InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ On the Outside ❯ Rain ( Chapter 15 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter 15 - Rain

*Shelter from the Rain * Stella's Soundtrack Challenge

Inuyasha sighed as he walked alongside Kagome through the empty halls to the front exit of the school. She seemed broken, fighting tears that he knew would eventually fall. This was entirely his fault. He'd tried to fix things for her, but he'd only managed to upset her further. He didn't really understand why she hadn't thrown herself into Sesshoumaru's arms when he declared his love. He was confused by her disbelief when the taiyoukai had promised to change for her. Wasn't that what she wanted? To have things back the way they were before he showed up and ruined everything for them, only better?
They each knew that the other loved them, or at least Kagome knew. She'd been so circuitous when talking about her feelings for the taiyoukai. Did she still love him or had those feelings died? Had Sesshoumaru truly ruined his one and only chance with her, all because he hated his half-brother that much? It didn't seem fair at all, to either of them.

When they reached the front door of the school, Inuyasha saw that it was pouring. He took off his jacket and tried to hand it to the girl by his side so that she wouldn't get wet, but she ignored it and headed outside unsheltered. In seconds, her clothing was soaked through and her hair clung to her face. The hanyou followed her out and tried to cover her, but she brushed him away. She was thankful for the rain, as it would hide her tears. Kagome finally allowed them to fall, crying silently as she walked home, Inuyasha dutifully by her side.

*Reflections in Water* Stella's Soundtrack Challenge

The miko seemed to move without thought, her feet following the familiar path while her mind ran circles around her and her heart ached. Why did Sesshoumaru have to be so hateful? Why couldn't he have accepted her desire to befriend his half-brother in the beginning? Promising to do so now was too late. She'd already seen the bigotry that shattered her heart and tore at her soul. How could he possibly claim to love her when he hated hanyou and disapproved of human/demon relationships? No, she would not be his exception.

As they passed a store, she turned and saw her reflection in the glass. She looked just as hollow as she felt, her eyes dark with both pain and her running mascara. She had no idea how she would be able to go on knowing that Sesshoumaru believed he loved her, despite her humanity. She couldn't believe it.

*Madder Sky* Stella's Soundtrack Challenge

"Are you going to be okay?" Inuyasha asked her softly.

"I'll be fine," she relied flatly. "It's not like I ever expected us to end up together." The miko looked up into the sky, relishing the feel of the rain on her face, washing away her hot tears. Thunder rumbled in the distance and Kagome was thankful the world seemed to be just as sad and angry as she was.

"You shouldn't think like that, Kagome. He loves you. He said so."

"He also said he wouldn't treat you like garbage anymore, but I don't see that happening either. If he really cared about me, he would have stopped when I asked him to in the beginning."

"That might not be as easy as you think. He's acted like that for as long as I can remember. Old habits are hard to break."

"Sure, but he didn't even try. Look, I don't want to talk about it, alright? I just want to go home and climb into my bed."

"Okay, Kagome, but if you decide you do want to talk..."

"I won't," she said sharply before turning and heading up the shrine steps. Inuyasha watched her from the bottom until she disappeared and sighed heavily. It seems he only succeeded in making things worse.