InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ On the Outside ❯ What Could Have Been ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
This was written for Iyfic_contest at Livejournal's prompt: Three Little WordsSummary: Sesshoumaru learns what might have been, if not for his brother.
Kagome sighed in frustration as one of Sesshoumaru's friends elbowed Inuyasha in the ribs as they passed him in the halls. For a while she'd thought that her oldest friend had gotten it through his head that she was not going to abandon her friendship with the hanyou. She hadn't seen him outright attack Inuyasha verbally or physically in days, but it was quickly becoming apparent that he'd merely found another way to torment his brother.

She was growing tired of the taiyoukai's behavior. He'd been her best friend for years and in all that time she'd never seen him be so out and out cruel. Her humanity had never seemed to bother him but the way he treated Inuyasha, simply because he was a hanyou, made her question everything she thought she knew about Sesshoumaru. Had it all been a lie? Had he never cared about her at all?

Seeing her chance, Kagome caught Sesshoumaru's sleeve and dragged him down an empty hall.

"I don't understand this new side of you I'm seeing, Sesshoumaru, but I know I don't like it," she hissed.

The taiyoukai shook his head. "He does not deserve your kindness, Kagome."

"You know, at one time I really thought I could... but I was wrong. I could never love someone like you."

Sesshoumaru's eyes widened in shock as he watched her stomp away. She could have loved him? That was all he'd ever wanted and he might have had it, if it weren't for Inuyasha.