InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Once upon a time...Sugar and Spice ❯ Dinner ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Once upon a time...Sugar and Spice
By: Haruka-chan

AN: No notes just enjoy! ^^

Dinner...Chapter 2

Last Time...
"Hey where are they Kagome?" came another voice this time from a woman coming down the other side of the hall. Miroku looked her up and down and smiled.
"Four beautiful young girls" he said as he drifted into his own world, where he had the super power of undressing girls with his eyes.
"Your sick" said Inu-yasha. Sesshoumaru was the only one trying to keep his thoughts straight.
"Princes Inu-yasha, Sesshoumaru and Miroku let me present to you my cousins, Rin and Sango," said Kagome with a smile. Sango smiled and bowed and so did Rin.
"Wow well have so much fun together," she said with sparkling eyes.
Kagome and Sango smiled. Miroku nodded nearly having a nosebleed from the attention he was getting from his well um his mind. Sesshoumaru tried to ignore Rin question on his hair and how he got it to shine so much, when she was suffering from lack of shine that could blind people. Sango was changeling a very confused and lost in his head Miroku to a duel, and Kagome just stood on the side watching with a smile. Inu-yasha watched her as an image of her with dark eyes and smile came to play in his head.
*So these were the great princesses of the north, that no prince has ever won the hearts of* Thought Inu-yasha. Kagome looked towards him and smiled that said it all.
*Great ready for a wonderful four weeks* she thought.

It was a few hours later did they emerge from there room and into the dining hall where supper was being served. Sesshoumaru, and Miroku were having their own thoughts and takes on the events taking place, while Inu-yasha just came right out and hated it. They bowed their respect to the King, Queen and Princess Kikyou while the other princesses where not present yet. Inu-yasha let his eyes drift towards Kikyou who was smiling as her body graced a ox red satin strapless princess gown with double inverted pleats at front and back, and a satin cord tie around the waist, her hair was done up with small red flowers decorating her head. He had to admit yet again that she was beautiful, life less but beautiful, and from what he assumed harmless. Sesshoumaru on the other hand was having a healthy conversation with the King on defense line and Militarism. Miroku was playing mind games, as he liked to call them with the servant standing with the bottle of wine.

"I wonder what is taking those girl so long," said the king after a good 10 minutes. As if on 'Q' Kagome, Sango and Rin entered. The princes' eye on them, Kagome smiled as her seamist satin sheath, sleeveless with a square neckline, and a whisper pink satin wrap sash as the back detailing flowed around her, her long ebony tresses were done up into a French ponytail, her lips a juicy pink, and her eyes high lighted to show the rear gray blue. Inu-yasha found himself stare at her with a wonderment. She was beautiful but a psycho was his interpretation of her. Sango and Rin also looked exceptionally beautiful. Sango in her wild rose matter taffeta two-piece gown, sleeveless bodice with an A-line skirt, hair lose in simple waves, and Rin her small form in a blush satin A-line gown with a Basque waist, off shoulder neckline with ribbon detail, her hair up in a bun. They bowed and sat down. Miroku smiled at Sango, while Sesshoumaru ignored Rin's giggles.

"Uncle we apologize for our belatedness, it won't happen again," said Rin bowing her head slightly. The King smiled and nodded.
"Sesshoumaru that is Rin one of my many nieces but also one of my most favorites, she is like a daughter to me. Rin is the Princess of Shunran (Spring Orchid)," said the King proudly as Rin smiled at her uncle.
"It's an honor to meet you Princess Rin," said Sesshoumaru trying to erase the maniac laughter from their earlier meeting.
"The pleasure is all mine Lord Sesshoumaru, I do hope you will like it here at my uncles palace, summer is most wonderful here" said Rin.
"I am quite sure it is, thank you," he said.
"My niece Sango is my sister's daughter, she is the Princess of the Tsuchifuru (Yellow Dust), she is heir to the kingdom," he said again.
"I am sure that the Queen of Tsuchifuru is as beautiful as the princess," said Miroku with a smile.
"Why Lord Miroku thank you," said Sango *and I'm sure a pig is more charming then you* she thought with a smile and fluttering eyes.
Inu-yasha watched Kagome smiled contently while chewing on the cheese and fruits, which were served as appetizers.
"Kagome and Kikyou darlings won't you show our guest around?" asked the queen with a small warning smile.
"Sure mother we will show them to the gardens after dinner" said Kagome.
"Yes we shall accompany them," said Rin.
"What fun it will be" said Sango.
"Yes quite" said Kikyou. Sesshoumaru swallowed his drink. "So tell us Lord Inu-yasha do you like it here so far, you haven't said a word" said Kikyou.
Inu-yasha turned towards her. "It's very beautiful here, I have heard that the northern land is known for its unique beauty I suppose this visit proves that right" said Inu-yasha. Kagome looked at him as he looked towards her and then at the queen.

"I smell White Plums," said Inu-yasha.
"Oh I am sorry," said Kagome. He looked at her.
"White plums in the summer?" asked Sesshoumaru.
"The smell of white plums is coming from Kagome, that is her favorite perfume," said Kikyou with a snicker.
"I like it" said Miroku.
"Yes its very pleasant" said Inu-yasha.
"I also smell Peaches and wild rose," said Inu-yasha closing his eyes and picking up the three smells along with another that mad his head hurt, probably coming Kikyou.
"Does the scent bother you?" asked Rin with a hint of actual concern.
"No they are very pleasant," said Inu-yasha with a small smile.
"Thank you" said Kagome, Rin and Sango.
The dinner passed by fairly well with small conversations, and compliment along with hidden insults. It was finally time for their tour around the gardens. The Queen and King decided that they would leave them to entertain themselves as went off to their chambers.
"Well here is the gardens, enjoy" said Rin.
Sesshoumaru raised an eyebrow. "That is the tour?" asked Sesshoumaru.
"Well we insist that you show yourself around, not unless Kikyou wants to show you around," said Kagome.
Kikyou smiled and walked towards Inu-yasha "why don't I show you around Lord Inu-yasha" she said pulling him away.
"Interesting" said Sango.
"I see that we won't have to work nearly as hard," said Kagome with small laughter.
"Oh yeah Kikyou will screw him good" said Rin.
"Screw?" asked Miroku. Sango and Rin looked at him with disgust.
"Come Lord Sesshoumaru I shall show you around for the simple fact that I like my uncle and would not want to dishonor him" she said.

Sesshoumaru followed giving Miroku a nod. "I shall do the same," said Sango.
Kagome stretched. "I shall meet both of you at out usual spot," said Kagome. Sango gave a smiled and motioned for Miroku to follow.
Rin told Sesshoumaru of all the different kinds of roses that were growing there, and how they change color as the seasons. She showed him the lines of Cherry trees and the willow trees near the lake.
"It is quite beautiful here," he said.
"You speak as if you didn't believe me earlier when I said it was" she said.
"I find it hard to believe anything said by those with mischief eyes as yours" he said looking into the amber orbs.
Rin glared at him and stared back, the gold of his eyes blinding her in their brightness. Sesshoumaru somehow how found himself admit that she was quite beautiful, unlike any other princess he came upon. They usually fell at his feet offering him their innocence, but not this one she wasn't innocent at all her eyes beautiful, as they gave a warning of the night and terror ahead. He smirked when she turned away.
"I know why you and I are here, this is a twisted way for me to choose a husband, and just as I have done in the past I will make you leave with your tail between your legs, for I have no need for a husband" she said.

He didn't know what came over him but he pulled her against him, and held her close. "Then you and I are on mutual understanding, I do not wish for a child but a woman when I do take a wife" he said breathing her breath. Rin glared and pushed at him, only to feel his grip tighten. "I'm not finish," he said.
"Well act like a care," she said.
He smiled at her; he could smell her uneasiness and fear. That was it they were afraid, afraid of getting married and being caged. "I can smell your fear," he whispered.
"I have no fear against you only your desires," she said.
"Do you know what desire is little girl?" he asked.
"Don't you dare ever call me a little girl, I am more of a woman then you a man," she said and with that she pushed him away. She bowed. "I would like it if you keep your distant my Lord for I still have my honor to think about" she said as she started to walk away.
Sesshoumaru sat down on the bench that was conveniently there. What ever came over him to capture her in his arms like that was just not him at all. But he could still make out her form through her gown, which from the feel of it might as well me nothing. He could still feel her full breast and her hips, her soft skin and...Sesshoumaru shook his head and stood and started to make his way back.

Sango did the same as Rin telling him of the plants the seasons and the sort of animals present there, she also made sure to keep at least 5ft of distance between them. Finally Miroku interrupted Sango.
"Why do you keep walking away like I'm going to do something to you?" he asked.
"Because I interpreted your hands pretty well, and let us say that they can't keep at your side, and accidentally fall on very intimate places," said Sango. Miroku laughed and threw his hands up.
"So you three have us all figured out huh?" asked Miroku sitting down on the rock.
"Pretty much" she said.
"We mean no harm we were called here, though I don't mind coming here if I could see beauties like you and the other princesses," he said.
"I figured that much also" she said with her arms folded over her chest. "Some things just doesn't change," she said. Miroku shot her a questioning look. "A princess is to marry a prince and live happily ever after well that isn't how reality works," she said.
Miroku stood and picked a blue bell, walked towards her and placed it in her hair. "You live a little too long in reality then they should let you, sometimes that fairy tale is what some can hold on to" said Miroku as he started to walk away.
Sango stood there as her hand slowly made its way to where the blue bell hung. "Maybe not all the same" she said. Miroku smiled as he made his way back. "How ironic I am afraid of her," he said chuckling.

Kikyou smiled as she held Inu-yasha's hand. "Lord Inu-yasha I assure you that you will enjoy this," she said. Inu-yasha could already smell her desire. He let her lead them to the small shadowed area where she leaned against the tree and smiled at him. "I shall be honest with my lord, I find you quite wonderful, and would want to know how you taste" she said licking her red painted lips. Inu-yasha let her pull him into the kiss, he didn't know why but he kissed her back and went on to kissing her neck, and down to her breast which she thought to leave open her gown so that all he had to do was pull it down and he did just as and sucked on a nipple as she made erotic noise, though he himself wasn't quite enjoying himself. He figured that she wasn't innocent either, and that she pulled his with all the princes that probably visited the castle. He just followed her.

Kagome walked to a small dome being held up by Greek columns in the midst of the water surrounding it. [AN: I hope you guys understand what I mean] the small flat rocks lay out to walk on to the dome. Kagome sat down inside it looking around the forest, which surrounded the waters and the dome. She sighed as she closed her eyes.
"Looks as if were going to have complications" said Sango fingering the blue bell.
"I agree" said Rin.
Kagome looked up at her cousins. "I figured that much" said Kagome as she sighed again.
"How about a swim?" asked Sango pulling her gown off.
"I'm in" said Rin pulling her hair out.
"I hate this, why does father, and mother to this to us?" asked Kagome still stilling on the bench.
"Because then there would be nothing for us princesses to do other then going to balls" said Sango jumping into the water.
Rin chuckled as she sat on one of the rocks and soaked her feet. "Come on Kagome, we'll get rid of them no worries" she said.
"Rin your such a lair I could tell that you're worried" said Kagome.
"Fine but we'll worry together that's why we agreed to come, so you won't be alone" said Rin.
Sango splashed some water at Kagome. "Hey calm down how hard can they be from every other one?" asked Sango.
"Yeah I guess your right" she said jumping in.

Inu-yasha pulled away from her. "I can't dishonor your father, I cam here with honor and that's how I plan to leave" he said. Kikyou glared and pulled her gown up and walked away.
Inu-yasha cursed when his ears picked up laughter not far away. He wondered if Sesshoumaru and Miroku were having as fun as he was. He followed the laughter to the lake, where he met up with Sesshoumaru and Miroku.
"You hear that?" asked Inu-yasha.

AN: Done with chapter 2! Ok I got some good reviews come on give me twice as much. I know I promised longer chapters but I wanted to end it there. I know I'm moving fast but I have a plan k! My spelling and grammar sucks to no end and I'm sorry. Thank you again!