InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Ohayo San Francisco ❯ On The Offensive ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own any characters from Inuyasha, it's the sole property of Goddess Romiko Takahashi, and I cannot take credit for her genius.
Kagome's father forcibly gets her married to Inuyasha, but she is only interested in the delectable Kouga. When Inuyasha realizes that she considers their marriage invalid, he is shattered. Would he be able to convince his wife that he is the one for her?
A/N: This fic does not intend to disrespect Americans or Japanese! Please do not flame me for this!
R&R please!
Please NOTE: All underlined dialogue is in Japanese and the rest is in English.
Ohayo San Francisco
Chapter 4 -
On The Offensive
She smiled at her reflection. She was going to war and inspected herself as critically as any general would inspect his troops. For her body was the strongest weapon she had at her disposal to shock and awe her opponents. Her sleeve-less, low-cut dress hugged her curves like second-skin, flitting on the fine line between propriety and vulgarity. Her make-up drew attention to the fact that she was an empowered woman on the prowl without screaming slut. All in all, she looked stunning and yet innocent, the perfect paradox.
A flutter of last-minute nerves unsettled her for a few moments. A few deep breaths later she was ready to put her plan in action.
She stuck her head out of her room and finding the hallway empty moved silently towards the main wing of the house. Her Zori sandals were perfect for the clandestine movement as they made hardly a whisper of noise on the gleaming wooden floors. Having reconnoitered her destination earlier, she knew where she had to go. In the early morning light, the hallways looked menacing and spooky, but Kagome knew that there was no time to be wasted. If she messed this up, she would be forced to marry Inuyasha in a few hours from now.
A stubborn light entered her eyes. “Not if I can help it!"
Arriving at an intricately carved door depicting a large Inu running against the wind, she paused. A deep breath later, a saucy smile appeared on her face. She fluffed her open hair, straightened her shoulders and pulled her dress down a bit to show more cleavage. Then she slid the door open and entered the room.
The room stunned her. Whatever she had expected, this was not it. Done up in crimson and black, the spacious room took her breath away with its sheer opulence. Kagome marveled at how Izayoi had decorated the room in such a loud colour and still managed to make it look rich and classy. For surely the occupant of the room could not have such aesthetic sense in him.
She walked in, admiring the room and reviewing it with her professional eye, almost forgetting her reason for breaking into the room. Each painting, engraving and carving was evaluated and appreciated by her, even as she noted the many modern conveniences scattered among the artifacts.
And, then she froze. If the room had fascinated her, the occupant of the large bed in the corner of the L-shaped room entranced her. Silver, long hair fanned against the black satin sheets like streams of moonlight piercing a dark night. From among the silver strands, arose a porcelain face contrasting with the dark sheets and the vibrant red clothes. Sleep softened the features of the occupant, his black eyelashes and eyebrows providing the only spot of colour on his face. A single fang poked out from his mouth. The entire tableau had her staring. Just for one moment she wished she had her camera with her, for this was a shot to die for. She imagined dozens of women drooling over the picture if it were to appear in Maya. The editor in her took over and she began taking mental notes of the details, adding elements in her mind that would enhance the already ethereal effect. And then she froze again, when his golden eyes snapped open to look straight at her. Her voice betraying none of her nervousness, she greeted him casually. "Good morning, Inuyasha."
A cute smirk appeared on his sleepy face. He closed his eyes with a deep sigh. And then he was of the bed like a shot, disbelief etched on his face. "What...How...What are you doing here? You shouldn't have come to my room."
His irritated hiss nearly caused her to smile. Controlling her expressions, she moved closer to him. She trailed her finger down his cheek, an innocent expression on her face. "Oh, come on. We're going to be married in a few hours. I didn't want to waste any time." She watched in satisfaction as he gulped, his irritation replaced by confusion. She continued huskily. "To know you better, I mean. I want you to understand the kind of person I am so that you are or surprised later."
Inuyasha had regained some of his colour. "Yeah, that is a good idea but surely it could have waited for a more reasonable hour. Your being in my room before marriage is highly unorthodox. If someone saw us, there would be quite a scandal."
'Just the reaction I was expecting. Miroku was right, he is a typical Japanese male, straight-laced and uptight. So wrapped up in honour and propriety that he ignores the significance of the fact that I'm in his room.' Kagome leaned into him a little, noting how hard he tried to keep his gaze on her face. "This is unorthodox? This is nothing. I've done things that would make this look like child's play. And besides, as you might already know, scandal is almost my middle name."
He stared at her. "Um..I...what?"
Doing a mental victory dance, she placed her index finger on her lower lip. "You didn't know? They haven't told you about my past?"
The hanyou turned away slightly, a frown on his face. "I don't know what you are talking about."
She shrugged, causing interesting things to happen to her tight dress. Fluttering her eyelashes, she began lying through her teeth. "Well, the chronic drinking, late-night partying and gambling is alright. I mean it's not like that is going to get me in to serious trouble. And, besides those are deemed normal for a person in my position. Even my having had many lovers is not a major issue and should hardly be a surprise, though I suppose I would have to break -up with my current boy-toy... or perhaps I'll keep him as a side-dish." She swept her eyes over his profile but it could have been carved from granite for all the expression on his face. Disappointed for she had no idea what was going through his mind, she continued. "But, surely, they should have told you about my stint in prison. Though to clarify, I was only 'borrowing' that ring from that flashy display counter. I would have returned it...eventually. Putting me in the slammer was so unfair. So what if it was a solid 2 carat diamond ring. It wasn't doing anyone any good just lying there. But people didn't understand my motives and put me in Juvie for that trifling thing."
She was surprised that at the lack of emotion on Inuyasha's face. There was no violent eruptions that she was a thief and a slut, no accusations of being duped into marrying defective goods, no screams that she was a slur on his honour and that he refused to marry her... there was nothing like what Mirkou had said would happen. For any of those contingencies she was prepared but she was not prepared for this silent staring at the far end of the room.
So she decided to prod him a bit. Giving him a wide smile, she touched his arm. "I am so glad that you re taking this so well. I am sure that once we are married, I'll settle down somewhat."
Inuyasha turned to her, a somber look of finality on his face, and Kagome's heart sped up, sure that he would say the fateful words that she had been anticipating. 'Say it! Say it, Inuyasha and set me free!'
Inuyasha was in a quandary. When he had opened his eyes to see an angel in front of him, he had been sure that he was dreaming. It was only when her scent hit his nose that he realised that she was no dream. It amazed him that she had thrown propriety to the four winds and had stolen into his room. Amazed, and not a little turned on.
Still, he had made the right noises and put up the expected token protest at her presence. After all, it would not have done for his fiancé to think that he was a hentai. That her standing in his room in that slip of a dress was playing havoc with his senses. That in the early hours of dawn, her face shone like a beacon of light and made his fingers itch to touch her. She looked like perfection come to life and he tried not to stare at her too much. He was sure if she looked into his eyes, she would see the truth printed there and so tried to avoid her gaze.
And then, his angel had started speaking and the illusion had come crashing down. With her every word, disappointment and cynicism grew in him. He would not have believed that her innocent face hid such a troubled past had she not confessed her shortcomings herself. She did not look like a wastrel, a dissolute, wanton thief...and neither did she smell like one. Her words did not reconcile with what his senses told him and that made him cautious. Despite finding the truth about her, he still could not find it in him to push her away. Any other human or demon with one shred of honour, with even an iota of respect would have. But he could not. Something about her pulled him to her like a magnet attracted iron nails.
He looked away from her eager face, asking his youkai the fateful question. 'Are you sure she is the one?'
A firm 'Yes!' from his elemental side sealed his fate. He nodded making up his mind, but his inner beast was not finished. 'I was not sure at first. And even when I realsied who she was to us, I was not sure that you would listen to me. But now...Yes, she is the one for us. If not her, then we will have no other...ever.'
Inuyasha closed his eyes. He did not want to consider what he would have done if his youkai had replied in the negative for that would have put him in the midst of a sticky situation. But his youkai's strong warning had taken the decision out of his hands, and he sighed. "Kagome..I" The anticipation in her face almost made him smile.
Clearing his throat, he tried again. "It doesn't matter. Your past is of no concern to me...only our future matters." He noted her shocked expression and elaborated. "So, you like to gamble and party. That is perfectly fine with me. Even though I am not the most social creature around, there is no reason why you have to be cooped up or give up your lifestyle because of me. As for the drinking, it would mean that during the San-San-Kudo we can use real sake instead of the watered-down version. If you are well acquainted with alcohol then surely you will be able to handle our potent sake." As she continued to stare, his eyes burned momentarily with repressed emotion though his voice remained quiet. "I am not very happy about your many lovers, though I do not grudge them for I have had women in my past too. And, once we are mated you will never feel the need to look at another, that I can promise you. As for the other thing, I will ensure that you never have the urge to steal again. I will endeavor to fulfill your every want, wish and desire, so that you are never left wanting."
Tears appeared in her eyes at his quiet words. She could not make up her mind whether the tears were for the ruination of her plan or due to the touching words. Words that hid a wealth of emotion in their quietness and that silently supported her in the face of her character flaws. Words that warmed her and yet left her queasy. Immediately she balked at the treacherous thoughts. 'Don't be silly! It is because my plan has failed. Not because of what he said. It was sweet how he supported me...but no, they cannot sway me from my resolve.'
He smiled at her gently, and Kagome felt the first rush of panic kick in. She needed to put an end to the proposed mating! The ever-resourceful and cunning Miroku had given her back-up plans and she shifted through them to find the most effective one. One of the most direct ways to call off the mating was to insult Inuyasha and demean his being hanyou. That would force him to call off the mating for he and his family would despise her. But as much she wanted to escape the mating, she did not have the heart to go through with that idea. Having spent time with the gentle hanyou, she knew that he was most sensitive about what he was. She couldn't cruelly jeer his existence, hurting him grievously in the process. Despite her predicament, she liked the hanyou. She would not become a heartless bitch, even to secure her freedom. A small part of her sneered that the means always justified the ends, but she ignored the mutterings.
The feel of his finger tracing the path of a lone tear across her cheek brought her out of her thoughts. She started at the gentleness on the hanyou's face. He seemed troubled, his eyes stuck on the wet trail on her cheek as he muttered. "Don't cry, Kagome. It will all get better."
Emotion clogged her throat. She wanted to scream at the situation she found herself in. He was being sweet to her and she...Nodding abruptly, she turned on her heel and walked out, leaving a dumbfounded hanyou behind her.
Outside his door, she leaned against the wall, taking deep breaths. 'So, that did not work out too well.' She shook her head, wondering why she had felt so strange with Inuyasha. He had not raised his voice, his hand or even his eyebrow...and yet she had felt intimidated, scared. Not that he would hurt her...but because he was dangerous. She remembered his peaceful profile as he slept and nearly shivered. 'Oh, yes. He's dangerous all right.'
Hearing sounds that indicated the household was waking up, she hurried back to her room to regroup and think out her next plan of action. For despite how nice Inuyasha had been, she still did not wish to marry him.
Two hours later, Kagome had decided on her second plan. Miroku had given her the ideas but she still needed information to execute it properly. She pleaded fatigue to avoid going down for breakfast, and was relieved when she was excused. A surprisingly friendly maid, brought her breakfast up to her room. With a little prompting, the maid, who was called Mai, had opened up, regaling Kagome with anecdotes about Inuyasha and the troubled life that he had led.
That was the last thing that Kagome wanted to hear and she deftly moved the conversation to the other members of the family specially Sesshomaru. Mai was confused at Kagome's interest in the other brother but answered her questions to the best of her ability. Getting the information she wanted from the woman, she dismissed Mai who gave her a disapproving look before disappearing.
According to Mai, Sesshomaru preferred to take his meals in his room whenever humans were invited over to the house. She had not revealed why Sesshomaru was uncomfortable with humans, given that his step-mother, Izayoi was one. Kagome hoped that that little prejudice would not come in the way of her plans. But as the maid had assured her that the brothers were rather close, she knew that the chances of her plan backfiring were slim.
Stealthily, she once again made her way to the main wing of the house. Though she knew that all the other members of the family were in the dining room, she was still nervous and jumpy as she passed Inuyasha's room. A few feet away stood another carved door that depicted a fierce Inu bristling at some unseen threat. She paused at the sudden dread that filed her. 'I hope the carving doesn't depict the temperament of the person inside.' She placed a hand on the cool wood and the Inu seemed to silently snarl at the intrusion, his glaring eye making her squirm.
A nervous chuckle escaped her. Pushing her fancies away, she knocked on the door. She knew that barging into the Inuyoukai's room was not a good idea. A low growl answered her and taking that for permission, she slid the door open and walked in. Once again she was stunned. The entire room was done up in pristine white with gold and blue trimmings. The effect was exotic and rather classy. Immediately, the thought popped into her mind, that the room matched the persona of its occupant. It was cool, impersonal and extremely regal.
She had barely taken a few steps into the room when she spotted him. Reclining on a low lounge chair upholstered in the softest white leather, Sesshomaru was poring over a thick file. She was sure that he was aware of her presence, for the slightest hint of displeasure tightened his eyes before disappearing. Very deliberately, he looked at her over the top of the file, his expressions unreadable. "Can I help you?"
The low, flat tone nearly set her running back to her room. Pasting a smile, she moved closer to him. His eyebrow twitched as she reached him. He placed the file on the lounge chair and stood up.
Deliberately, Kagome let her gaze travel up from his elegant boots to slowly meet his piercing eyes. Her smile widened even as her heart quaked. "I just thought we should get to know each other better. Now that we are going to have such an...intimate relationship." The youkai stared at her in silence, his impassive face giving nothing away. Her voice became husky. "You know, it's a pity that you don't want a human mate. I think I would have liked being your mate."
Sesshomaru's head cocked ever so slightly to one side. Though his face was impassive as before, the gesture told Kagome that he was confused by her forwardness. Now that she had gotten through to the icy youkai, she had to tread carefully. Miroku had stressed that she had to seem forward but not enough for him to take up her offer. And, that is what she set off to do.
Batting her eyelashes, she moved closer, till they were almost touching. "But perhaps this is better. Getting the benefits without the responsibilities..." Giving him the most seductive look she could manage, she trailed one finger down his cheek. She bit back a smile when he flinched and stepped back. She knew that within moments he would raise a hue and cry about her proposition. 'And, Inuyasha would have to cancel this bloody mating. After all, he can't marry a girl who desires her fiancé's brother. This will be perfect!'
She was surprised then when the youkai gave her a sympathetic smile. "Kagome-san, I apologise for this misunderstanding."
She blinked twice, her mouth agape. 'No! No! He shouldn't be apologising! He should be screaming and shouting, and telling everyone how he would not allow his brother to mate a characterless girl. Just why is he looking at me with pity?' Confusion lined her voice as she whispered. "I...Please don't apologise. I-
"No! This is my fault. I should have known that you would not resist this Sesshomaru, specially since you had expected to be my mate. Obviously, my brilliant persona and my extreme beauty has clouded your sense of propriety. I have that effect on others, specially on naive humans."
Kagome stared at him. 'Of all the conceited, vain, egoistical, nymphic creatures, he surely takes the cake.' She lowered her eyes respectfully, though her mind raced to find a way to turn the situation around.
His voice softened slightly. "You've grown pale! Perhaps you fear the outcome of this foolishness?" She opened her mouth to reply but he broke in before she could utter a word. "Don't! This is not the first time a human has lost her head over me and I'm sure it won't be the last time. From your scent I know that you did not really mean what you said. So, I will keep this between us. No one else needs to know of this."
She nodded and stepped back. Hesitantly, she met his gaze. "Don't you think that I am unworthy of your brother?"
The Inuyoukai's eyes sharpened. "No. Like I told you, I know you did not mean those things. The only other reason I can think of you saying those things is if you did not want to marry him, but I know that is not the case, since you have agreed to his suit." He paused but she could not find the courage to refute his claim. A reflective note entered his voice. "Yes, I think you are well matched for him."
With her plan crumbling around the youkai's feet and her nerves faltering under his scrutiny, she decided to throw in the towel. Still not looking at his face, she gave him a shallow bow. "Thank you Sesshomaru-sama."
She turned and almost fled. If she had looked back, she would have caught him staring at her with a strange expression and muttering, "Indeed, extremely well-matched!"
"Interesting book?"
Inuyasha started at the sudden voice, the thick book almost falling from his hand. Glaring at Sesshomaru, he snarled. "Yes. Got a problem?"
Much too mildly, the youkai sat down across the table. "Hmm, no wonder! You have been staring at the same page for the past 15 minutes."
The hanyou's cheeks filled with colour. "Yeah, so what?"
Sesshomaru leaned back in his chair. "Nothing. But perhaps it would be easier to read, if the book was held the right way."
Inuyasha looked at the book, mortified to see that it was upside down. He stared at the book as if it had betrayed him and then slammed it down on the table. "Fuck!"
An eloquent eyebrow raise on a placid face was the only indication of the youkai's curiosity. The softest murmur escaped his perfect lips. "Problems, puppy?"
It was a measure of the hanyou's distraction that he barely blinked at the insult. He shook his head, but then seemed to crack. "Sesshomaru, how does one recognise his mate?"
The youkai stiffened slightly. "Your youkai tells you, of course. Is Kagome not your mate?"
Misery lined the hanyou's voice. "My youkai insists she is. But...but I know next to nothing about her. What if the voice is wrong? What if she turns out to be a horrible hoyden, a heartless harridan or a moody monster...I'll be bound to her forever. How can I trust this voice to make the right choice?"
The youkai's gaze could have melted iron as he stared at the hanyou. Remembering the brave fool who had stormed his room attempting to play a seductress, he chose his words carefully. "Has Kagome indicated that unwilling to this union?"
Surprise flashed across the hanyou's face. "No! In fact she came to me and told me all about her past. She said she wanted me to know the kind of person she is so that there was no confusion or surprise later. It must have been hard for her to bare her shortcomings to me, but she was very open about it. She did not hide anything at all.”
Speculation rife in gaze, the youkai murmured. “Did she now? I see! There was something quite fishy about Kagome's action but the usually astute youkai could not put his finger on it. He knew that contrary to what the naïve youth thought, Kagome was not the most enthusiastic of brides. And, that could pose problems for Inuyasha. For the first time in his life, Sesshomaru found himself in a quandary that he could not solve. He could not make up his mind whether to reveal his suspicions about Kagome to Inuyasha and not only break his heart but destroy his chance of gaining a mate or to turn a blind eye to the girl's escapades thereby ensuring Inuyasha's long term happiness. For he knew, thanks to the famed inuyoukai intuition that seemed strongest in him, that Kagome would be good for the young hanyou.
Reaching a decision, Sesshomaru relaxed. “Baka! Obviously you never paid any attention to father's lessons on the Inuyoukai way.”
Inuyasha pouted ever-so-slightly, a defensive note in his voice. “Never did expect to mate. I always thought I would be alone, so never really paid much attention to that part of his lessons. Why learn something that I could never put to use…
The youkai stared at his brother's face. He knew that the hanyou was complex but never had he actually seen a glimpse of the other's tortured emotions. Never had he seen Inuyasha with his guard down. That alone made him feel uncharacteristically sympathetic towards the hanyou. “Hmm. If your youkai chooses someone then that person is your complement in every way. Even beyond what humans call soul-mates. It is not clear how the inner beast identifies a mate but it never gets it wrong. A youkai may marry or copulate with another youkai who is not their mate, but once he or she is found they can never have another. Some youkai stay celibate their entire life preferring to wait for that one person who absolutely completes them.”
As Inuyasha absorbed the words and reflected on them, Sesshomaru continued. “Besides, I have…met Kagome and I believe she is perfect for you. She is as stubborn, as brave, as determined and as foolish as you. Like you, she is the kind of person who would go to any length to get her way. All I can say is that there will never be a dull moment in your life with Kagome.”
Inuyasha smiled with pride at the description. Even after Sesshomaru left, his smile stayed in place, already lost as he was in dreams of the not-dull life he would have with Kagome.
Kagome wanted to kill someone.
Barely had she made her way from the dreaded ice lord's room than her mother had floated in with a pristine white Uchikake. Embellished with mother of pearl sequins, and embroidered with silver thread, the silver-foil print silk dress was a sight to behold. At one look, Kagome fell in love with the dress. Aiko smiled at her daughter's rapturous expression. She told Kagome that it had been her Uchikake and she had always wanted her daughter to wear it. That had brought tears to the bride-to-be's eyes but not for the reason that her mother thought.
No, Kagome cried because she realized that now there were no other options left for her. She had tried all Miroku's plans and had failed in them. The Uchikake mocked her helplessness and for a split second rage filled the girl. As her unaware mother droned on about the dress and its accessories, describing each in detail, Kagome calmed herself.
As she stared at the ticking time-bomb in her mother's hands, determination filled her. `Fine. If that's what is destined so be it. I will do what I have to do! If it's the Uchikake for me, then I accept it…but on my terms!'