InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One night which change everything ❯ Chapter 2 : meet the leader of the Dogs ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer : I don't own InuYasha…No, not at all……..I hate my life !!! :)
Chapter 2 :
Meet the leader of the Dogs
Kagome turn around to close the door. Like if being alone in a room with him being a powerful demon and a man who could make an angel pale from jealousy but noooo…she can very well feel his eyes on her, … examining her.
This night is a little too much for her. She just feel like running away the fastest possible from him but she try at most to control herself. She close the door and nerviously come to face him again…But she didn't look at him. No, no, the floor seems mysteriously more captiving…
She couldn't look at him. Kami, she is in an office, alone, with a pure God and a really scary one too. Looking at him in the eyes right now it's a little too much to ask. She already have difficulties to try to not tremble from his oppressing and impressive youki.
She is already really close to an heart attack. Her heart beat so strong and fast in her chest and in her ears that it is even difficult for her to think !
She try to concentrate only on her breathing, to try to easy it before her heart jump out from her chest ! So she try her best to make things back to normal.
Who said that a school girl's life was an easy one ? Bullshit. Gods, she just enter the `adult age' yesterday and her life is already a mess. No, the one who said that thing was definitively unsane !!! Or was really really old and had forget everything he go through at this time of his life !
Sesshomaru observed her during a moment. Yes, he couldn't lie to himself so openly : she isn't that ugly and smelly for a human…quite the opposite around in fact but this Sesshomaru would never come so low to lust for a human woman. Never !
Just the idea leave a bad tast in his mouth.
He could point out that she can't make herself to look at him in the eyes. He can hear the beats of her heart so strong like if they were his own. At least, she was impress by him even if he still couldn't really detect fear in her sent.
He still couldn't understand why she doesn't fear him and frankly he doesn't like that at all. Everyone fear him, even his own little half brother does, so why for crying out loud this little bit of woman don't ! What the hell !?
After a moment to maintain the silence at observing her to play of nervosity with her fingers and fixing the ground, he judge that he had left the pression enough rise and decide it's time to begin.
" Relate me what happened tonight, human. "
When she heard his smouth deep voice but oh so cold and indifferent at the same time, Kagome almost jump out of her skin.
She raise her head to look at his golden eyes for the first time and come with the most intelligent answer ever
" hn ? "
She look at him like if he spoke in a different language which she didn't understand a word.
He eyed her and narrowed his eyes at her
"You perfectly understand what I said. Do not make this Sesshomaru repeat himself, for your own safety. "
She look at him during a moment, astonished.
Who does he think he is this this asshole to speak to her like that !
" You already know what happened since InuYasha said it to you just a few minutes ago. " She said it, huffing and crossing her arms over her chest.
Sesshomaru send her a dead glare so powerful that she could almost feel the cold running down her spine. She couldn't help and shiver but catch herself and glare back.
That shock a little more Sesshomaru.
So, she doesn't really fear me and she glare at me back ! Who does she think she is !?
He start to growl menacently at her.
At that she froze.
Uh oh
She shallowed hard and clear her throat
May be I should answer his question.
She clear her voice again.
" L-like InuYasha must have said, I met him and Miroku at a club. Later, when I was coming back at my house, I heard some noises and at this moment InuYasha drop on my car. He was being follow so…so I let him climb in my car. "
She pause. Images of what happened flow back in her mind, sending an shiver down her spine.
Sesshomaru say nothing. He detect the changement in her posture and saw that her hands start to tremble nerviously.
He grow impatient and was about to command her to continu but she beat him
" H-he w-was bleeding at his arm. He said that was just a scratch. T-two bike follow us and s-start to shoot us. InuYasha start to shoot back. We succeed to loose them and we came here. "
She take a deep breath.
She try to easy her breathes the best that she can and calm her erratic heart.
In her mind, it was like if she was there again and feel a shiver running all over her skin.
Sesshomaru stay still, watching her intensively as she fight with her own mind.
So, the half breed was saved by a human, a woman. How pathetic…
" You will not repeat that to anyone, ningen, am I clear ? "
More a statement than a question if you must ask.
She shoot her head up, pulling out of her memories by his cold voice and once again, the most intelligent thing come out her lips
"hn ? "
The demon Lord narrowed his eyes at her.
" Are you so deficient mentally that you can't come with a normal sentence only one on two. "
You could say that she was like throw under a cold shower. Her previous fear dissipate instantly
" WHAT ?! "
He flinch at her yell and a growl raise in the back of his throat
" Keep your voice down in my presence, human, or…"
But his oh so friendly sentence was cut short by a young woman-child with pure anger running in her veins
" I will scream if I want ! "
His growl increase " Watch your tongue or I will tear it off for you, human " he snarled
Kagome almost shake of anger now. She was too warp in her anger to back down now and the intelligent advice of Jakotsu litterally was throw out the window and forgotten…She explode
" Stop calling me human, youkai. It's Kagome, Ka-go-me, so use it ! "
Before she can understand what's going on at all, she was throw against the door behind her violently.
Sesshomaru eld her, there, by her throat firmly against the door, growling menacently at her.
Kagome was eld at, what could I say, twenty or more centimeters from the floor.
" I don't care what is your name, human, but don't show the respect which is due to me once more and this will be your end and that you saved the half-breed will not help you, understood ? "
Kagome trembled like a leaf during fall from fear. Her hands catching the wrist of the hand which was currently strangle her. She stare at him in the eyes for the first time. Icy golden crash on deep blue.
Seh start to nodded but when his words record in her mind, the fear disappear and she stop to strungle.
She look back at him, her eyes burning with a rage he never saw,…like flames.
He easy a little of the pression on her neck, to easy her breathes.
" If you want respect, so show respect yourself." she said in a whisper, knowing that he could hear her perfectly.
This last answer make him even more angry with her and throw her against the door violently again.
He bent down toward her, never leaving eyes contact.
She can feel his hot breath against the sensitive skin of her neck and couldn't prevent a little shiver running her spine.
And he spoke to her, or more precisely whisper in her ear
" I must consent, human, that you are couragous, a spitfire, but don't forget who I am. In your place, someone else would already be dead. You are lucky, girl. "
Kagome didn't feel that lucky. She shallowed hard. She had some difficulties to understand what he said, too distract by the fact that his perfect and strong body was so tightly against hers, his hot breath on her neck and ear and his velvet voice… Too much distractions !!
He pull away enough to watch her eyes to eyes. She was lightly flush by the proximity, her heart beating wildly.
Embarassed, she spoke
" B-beside t-the fact that you are the elder brother of I-InuYasha and that this is your house. I don't know who you are" she said quietly
He look at her a moment pondering if she was telling the truth or not.
So, the half-breed take her here without a word of what she was exposed to now…
He pull away completly. Kagome almost drop on the floor.
She mumble a "jerk", but Sesshomaru let it go this time and go back at his desk and tturn around before speaking.
" My name is Sesshomaru Taisho and this is effectively my house. "
Kagome stay without a move, watching him like in transe with his so cold but deep and smouth voice.
This name…I already heard this name before…but where ?
Her muse was interrupt by the fallen god in front of her.
" But it is also the house of the « Dogs ». "
He said that like if he spoke about the weither.
That name click in her mind : « Sesshomaru Taisho »
« The Dogs »…Oh God…
Her eyes shoot open and all the color drain from her face. Her mouth open and close without a sound coming out. She gulped and try to found her voice
" The-the g-gang ?! "
Jakotsu walk and walk and walk…like a lion in a cage.
He is really really inquiet for his best friend.
He shouldn't have let her come in there alone.
The others sat and silently watch the man walk anxiously.
" Jakotsu stop that right now !! "
He stop instantly and raise lost and frightened eyes toward the voice owner.
" B-but Yashie, Kagome can be in danger with Lord Sesshomaru what if…what if he…"
" Don't worry too much, brother, she will be perfectly fine. " Said Bankotsu, putting a conforting hand on Jakotsu shoulder.
He look at his brother with tears menacing to fall.
" But anikii, Kaggie, … she… if he insult her, you know how he is, she will insult him back. Kagome had that fire in her and and…"
They all jump when they heard a big « BOOMM ! » against the door coming from their lord office.
Jakotsu make a little noise in the back of his throad of distrest and start to run toward the office.
But when he reach the stairs, he was stop.
" Let me go InuYasha ! I will not let him harm her !! " He try to free himself from the hanyou gripp
" Stop struggle and whimper you stupid Freak ! "
" Calm down little brother. She is fine. Don't forget that she saved the life of InuYasha so Sesshomaru-sama will not harm her for that. "
In an huff and crossing his arms on his chest.
" Feh,
She didn't save me. "
Another « BOOMM ».
Jakotsu whimper again.
" But anikii…"
" Bankotsu is right. He will not harm her. "
" Are you sure of that, Houshi ? "
Miroku smile.
" Of course Jakotsu. Who would want to cause harm to a so beautiful little thing. The little angel is too…appealling for that. You have a lot of things which cross your mind when you are in her presence and hurt her isn't part of it. "
He said, finishing his sentence by liking his lips.
Jakotsu giggle at his dreamly face.
" Yes, a lot lot of things. " add InuYasha, a spark in his eyes.
Jakotsu look at all the men around him.
" Ok, I believe you. "
He try to calm down.
" It became etrangly silent up there. "
Ok, there was the chapter 2.
Hope you like it.
Good day
Sweetest Angel.