InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Once upon a time...Sugar and Spice ❯ The Graceful meeting ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Once upon a time...sugar and spice
By: Haruka-chan

AN: Looks as if I just keep coming out with Inu-yasha fics. Anyways this new one will be taking place during the time of mid-evil. Usually when I do a story like this I like to use materials that probably didn't exist back then, but that to me is something interesting in a story, I'm not trying to follow the time completely but it will be done my way. I don't have a summary for you but if you read on I'm sure you'll find a good story. My spelling and grammar really sucks! So cope with me on that. Enjoy!

The Graceful meeting...Chapter 1

It was never told why the young unmarried prince of the western and southern lands were called to the kingdom of the north, though it was no obvious secret that in the castle was four of the most beautiful women to ever live, that is excluding the queens of course. The daughters of these royal families seem to have it all. Unlike some kingdoms where even if they have power they lack beauty. In the age that they had come to beauty for a woman was everything just as her status in society. Prince Sesshoumaru, and Inu-yasha of the western lands, and Lord Miroku of the south were the sons of the two most powerful ruler of the time. It was no secret that the princes of the western lands were also distant cousins of lord of the south. The affair of the two kinds brought about much controversy along with unions. The Youkais and human have come to an understanding and were very much in tune with each other. Though there are some who didn't embrace the idea. But how can you keep the moth from being drawn into the fire?

"I still can not understand why we have to greet the young lords," she stated as she pulled her hair into a ponytail with a silk silver ribbon.
"Oh hush up little sister you will learn one day," said the young woman standing in front of the mirror painting her lips a deep red.
"Yes, I suppose that this is wonderful news to you" she said looking at her sister with the same mockery.
"Oh shut up! Your jealous of me" said her sister sticking her nose in the air.
"Showing your true colors already Kikyou?" she asked with a smile.
"You know little sister you can be quite irritating when you know nobody cares" she spat back.
"Kagome, Kikyou, darlings are you ready?" asked a woman in her mid 30s her gown a brilliant gold, jewels sparked her body and her beauty was ravishing.
"Mother thank god you are here, maybe you can talk some sense into our little Kagome here" said Kikyou walking towards her mother. Kagome rolled her eyes and just sat on chaise and looked as if she was bored out of her life.

"When is Sango going to get here?" asked Kagome looking at her mother.
"Darling she will be here soon, but in the mean time can you please just make yourself presentable to the young lords arriving to stay at the palace" said her mother as she and Kikyou walked away arm in arm.
"Sure mother I will do that after I hang myself and confess that I have a love for eggplants" said Kagome to the closed door. "I swear this is like torturing a poor soul," she said as she looked towards the corset sitting on the chair. "Damn it to hell!" she whispered and stood. "If I'm going to suffer so will everyone else," she whispered with a small smile. "They will learn much, I shall make their stay memorable," she said with a smile.

They were almost near the gates to the castle they were to stay at for a month. "Why in the hell do you have to stay there?" asked the young man with silver hair.
"Calm yourself little brother," said the taller and more graceful man next to him.
"I can not wait to see those beautiful young princesses," said a man with dark hair tied into a small ponytail.
"Your disgusting Miroku" spat the young man.
"Inu-yasha what's up your ass?" asked Miroku.
"Well obviously it must be something enormously large other wise you wouldn't be so bitchy" said the man next to him.
"Sesshoumaru is right, come on its just for a month! Be glad that your not going to war and there is no hope in returning" said Miroku.
"It might as well be" stated Inu-yasha.
"I wonder if this has anything to do with the fact that you can't stay not a week without seeing mother," said Sesshoumaru thoughtfully.
"Shut up!" said Inu-yasha glaring bloody massacre at everyone and everything as the beautiful castle came into view.
"Well little brother there is no turning back now," stated Sesshoumaru as they rode towards the castle.

They all stood in their best clothing and waited as the queen and the King made their way down. "Wow would you look at her, she's beautiful even after giving birth" said Miroku. Inu-yasha groaned mentally as he stood and waited for the king to say something.
"I'm so glad that you young ones have taken up our offer and came to train in our kingdom. We hope that your stay here will be most memorable," said the king with a smile.
*Hell yeah it will be memorable* thought Inu-yasha.
"Now let me present to you, my lovely daughters," said the king looking towards the stairs where only Kikyou was present. She smiled and walked down towards her parents delighted with the look on the young men's eyes. "Princess Kikyou" said the king with a smile. Inu-yasha stared at the princess for a while, he had to admit that she was beautiful like the dolls that were made for children to cherish, but she didn't seem to have any life in her.

The loud up roar made them turn towards the gardens. The king rushed towards the garden where there was a beast that was going out of control, but to everyone's surprise someone rushed out quickly and came to stop at the beast's feet and started to calm it down. Inu-yasha picked up the smell of tsubaki (camellia) as the person passed. She wore a silk gown of silver floating around her.
"Koki calm down please," she whispered. The beast look down and growled before calming down. She turned towards the guard. "What the hell were you trying to do?" she asked. "Well I was trying to send it back to its cage" he said. "Gods I'm surrounded by idiots" she whispered. Inu-yasha smiled.
"Kagome is everything all right?" asked the king. She turned; Inu-yasha almost lost his breath from the look in her eyes, her face.
"Yes father everything is all right" she said with a smile. Inu-yasha looked at her closely, though she and Princess Kikyou looked similar and were twins she some how stood out and seemed different.

"Darling won't you met the princes" said her mother with a warning look.
"Yes mother" she sighed. "I am Princess Kagome of the Higurashi kingdom of the north, it's a pleasure to meet you," she said bowing. Inu-yasha watched her with fascination her irritation was very readable.
"I am Princes Sesshoumaru," said Sesshoumaru bowing.
"I am Prince Inu-yasha," he smugly said.
Miroku walked towards her and smiled. "I my lady am Miroku of the south," he said as he kissed her hand.
Kagome smiled. "How do you do" she said. The king and queen smiled while her sister seem to glare at her with beams of fire. Kagome smiled. "Please excuse," she said as she led the beast away.
"You must excuse Kagome, she has a love for wild animals" said the king with a chuckle.
"Its no problem it's actually quite interesting," said Sesshoumaru.
"I don't mind," said Miroku.
"What about you Lord Inu-yasha?" asked Kikyou. Inu-yasha looked at Kikyou.
"Nothing" he said. She smiled.

"I still have two nieces arriving this evening they will be joining us for your stay here" said the king.
"Kikyou why don't you show them to their rooms" said the queen. Kikyou gave her mother a small look.
"I have a better idea why not let Kagome show them to their rooms, and I will arrange for tea" she said walking away.
Kagome mumbled a few curses before smiling. "Sure come on I'll show you around since my sister is to lazy," she said under her breath.
Sesshoumaru chuckled. "Something tells me that this stay will be very interesting," said Miroku.
Kagome smiled. "You guys aren't as up tight as most who come to stay with us, that's a good thing," said Kagome. Miroku smiled as he walked along with Kagome. Inu-yasha watched her as she smiled and held Miroku's hand away from her rear end. Inu-yasha chuckled maybe it won't be so bad but that's when there was another out break.
"Kagome!" came a childish yet womanly voice. Sesshoumaru and Miroku looked down the hall to the young girl in a yellow sundress waving at her.
"Rin!" said the young princess as she dashed towards the girl smiling.
"Ah Kagome, I was looking for you" said Rin looking towards the three men and rising an eyebrow. "Hey are those the idiots you want me and Sango to help you get rid of?" asked Rin in whisper. Sesshoumaru glared along with Inu-yasha.
"No I want one of them to get hitched with Kikyou before they go, I think she already choose her target" whispered back Kagome.

"Hey where are they Kagome?" came another voice this time from a woman coming down the other side of the hall. Miroku looked her up and down and smiled.
"Four beautiful young girls" he said as he drifted into his own world, where he had the super power of undressing girls with his eyes.
"Your sick" said Inu-yasha. Sesshoumaru was the only one trying to keep his thoughts straight.
"Princes Inu-yasha, Sesshoumaru and Miroku let me present to you my cousins, Rin and Sango," said Kagome with a smile. Sango smiled and bowed and so did Rin.
"Wow well have so much fun together," she said with sparkling eyes.
Kagome and Sango smiled. Miroku nodded nearly having a nosebleed from the attention he was getting from his well um his mind. Sesshoumaru tried to ignore Rin question on his hair and how he got it to shine so much, when she was suffering from lack of shine that could blind people. Sango was changeling a very confused and lost in his head Miroku to a duel, and Kagome just stood on the side watching with a smile. Inu-yasha watched her as an image of her with dark eyes and smile came to play in his head.
*So these were the great princesses of the north, that no prince has ever won the hearts of* Thought Inu-yasha. Kagome looked towards him and smiled that said it all.
*Great ready for a wonderful four weeks* she thought.

AN: I know short but I already have chapter 2 on the way and it's very long. Anyways tell me what you think ok. I know spelling and grammar sucks so excuse that. Thank you for reading!