InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ On the Outside ❯ No Longer Friends ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Genre: Drama Rating:Word Count:337Character(s):Sesshoumaru, Kagome, reference to Inuyasha and othersSummary:Kagome has a very easy solution to rude comments.
Kagome sighed as she looked over just a few of the comments to a picture she'd posted of herself and Inuyasha.

12 Comments. Click to see more.
Sango Taijiya: Eww! What is that thing behind you?!
Miroku Houshi : Look's like you've got some kind of growth. Maybe you should see a Dermatologist.
Kouga Ookami: I don't know what you see in that hanyou filth. Let me know when you're ready to trade up to a real demon.

"You know," Sesshoumaru said from where he sat beside her in the computer lab. "You could easily end your frustration by ending your association with the half-breed."

Kagome shot him a dirty look before returning her gaze to the computer screen. "He's your brother, Sesshoumaru. I don't know how you can treat him like that!"

"Half-brother, little miko, and I treat him exactly as he deserves."

The miko frowned. "No, he's my friend and I'm not going to ditch him just because people don't like us associating."

"Perhaps, then, you could not advertise your friendship. So long as you continue to force it in their faces, they will continue to react." Sesshoumaru didn't want this, of course. He wanted her to forget the hanyou even existed so that things could go back to the way they were before Inuyasha had transferred into their school.

"Why should I? It's my page. I can post pictures of whomever I want. I have a much better solution. See, there's this beautiful thing about Facebook," she said with a smirk. "Just as easily as you can friend someone, you can un-friend them."

Sesshoumaru's eyes widened momentarily before he managed to control his reaction. She wouldn't dare, would she? He watched as she moved the mouse, clicking a few times, before signing off and walking away. The taiyoukai quickly signed into his own account, maneuvering directly to her page. This time he was unable to keep the scowl off his face. She had. The miko had un-friended him. The half-breed would pay for this.