InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Day You Will ❯ Chapter 1

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
One Day You Will
Golden Foxfyre

Disclaimer: :Checking information in graphic novel: Nope, not mine, so back off!

Chapter 1


Her sight was filled with an unusual scene. 'Nani? This is strange!' She continued to gaze about uneasily. It was still the road to her mother's vacation home; where her mother met Lord Taro-maru. But something was dreadfully wrong. There was blood splashed on a few trees, and those very trees, once so comforting, obscured her view of what was obviously a battlefield between youkai. It was like nature was trying to protect he who had fallen.

Slowly, she emerged from the shadowed forest; into a devastated area. The meadow was once a rich green of growing grass, but now the grasses were burned away by blasts of yoki. Brown earth was stained red with blood that still seeped from... The Lord of the Western Lands! He lay there quietly, in a puddle of his blood. His chest rose and fell with his shallow breathing, which occasionally caught in his throat to make him cough. Even during those spells, he never opened his eyes which gave away the weakness that he'd acquired from the battle. In this state, he would be vulnerable to other taiyoukai, or even the lesser ones.

"Hold on, m`lord. Help is on the way. I know where you are."

He barely reacted to her voice then coughed to clear his throat of the blood he was swallowing because of his lacerated lips.


She woke sharply, gasping for air. 'I can't stand this anymore! That was the third time this week! Now I know that it really happened. At least I have a convenient excuse.'

"Lady Izayoi, why are you up so early?" Her maid began to brush her hair when her hand was caught.

"Ayumi, I've told you about my curse before." Izayoi took the brush herself to take care of the chore.

"M`lady!" Ayumi gasped, her eyes wide with fear. She remembered the dreams that troubled her mistress, for she had been privy to many of them.

"Calm down. I must go, he's been hurt and this time I know I'm not imagining things. He must be saved, for we don't want a malevolent taiyoukai in the west." Izayoi finished with her hair and tied it back with a lavender ribbon. Quickly, she put on a habakama and chihaya, an outfit which would make low level youkai think twice before attacking her. "You don't have to come, Ayumi. I am well able to take care of myself. After all, that's something my mother instilled in me at an early age."

She packed her bags then retrieved a couple of horses. These calm, placid mares wouldn't harm anyone injured, be they youkai or mortal. After fastening her bags on the black one, Izayoi leapt aboard. She would lead the calmer gray mare behind.

"Izayoi!" a voice called, causing her to halt. Her father came to the mare's side, carrying a bundle she'd forgotten. "Be careful, my child. Not even the fastest horses could outrun an angry youkai." He removed the protective cloth then handed the quiver full of arrows and a bow over to her.

"I'll be fine, Tousan. If one of them comes near me, they'll regret it." She tucked back a loose strand of hair. 'I'm miko born and trained. Sadly, my otousan hasn't let me develop those abilities to what they could be. Being born a noblewoman as well as a miko is more of a curse than a blessing.' Izayoi secured the quiver to her shoulder. "Sayonara. I'll see you in a couple of weeks."

She heeled the black mare into motion, leading the gray along behind. A sigh escaped her once the village was out of sight. "Listen to me, both of you." Two sets of ears swiveled towards the voice that had tamed the wildness out of them twelve years ago. "My father is probably wondering why I took both of you. I know that you're curious too." She sighed again. "The Lord of the Western Lands has been gravely injured. In such a state, he is vulnerable to attack. If he is killed, then a very evil demon could take over and all mortals in these lands will be in danger."

The trot was slowed to a walk as they moved through an old battlefield. Rusting swords and armour were poking out of the soil, marking where samurai had fallen; though their bodies had long since turned to dust. Both mares let out relieved sounds once they left that land behind them. Water splashed over their legs as they forded the creek that ran between the field and the wood.

Breath caught in Izayoi's throat. Blood stained trees... 'Those are the same trees! So close to the old battlefield! He's near.' "Let's go, Leila." She urged the mare forward, to the edge of the clearing before dismounting. Izayoi secured both of them to trees before retrieving rolls of bandages and venturing into the scarred land.

She found him, laying in a pool of his own blood, like her dream had shown her. Dried blood made a dark crust on his silver-white hair and trailed down his face in macabre stripes that were alien to him.

A groan escaped him as she began to wrap his wounds. He made a move to rise, but a gentle hand on his chest stopped him. "Iie, my lord. Don't try to get up yet."

Her voice startled, yet calmed him at the same time. Golden eyes slowly opened due to curiosity, and found a vision of beauty helping him. Long blue-black hair was restrained by a lavender ribbon. Expressive violet eyes showed concern as she wrapped the injuries his enemy had given him. He breathed in and caught her scent. 'A noble lady miko? I wouldn't have expected her to help me.' Another groan escaped his clenched teeth as she pulled the bandage tight. 'Violets under the sun... It's a comforting scent.' "Naze?"

She almost missed his whispered question. "You're hurt, m`lord. I can help you." After finishing with the last of the wounds on his body, she helped him to his feet. "I have a vacation house not far from here. I hope you'll be able to ride for a couple of hours."

He stumbled, finding her steadying him like it was the most natural thing for her to do. "As long as I'm not jarred in the saddle." His reply came out as a hiss. 'I really shouldn't be leaning on her. But I'm too weak to stand or walk on my own.'

Gentle hands aided him into the saddle then secured him. The steel gray mare let out a soft whicker as he settled. Before she could get to her own horse, he grabbed her arm, mindful of his claws. "Lady Miko, please tell me your name."

Startled, she turned to stare at him. "I am Izayoi, daughter of Lord Taro-maru."

He released her arm with a soft chuckle. "I doubt he'd agree with what you're doing, Lady Izayoi."

She shrugged, untied the horses then swung up onto her black mare. "I could care less about what my father thinks, Lord Inutaisho. I've seen what your rivals are like and prefer you to stay Lord of the Western Lands."