing right and left with precision. Kagome knew from her training with Sesshomaru how to fight and survive, using her momentum to twist out of one claw and into a path of a second demon. Kagome was very low on reiki but she could see Sango down near a tree with one arrow in the ground. That must have been Kikyo, using her arrow to protect her.
Kagome hurdled over the demon and slashed its arm off. She made her way towards Sango as she saw Naraku dodging Inuyasha's strikes. She could also see Kikyo within his arms. Kagome slashed behind her again, hearing the barest whisper of someone there. She turned to see Kanna walking towards her. She held her sword out in front of her.
Kagome was ready to strike down the pale child when she felt her back being torn open. She screamed out in anguish. Looking behind her, the miko saw Kagura laughing at her. Inuyasha was shouting out her name and then Kikyo's. Kagome stood straight, needing to fight still. Inuyasha would be killed by the amount of demons that Naraku had with him still.
Kagome slammed her dagger into the ground and summoned more her low reiki. The ground glowed pink, purifying many of the demons around her. She grabbed her dagger as she made her way towards the battle, blood seeping out of her. Kagome staggered a bit as her eyes grew blurry; instinct was the only thing that kept her dodging and slashing.
Soon the numbers of demons were driven off or killed. Inuyasha looked at her, finally able to take his eyes away from battle. "Kagome?"
Kagome nodded her head at Inuyasha, trying to convey to him that she was fine to move on. Naraku looked at the miko with shock. He thought that she would still be stuck in the past. Naraku cursed at her and himself for not listening to Inuyasha yelling her name when he was holding Kikyo. He glared at them both, slowly starting to smirk the longer he looked at Kagome. This would go very well in his plan. She was weak now; he could barely feel her reiki coursing in her body. Naraku sent Kanna and Kagura at Inuyasha to hold him off.
Naraku strolled by Kagome and attacked her with all of his strength, knowing that soon she would go down. He heard Kikyo yelling at her to get away, but using a tentacle he roughly placed it over the other miko's mouth. Turning back to Kagome, he suddenly screamed in pain. Kagome was breathing heavily as she wheeled her dagger within her hand, his blood all over it. He growled at her as she dodged his tentacle.
Kagome was now having difficulty breathing. The blood loss was affecting her and exhaustion overrode the adrenaline that kept the pain at bay. Now her moves were getting sloppy, her timing in ducking was very careless and dangerous. Kagome knew she was going to get caught soon and Miroku, Sango and Kirara were still knocked out. She knew that Inuyasha had his hands full of Kagura's wind attacks and Kanna's mirror attacks. He was also slowing down. Soon, Kagome was grasped by Naraku's tentacle as it sucked the life force out of her.
With little breath, she was only able to yell one word out," INUYASHA!" Suddenly, they all vanished. Kanna and Kagura disappeared on Kagura's feather, leaving an infuriated and enraged hanyou behind her.
Inuyasha yelled and yelled but Naraku didn't come back. He looked to see Miroku walking towards him, roughed up and breathing heavily. The half-demon could smell his blood on him. Kirara was meowing softy at Sango nearby, injured. Cursing at it all, he realized his wounds were also aching. Inuyasha would need to heal but his first love, Kikyo, and his best friend, Kagome, had taken by Naraku. They were all gone.
This enraged Inuyasha more than ever. He lost two of his most precious people that meant the whole world to him in different ways. He vowed to get them back and kill Naraku. But first he gently picked up Sango with Kirara in his arms. He looked at Miroku to see he was also having trouble standing up; he could tell Miroku had Kagome's dagger.
He looked to see her second one on the ground near him. He nodded to Miroku who picked up the dagger. Inuyasha calmly walked over to his friend and bent down.
"Get on," he muttered.
"Inuyasha, you are hurt too," Miroku told him.
"Just get on," he repeated, swearing under his breath.
Miroku did what he was told, placing the dagger under Inuyasha's belt and climbing on his back. His weight was hurting Inuyasha more but the half-demon continued to race towards Kaede's village. Thankfully, the fight managed to move away from the innocent village people.
Inuyasha soon saw the huts as he raced along the path. Miroku knew that Kagome saved him and protected him from the demons. He needed to get her back and thank her. During the battle he had woken up, hearing Kagome scream. He got up as fast as he could to see that he was within the barrier made by her dagger. Miroku had pulled it out and then walked away towards the rest. He arrived just in time to see Kagome and Kikyo disappear with Naraku.
Inuyasha stopped in front of Kaede's hut as Miroku got off. They both walked inside, Kaede taking one look at them before gasping. She got up and immediately told Inuyasha to place Sango down.
Inuyasha told Kaede that Kagome and Kikyo were taken by Naraku.
He threw Kagome and Kikyo into the same cell, walking away without so much of a word. He grinned evilly as he glanced back, closing the door and leaving them.
Kikyo looked at Kagome who was breathing hard still. She went over to her but stopped within inches. Soon she was flying back, hitting the wall hard. She coughed a bit, opening her eyes to see a barrier between the rooms. She smirked at Naraku as she used her reiki to try and purify it but it didn't work. Staring back at Kagome, there wasn't even a moment to speak before Kagura, Kanna and a new demon that she had never met entered. Kanna turned to Kikyo, her mirror directed towards her and paralyzing the miko against the ground. The unknown demon made its way to Kagome.
"Get away from her," Kikyo ordered.
The demon looked up at her and smiled. "I'm only here to bandage this one, so she doesn't die. Naraku wants to have his fun first," he told her.
Kikyo opened to her mouth to say something but was slapped across the face by Kagura. The male demon stripped off Kagome's top, shaking his head while he cleaned out her wounds and bandaged them. The demon placed her top back on and then stood up.
Kanna pulled back her mirror, allowing Kikyo to move again. Kagura stepped away from her and then the three demons turned and left, much like Naraku had.
A/N- I hope you like this chapter. Until next time. Bye.