InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Once Upon a Time in a Feudal Fairy Tale ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Hey. I'm happy to make a second Sesshoumaru and Rin story, so I hope you're happy with it to. But, this would be my first Alternate Universe fic, so be malicious. Be mean! I need to know what's good and what's not good. That's important. But no flames. I don't want to hear that. Is that hypocritical?

Anyway there are some things that I can't start the story without.

#1-Rin is from Kagome's time.

#2-This story does not follow the exact story line of Inuyasha (obviously), so if I leave some things out, it's because it won't fit.

#3-All the main characters exist: Sango, Miroku, Shippo, Kikyo, Naraku. So do some of the lesser characters of; Jaken, Kohaku, all of Naraku's "offspring", and some minor monsters.

#4-The brothers don't hate each other as much. It's just the normal brother-brother hatred goin' round. But they do hate each other.

#5-Inuyasha already has Tensusaiga with him, nut he can't use it.

Once Upon a Time in a Feudal Fairy Tale

Rin O-Tsuyu looked out of the window of the plane to gaze at the spectacular sunset from above the clouds. It really is lovely , Rin thought. Considering she was flying above Tokyo, and not Illinois, where she lived.

Pulling out an envelope, Rin opened it and read the letter inside:

Dear Rin,

We're so happy your coming to visit us! Kagome, Souta, and even Grandpa Higurashi seemed happy that you'd come! By the way, let me be the first in Tokyo to offer my congratulations on your scholarship to Ivy League! Kagome tells me that it is one of the most prestigious colleges in America!

We already have a room for you so don't worry about that. Again, we're happy to be able to see you again and congratulations!

Yours truly,
Aunt Akiko

Personally, Rin didn't believe that Kagome was happy to see her. They never quite got along well, even though they were alike in many ways. Rin would not be staying at the Higurashi residence if she had much of a choice. Her aunt, Irvette, decided that going someplace new would be good for her.

Almost all of Rin's family had died. When she was five, a serial killer had decided to use her house as a hideout and killed her two brothers and parents. Rin herself was over at her aunt Irvette's apartment when this happened. Since, Irvette thought it was her responsibility to keep Rin safe.

Now her aunt claimed it would be good to get a new view and see some new people.

Not that she would normally care, Rin wanted to see something new. But Kagome was definitely a problem. Although Akiko didn't specifically mention where she was staying, she had a sneaking suspicion that it was with Kagome. She wished Aunt Akiko understood better that they didn't like each other.

But whenever she brought up the subject, her aunt would wave her off and say, "So did your mother, but we became best friends." So now Akiko was stuck with the idea they'd eventually become just like them.

So now as the plane landed, Rin was sure that Akiko would burst out to her when she got to the Higurashi shrine that she and Kagome would be sharing a room, and she would have to gush about sharing a room with her "favorite cousin".

This would be a long summer.

Exiting the plane, Rin stood around for a little before being barreled over. "Watch it-"

"Hey Rin! How you doin'? Guess what? You're staying in Kagome's room!"

"Souta!" Rin smiled before standing up. "I'll be staying with Kagome? Howgreat."

"But mom!" She heard someone complaining somewhere. "Why didn't you ask? I don't want to stay with her! I-"

"That's enough Kagome. You're staying with your cousin and that's that. Besides, she's not that bad."

Coming into view, Rin saw Kagome and her Aunt Akiko. Smiling Akiko said, "Hello Rin! Sorry you had to wait. Do you know? You're staying with-"

"Kagome" Rin finished. "I know. I heard."

"Did Souta tell you? I wanted to tell you. Oh well, let's say we get going, OK?"

Nodding sullenly Rin trudged behind her while Kagome glared at her and Souta talked excitedly about the fun they'd have.
Higurashi Residence xXx

"Well here we are," Grumbled Kagome, almost as unhappy to stay with Rin as Rin was.

Stepping inside, Rin wasn't that displeased with it. All but one thing, "Where will I sleep?"

Huffing at her, like it was the most obvious thing in the world, Kagome answered, "You saw the bed downstairs, right?"

Rin nodded.

"Well were going to bring it up tonight."



"Not really. I'd be happier staying with Souta. He not so bad."

"Well then why don't you?"

"Because I really don't have a choice Kagome. So if you'd be as so kind as to stop snipping, I'd like to have a, imagine this, good time." Rin was never this sarcastic, normally, but something about Kagome set her over the edge and down the ravine.

This was going to be a long, long, summer.

End of prologue

There, that's good. Now the idea for this story is pretty basic. I think it's one of the top three Inuyasha with Rin connectors.

One being: Rin's older when she meets Sesshoumaru

Two is: Sesshoumaru is trapped to a tree instead of Inuyasha and Rin finds him.

Three is: Rin and Kagome go down the well and meet the brothers.

The other two have been explored, but I have yet to see a Rin/Sess fic that shares the third plotline. Because of this I:

©Once Upon a Time in a Feudal Fairy Tale and some of its plot belongs to Tamashi-no-Hikari

I'll request automatic removal other wise. Thanks, Review! And check out my other story Red Snow. Bye.