InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ On the Outside ❯ Blackmail Worthy ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
This was written for Iyfic_contest's 330's prompt, Do or Die.

"You will tell her you do not wish to be her friend," Sesshoumaru hissed lowly, hoping to keep from drawing the attention of his father in the next room. "You will say whatever is necessary for her to no longer wish to associate with you. I do not care if you have to tell her you hate her. Make her cry if necessary. Just do it."

"Why should I hurt my only friend? Wasn't the wench your friend first? Why in the hell would you want me to make her cry? I knew you were an ass, but to want to hurt Kagome on purpose? She's wonderful, and you're a damned monster," Inuyasha growled back, not concerned at all about the volume of his words.

"You will do as I say or you will suffer a fate worse than death," the taiyoukai threatened.

"Really?" Inuyasha asked with a smirk. "What the hell do you think you can do to me that you haven't done already? I'm not scared of you, but you... You're scared of her, aren't you?"

"I fear no one," Sesshoumaru snarled.

"Certainly doesn't seem like it. She tells you to back off, you back off. You never let anyone talk to you the way she does. So what's it about then? If you're not scared of the wench, it must be something else." Inuyasha looked thoughtful for a moment before his eyes lit up. "You're in love with her! Oh, that's precious. Sesshoumaru is in love with Kagome. I should have seen it earlier. And she ditched you for me! Does she know?" The hanyou studied his elder brother's expression before continuing. "Oh my gods, she doesn't know!"

"This Sesshoumaru is not in love with a human!" he practically bellowed.

"Well, that's a relief," the hanyou said snidely, "because you couldn't possibly stoop so low as to be with a human. Then you'd be just as bad a dear old dad."

The taiyoukai clenched his fists, his claws digging into his palms, reveling in the pain. Inuyasha was right, of course. Under normal circumstances, he would never even consider dating a human, but Kagome was different. For her he would take on the world. He would defend her and his right to love her until his dying breath. He would take her as his mate in an instant if she would allow it, and he would love his hanyou pups with all his heart. He knew that made him a hypocrite, but he didn't care.

"Will you do as you're told or will I have to make you?" Sesshoumaru asked, his hatred clear in his voice.

"Neither," Inuyasha replied with a wicked smirk. "Because you don't want me to tell Kagome your little secret. So, you'll back off or the wench will hear all about your little crush." He didn't wait for a response, simply brushed past his elder brother and walked away.

Sesshoumaru stood in complete silence for a long time. He was screwed.