InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Once Upon a Time in a Feudal Fairy Tale ❯ The Well ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
I don't give up! Chapter Two is here! After nearly two weeks I've gotten it posted! By the way, for some reason you guys have gotten the idea that it's Sesshoumaru that's posted to the tree. I never said that. Also I've gotten multiple reviews on Kagome's behavior. She just doesn't like Rin; it's not that she's a bitch herself. After all, Kagome's not known for being nice to people she doesn't like.

Once Upon a Time in a Feudal Fairy Tale
Chapter One: The Well


Damn thing


Not now

more minutes

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

"SHUT UP! " Rin yelled and smashed the offending alarm clock with her fist. Shaking her head, Rin sat up and groaned. She had achieved what she was originally going to do, but now her waking-system was in pieces and, probably out of spite, it shattered her hand.
back down to her pillows, Rin stared at the ceiling. Wait
wasn't her ceiling.

"No-o-o." she groaned "Nightmare, please say it was a nightmare."

"Hey Rin."

Guess not. Rin thought miserably.
to stare up at the ceiling, Kagome leaned over her and said, "Breakfast, lazy. Get up! Get dressed!"
at her, Rin answered, "I would, but normally I don't have obnoxious cousins leaning over me when I do. So, sorry if I like privacy."
didn't respond, just glared back. "Fine. I'll be downstairs if you need me and-"

"I won't."

"And mom's having noodles, probably 'cause you're here."

"That's nice."
they stared. Rin was first to break the heavy silence. "Gonna leave?"

"Oh, um, yeah. Bye."
disappeared from her line of vision and left.

"Finally." Rin threw back her covers and swung her legs over to meet the carpeted floor. Leaning over to reach under the bed, she pulled out two brown suitcases that contained some of her clothes.
pulled one of them up to her bed and opened the clasps. Inside was a generous variety of shirts and jewelry. Shifting through the layers, Rin pulled out an orange sleeveless shirt hemmed with black. Comparing it to the rest of her body, Rin deemed it suitable and shifted to the suitcase with her pants, buckles, underclothes. In there, she pulled out a black pair of jeans that were decorated with "Angel" on the butt. Taking out a green-hooped belt, she studied the outfit together laid out on her bed and was pleased with the match, despite of it's Halloween-ish appearance. ::1::
herself in them, Rin fiddled with her hair until she pulled a small portion of her long, dark hair to the back of her head and braided it. Applying no make-up besides black mascara, Rin looked herself over and turned a couple of times. Grinning she ran downstairs and met the Higurashi's at the table.

"Hello, everyone." Grandpa Higurashi and Kagome merely looked up, but Akiko turned around and smiled while Souta ran up to her and brought her over to were he was eating.

"This is where you sit Rin! See, next to me and Kagome!" He gibbered excitedly, pointing eagerly.
smiled at his enthusiasm and sat next to him. Picking up the chopsticks, Rin tried to fit them in her hand properly, but to no avail. The chopsticks refused to fit in her hand comfortably and no amount of persuasion could make it do so.
up, she placed it back down and asked; "Can I have a fork, or something, I can't use these." lifting the chopsticks for reference.
snickered and looked up at Rin to receive a glare from her mother and cousin and quickly returned to her bowl.

"That's all right, dear. Your father had the same problem and he was Japanese! Your mother, though, picked it up right away, and I'm sure you will too," her Aunt consoled. "Here, this way."
a couple of minutes of shifting her fingers and learning how to pick the noodles up, Rin O-Tsuyu had mastered the technique.

"Well done!" Akiko chorused appraisingly "That was very fast!"
smiled sheepishly, "I'm not going to the Ivy for nothing. Chopstick-mastery is a must."
Akiko smiled and laughed lightly, but Kagome leaned over and whispered "Kiss up!" in her ear.
glared at her cousin wordlessly and for the rest of the meal continued eating in silence.
finished first and asked if he could go outside with Buyo.

"Of course, honey. But put the dishes in the sink first." his mother reminded.

"Yeah, yeah, I will. Hey Rin, wanna come out with me?" he asked while walking to the kitchen with his bowl.
her food, Rin answered, "Sure. Right after I finish eating, okay? You go out and play until then."
nodded and picked up his fat cat. Putting his shoes on with one foot, laces untied, Souta walked out of the door.
after, Rin finished with Kagome and stood up. Putting her dishes away, Rin tugged on her shoes, laces tied, and half walked out before turning and asking Kagome, "Wanna come with me? Souta'd appreciate it."
her head from side to side, in what Rin supposed was a yes, Kagome followed Rin's steps and walked out with her.
did not see Souta right away. "Where is he?" Rin asked after looking around for a bit. "He's not outside."

"Buyo! Buyo!"
Rin and Kagome turned their heads in the direction of the noise. "Souta" they spoke in union.

"Look! The shrine, it's open. I bet he's in there. Wait till mom finds out! He's not allowed to be in there." Kagome said leeringly.

"Oh, lay off, Kagome. I know you hear the 'Buyo!' so obviously he's looking for him." Rin responded.
snorted but didn't say anything as they walked to the shrine.

"Hey, uh, Kagome?" Rin suddenly asked. "Didn't you once say there's something weird in there?"

"What? Not scared, I hope." she jeered.

"No. What's in there anyway?"

"Just the Bone-Eaters Well. It's supposed to be haunted." Kagome said, trying to sound eerie and nonchalant at the same time.


"Hey Rin! Kagome! Buyo's stuck down there!" Come Souta's voice from the shrine.
into the damp, dark building, Rin was automatically reminded of the spooky houses from horror stories. She was almost compelled to run out of the shrine to the house and hide beneath her covers. But with Kagome standing beside her unaffected, Rin thought better of it. Besides, it's just a smelly old shrine, she thought to herself reassuringly, with a creepy old well covered with sutras, said another voice.
it in, she asked Souta where was Buyo.

"Down there somewhere." he said, pointing.

I knew he was going to say that, she thought depressingly. "Well, let's go down, Kagome." she said much more confidently then she felt.

"We? Why do I have to go too?" Kagome asked, with what Rin would like to think, with fear.

"Because," she retorted, "Number one, we'll find him quicker. Number two, why can't you? Scared? And number three, he's NOT MY CAT! " she finished angrily.

"Fine, geez, bite my head off."

"I just might take up on that offer."
both went down the stairs, one going faster than the other, trying to prove that she wasn't scared.
they reached the bottom, they went in opposite directions, colliding.

"Ow! Watch it!" they yelled simultaneously. "You watch it!"
said the same thing at the same time twice in a row, they both shut up and stood up at the same time, while turning their backs to one another and searched for the cat.

"Wow! Mom was right! You two are really alike!" Souta called from above them.
glared and turned back to their search. ::2::
was first to "find" Buyo.

"Kyaaaaaaaa!" She screamed loudly, giving Rin a start.

"Kagome! It's just the cat." Souta said laughing.
turned around to see her younger cousin clutching her heart and picking up the cat beneath her arm.

"Didn't you say something about me being scared, Kagome?" Rin asked sweetly.
only offered a death glare while Rin walked over to her cousin in front of the well. Kagome turned around to yell at Souta about the stupid cat and why he didn't help.
on the other hand, continued to stare at the well, feeling something strange.
as she saw the wood that sealed it creak and burst she just stared at it blankly as the pale, cold arms reached out and grasped her and Kagome, pulling them into the well. ::3::

End of Chapter One: The Well

Wow. I wrote a lot, actually. Enough to make over 1500 words, so be grateful.

Not much of a cliffhanger, since you know what happens. Which sucks. But there is the up side that Rin is there, so there's bound to be a difference. At any rate, I would appreciate helpful and insightful reviews that'll help me improve my story. Which, by the way, is copyrighted © by Tamashi-no-Hikari.

-Meant to resemble Rin's kimono in Inuyasha. Since it's traditional to have characters wear the same outfit over and over, Rin'll do the same.

-meant to show that they are very similar in some ways. Already implied by me and the origanal Inuyasha. Which I do not own.

-Very similar to the Inuyasha sequence, ex Rin. This is important to notice, since it symbols .:big voice:. THINGS TO COME!