InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Equals Inconceivable Plus Reluctant ❯ 2. Preparations. ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

One Equals Inconceivable Plus Reluctant. [NC-17]
Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha and give thanks to its creator Rumiko Takahashi; it's such a wonderful series.
WARNING: Hentai/Yaoi/Romance. If you do not like pairing between two males who are brothers then do not read this. This story contains explicit scenes for mature readers only.
You have been warned.
2. Preparations.
InuYasha leapt into the village finding Kaede downtown talking to Miroku and Sango. He approached them and said, “We need to talk.”
They all followed him to a clearing near the river. InuYasha explained what had happened.
They were all petrified after learning about the fate that awaited their friend. InuYasha then said, “I need food to keep my energy up through the night.” They all nodded and as they saw how the daylight would soon end, they all decided to meet at Kaede's with the rations.
In no time several roots and vegetables were put together in a large basket. Sango took a look at everything and said, “If we had more time we could have gathered some fruit, nuts and honey. You need all the energy possible and that is really what would get you through the night.”
InuYasha picked up the basket filled with the items and said, “There is no time.”
“Where will you be and who will help you?” asked Miroku with concern dripping from every word.
His doomed friend replied, “Keh! Only Kagome could help me so I will take care of myself. I'll be in my cave.”
Miroku and Sango looked at each other communicating without words and then nodded. Miroku then turned to him and said, “We will help you InuYasha. Sango and I are willing to take up the task.”
InuYasha stood in shock listening to his words. They deeply touched a chord within him. He thought to himself, They are willing to be with me that way? They are willing to be with me even if I am a hanyou?
After looking at his friends' eyes which shined with a brightness of honest caring and friendship, he looked down making his bangs cover his eyes.
“Th-Thank you, but you can't,” he said.
The demon slayer tried to convince him otherwise, “I am already pregnant so that's one less thing to worry about and as for endurance we can take turns.”
Miroku could not help but go to a blissful place where the three were making love together in ecstasy. He then voiced his thoughts, “Well, at times we could do a threesome.”
InuYasha, Kaede and Sango all shook their heads while they looked at him with disapproval.
“Wha-at??” he asked feigning absolute innocence.
InuYasha then said, “I don't know if my demon side will appear or not. I know that if it did while I was with Kagome then I would not harm her because I see her as my mate. But you two, I don't think that I would recognize you and could kill you. You have a child and one on the way. I cannot allow you to take the risk.”
Sango and Miroku complained saying that the Tetsusaiga would prevent this. InuYasha shook his head and put an end to that idea.
Miroku then said out loud, “If only another demon could help us out.” Then they all looked at Kirara. The cat demon looked at them innocently from her tiny form blinking its eyes not quite following what they were talking about.
“Keh!” said InuYasha, “I know that I cannot be picky but I'd be using Kirara. I cannot do that to her.”
Sango started to cry and hugged him as tightly as she could. She so wanted to help and protect her friend but he would not let her.
After she had let go of him, Kaede extended her arms and he crouched to receive her hug. With concern and sadness she proceeded to pat his head gently.
Finally, Miroku walked towards his best friend and said, “InuYasha, our hearts were broken when Kagome left and never returned. We all thought that she would but it is clear that she couldn't. If you survive this then you may see her again; however, we don't even have that chance. We will be long gone before the end of this century.”
InuYasha observed his friend as their reality became relatively apparent. Should he survive this night their life will still extinguish sooner than his because of their respective life expectancy.
Then Miroku grabbed InuYasha's shoulders bunching the fire rat cloth underneath his hard grip and said, “We have lost Kagome but should we lose you then we will finally be crushed. Do not allow us to outlive you.”
InuYasha took in his friend's words and watched as Miroku's eyes welled up in tears. He then said, “Keh! I will survive this no matter what.”
Miroku saw through his fake cockiness and hugged his hanyou friend in a distressed hug.
InuYasha allowed this and felt his heart sink.
The monk let go of him and stepped back to comfort his wife who was crying inconsolably. InuYasha then looked at the three one more time. He said, “I will not say good-bye to Shippo because I'll be back tomorrow.”
He turned around stood there and for some reason from the deep recesses of his heart he did feel that this was good-bye. He did not dare look back at his friends and ran into the forest.
InuYasha was in his cave putting away the rations for the night. He had accumulated enough fire wood for the night. He prepared the fire and began cooking the few roots and vegetables that his friends were able to provide for his night.
Once the roots and vegetables in the ashes were ready to eat, he went to the back of the cave. In the back was a small pond that was fed by a stream of fresh cool water. This was one of the few caves that had this and for that reason he had selected it as his home since he was a pup.
InuYasha slowly disrobed. It was strange for him to do so. He never took off his fire rat clothing unless it was to bathe. He folded them neatly and placed them on a boulder next to him. He still wore his white top; he figured that when the time came he would take it off.
Next, he returned to the center of the cave and sat on the white fur rug that was given to him since his childhood. The rug was large enough to cover Kaede's entire hut and different sized boulders surrounded the back, the left and right side of the rug. The front of it was clear of boulders to allow easy entry to it.
The hanyou looked around the cool, cleared cave. Lit torches were strategically placed around his walls to light up his cave better.
InuYasha then looked to his side to pick up his subjugation necklace. Kagome had removed it from him before she left. He in turn kept it. It was his only connection to her.
I miss you…, he thought as his hand grabbed the beads into a tight fist. A lump on his throat grew for the ten thousandth time in the three years that he had kept vigil over her.
Next, InuYasha noticed how the rays of the sunset reflected warm colors of red, orange and yellow on the tree leaves outside. His cave was protected by trees but still they were sparse enough to allow the sun light to break through.
InuYasha sat and waited.