InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Ohayo San Francisco ❯ The Marriage Trap ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own any characters from Inuyasha, it's the sole property of Goddess Romiko Takahashi, and I cannot take credit for her genius.
Kagome's father forcibly gets her married to Inuyasha, but she is only interested in the delectable Kouga. When Inuyasha realizes that she considers their marriage invalid, he is shattered. Would he be able to convince his wife that he is the one for her?
A/N: This fic does not intend to disrespect Americans or Japanese! Please do not flame me for this!
R&R please!
Please NOTE: All underlined dialogue is in Japanese and the rest is in English
Ohayo San Francisco
Chapter 3
The Marriage Trap
Kgome leaned back against the seat, a contented smile on her face. Despite her great anger at her father's deception and her resolve to not enjoy the trip, she had had too much fun in the past few days to be grumpy and unresponsive.
When she had landed in Tokyo, her fist impression had been of an over-crowded, over-polluted and over-populated city. It was only as she moved to other cities, that the true beauty of Japan had been revealed to her. She had loved the peaceful tranquility of the various shrines she had visited…and she had visited a number of them, each prettier than the other. She loved Mount Fuji and its solitary magnificence had robbed her off her breath. Numerous castles and ancient forts had left her spellbound. She could all but imagine the lords and ladies of yore, pacing the distinguished halls in all their regality.
Hiroshima and Nagasaki had moved her to tears. The Atom Bomb Dome had seemed to personify the unnecessary destruction and loss of life that was the result of war, and had saddened her. The Peace Memorials had moved her with their simplicity, and she had wondered how such a vast tragedy could be marked by something so beautiful and elegant..
On the other hand, she had enjoyed the riotous Kabuki theatre, and had cheered the actors on in their colourful performance. Visits to numerous museums had brought the richness of Japan's past to her, and she had mentally decided to devote an issue of `Maya' to Japan and its culture, with a special focus on the unique fashion sense of ancient Japan. She had indulged herself in delicious Japanese cuisine and had shopped till she dropped - everything from pottery and beads to masks and kimonos.
And, then her father had dropped his bombshell. At first, she had thought that he was joking and had rolled her eyes. But, when he had repeated that they would be seeing a boy for her in a short while, Kagome had lost it. She had screamed and raved and ranted, but her father had been adamant in his resolve. So, she had played along with him, defiance and anger in each line of her body, deciding to chase all her suitors away. She had wondered if her father would leave her alone, if she told him that she was engaged to Kouga, but then had chickened out, knowing that her father hated the youkai like he hated no other. So, she had gone with her parents to the boy's house, and had nearly burst into relieved laughter. The boy was just that - a boy. A foolish fop of a boy who had trilled over his vast collection of manga and anime, and his superior gaming abilities. She had watched with glee as her visibly deflated father had rejected the boy even before she could do so.
And the same thing had been repeated boy-after-boy, until all six boys on her father's list had been rejected. After `Anime Boy' there had been `Emo Boy' whose pancake laden face, heavily kohl-ed eyes and surly demeanor had startled her father. The icing on the cake had been his rendition of the `soulful' poetry that he had written. On their way back from the boy's house, her father had shaken his head. “He was wearing makeup! In broad daylight! No way, my daughter is going to marry a joker like that.”
Next on the list had been a boy with pale pink hair, numerous body piercings and full-body tattoos. Needless to day that had been a short visit, her father making excuses and leaving the premises, soon after catching sight of the prospective bridegroom. Then there had been a tech guy, who had seemed to be quite nice until he opened his mouth. He had started off by saying that he had done deep research on compatibility, and wanted a life partner who was compatible with him in every way. He informed them very seriously, that to be sure that the both of them were well-suited on each front - socially, economically, emotionally, mentally and physically, he would like to conduct testing on her. Kagome had bit back a smile at the shocked look her father wore at the `physical compatibility test' bit. The boy had further made things worse by asking her about her thoughts on pre-marital sex and her general pleasure threshold. Her angry father had immediately gotten up from his chair, letting the boy know that he wouldn't be allowed within a mile of his daughter, pervert that he was.
The next suitor had been described as an artist, and Kagome had been looking forward to the meeting. Turned out that he was a Kabuki theatre actor, used to performing in female roles. His effeminate looks and voice not withstanding, his overly-dramatic expressions and loud, drawn out way of speaking, was grating on the nerves. It was as if the man was constantly in character. Her father had turned the boy down, saying he already had a daughter and did not need a drama-queen in his family.
The last of the six, had been the most normal under the circumstances. He was a businessman and had impressed her father no end with his business acumen and his future plans. Kagome had been rather scared at how well the meeting was going, when the man tripped on his own tongue. He had grandly informed her father that their was nothing to worry about, since he had planned out her entire life as his wife. He had further stuck his foot in his mouth by proclaiming that once the pre-nuptial agreements were ironed out, the marriage could be handled in a jiffy. The poor man had just been in the middle of `Have your lawyer's contact mine', when her father had stormed out of there.
All in all, Kagome had thoroughly enjoyed her trip. Witnessing her father trying to find the `perfect' Japanese boy for her had been amusing to say the least. Each successive boy had been worse than the other, and she and her mother had had a gala time ridiculing each of them, behind her father's back, of course!
Now, she was traveling to her father's friend's place to meet his son. Her father had promised her that if her groom was not found there, he would give up his efforts at matchmaking and let her choose her own life partner. Even though a slight dread still pervaded her heart at the unknown element that was the boy she was to meet, she was elated that he was the only impediment between her and Kouga. She was determined to find fault with him, even if he was the Kami itself in human disguise.
`I will be with Kouga, and no one else will do for me!'
Kagome was tired after the long trip in the bullet train and then the long drive in the car. She yawned, and stretched, trying to work her stiff muscles. And, then she froze, as a most magnificent house appeared on the horizon. It was built in the Ancient Japanese style, but was larger and more magnificent than some of the palaces she had seen. Vast tracts of forest surrounded the house, giving it an almost ethereal look. Despite her resolve to hate everything about this place, a soft gasp escaped her mouth.
Her father smiled at her amazed expression. “Beautiful, isn't it? As a child, I used to have the same expression of awe that you have. I used to love coming here. And, you will find that the inhabitants of the house are as beautiful and warm as the house itself.”
Groaning mentally at her father's efforts to soften her towards the meeting, she gave him a stony look. “We shall see about that!”
Her father immediately frowned. “Kagome! I told you not to speak in English. It will be very rude if you speak in English and they don't understand you. It will be simpler and politer to just speak in Japanese. You understand me?”
Kagome nodded despondently. “Hai!”
He touched her chin. “Thank you! And, you don't have to look as if you're being marched to the guillotine. Smile, okay?”
Kagome made at face behind her father's back, earning her a sharp nudge from her mother. Sighing, she turned her eyes towards the approaching building.
Within seconds, they were in front of the courtyard, where a pair of the most beautiful people Kagome had ever seen awaited them. Feeling suddenly bashful at meeting such a beautiful couple, Kagome straightened her shirt, and smoothed her skirt. As she stepped out of the car, Kenta made the introductions. “Kaigaishii, this is my wife, Aiko, and my daughter, Kagome. And this, my dears, is my good friend Kaigaishii Taisho, and his mate Izayoi.”
Kagome raised wondrous eyes to the somber male. He had long silver hair, deep golden eyes and markings on his face. One look at his face, and she immediately knew. “Youkai!”
Kenta gasped at the rude words, but Kaigaishii smiled. “That is correct! I am inuyoukai. Welcome to the house of the Inu.”
Kagome lowered her eyes, knowing she had committed a serious faux pas. Still she was pleasantly surprised that the inuyoukai had mated with a human woman. Though her knowledge of youkai mating practices was dim at the best, she knew that many demons abhorred mating with humans. She was extremely glad, then, that the youkai would understand her engagement with Kouga. With a lighter heart, she followed the others into the house.
What from outside had looked regal, from inside looked rustic and ancient. To her untrained eyes, the rare artifacts and historical furniture looked old, dilapidated and definitely not stylish. She wrinkled her nose at the centuries old carvings and paintings, finding them lackluster and not modern enough. And, as she turned the corner, she froze at she caught sight of the most exquisite creature she had ever laid eyes on.
He was tall, with the trademark silver hair and deep golden eyes that marked him as Kaigaishii's son. He had a crescent moon on his forehead and magenta stripes across his cheeks. His bearing was regal and he was dressed in a pristine white yukata.
Kagome! Come here!” Her father's voice jolted her out of her trance, and she moved towards the adults, her steps confident. Her father twinkled at her. “This is Kaigaishii's son, Sesshomaru. He's the one I told you about.”
Kagome panicked. This could not be happening. She knew, down to her very marrow, that the motionless youkai was just the kind of perfection that her father had been searching for. She knew that she could not depend on him rejecting the match, like he had the others, and that unless she found something extremely damaging about the younger youkai, she would be hitched to him. Trying to hide the turmoil off her face, she wracked her brain in an effort to find a way out. And, then the Kami took pity on her.
“Higurashi-sama, you do me great honour, but unfortunately I must decline.” Every eye snapped to Sesshomaru's grave face, as he continued. “I am deeply sorry, but I was unaware she was human.”
His parents grew red-faced, and everyone started talking at the same time, trying to make sense of this new development. Kagome felt a spark of indignation at the youkai's cool words. `How dare he reject me, Kagome Higurashi? And, just because I am human? Doesn't he know that there are people back home who would have died to be in his place? How dare he-' Then she realized the absurdity of her thoughts and smiled. Her prayers had been answered, and she had got just what she had wanted. `Kouga!'
After the furore had died down, and the women had retired for some rest, Kenta and Kaigaishii retired to the study for some serious discussions and even more serious drinking.
The youkai was the first to speak. “I apologise, Kenta! I have dishonoured you and your daughter. Please forgive me.”
Kenta sighed. “No, my friend. Do not apologise for something that is not your fault. If your son had not declined the match, then my daughter would have done it. I guess it was not mean to be. I guess I will have to accept her choice, ridiculous as it is.”
Kaigaishii took a sip of the blood-red brew and nodded. “Seems like we have no choice! I had really hoped that Sesshomaru would forget about his little prejudice against humans, but unfortunately he is as firm in his resolve as before. He refuses to marry humans, and youkai lower than him. Being what he is, where am I supposed to get a female youkai that matches his rank? Am I destined to see neither of my sons mated?
Kenta lowered his glass in contemplation. “Yes, that's right. You have another son, right? Where is he?”
The youkai looked uncomfortable, as he whispered. “Yes, I have another son, Inuyasha. He is hanyou.” Seeing no sign of revulsion or shock on his friend's face, he cocked his head to one side. “That fact does not disturb you?”
Kenta shrugged. “You are a youkai mated to a human. Obviously, your offspring would be hanyou. Why would that disturb me?”
A look of relief passed on the youkai's face. “Kami, I am happy to hear that. Inuyasha has not had an easy time dealing with prejudices from both humans and youkai. He is hated for being a mixed-breed, and even though we have tried to protect him, he has been hurt severly for being what he is. Undoubtedly, knowing that humans were visiting, he has made himself scarce. If I know him, he will be in the forest.”
Kenta looked into his glass, his mind churning over the various possibilities. `Inuyasha.'
Inuyasha ran, his hanyou speed making him a red blur against the green foliage. He ran till his muscles ached, and then he ran some more, until he collapsed at the base of a tree. He looked at the bright sky, and growled his frustration. He knew that Sesshomaru's potential mate was visiting them today, and the knowledge was cutting him like a knife. He knew that despite the kindness that he had been shown by most around the estate, he was an outcast, a freak of nature. Someone who deserved nothing more than revulsion, ridicule and hate. It was because of this that he knew that he was destined to be alone. No one, human or demon, would want to mate with him. If he could manage to convince another hanyou to mate with him, it was another matter, but seemed unlikely. His only childhood friend and occasional fuck-buddy, Shiori, a bat hanyou, was someone he had thought he would end up mating, but she had recently left him to marry a human. Inuyasha had been sorry to see her go, but happy that she had found something he never would.
He snorted, and then got up, not wanting to become all sentimental. He knew better than returning to the house, not wanting to upset the guests. He would never forgive himself, if he jeopardized Sesshomaru's mating chances. Despite the difference in their temperance, species and behaviour, the two brothers were on reasonably good terms. It had not been so in the past, but overtime the situation had improved.
He made his way to the lake at the edge of their property, when an intoxicating scent hit his nose, refreshing each cell in his body and drugging his senses. He could make out that it was a human female, but knew that it was a scent that he had never encountered before. Curious as to the identity of the scent-owner and determined to discover it, but not wanting to scare her away, he took to the trees. He had traveled only a few trees away, when he saw her. She was leaning against a tree that lay on the very edge of their property, in the shadow of the boundary wall. She had a book in her hand, and was wearing a short green skirt and a white shirt. Stealthily, he made his way to the tree under which she was sitting, inhaling her wonderful scent, and trying to see her features. He cocked his head and leaned lower from the branch to catch a better glimpse of her, when his sweaty grip on the branch slipped, and he fell.
Desperate to avoid falling on her, he reached his hand out to stop his fall. His flailing hand came in contact with something, and Inuyasha held onto it. It was only when a searing pain went through his palm, did he realize that he had impaled his hand on one of the spikes atop the boundary wall. Despite the immense pain, not a whimper emerged from his mouth, as he looked below him to ensure that the girl was undisturbed. Grateful that she seemed to be unaware of him, he climbed the wall, removed his hand from the spike and then leapt back to the branch from where he had fallen. He began licking his wound, his eyes trained on the girl below him.
He knew he should leave, but her scent was so powerful that he could make himself move from the branch. And, then it happened. So intent was he on the girl, that he didn't see a drop of his blood fall from his wounded hand. The first that he knew of it was when he saw the crimson drop mar her pristine white shirt. And, then she looked up.
Inuyasha looked into deep blue-coloured eyes, and felt the world spin. And then he was falling.
Kagome was so glad that things had all worked out so beautifully, that she couldn't bear to be cooped up any longer. She had sneaked out of the house for a quiet read, and had traveled one of the paths to the lake. The fierce sun had made her regret her decision, until she spied a tree that was leaning against the boundary wall, and made for a wonderfully shady resting place.
She had sat down, soaking in the wild beauty of nature, and begun reading her book. A few minutes later, she felt a drop of liquid fall on her shirt. She had started at discovering that it was blood, and not rain, as she had expected. She had looked up to see eyes like twin suns set in a pale face, and then the mysterious bleeder was falling towards her.
As she tried to scramble up, he fell between her feet. Immediately, she felt for his pulse. She had just about touched him, when he sat up, giving her a proper look at his face. He had the Taisho eyes and hair, but no markings, and cute little puppy ears atop his head. Knowing that he was a member of the family, and no intruder, she gave him a concerned look. “Are you okay? You're bleeding!
Inuyasha stared at her in a daze. `Kami, but she is beautiful!' Noticing the look on her face, he flushed. “Yes, thank you! And it's just a scratch.” He raised his hand so that she could see that his wound was already healing. He saw her nod and relax. Then her eyes flicked to his ears, and he cringed, knowing that she would realize what he was and would abuse him.
So, it was a surprise when she gave him a smile. “Can I touch them?”
He would have declined anyone else, but for some reason her request did not offend him as much as he thought it would. He gave a shrug, and inclined his head towards her. Hesitantly, she moved her hand to his head and softly caressed the furry appendages, causing him to begin purring. The gentle caresses on his head prompted quite another reaction at his other end, and his eyes widened in dismay. He gulped and pulled away from her, clearing his throat. “I am Inuyasha Taisho.”
She smiled and stood up, a slight flush on her face. “Kagome Higurashi.”
He gave her a proper bow. “Pleasure meeting you! I haven't seen you around here.”
She fell in step with him as he moved towards the house. “Yes, I am visiting Japan with my family. My father is friends with Taisho-sama, and-”
Unexplained jealousy bit at Inuyasha, as he growled out. “You are the one who came to see Sesshomaru! Kami!”
Her brow furrowed at his vehement tone. “Yes, but it seems that he thinks he is too good for me. He rejected me.”
He looked shocked, and shook his head, muttering beneath his breath. Kagome was not sure but she thought she heard him call Sesshomaru `an ignorant baka who had less sense than a mule.'A smile spilt her face at the words.
Inuyasha gave her a piercing look at her relaxed attitude. “You didn't mind him rejecting you, did you?” When she shook her head in negation, he felt better. It was rare that women did not go ga-ga over his brother, and the fact that this amazing girl was one of the rarities, made him very happy. Cautiously, he decided to broach a topic that he knew he should avoid. “How come you're being so nice to me? Doesn't it matter to you that I am hanyou?” He shrank back a bit at the anger his words invoked in her eyes, and regretted reminding her of what he was.
“Don't be silly! That is the most absurd thing I have heard. Why would I mind you being hanyou? How does such an inconsequential thing matter, anyway?” She shook her head. “I do not judge people on the basis of what they are, but rather on who they are. Youkai, human, hanyou - it makes no difference, since it is the person who matters.”
He looked at her in wonder. No other girl had ever called his being a mixed-breed as inconsequential. The fact that she had not been repulsed by him, that she had not considered him to be less than her, filled him with elation. He felt his chest tighten with a strange emotion. Gratitude made him want to kiss her, and thank her for her acceptance. Instead, he nodded, his throat too clogged for him to say anything.
Both of them walked into the house in silence, unaware of the two pairs of eyes that had watched their progress with interest.
Inuyasha stared at the closed doors in trepidation. His father's missive had mentioned that he was required for certain important discussions. And, the fact that he could smell a strange human male's scent alongside that of his father's, from the room, told him that Kagome's father was also to be part of the discussions. He knew that there was only one reason why such a scenario was possible. And that scenario involved him being threatened to stay away from Kagome.
He leant his head against cool wood as he thought over the afternoon. He had spent most of the time with Kagome, showing her around the estate and the surrounding sights. For the first time in his life, he had felt normal and all of it could be attributed to the beautiful girl's acceptance. Even the dirty looks given to him by some of the other humans and youkai had not dampened his spirits. And, if now, he was asked to stay away from her, he would be terribly unhappy. Gritting his fangs at the thought, he barged through the doors, and bowed to the other males.
Kenta appraised the young hanyou in front of him with a cautious eye. He was good looking and rather resembled his elder brother. But, whereas Sesshomaru had cold confidence and arrogance on his face, Inuyasha's face shined with a softer vulnerability. Despite being dressed in a rather worn red ensemble, the hanyou looked dignified and a force to be reckoned with. And, if his eyes were anything to go by, he also had a stubborn streak a mile wide in him.
Kaigaishii was looking thoughtfully at his son. “Inuyasha, as you must have guessed, this is Kenta Higurashi. I take it that you have already met Kagome.”
The hanyou stiffened slightly at the words, but nodded defiantly. “Yes, father. I met her in the woods.”
The two older men exchanged looks and then Kenta spoke. “Inuyasha, I hope my daughter did not misbehave due to your being hanyou.”
For some reason, the words angered the hanyou, and he set about to defend her. “No, Higurashi-sama. She was most courteous. Infact, I have never met anyone who was as chilled out. She actually told me that my being a hanyou does not matter to her, that it was an inconsequential thing. Have no fears on that account. She was better behaved than many others I can name.” He immediately flushed as he saw the men stare at him with matching smiles.
Kaigaishii spoke softly, “You like her, son?”
Inuyasha looked at Kenta nervously, and then shrugged. “What is there not to like. She is a wonderful person, who actually treats me like another person rather than a lower being. She is compassionate and sweet-natured. She is beautiful, humourous and strong, with the temper of a she-devil. Yes, father, I do like her.” He started as Kenta threw his hands in the air, crowing with happiness.
Kaigaishii frowned at his friend's undignified display, and then asked his son gently. “Inuyasha, I am going to ask you the most important question of your entire life.” Seeing his son's undivided attention on him, he continued. “Is Kagome your mate?”
Inuyasha gaped. He looked lost as his brain tried to make sense of the question. `Mate? Kagome?' He sank to his haunches, trying to work the issue in his mind. He looked at his waiting father. “To tell you the truth, I have never thought about a mate, really. It was always like a distant dream that I knew would never get fulfilled.” He closed his eyes. “Even before I met Kagome, I was captivated by her scent. I impaled my hand on a spike in a bid to catch sight of her face. And, even then, my first thought was not to disturb her. I felt jealous when I heard that she was Sesshomaru's prospective mate, and a disturbing happiness when I learnt that she had been rejected by that pompous ass. But, despite spending the entire afternoon, I did not once, think of her as anything more than a friend.” He waited a beat, his eyes squeezed shut. Then, his eyes flew open, as he stared into the distance with unseeing eyes. “But, now, as I think about it, I realize that it does not matter what I think for I would never want her to get shackled to someone like me. She deserves much better.”
Both males made sounds of exasperation. Kenta leapt to his feet. “Kami, it is a simple concept. As far as I know youkai mating habits, the inner beast of each youkai chooses a female as their mate, and remains faithful to only that female to the exclusion of all others. Has your inner beast chosen my daughter? Yes, or no?”
When Inuyasha did not speak, his father moved to him and placed a hand on his head. “Inu, tell me the truth. Do not worry about anything. I just want you to tell me whether Kagome is the one. Tomorrow, she will be gone forever, and if she has been chosen as your mate, so will your chance at happiness.”
A small sob escaped the hanyou at the thought of her leaving him. “Yes, Kami, yes!”
Kaigaishii looked at Kenta who gave him an excited look. “Looks like we have a mating to arrange.”
Inuyasha was on his feet within a trice. “No! Despite what my inner beast says, she is not the one for me. I cannot do this to her.”
Kenta smiled at him. “Don't worry. I will speak to her and know her heart. Nothing would be done without her consent. I promise you that.”
Inuyasha collapsed onto a chair, a dazed expression on his face. “I can't believe it! Kagome…my mate!”
Kagome was strolling in the garden, when a hand shot out from behind a shrub and pulled her. A shriek arose in her throat, and she made to scream, when she realized just who was holding her. “Dad! You scared me!”
Kenta looked around him. Satisfied that there was no one in their vicinity, he spoke “Are you enjoying yourself, Kagome?”
She nodded and launched into a highly descriptive recounting of her activities, when he interrupted her. “Good, good! And, what about the people here? Are they nice to you?”
She gave him a funny look, wondering what he was trying to get at. “Yes, they are all nice.”
Kenta gave her a vague look, and spoke carelessly. “Good! By the way, I hope that hanyou filth is not troubling you. I can ask Kaigaishii to keep him out of your way, if you want.”
He got the reaction he was hoping for. Kagome's eyes blazed blue fire, as she blasted her father. “Dad, I am surprised at your attitude. How can you discriminate against poor Inuyasha, just because he is hanyou? He has been perfectly courteous and friendly to me, and I have enjoyed his company. Why would you think that he has been troubling me? At least, he is much better than Mr Pillar-of-Ice, who you would have had me marry.” She narrowed her eyes at the broad smile on his face. “What?”
“How sweet! You like him, don't you?”
A spot of colour appeared on her face at the words, but she batted it away. “Of course, not!”
All smiles disappeared off his face. “Well, you have until tomorrow morning to get to like him, because you're going to mate him tomorrow!”
All colour disappeared off her face, as she stared at her father's stony countenance. “What the…You can't do this!”
He shook his head and clutched her arm. “Do not test my patience! I have decided and my decision is final. Inuyasha is a good man and I know he will keep you well. So, prepare yourself, Kagome. I hope you will not shame me!” He moved away from the gardens, leaving a trembling Kagome to sink to her knees.
It was her mother who found her sometime later. She kissed her daughter, and tried to cajole her. “Come, Kagome, it is not as bad as you think. I have met Inuyasha, and he is a wonderful boy. You could do much worse for a husband.”
Kagome looked at her defiantly. “Could do worse? What could be worse than this? He is a rustic! A hakama wearing, Japanese speaking local, who most probably is illiterate and I bet has never even traveled to Tokyo, let alone the States! I am a modern, educated, working woman with a global outlook. How will he understand my life? How can we match?”
Aiko smiled. “Yes, he is a little rough around the edges. But, what is important is that he loves you and has chosen you to be his mate. And, if you take the opinion of someone wiser than you, it is always better to marry someone who loves you more than you love him. As for the other things, they are not that important and I am sure that you can smoothen them out.”
“Mom! Do not tell me that you are backing dad in his foolish endeavour!”
A thoughtful look entered Aiko's eyes. “No, Kagome. I think it is a most intelligent decision. And, yes, I do support him, for this is best for you. You will see in the long run!” She kissed her daughter on the forehead, and then left, leaving behind a miserable Kagome.
Not one to accept things with ease, Kagome decided to depend on herself to find a solution to her problem. She flipped her phone open, and quickly dialed a number she was most familiar with.
5000 miles away, a groggy male sat up in his bed, as his phone rang insistently. Yawning and cursing, he located the offending machine, and spoke angrily. “Yo, its close to two a.m, dammit! Who the fuck is this?”
Kagome rubbed her head. “I'm sorry, Miroku, to wake you up but I need you.”
The man sounded terribly awake as he said slowly, “Kagome, I'm flattered. But despite our fooling around, I thought you knew that I think of you as a sister-”
“Shut up, Miro! I didn't mean that. I need your help! I am caught in a jam and everything is going to hell in a handbasket.”
There was no hesitation in the man's voice as he snapped out. “Whatever you need, Kagome, just name it.”
Glancing about her furtively, she whispered. “I need money - two thousand should cover it.”
Miroku nodded. “I'll wire it to you first thing in the morning. But, what's happening, Kaggie. Why do you need that kind of money?”
Ten minutes later, a somber Miroku was upto speed with the latest developments in Kagome's life. “I see! So, what are you planning to do?”
Her fierce whisper came to him over the airwaves. “I'm running away. I will buy a ticket, and then catch a flight before they know I am gone. With luck, I'll be airborne before they catch on.”
Miroku groaned at her foolishness, “No, Kagome! Don't even think about this. You forget that you are not in the U.S, but in Japan. And, then on top of it you are dealing with youkai. Who know what kind of barbaric practices they may employ to get you back. They may even get the flight to return to the airport even after takeoff. What are you going to do then? And, since honour is such a big deal in Japan, these youkai might take your running away, a slur on their honour and may harm you because of this.”
Kagome gave an uncertain laugh. “Come on, Mirkou, nothing like this is going to happen. It's all so melodramatic and over-the-top.”
“Are you sure, Kagome. Can you be absolutely certain that you would be able to escape their clutches that easily?”
His quiet voice gave her the creeps, and she shivered lightly. “Then what do you want me to do? Should I just accept my fate and become the mate of a total stranger? A mating that I will be forced into for all eternity since it cannot be reversed by any divorce, anywhere!”
Miroku shushed her. “Why fear, when Miroku is here. Now listen to me carefully and do exactly as I tell you. Follow my instructions and all shall be well. Now, this is what you have to do…”
A small smile appeared on Kagome's face as she heard her friend's ingenious plan. It was with a much lighter heart that she closed the phone, a few minutes later. `Miroku, you devil! Such a plan could come only from your mind.'
Giggling to herself, she quickly made her way to the house, ready to put the plan into action.
A/N: The next chapter will tell us exactly what Miroku's plan was and we'll see whether it was successful or not. It should be out by first week of July.
On an aside, voting is on for MediaMiner's Third Annual Maximum Challenge Fan Fiction Contest People's Choice Voting: Best of the Rest, People's Choice. Some very good fics are there to be judged, so do give it one look and support your favourite authors and stories.