InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ On the Outside ❯ Change ( Chapter 14 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter 14 - Change

Stella's Word Prompt Game, Prompt: Gelid

Inuyasha was in shock. He had never seen Kagome so cold. Even her eyes seemed frigid as she glared at him through the little window. How could she just ignore Sesshoumaru's pleas, his promise to change? The hanyou hadn't necessarily believed it was possible to fix things, but she wasn't even giving the taiyoukai a chance. Had he read the situation completely wrong? Did Kagome not still love his elder half-brother? He simply didn't understand what was happening on the other side of the door.

"Inuyasha," Kagome yelled. "Let me out now!"

"Wait, Kagome," Sesshoumaru pleaded. "What do you want me to say? What do you want me to do? Just tell me and I'll do it. I'll do anything to have you back in my life. Anything! I love you!"

"Ha! That's a joke. I begged you to just leave him alone and you refused. You chose hating him over loving me a long time ago. I don't care what happened in the past between you two. If you could have just let it go..."

"What? If I'd just let it go, what?"

"Then things wouldn't be so messed up! Damn it, Sesshoumaru, I've been in love with you forever, but I never said a thing because you're so proud of being a demon. I was afraid you would laugh at me, that telling you would ruin our friendship, but this... This was a million times worse. I got the answer to my question and it hurt. You could never really love me if you're so against human/demon mating."

"But I'm not, at least not when it comes to you."

"I don't want you to make me an exception to your hate. I want to go back to having never seen that evil inside you at all, but I can't, and now I'll always remember how you acted, how you tortured your own brother. No, you and I can never be together." The miko had tears in her eyes when she turned back to the window to see the hanyou waiting nervously on the outside. "Please, Inuyasha, I can't be in here with him anymore."

Inuyasha sighed and unlocked the door. Kagome shoved it open and threw herself into the arms of her only true friend. Everyone else had turned their backs on her for associating with the hanyou, but Inuyasha himself had risked their friendship in an effort to make her happy. Even though it didn't work out, it was the thought that counts.

Sesshoumaru felt as though someone had ripped his heart out of his chest and ran it through a mandolin. It was broken, shattered into a million pieces by the sight of Kagome taking comfort in Inuyasha's arms. He should be the one holding her! If the hanyou had never transferred schools, he would be the one comforting her when she was upset. More importantly, she never would have gone through this trauma at all. Of course, then he would never know her true feelings for him, but it wasn't like that knowledge was doing him any good.

He wanted to blame Inuyasha for this. He wanted to hate the hanyou for taking yet another person away from him, but in truth, it wasn't his fault. Kagome was right. None of it was his half-brother's fault. He had known that fact for some time now, once he matured enough to realize that it was his father that was in the wrong. His father had been the one to cheat, the one to abandon his family to create another. His father still showed his preference for his younger son over his older, and it was that behavior that continued the hate.

Seeing Inuyasha being spoiled while he was ignored planted a new seed of anger in him and that bit of darkness festered until he no longer cared why he despised the hanyou, only that he did. That hate did him no favors. His father punished him for fighting with Inuyasha, ruined his life by putting the whelp in the same school as him, knowing what it would cause. No, Inuyasha was not the enemy here. He was the victim, a victim who risked losing the only friend he had ever had, all so Kagome would be happy.

Things were going to change, Sesshoumaru decided. Things would be different from now on and perhaps, eventually, Kagome would see his effort and find it in her heart to forgive him. He would never stop trying.