InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ On the Outside ❯ Turning it Around ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Title: Turning it AroundPrompt: GuiseGenre: Drama, RomanceRating:PG-13Summary: Inuyasha takes advantage of his discovery.
Spotting his elder half-brother, Inuyasha smirked and scooted closer to Kagome under the guise of better seeing the paper she was writing on. "So, you're saying if I want to solve for x, first I have to move this part of the equation over?"

The miko smiled. "Yeah, you have to do the same thing to each side. Subtract 13 on both sides, and then divide both sides by 4 and that gets x all alone. That's your answer," she said as she quickly scribbled out the steps while she explained them.

"I think I get it," the hanyou nodded. "But what about..." He glanced at the taiyoukai, making sure he was watching, before laying a hand on Kagome's arm as innocently as possible. He saw Sesshoumaru's eyes narrow and he mentally patted himself on the back. Being able to torment the prick instead of it being the other way around was incredibly entertaining.


Sesshoumaru snarled, a vicious sound that caused everyone at his table to tense, wondering what had angered the usually stoic taiyoukai.

He hated this. Not only had Kagome ditched him to befriend the hanyou abomination, but now Inuyasha had figured out his secret. He knew that Sesshoumaru had feelings for the girl and he was using that information to torment him. The boy was sitting far too close to her, touching her at every opportunity, all the while sending him a knowing smirk. It was making him insane!

He had to find a way to end this. How could he get Kagome to abandon her new friendship? It seemed an impossible feat. Perhaps he could find some way to force Inuyasha to back away. Ordering the half-breed outright to end their association had backfired on him and now he didn't dare approach the half-breed in any way, fearing he would tell her.

Looking around the table at those he considered friends, an idea began to form. If he could no longer torture his half-brother, perhaps he could do it by proxy. They hated his kind, despised his very existence nearly as much as he did, so it wouldn't be difficult to convince them to assist him. It could work. Now he just needed to figure out the details.