InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Equals Inconceivable Plus Reluctant ❯ 1. Tainted. ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

One Equals Inconceivable Plus Reluctant. [NC-17]
Summary: InuYasha is doomed and the least expected of all shows up to help. Witness how they handle the obstacles that present themselves as their union grows. InuYasha x Sesshomaru pairing.
WARNING: Hentai/Yaoi/Romance. If you do not like pairing between two males who are brothers then do not read this. This story contains explicit scenes for mature readers only. Not beta'ed.
Inspired by a combination of these superb stories:
Miko No Da's “Necessary Meassures” (a Rurouni Kenshin fan-fic, Kaoru x Kenshin pairing),
Inugrrrl's “Crucify My Love” (an InuYasha fan-fic, Sess x Inu pairing), and
PitaBread's “That's the Way Love Goes” (an InuYasha fan-fic, Sess x Kagome pairing).
A.N. Once I read “Crucify My Love” I went on a hunt for more Sess x Inu pairing fan-fic. To my surprise I found very few and those that I found did not go into hentai scenes. So, my hentai imagination had to create its own; thus, this fan-fic came to be.
This is my first yaoi fan-fic. I can only hope that I am not too far from what it would be like between two males. My writing of the actual physical interaction between the two males is based on what I have read from other yaoi readings. Granted, my husband and I have not ventured into that type of pleasuring since I am female. But I did wish that we had so that I could write about it from personal experience. So I had to rely on my vivid imagination and on my belief that overall the sensations should still be the same.
By the way, one thing that intrigued me very much was the fact that many fan fictions say that InuYasha would “purr” whenever his ears were touched. I always wondered about this because I thought that only cats did that. Then I realized that dogs do have a kind of purr or rumble when you touch them a certain place and they are very happy. Thus, whenever I refer to the characters purring then I am referring to this.
Another thing, there are many question and answer conversations here; especially during the last chapters. The answers are purely from me; which really means from reading many InuYasha fan-fictions and/or an extrapolation from them.
I do not have a beta so I count on the time you put into your comments. In fact, I could have really used the help of a beta for this story (I still do). If there are any beta's out there that could add one more person to their list then please let me know. I may need you for this and many more stories to come.
I enjoyed writing this story. This is dedicated to the authors mentioned above. Read and above all else, enjoy! QS
One Equals Inconceivable Plus Reluctant. [NC-17]
Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha and give thanks to its creator Rumiko Takahashi; it's such a wonderful series.
WARNING: Hentai/Yaoi/Romance. If you do not like pairing between two males who are brothers then do not read this. This story contains explicit scenes for mature readers only.
You have been warned.
1. Tainted.
More than three years had gone by since Naraku was defeated. It had been that long since Kagome left to her time and then never returned. Sango and Miroku were already expecting their second baby but their happiness paled in comparison to how much they missed Kagome. They had hoped that the sequence of children would have been paralleled by Kagome's union with InuYasha.
InuYasha had only recently accepted that Kagome was not to return. Determined, he decided to live long enough to meet with her again in her time. InuYasha knew that he was going to live longer than a human; however, he was not sure for how much longer.
The hanyou decided to conduct his own investigation starting with a talk to Kaede. And thus his quest for immortality became the reason for his waking up every morning.
Miroku and Sango would talk to InuYasha about his quest and how they wished that things could have been different. The hanyou would respond with a shrug of his shoulders. They'd quietly observe him and think that if he succeeded then what will he do for the next five hundred years without a partner?
InuYasha had heard about a demon that made powerful potions. In fact, the rumor said that this demon called Makoto had concocted a potion for immortality.
InuYasha had to investigate. The one catch was that the demon lived in his brother's territory.
No matter, he thought, this will be quick.
As InuYasha searched for the scent of the one who may grant him immortality, he ran into a pair of saimyosho. InuYasha's internal red flag went up. There was no way that they existed considering that Naraku was dead. Or was he?
The saimyosho continued their course. InuYasha disregarded his initial goal and soon was on their heel. The wasps had flown deep into Sesshomaru's forest when all of a sudden they disappeared. The hanyou slowed as he could sense a barrier in the place where he had lost sight of the insects.
He laughed to himself.
The half-demon retrieved his Tetsusaiga from its sheath. His Father's fang instantly expanded to its maximum size but instead of silver it was now dark red. InuYasha expertly wielded the sword against the unseen barrier and it immediately dissolved. He could not help but give a smug smile, put away his sword and bolt into the thickness of the forest ahead to continue his pursuit.
He caught up with the saimyosho in no time and followed them up to a small hut in the middle of the forest.
The hanyou stopped at the entrance of the hut and tried to identify the surrounding smells. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Suddenly, he saw a short and stout elderly demon come out from the hut. He was carrying a pot with something steaming out of it. He stood still and upon seeing InuYasha in front of him he blinked several times. It seemed as if the demon could not believe what he was seeing in front of him.
“Who are you and how did you enter this area?” asked the demon.
“I am InuYasha and I was following the saimyosho. You wouldn't be the demon called Makoto that makes potions? In fact, I am looking for a potion of immortality.”
The old one looked at the young half-demon and put his pot down. He approached InuYasha carefully.
“Yes, my name is Makoto.” he responded.
He continued to say, “Young man, the barrier, what happened to it?” he asked in deep concern.
InuYasha feh-ed, annoyed at feeling somewhat guilty. He said, “I tore it down to follow the saimyosho. They used to be Naraku's messengers. Why are they here with you?”
The old demon looked at him and his expression became grave, “You should not have destroyed the barrier; its existence is the only thing that allows me to work on my potions in this area without putting anyone at risk.”
They stood looking at each other and InuYasha said, “But the saimyosho…”
Makoto exasperatedly wringed his hands together in apprehension and quickly said, “They simply followed me around and in time I could communicate with them. They are excellent helpers in finding difficult plants and other ingredients. They chose to help me and I in turn protect them here.”
Once the old man noticed that his answer had satisfied the inquisitive intruder he gave the following instructions, “Now, InuYasha is your name right? Please, carefully turn around and leave this area. Remain on the path you're on for I have potions set everywhere. I was about to destroy a very dangerous one but that will have to wait until you are safely away and I put up my barrier once again.”
“I will leave as soon as you give me the potion of immortality,” InuYasha said with determination.
The potion maker tried to maneuver around InuYasha's resistance and said, “Let's talk about this outside this perimeter. Please, for your sake, do as I say.”
Suddenly, another pair of saimyosho flew in frantically in zig-zag from the outer perimeter and soon after a bright ball of white light followed. The bright light faded towards the side of the hut and in its place was Sesshomaru with his claws ready to strike.
InuYasha immediately growled while Sesshomaru looked at the scene in front of him.
The old demon grabbed his head and said, “No! Another intruder! You both must leave. This is my work area and it is dangerous for you to continue here.”
“I will leave once I have destroyed the saimyosho,” said Sesshomaru still ready to strike the wasps that were hovering on top of the old demon.
“Keh,” said InuYasha, “I too came after them. They are harmless. They now serve him.”
Makoto confirmed this.
Sesshomaru looked at the pair and lowered his now relaxed hand. His attention turned to his half-brother whom he had seldom seen.
“Your presence in my territory is not welcome. Leave.” He said.
InuYasha shrugged his shoulders and said, “I will leave as soon as he gives me what I came for.”
The lord of the West narrowed his eyes and with no warning withdrew his Tokijin from its sheath and aimed it at the hanyou. With a sharp swing the sword shot a blast that went clear across the front of the hut aiming at the two.
InuYasha immediately grabbed the old demon and jumped out of the blast's path.
After a safe landing InuYasha barked, “Idiot! What are you doing?”
Sesshomaru growled, “Obey at once and leave.”
The old demon howled so loud that it brought both brothers' attention to him. Makoto was petrified and staring wide eyed down at InuYasha's feet.
InuYasha then looked down and noticed that he had landed on a now cracked pot which contained a yellow liquid. The viscous liquid coated his entire left foot.
The potion maker shook his head from side to side in desperation. He looked at InuYasha in horror. “I told you to leave this area. You have been tainted by the very potion I was going to destroy.”
The brothers looked at Makoto but were unable to grasp the seriousness of the situation.
InuYasha asked, “What was this potion for?”
The old demon gravely responded, “This is an arousing potion. The antidote to it is to pleasure the victim for the remaining of the night until day break. If properly pleasured before day break then the victim will survive. However, it seems that this potion is too potent. Only two demons have used it and the victims have perished. That is why I was going to properly destroy it.”
InuYasha could not believe what he was hearing. Sesshomaru stood there stoic as usual.
The young man looked at the potion maker and asked, “Are you saying that if I do not….” he paused but continued, “…..masturbate myself all night successfully then I will die?”
The old demon could not help but redden at the implications of this, “I suggest that you find yourself many partners and have them line up and assist you with this. It is a matter of life or death.”
Wordless, all InuYasha could think about was that there was only one person that could possibly take that role for him and she was five hundred years away.
A growl emanated from the depths of his being, “Why did you create this stupid potion?”
Although irrelevant, it did beg the question for its existence.
The old demon simply said, “I make potions by order. An arousal potion was one of them. The partner of the one who requested it could not be stimulated by anything and so he approached me. I still had to test it but he took it from me by force and shared the sample with another. They are the ones whose partners perished.”
The events sunk in while InuYasha stood there in disbelief. He stood there hearing the explanation from the deeply upset old demon while he continually repeated to himself the words, I will die tonight.
After a long pause his attention went to Sesshomaru who did not say a word during the whole exchange. Instead, he was frozen still with his sword still unsheathed.
Anger and defiance sprung from within InuYasha and he said, “Don't you dare think that I will finally die tonight you smug son of a bitch. I will survive this as I have survived countless of other things that have been thrown to my wretched life.”
For once Sesshomaru did not reply; his eyesight did not waver while he put his Tokijin away. After one last pause the stoic lord turned and walked away.
Once his elder brother left, InuYasha's defiant position soon relaxed and his breathing calmed.
He looked at Makoto and said, “Dispose of this and then look for the immortality potion. I will come for it tomorrow.”
After a moment of silence he said, “You owe me old one.”
The potion maker looked down and did not respond. He did not have an immortality potion but he did not think that it was worth mentioning to the condemned hanyou.
InuYasha lifted his now sticky left foot from the liquid and broken clay.
The old demon said, “Wait.”
He quickly hobbled towards the now cool pot that he had left at the entrance of his hut. He proceeded to dump its contents on the potion's remnants, on InuYasha's foot and fire rat pant.
He looked up at InuYasha and gravely said, “Sorry.”
InuYasha asked with a soft resigned voice, “When will the symptoms begin?”
The potion maker said, “It is activated by nightfall.”
InuYasha looked at the angle of the sun and quickly ran through his mind the things that he had to do.
“Don't forget, I will come back tomorrow,” and he leapt away.
The old demon quickly walked away from his hut and towards the edge of his perimeter to set the barrier once again. Once it was up he did the only thing he knew to do for the doomed hanyou. He went back to his hut, lit incense and prayed.