InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Ohayo San Francisco ❯ Thee I Wed...? ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own any characters from Inuyasha, it's the sole property of Goddess Romiko Takahashi, and I cannot take credit for her genius.
Kagome's father forcibly gets her married to Inuyasha, but she is only interested in the delectable Kouga. When Inuyasha realizes that she considers their marriage invalid, he is shattered. Would he be able to convince his wife that he is the one for her?
A/N: This fic does not intend to disrespect Americans or Japanese! Please do not flame me for this!
R&R please!
Please NOTE: All underlined dialogue is in Japanese and the rest is in English.
This chapter is dedicated to my friends Shanti and Aman, who were slain in the horrific Mumbai attacks and also to Veer, who was rescued after being trapped for 48 hours.
This is also dedicated to the brave NSGforces who risked their life to save the hundreds trapped in the hotels. If not for them, Veer would perhaps not be with us.
Ohayo San Francisco
Chapter 5 -
Thee I Wed…?
Escaping from an over-emotional mother was not easy, but Kagome managed the feat with surprising ease. Even as her mother wrung her hands that there was no time to dress Kagome up in the many layers that constituted her wedding attire, the nervous bride-to-be made excuses and flitted out of the room. Aware that the mating ceremony was scheduled to be held in a few hours, she hurried towards the main wing of the house. She had to see Inuyasha one last time before it was too late.
The hallways were crowded with servants, both human and youkai, scurrying to decorate the house for the ceremony. Armloads of flowers were being strung up around the house by them, candles and lights being placed in each corner of the gleaming house. All of them gaped at her urgent steps, fumbled bows and stammered congratulations trailing in her wake. 
She knew what she had to do but like it, she did not. Between Inuyasha and her father, she had been so neatly cornered that there was no way of escape left. She would have to go ahead with the ceremony. Even though the very thought of what she would have to do left her queasy, she was determined to face it head on. Her steps quickened as she prepared herself for the coming meeting. 
The door to Inuyasha's room loomed like the entrance to the deepest reaches of Hell. Licking her lips, she trailed her hand on the cool wood, tracing the outline of the huge carved dog. Taking a deep breath, she opened the door and walked in confidently. It was only after taking a few steps did she realize that she should have knocked. Dressed only in a black hakama and hadagi set, Inuyasha was pacing the room, a thoughtful expression on his face. Seeing him in the form fitting sleeveless vest caused colour to rise to her cheeks. 'He really does look good. Wow!' Immediately she cleared her throat.
Inuyasha froze and then whirled around with a grin on his face. He ran to her but Kagome forestalled the coming hug with a quick handshake. The evasive action seemed not to register with him as he held her hands with a pleased smile. "Ah! Just the person I wanted to see. I was thinking of you and here you are."
Kagome gave him a small smile. "Well, think of the devil..."
Perhaps the phrase did not translate well, for he gave her a confused look. "Devil? Why should I think" Shrugging it away, he continued. "Never mind. I wanted to ask you a very important question. Your father told me that you are familiar with the ceremony, so I wanted to know if you would mind me using the Ancient Forms."
She felt lost in his verbal barrage. She had no idea about what he was saying. No one had bothered telling her anything about the supposedly most important day of her life. About the ritual that would bind her forever to a stranger. The only person who had cared at all was Miroku, who had tapped a couple of his sources to educate her, but even that information was suspect and incomplete. She would have asked Inuyasha but now even that option was closed to her since she could not make a liar out of her father. 
She noticed that he was looking at her curiously. Thawing her frozen brain, she remembered that he had asked her a question. Fishing for information, she stalled. "Why do you think I would mind?"
Inuyasha, however, misunderstood. "I'm glad that you have no problems. When I told Sessy, he was a little surprised and so, I was unsure whether to use them or not. But, since you don't mind, I can rest easy." A pleased smile graced his face, even as Kagome tried to work out what had happened. 
Shoving it all away to deal with later, Kagome spoke softly. "As you can imagine, I am more than a little nervous about this...this ceremony. Everything is happening so fast...all so sudden. I mean I just met you yesterday, and am marrying you today. It's a little disconcerting." Seeing understanding dawn in his golden orbs, she continued more confidently. "I wanted ask you for a favour. I know that after the ceremony, there is the actual...uh...m-mating that takes place....where the binding is actually... consummated." The lightest blush dusted her cheeks and she looked away from the amused eyes of her fiancé. "I...I just wondered. Would it be possible for us to do...thatin San Francisco? It will give us some more time to know each other and then, I'll be in a familiar situation where I'll feel more comfortable. I just...just hoped that..."
To her mortification, tears pricked her eyes even as she trailed off. Uncertainty about her future coupled with the stress of being forced to marry, caused a sudden wave of despair to wash over her. She felt like a piece of driftwood that was being battered and tossed around in the powerful waves of fate. Overwhelmed by the abrupt surge of emotion, she dropped her eyes to the floor.
Inuyasha could smell her sudden anxiety. What she had said made sense to him and he could appreciate that she was being so open with him. He himself was a little nervous about the entire mating business and so, grabbed this opportunity to soothe both his prospective mate and his own frazzled nerves. Hesitant to touch her, since he did not know how it would be received, he bent down to catch her eye and to comfort her.  
"Shhh...Kagome! I understand what you mean. You are worried about taking this step and I can identify with your fears. It is but natural to get a case of nerves. But, if you really wish it, we can undertake the actual mating in San Francisco." Bright eyes met his, and a lopsided smile appeared on his face. "It matters not where it happens, what is important is that I can guarantee you that you will enjoy it...a lot!"
She stared at him and then smiled incredulously. "Quite sure of yourself, aren't you Inuyasha?" Her voice dropped. "I think you'll find me just a little too much for you."
Glad at the sudden change in her temperament, Inuyasha grinned. "Really?" He stepped closer till her breath warmed his face. "It will be an interesting experiment. I can't wait to reach San Francisco to prove you wrong."
"Eager much?" She stepped back, his nearness making her uncomfortable. "I trust you will make the necessary arrangements? Even though Japan is beautiful, I can't wait to go back to San Francisco."
His eyes seared her as he spoke slowly. "Neither can I...Kagome." His intense, unwavering stare caused her to step back again, even as he continued. "Whatever happens, I promise that you will not regret this."
She nodded and left the room. 'You're wrong Inuyasha...I'm already regretting it!'
It was time.
Wrapped in layers of silk and brocade, Kagome felt as if she was having an out of body experience. The entire episode seemed all too surreal. For hours she had been dressed and primped by numerous women including her mother and Izayoi, and she was too numb to think clearly. Though she had worn her mother's beautiful Uchikake and its various accessories and had even patiently got her hair set in the traditional style called bunkin-takashimada, she had balked at her face being painted white. Instead, she had put on a light layer of make-up, much to the disapproval of the other women. She had also broken tradition by not wearing the "Tsuno Kakushi" hood meant to hide her 'horns' and which signaled obedience. The large, golden "Kanzashi" ornaments in her hair shone brightly, chiming softly with each step she took. 
As she stepped into the ceremonial hall, she knew from one look at the beaming Inuyasha that the effort had been worth it. And even though the large assembly of youkai gave her critical once-overs, whispering urgently to each other at the lack of her hood and proper make-up, she concentrated on the hanyou in front of her. Dressed in a stark black montsuki haori hakama, he looked oddly dignified. There was a certain seriousness about him, even as he took her hand with a smile and escorted her to the front of the hall. She found his bevaviour at odds with his usual brash, carefree nature.  
And, then she understood. She noticed his ears swivel towards a group of whispering youkai who immediately burst into soft giggles. Immediately, his grip on her hand tightened and she knew that not only had he heard the comment but was angered by it. She did not know whether the comment was directed at him or at her, but she knew that the youkai wanted him to hear it. She squeezed his hand in silent support and he gave her a small smile, his grip relaxing.
He guided her towards the altar, her parents trailing behind her. She had a general idea that youkai ceremonies where different from human marriage ceremonies and so was surprised to see images of the Kami Amaterasu at the altar. An old, wizened Inuyoukai came to the altar and bowed to the idol. And then the ceremony began.
"My friends, it is on this auspicious time that we have gathered here to witness the union of the girl Kagome Higurashi with the son of the great taiyoukai, Inuyasha Taisho." Despite his loud voice, Kagome distinctly heard soft hisses and snickers from the gathered youkai. Inuyasha's grip never faltered and taking her cue from his coolness, Kagome fought to keep the anger and outrage off her face. The old inuyoukai frowned and then continued. "In the name of the great Amaterasu, the bringer of hope and life, I bind these two in the eternal union." He took their clasped hands and bound a thin, silken thread around it. "Now we will hear the couple's mating vows."
Seeing the lost look Kagome gave him, he gave her the card with the vows printed on it. Nervous but determined not to show it, Kagome read the words out loudly. 
"My heart, body, soul and mind,
To you, my mate, do I bind."
The inuyoukai smiled encouragingly. He offered the card to Inuyasha, who waved it off. The officiator looked surprised, but then gestured for him to go ahead.
"May Amaterasu always shine on us her light,
keeping us always in her benevolent sight,
In her presence, this I vow today,
that bound forever would we stay,
I vow to honour and respect you, and to cherish,
To care for you till time does perish,
Never will I let a tear come to your eye, 
Your every wish and desire, will I supply,
Will protect you with my very life,
Shield your from every trouble, every strife,
The one created for me by fate,
my equal in every way, my mate,
My heart, body, soul and mind,
To you, my mate, do I bind."
Angry murmurs had broken in as soon as he had started speaking. The restless youkai seemed to protest his choice of vows and Kagome was equally stunned. She knew that prescribed vows had to be used during the ceremony and so was confused at Inuyasha's words. It was then, that she remembered Inuyasha mentioning something about the Ancient forms. A loud shout from the back of the room cleared matters up. "The hanyou dares use the sacred Ancient Vows! Blasphemy! It is a disgrace!" Angry growls and hisses from the others, punctuated the shout.
Even as the officiator called for order, several young youkai stood up and began advancing on the calm hanyou. Kenta and Akio shrank away at the promise of violence in their blood-red eyes. Kagome would have moved away, but Inuyasha's calmness gave her some confidence. Even when he positioned himself protectively in front of her, taking care not to break the fragile thread binding their hands, she only felt slightly anxious. And just as suddenly, the youkai stopped in their tracks, uncertainty flickering on their faces. A glance showed her that Inutaisho and Sesshomaru had placed themselves on either side of the pair. Both seemed as calm as Inuyasha, but she was not fooled by their casual poses. Neither were the youkai, who backed out of the room, keeping their eyes trained on the three immobile figures. 
Inutaisho spoke then, his voice soft but all the more deadly for it. "Does anyone else have a problem with my son's choice of mate or vows?" Not getting any answer, he turned to the officiator. "Good, then let us continue."
The old inuyoukai nodded and removed a fluted and carved wand from his robes. He came near the couple and told them to kneel. Once they were on their knees, he began waving it over their heads in a complex pattern to meld their auras. The auras began to glow, becoming visible to all but the humans. Under the direction of the wand, their auras began bleeding into each other. Within moments Inuyasha's blood red aura was laced with white, while her white aura turned a rosy pink. 
Kagome did not understand why she was on her knees but atleast her layers of silk protected her from the cool wood. Once or twice, she felt a certain unexplained twitch in her body but put it down to nerves. Even the feeling of being stretched, as if something was moving away from her, she could explain as light-headedness. It was, however, the feeling of strength and hope that was quite strange given the situation she found herself in. She raised her head to see Inuyasha staring at her in confusion, but then he composed himself on noticing her look.
The youkai helped them stand and then raised his hands. "In the name of Amaterasu and all the ancestors, I now pronounce you mates. Congratulations!"
He removed the silken thread and brought forward two cups of sake. Both took nine sips, though Kagome nearly swooned at the potency. Inuyasha had not been joking when he said that the sake was strong. Trying not to let the alcohol rush to her brain, she accepted congratulations from her family. 
A grim Inuyasha interrupted them and ushered them out of the hall. "I have spoken with father, and he has agreed. We will have to leave Japan soon. I am sure that the youkai will plan some mischief to avenge the slur on their honour. And, I intend tohave you safe in San Francisco before that. Father is arranging for the tickets. We should leave within the hour."
Akio and Kenta nodded and rushed to pack their things, but the slightly tipsy Kagome did not care. Leaning a little into Inuyasha, she grinned. "Oh, give it up! You're only doing this cause you're in a hurry to get me into bed. Admit it!"
Inspite of the tense situation, he was turned on by her sparkling eyes and her soft body that swayed inches away from his own. He whispered into her delicate ear. "Oy! If I could, mate, I would ravish you right here, right now! Alas, I must wait!"
The combination of his hot breath in her ear and his grave words, caused a shiver to course up her spine. Her cheeks pinked and she straightened herself, trying to clear the webs clouding her mind. "I-I'll go pack!"
She scurried away, leaving a frustrated but still ecstatic hanyou staring at her retreating form.
Several Hours Later.
Inuyasha helped Akio in the Kitchen even as he continued a running banter with her to distract himself. He was glad to be on terra firm after the flight since the change in pressure pained his sensitive ears. And that was not all that had made it a flight from hell. Not only had he been extremely bored and uncomfortable but also extremely frustrated. The boredom was due to the fact that no sooner had they found their seats that Kagome had dozed off. And then hadn't awakened for the entire duration of the flight. Her parents had been worried at that, but he had assured them it was just the combination of stress of the mating ceremony and the alcohol in her system that had taken a toll on her. The frustration was due to the fact that the scent of his sleeping new mate had teased him mercilessly. He had tried to concentrate on the in-flight movie and even tried to switch seats but nothing had helped. So he had sat by her in silence and suffered. 
And while she had made it to the house on her own steam from the airport, she had crashed out again as soon as she reached home. His bags had been put in her room, but he was too keyed up to sleep. After the hellish flight he was not sure he could be in the same room without jumping her.
Kenta walked in on the homely scene and gave a mock growl. "Hey, back off, she's mine! Get your own."
Akio gave him a light smack even as Inuyasha smiled. "Only too glad, sir. Now, only if my princess awakens from her magic sleep."
Kenta hugged his wife and then looked at him pensively. "Do you think we should tell him?"
Akio shrugged. "Well, he has been very helpful today. Maybe you should."
Kenta smiled. "We are going to give you the grandest reception that San Francisco has ever seen. And, your honeymoon trip has been arranged as a gift from our side - a weeklong trip to Hawaii. So, what do you say, sounds good?"  
Inuyasha looked at the expectant looks on their faces and grinned. "Thank you! It's wonderful. But perhaps you should ask Kagome too."
Kenta nodded impatiently. "Oh, she'll be happy. She loves Hawaii. And for your reception, we have chosen the Terrace Room at The Cliff House. Not only does it have a classy, old-world charm to it but it has a beautiful view of the Pacific Ocean. Good food against the back-drop of a panoramic view of the ocean and the Golden Gate...what could be better? It would be a perfect venue to hold the reception."
"What reception?"
Everyone turned around to see Kagome lounging against the door. Even dressed in sweatpants and a loose vest, she looked stunning and Inuyasha's felt his stomach drop. So busy was he staring at her, that he totally missed her question.
Kenta gaped but Akio still had her wits about her. "Your reception, silly! To announce your mating Inuyasha."
Kagome seemed to ponder this, her arms crossed below her breast. Hmm! Okay...what mating?"
The words brought Inuyasha out of his daze. Even as her parents stared at her in shock, he moved towards her, worry in his deep golden eyes. "Our mating, Kagome. Do you not remember anything? Are you unwell?"
A preemptory hand stopped him in his tracks. But it was her cold gaze that nearly froze his blood. "Oh, that little barbaric thing. I don't think it counts as an official mating, since it is both unregistered and unconsummated. And anyway, just tying a thread around hands and reading some words off a card hardly constitutes a marriage. Nope, I don't think it counts."
A numb Inuyasha stared at her in disbelief. "Wh-wh-what are you saying?"
Her expression hardened. "I am saying that we are not mated or married or anything. I reject your every claim on me." Her voice sharpened. "It means you and me have nothing.
When he continued to stare at her, she lost her cool. Go back to Japan, Inuyasha, I am not your mate!"
A/N: The past 10 days have been horrible. Since I work in the media industry, I have been working in a Breaking News situation on the Mumbai attacks - working almost 15 hours a day. To top it all, the news that my friends were trapped in the building made matters just worse. Watching the entire drama unfold right in front of my eyes was torturous even as I prayed that they were safe. Every burst of gun-fire, every explosion, every fire…brought my heart to my mouth. Even though I was miles away, due to the wonders of the media, I lived every second of the drama. It was the worst 60 hours of my life.
And when finally order was restored - I found out that my friends who had gone there to attend a wedding had been killed. Veer somehow had managed to evade the terrorists and had hidden himself. He was rescued later by NSG personnel.
I request you to please pray for the souls of Shanti & Aman, and the hundreds of others who perished in this tragedy!
Also, I need some help for the next chapter of “Her Protector”. Could someone please tell me, in which chapter of the manga / anime does Inuyasha meet Kikyou for the first time? The one in which he spies on her from the bushes and gets called out and the one in which he gives her his mother's make-up shell.