InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One for the Kid ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: One for the Kid
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha, though this plot is mine!
Ages: Everyone is between 22 and 25. They will be mentioned later.
Rating: M (for topics and language)
Chapter 4
So I'm not where in my mind I had come to realize how much I really like Inuyasha. In fact when I did realize it I still didn't except it, which is why I can't stand the guy. That's why I was going on a date with him, or at least that's probably what you're thinking: If she doesn't like him why is she going out with him. Yes, I'm asking myself the same question and no I don't have an answer.
Sango was more than willing to take the rest of the day off and go shopping with me. In fact I barely finished the sent sentence when she jumped up yelled to Miroku she was leaving, grabbed her purse and me and went out the door all in one fluid motion that Miroku didn't even have time to react.
Fortunately we got to the mall safely and almost completely legal. Almost. I told Sango casual clothing and she went off to find some things for me and also to find thing for herself too.
I was thinking a nice new pair of jeans and a sweater, which I found. Sango was think more of a swoop neck and jeans, with a jacket. We agreed on the jeans I picked out, but couldn't decide between the tops. I ended up getting both and I planned to ask Ayame which one she liked.
The way to the mall was quick and relatively quite, while the trip home was not.
“You never did tell me who this date was with.” Sango stated.
“Well it didn't seem important, in fact it still doesn't” I responded. I really didn't want to go there with her.
“Oh, then I know him them.” She said raising an eyebrow.
“Yes, you know him.” You should, he is after all your fiancé's best friend, I added silently.
“I bet I can guess him.” She smiled, not that's exactly what I wanted her to do, not.
“Alright go.”
“Hmm… Inuyasha?” She guessed. My eyes widened and I looked at her. “I'll take the no response as I was right?”
I nodded not being able to speak at the moment. She had to know somehow, there was no way she could guess it just like that. Okay maybe she could, but you know what are the odds?
“Kagome, it wasn't that hard. There are about four guys that would ask you out, but three of them have reasons why they wouldn't. First, Miroku, but he's engaged, though he might just because it's Miroku. Second, Hojo, but you've already gone through that once, and that's enough. Finally, Kouga, but he hasn't been in lately, so that leaves Inuyasha. Really the only guy you have had contact with recently.” Sango explained.
“What about Sesshomaru?” I asked, it could've have very well been him. Damn.
“Kagome, do you honestly think that he would ask you out and leave Rin?” Sango asked giving me a `you have to be kidding me look'.
I've known Rin for about as longs as I have known Sesshomaru, which is about three years. Sesshomaru just recently got engaged to one of our really good friends. Rin is also about the only person that can get any kind of emotions out of him. She goes on and on about how sweet he is, but when everyone is around he tends to be a bit cold hearted. I don't think anyone will ever know, except for Rin. I sighed knowing that she was right; Sesshomaru would not leave Rin.
“Do you know how much I hate you?” I asked.
“You don't hate me. You love me! Plus I just helped you get an outfit for this date. And I have heard some things about where Kikyo is and who she works for, now.” Sango answered. Unfortunately she had a really good point.
“I already know that she works or sort of works for Naraku. That Sango was a no brainer.” I said as she parked her car in the office parking lot.
I got out and went to my car. Might as well go home and attempt to get ready. I had killed about four and a half hours, so it was four-thirty. I had about two and half before I had to be in the lobby.
I didn't realize that Sango and I could spend that long at the mall, even if we had spent longer before. It was probably because we were looking for something specific and not just looking.
I arrived at home and took the shopping bags out of the back and headed into the apartment. I stopped before I reached the doors and looked around. It felt like someone was watching me; or something bad was going to happen. I set down my bags and purse right in side the doors and nodded to girl at the desk. She came over and moved the bags behind the desk. She knew I was a cop and had done this only once before. I had grabbed my keys and walked so I was in a direct line with my car. I pressed the unlock button and my car didn't do anything. So I pressed the lock button and BOOM! There went my car.
The desk girl came running out with a phone to her ear while I watched my car go up in smokes. I liked this car. I sat down on the bench and waited for everyone to arrive.
Five minutes later I saw Inuyasha rush out of an unmarked car that had barely pulled to a stop before he had the door open. He ran to me as I stood and waited for him to reach me. This was going to be hell.
“Are you okay?” He asked putting his hands on my shoulders and holding me at arms length. His eyes went over my whole body looking for any injuries.
“I'm just a bit shaken up. But other than that I'm fine. I was standing here when it went off.” I answered. “Aren't you suppose to be wrapping up a case?”
“He is, but when this came in a rookie told him and he left so quick that no one else had, had a chance to get to there cars.” Sesshomaru said walking up to us both.
“Kagome, what exactly happened?” Inuyasha asked completely ignoring Sesshomaru.
“Well I had this feeling…” I started.
“Kagome, you have a lot a feelings a lot of the time.” Sesshomaru warned. He still remembered the time I went on my gut feeling and opened his office door when he and Rin were in a… compromising position. I had a very hard time trying to explain that one.
“This time it was different. I felt like someone was watching me so I set my bags and purse down inside and the desk girl came and grabbed them and put them behind the desk. I moved so my car was in my direct line of sight and pressed the unlock button. Nothing happened, so I tried the lock button and BOOM! There went my car, up in flames.” I finished. Sesshomaru really need to let that go. How was I to know? At least this feeling was sort of right.
Both brothers looked at each other and looked back at me raising an eyebrow. What pricks!
“I'm serious! That's what happened. If you ask me what I think about it I would tell you that it was probably an attempt to kill me. I am on the hit list.” I said after then giving me strange looks. Especially from Sesshomaru, the cold-hearted.
“Well she doesn't smell like she's lying.” Inuyasha finally said. Sesshomaru just shrugged and walked off to see what the status was on my car.
“You had to use your nose to see if I was lying or not?” I asked raising my eyebrow.
“Well Kagome, the story is a bit out there.” He answered. My face didn't change expressions. “Would you rather see me hit Sesshomaru for smelling you?”
At that I laughed, yes I busted out laughing. I knew that he was a dog demon and that he could smell my emotions and what not, but that was just too funny. Smelling me? What could he possibly… oh shit!
I stopped laughing and looked at Inuyasha whose face was turning slightly red.
“Inuyasha, I'm not totally clear on how the dog demon nose works.” I said then daring to ask, “Could explain what exactly you smell?”
“Well, first off, your emotions. If you cry I can smell the tears and so on. I can also smell your arousal, when you are.” He said blushing, “I can smell when you are in heat. You do know what I mean by that right?”
“Yes, but can Sesshomaru smell the same things?” I questioned.
“Yeah, but he can smell when we've mated or something along those lines. I can smell him and Rin when they just kiss and if they go farther than that I can smell it too. That's why I said it was best that I did it, well I'm not sure if he did, but my scent is still on you.” Inuyasha finished explaining, not leaving out shudder when he mentioned Rin and his half-brother.
“Oh,” came my oh-so intelligent reply.
“Well, not to change the subject, but I want to make sure we're still on for tonight.” Inuyasha said looking at the pavement.
“Yeah, I just went shopping with Sango.” I said my mood lifting a bit. Somehow he was really the only one that could do that.
“Alright, cool. I'll come up and make sure that everything is okay in your apartment.” He said. As much as I wanted to, I didn't argue with that.
He followed me to the desk and I grabbed my bags and purse then we both headed to the elevator. When it arrived we stepped in. When the doors were shut and I had hit the third floor button Inuyasha pulled me close to him. My back was pressed up against his chest and his arms wrapped around my waist.
“You know I was really worried.” He whispered huskily I my ear making a shudder run down my entire body. “When it was called in and that rookie told me I swear I would have run all the way here if a car wasn't ready. I didn't want to lose you.”
We arrived on my floor and Inuyasha release, though I really wished he hadn't. My legs weren't exactly ready to hold there own, but managed. I pulled out my key and unlocked the door. I left my key in the door and pulled my gun out of its holster spot and had it ready. This might have been over the top, but hey I was already shaken up.
Inuyasha followed me in and went ahead to check my other rooms. I set my stuff down and looked around my small living room. Ayame had neatly put her pillow and blankets in a pile on the couch. I believe today she was busy looking for any apartment.
“Everything looks clear, though I would keep your gun on you and your eyes open.” Inuyasha said coming back and putting his gun back into the waistband of his pants. “The only thing I found was your cat, who was asleep on your bed.”
I sighed; I knew becoming a cop was dangerous along with being a bounty hunter. I was always was willing to take that risk, but no one had ever blown up my car. Sure I've been hit before and had to get out of my car before it blew up, but at least I knew it was going to.
I had go on missions where half the department thought I wouldn't make it. Those would be the missions that I would dress like a slut and get my self into a rather difficult position then come out with almost nothing but a scratch. Why did now feel so different?
“Kagome, don't worry well get these guys.” Inuyasha said pulling me to him. I was not going to break down; at least when we aren't even very far into the case, in my book, it needs to be when I'm actually shot at.
“Inuyasha, I'm really scared. I have this terrible feeling that something really, really bad is going to happen.” I admitted.
“Kagome, sweetie, please trust me when I say that I won't let anything happen to you. I promise you that. Now we can either forget about the date and stay here and watch a movie or at my house and then I drive you home or we can still go out. It's your choice.” Inuyasha said, “I know I already asked you, but I need to make sure you are sure.”
If we were to watch a movie it couldn't be here because of Ayame unless she somehow already found an apartment. And I really did want to go out tonight.
“Inuyasha I'm sure that I want to go out. I'm just a little shaken that's all.” I replied.
“Alright, well I'm going to leave. I have to wrap up the other investigation and check what's going on in the parking lot. I'll call you before you leave and wear something that you'll be comfortable in.” he said pulling back slightly.
I nodded, while he leaned down a kissed me. Oh god, I was never going to get use to this feeling. My arms found their way around his neck and up to his cute little puppy dog-ears. While his arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me close.
We parted when we heard, really Inuyasha heard, a knock on the door. I turned to see Sesshomaru standing there, arms crossed. Inuyasha pulled me close and I didn't resist, I felt safe. Not sure from what, but I could just let him do all the talking.
“Little brother, please tell me that this case is not bring out an old relationship. I thought that yesterday was just fluke thing.” He said in his normal monotone voice.
“Why would it matter?” Inuyasha asked pulling me closer even though that probably wasn't possible.
“I would not want it to affect the job you two must do.” Sesshomaru answered. He was always good with the retorts to Inuyasha's comments and questions.
“What my relationships are do not concern you.” Inuyasha scoffed. Nice, Inuyasha, nice.
“They do if they concern your partner. Inuyasha you know very well that if you two weren't on the same case that it would not matter, but that is not the present situation. This case became top priority when it was found out that there was a hit out on two of our best cops. Clearly Naraku is not messing around. I came to inform you two that there was a bomb placed on your car to go off when you locked it, clearly you forgot to when you got out. And thank god for that. I would have had to deal with Inuyasha. Now until this case is solved I'm going to warn you that if this relationship… progresses. Then I'll take you both off the case and I'll do it myself, my way, so that means I won't be listening to either of you.” Sesshomaru answered, his face never changing expression.
“Sesshomaru,” I said moving slightly in Inuyasha's arms, “You know very well that you can tell Inuyasha that all you want. But if this comes down to a hostage situation with Naraku holding Shippo, even if we don't know that he has him yet, lets pretend he does and this situation comes along. I'm the best you have to get the kid out alive. That would mean risking my life to save Shippo's. You know this very well, that it becomes a life or death situation and even more so when I enter to try and get everyone happy.” I could have sworn I saw Sesshomaru's grin falter. I had seen how protective he was over Rin when she was in a car accident. He had turned the whole police station upside down just to get out and to her. I had a feeling; (there I go again with feelings) that he was implying that Inuyasha would be much the same way.
“Unfortunately, I have to agree with you. Though I am not exactly sure what you are getting at.” Sesshomaru said after a moment to regain the cold-hearted look.
“I'm saying that you should let Inuyasha and I date, though if that situation arises you have to know that Inuyasha will be rash.” I explained.
“I will let you date, on one condition.” He said.
“Now wait…” Inuyasha started.
“Okay,” Before I cut him off. Didn't want him to completely screw this up.
“You can not go out to date. So if you were planning one tonight, it's canceled. You can have one but it must be in one of your houses. Inuyasha though has to finish some stuff at the station.” Sesshomaru huffed and walked out.
And as soon as he did Inuyasha resumed right where we were before Sesshomaru walked in. I didn't mind, in fact I was hopping he would throughout the entire conversation, which was why I didn't want Inuyasha to interrupt and get Sesshomaru even madder.
“Do you know how amazing you are?” Inuyasha asked when we parted for air. His forehead on mine and panting to get enough air like me.
“Well I try.” I smiled then kissed him again. “I don't want you to get anymore trouble, you should go.”
“Only if you will come over to my house and have dinner. You don't even have to dress nice.” Inuyasha pleaded.
“Alright, but only because you asked nicely.” I said pecking him lightly on the lips. I pulled back giggling as I saw his smirk and he claimed my lips again.
“Bye sweetheart.” He said letting me go and walked out.
God, what am I going to do with that man? That man. Now that would be something that I haven't thought him to be in a while. Sure I thought he was a man, well Keade really put it in my head, but now I really knew what she meant. I've given up trying to deny I'm not in love with him, but is it possible for me to fall even more in love with the man? And when we get Shippo back, yes I'm that confident, what will happen. He would be his father, and me, his mother? I'm not entirely sure that I was ready for motherhood, whatever that was supposed to feel like. My mother claimed that I've always had the instinct to be a mother.
But I'm serious can I really fall more in love with the guy… no man?
A/N: I have the 5th written, but I'm gonna wait till I have the 6th written… Good news is that I have it planned out what is going to happen in every chapter… I just have to figure out how and all that jazz… well I have to go figure it out for 6. REVIEW!