InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Once Upon a Time in a Feudal Fairy Tale ❯ Mistress Centipede ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
So hey. I'm not gonna talk a lot so here we go.

Once Upon a Time in a Feudal Fairy Tale
Chapter Two: Mistress Centipede

Rin heard her own scream, but felt no arms. In fact, she saw Souta and Kagome looking at her oddly.
Rin-itoko? What is it?" Souta asked, sounding nervous.
Rin asked flabbergasted. "Didn't you-" she stopped, in favor of "Did you see something?"
this place is really getting to you. Let's go." Kagome said with raised brows.
I'm sure saw something!" Rin cried. She turned to the Well and stared at it. There was something here. I know it. She placed her hands on the ancient wood. "I know it."
this place is getting to you, Rin-itoko. We should go,"
nodded at her younger brother. "I agree, she's crazy. Let's go."
turned around with a sigh. "Fine. But I know something was there."
Rin. Those leprechauns will get you every time." Her cousin said sarcastically. "Let's go, before you start seeing unicorns and faeries."
before they had taken their first step, there was a crack and a cold hand grasped the two and pulled them through the well.
opened her mouth to scream, but her throat clenched and nothing came out. Bracing herself for the sudden impact or the crunch of her own bones, Rin squeezed her eyes and prayed.
never came.
she felt something that was, Rin supposed, like being suspended in liquid. That feeling vanished too, to be replaced with the insistent pull of the hands.
to turn her head, Rin looked over to her cousin. She was still looking straight up, with her eyes empty and her mouth agape.

at the sound of voice, Kagome snapped from her trance and turned her fearful eyes to Rin.
would have spoken more, but the hands tightened their grip and turned them around.
both gasped at the sight. It appeared to be a woman at the torso, but it's lower body and face where something definitely not human.
was a centipede.
creature dragged the cousins closer and stared at them with black eyes. "The jewel!" it rasped "Where is it? I must have it! Give it to me!"
started kicking. "I don't know what you're talking about! Let me go!"
joined in and struggled against the arm.

The monster, or demon, as it appeared, did not relent but said not to them, but apparently to itself, "Oh, to be alive again. To live once more! I must have it! " It reached a pale pink tongue and licked Kagome's cheek. "It is you! You have it! It must be mine!" It moved its grasp away from Rin's arm and to her neck. "I shall devour you later."
cousin herself looked shocked and disgusted. Turning her head to the demon centipede, she whispered, "Let goLET GO !" Placing her hand on the centipede's face to push it away, Kagome's hand glowed pink. The pink light itself seemed to shove it away with a much stronger force. Much stronger, in fact, for the arms that were locked around the cousins tore off and the demon separated.
as the Rin ripped the arm from her neck and slung it from her, she and her cousin were engulfed in light.

more minutes."
Ow! Rin! You're sitting on me!"
Oh. Sorry." Rin picked herself off of Kagome. "How did you get down there? You know I just had the strangestdreamoh my God. Diddid you? I mean do you remember" Rin looked around. The Well, just as she remembered. And then the centipede woman. And thennothing. But the centipede woman couldn't be real. She must have bumped her head on the Well. But the arms. "Kagome?"

"This is a dream. A bad dream. Dream. Dream." Kagome was chanting. She was also staring directly at something. It appeared to bethe arm. "A dream. Just a dream. This is a dream."
was beginning to get on Rin's normally calm nerves. So she pinched her.
What was that for? First you sit on me, nowhey!"
your not dreaming, huh?"
well, I don't know. Do bug-like humans normally attack you? On top of that, you sat on me. So there."
childish." Rin said, "First of all, no of course not. Second of all, how 'bout we get out of the creepy well with the arm?" ::1:: (-Other arm was thrown)
But you know what?"
Kagome? You discovered that I was right and you were wrong and we're outside?"
You're fat. Never sit on me again. And right about what? And, duh, of course."
stood. "Right about me and seeing something. What happened was exactly what I saw. No leprechauns. And I'm not fat. Your weak."
you saw that and I'm stronger that you, fatty-lumpkins."
Sure . And there really were leprechauns back there. Now let's get out of here before a giant spider comes." ::2, 3::
(-fights w/ cousin/Naraku)
a bit nervous Kagome asked, "How do we do that? Climb the steep wall of doom?"
Rin said impatiently, "And yes, actually. We climb. But we climb those." She pointed.
from the walls were thick vines that didn't look too old and unable to support them. Rin was willing to stake Kagome's life on those.
go first." Her cousin said quickly, before Rin could.
at her, but not disagreeing, she thought, We really are alike. Pity. Grasping the vines and setting her footing, Rin pulled a little. It seemed sturdy, though, and it held as she climbed to the top of the Well.
she saw as she reached it nearly made her let go. But, thankfully, she didn't, and kept her footing, bringing her leg over and standing on the ground, gazing down at the Well. "Dearest cousin of mine! Come have a look-see! And don't let go!"
what?" She heard Kagome shout below her.
it was a rhetorical question; the older cousin sat on the ground, leaning against the Well. She surveyed her surroundings, deciding quickly, and quite surely, that this was not Tokyo. To start, it was way to grassy. And she couldn't see any smoke. Or hear anything, save the wind and the chirping of the birds, for that matter. No, she decided, this is most definitely not Tokyo.
little help here?"
from her train of thought, Rin said in a flustered way, "Oh, uh, yeah, right."
around to her knees and facing the Bone-Eaters Well, Rin stuck her hands down to help. "If I drop you, don't blame me." Kagome tightly grabbed her hands with one of her own, while keeping a hand on the vines.
she said, "pull!"
did so, and pulled up, standing in the process. "God! And you said I was fat! Take the Atkins or something!" Rin did manage to get her cousin on to the ledge where Kagome sat and looked around. Rin sat where she was before, clutching her heart and trying to catch her breath. Between wheezes she spoke, "Hayou saidthat I wasweakstronger than youMiss Lumpkins."
didn't answer. She looked around and said matter-of-factly, "This is Tokyo. See? There's the tree. C'mon, look you!"
did, but despite the uncanny resemblance spoke, "There's more than one tree in the world, Kagome. And most of them aren't in Tokyo. Look around, those big things with leaves and bark are more trees, which Tokyo really doesn't have."

"Well, I dunno. Do you have something better?"
actually. This is not Tokyo."
be that way. But how about we go and check? That'll show you."
How much you willin' to wager, sucker?"
didn't say anything about a bet! Let's just go."
stood. "Fine. But don't say I didn't warn you."

End of Chapter Two: Mistress Centipede

That's it. I wanted to get to five pages, which I did, just barely. I know it's not what my profile has been saying for the longest time, but you gotta admit, it's best just to get this out then just keep it locked up, never finishing it.
a bit of explaining:

Rin's Heritage

Best get this out, before any more confusion.

Rin- ½ Japanese, ½ American. Heroine. 19 years old.
Rin's father- Japanese.
Rin's mother- American.
Irvette- Rin's aunt through her mother. Rin stayed at Irvette's house when Rin's parents died (Rin was told it was a serial killer who was never caught), Irvette felt responsibility for her and Rin's been living with her ever since.
Akiko (Kagome's mom)- Her aunt through her father. Akiko was best friends with Rin's dad (Toru). When Ora (Rin's mom) came along and married him, Akiko held a grudge against her. Eventually, though, they became friends and that's how Akiko relates herself and Ora to Kagome and Rin.
Kagome- Rin's cousin. They don't like each other for reasons unknown so far. 15 years old.
that's good. Anybody else, just ask.

Other Notes

Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha will appear next chapter.
of the Hair and everybody else leading up to Sesshoumaru's first appearance in the manga will not appear.
still around.
let's see

- the other arm Rin threw, it didn't come through with them.
-These fights are normal with them and my cousin and me. Not cousin and I, cause I said so.
-Hmmmspider-ish demon? I wonder if is this foreshadowing? It would be, if you didn't know half the plot.
means cousin. means beautiful seaportmeans seameans friend of the seameans morning dewmeans autumn child or iris
how Ora, Toru and Irvette all mean something alike.
that's good. Sorry for the waste. Reviews are much appreciated. Bye.