InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Once a Demon, Always a Hunger ❯ Number One Candy Girl ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Again another one of my fan character fics(I have a lot) This deals with the adorable Shampoo like cat demon Kitt. This will be a chaptered story, but I doubt there will be very many. Unlike my FY ones.(Which I recommend you read! ^.^) Okay, now for the pesky disclaimer. I do not own Miroku or any of the Inu gang. They are respectfully Rumiko Takahashi's. Kitt and her siblings however are mine, and will stay that way. Well have fun reading!

Number One Candy Girl

A young demoness prowled through the seemingly quiet forest. Her dark green eyes scanned the area, searching for her next victim, inevitably, her lunch. She pushed strands of golden hair from her face, the loose kept braid hanging over her shoulder. Sniffing the air delicately, she felt her blood run wild at the smell of the human, which tickled her nose. She licked her sharp fangs, slinking in a catly manner toward the scent. Hunger stricken, she inhaled the air around her deeply, closing her eyes to the refreshing smell. Hardly able to contain her excitement, she slunk quickly in its direction, the shard in her self-sewn glove shining as bright as day. She stopped, just before approaching the clearing in which the ningen occupied at the moment, creeping into the high branches of a nearby tree, waiting for her moment to strike. She arched in a pouncing stance, watching his every movement closely as if he'd disappear the moment she took her attention off him. Her body grew rigid as she stared upon the human male, who seemed to show heed of her presence. She noticed his unease in his actions. She blinked moving in closer to better her view, wondering what on earth he was so occupied in. She stared at the sleek girl on the cover of the book he had his faced stuck in, taking note of the woman's bareness. Her eyes trailed up from the paperback, taking in the contours of his face, his silky black hair and musty purple robes. She paid closer attention to his smell, a mix of rose and blood, which wafted in her nose like sweet candy. Her attention now drawn to his peculiar ness instead of her hunger, she dared to slink in closer, moving down in the tree to get a closer look at this intriguing man. Chestnut eyes met with jade and they stared, transfixed with each other for a long moment. She froze, stiff as a board, berating herself for getting to close. He smiled, causing her relax only slightly, but to also furrow her brows in confusion. He closed the book, placing it in his robes and stood, turning around to face her. He waved in acknowledgement to her and she jerked her head back in mock confusion. "Hello there" She moved to a sitting position on the branch. Was this man off his rocker? Confronting a full blood demon as if she were a friend. He stepped closer, earning a growl from the cat monster. He dared another step toward her, his friendly smile never wavering. "Why not come down where I can see you?" This earned him another growl and a very quizzical look. However she still made her way down from the tree, standing before him in all her feminine glory. His eyes immedantly landed on her chest, uprooting a blush and glare from her. He tore his eyes away, before he could allow the dirty thoughts to brew in his mind. He followed the motion of her flickering cat ears, seeing them as a blur of white at first. "Well hello there miss. I am Miroku. It is indeed a pleasure to meet you" extending his hand, he waited with a smile for her to return the gesture. She blinked, staring at his outstretched hand for a moment before sniffing at his fingers curiously. He chuckled shaking his head and grabbed her hand in his, shaking slowly. She blinked, staring at their hands with child like confusion. He let go after a moment, hiding the shard he had so easily slipped from her glove in his pocket. "Well it was a pleasure meeting you, but however I must depart" a wave of his hand and he was walking away, seemingly guilt free. Before he had even taken two steps away he found himself face to face with her again, this time her expression more then angry. He blinked trying to put on his best innocent look, which was defiantly failing. "Give it!" He found a hand thrust at him soon after a peered down at it blinking. "Give you what pre tell?" He knew his act wasn't working to well and he felt his lifeline closing in on him faster then he wished. Okay.. So maybe she isn't as naive as she looks...Oh boy... am I in trouble... "Give back jewel! Shard belongs to Kitt! Not monkey man." She snorted matter of factly, thrusting her hand in his face, demanding her possession back. Once finding no cooperation from him, she bustles about searching his robes. Finding nothing, since the shard had ended up in his hand again, she glared at him. "See I have nothing of yours. Now if you would excuse me." He pushed on past her, slipping the jewel cunningly back into his pocket without her notice. Again he found her in front of him and stumbled back a bit. Damn she's fast... He smiled hesitantly, preparing for another assault. "You give it back!" He sweatdroped at her insistence. Finding no way out but to use a spell he had gotten his hands on, he leaned forward, running his lips softly over hers before disappearing. She blinked, staring at the blank space in front of her in shock. She threw her arms out as if trying to grab him, only finding thin air. She whipped around, becoming frantic. She had to get that shard back, just had to; there was no need to it. She let out a saddened mew, tears slowly coming to her eyes. How could he of had any idea that small item meant so much to her. How much danger it put her life in with it out of her possession. Circling around once more, finding no human presence or smell of him, she fell to her knees, shuddering with the impact of cold tears.

-This is one of my side lance fics, so I will be doing work on others before I bring chapters up for this one. Which shouldn't take me to long with the way I go about things. I have this rated for reasons to come later. My non one-shots always take a while to get to the goodies, but again it's well worth the wait. Reviews are always welcomed! I like to know how I'm doing. Get down with the junk boys! Have a feel good day. ^-^