InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Shot At Fun ❯ The Words Best Friend Become Redefined ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

The Words Best Friend Become Redefined
Kagome watched her husband of three years, as he got dressed for his second job of the day. She hated for him to work, but with their financial problems, the money was needed and he didn't want her to work. So the brunt of the work fell on him to provide while she stayed at home and played the good housewife. One of her good friends from school was coming over to keep her company tonight. “So what are you and Naraku going to do tonight?” Hojo asked his wife.
“Oh you know, the normal thing. Hang out and watch a movie or something.” Kagome looked at the clock and noticed that Hojo only had about ten minutes before he had to leave. She walked over to him and put her arms around his neck and leaned in to kiss him. He returned the affection by placing his arms around her waist and kissing her tenderly. They separated and he told her he loved her before he left, to which she replied the same. `The same as always.' Kagome sighed mentally to herself. She loved her husband but sometimes he was just a little dull.
The phone ringing brought her out of her musings. Recognizing the caller id immediately she smiled and picked up the phone. “Hey Naraku. Ok, I'll see you in about five minutes then.” She hung up the phone and went to the bathroom to freshen herself up before her best friend came over. Although there was nothing going on between them, she always wanted to present herself in the best way possible. She laughed loudly as she heard him honking his horn from outside and yelling “MOIVESSSSSS” in an obnoxiously loud voice. She ran to the door and poked her head out, “You know, I DO have neighbors!”
“Screw them, movie time NOW!” And again she laughed loudly at her friend. He was always adding more humor to her life, and for that, she loved him dearly. Kagome held the door open for Naraku as he balanced three movies, his game cube and about ten games as he awkwardly walked through the front door. Shaking her head at her friend, she just took the games from him and sat them down on the table as he plopped the rest of his belongings on the floor, including himself. Naraku batted his eyelashes and looked up to her, “So, Domino's?” At her sigh he got the hint to go ahead and order so they could get started on the movie, then possibly a game or two before he passed out on her couch or something of that nature.
Thirty minutes later both were covered in greasy goodness, also know as pizza, and were currently watching The Constant Gardner. Lost in the movie, and used to his weirdness, Kagome really didn't pay any attention to Naraku sitting beside her and snuggling close with a blanket. They didn't have that kind of relationship; they were only friends and a little snuggling between friends was not uncommon. The movie droned on and Kagome soon lost interest, letting her head slip back against the couch and her eyes close. Naraku just looked at her and smiled, then let his eyes travel back to the television to finish watching the movie. `I rented it for Christ's sake, I should at least watch it.'
Kagome jolted awake suddenly with the absence of sound. She looked around disoriented and saw Naraku smirking at her. “You shouldn't fall asleep like that Kagome. Who knows what could happen to you while you're sleeping.” He laughed deeply at her and she just glared at him. Kagome sat up from her uncomfortable position on the couch and reached for her pack of cigarettes. She thumbed one out and popped it in her mouth, lighting it then stepping outside. Naraku followed behind her outside minus a cigarette, since he didn't smoke. “I thought you said you were going to quit?”
“I did, I just started back up again.” Kagome poked Naraku in the arm lightly as she laughed at herself. She took a long drag and looked out over her neighborhood. `So quiet' she thought.
“Buuuurpppp, damn, excuse me.” Kagome just dropped her mouth at Naraku, not believing the beast that had just escaped his mouth. Waving her hand in front of her nose, she moved down the steps and took another long drag. “Oh god you're disgusting!” She laughed at him again before flicking her half smoked cigarette out into the yard. Walking back up the stairs she walked past him, opening the screen door and holding it open for him. They both walked back inside and she waited for him to move from the door so she could close and lock it. She lived in a good neighborhood, but she just felt better leaving the door locked rather than open.
Turning around, Kagome closed the front door and locked the deadbolt before turning around. When she did, she came face to chest with Naraku. He stood close to her just looking down at her quietly while he smiled. She poked him in the arm trying to get him to move before laughing at his frown. He always knew how to make her laugh and she figured this was one of his jokes or something. Still, he didn't budge. “Um, Naraku, could you move please?” She blinked up at him and gasped as his arms suddenly surrounded her head.
Naraku had placed an arm on each side of her head, completely trapping her. His body moved a little closer to her own, making her push back against the door. Still, his body did not touch hers, only having a close proximity with her as his breath fanned out over her cheek. “No, I can't.” The softness of his voice shocked Kagome a little. This was not the loud and boisterous friend she was used to. Her breath quickened a little as he leaned closer towards her face, his right hand coming up to brush his fingertips along her cheek.
Softly, he slid his hand down to her chin, holding it in place as he leaned closer to her mouth. Naraku licked his lips before brushing the soft appendages across her own. Kagome could feel her knees go a little weak; this was completely unexpected from her best friend. His kiss was soft, yet demanding. His lips soft and supple brushing against her soft lips. Hesitantly his tongue slipped out of his mouth, licking along her lips and delving it inside her mouth as she sighed. His tongue searched out her own, stroking it lovingly as his hand continue to cup her chin, squeezing it gently. Tilting his head towards her more, Naraku deepened their kiss, his body coming closer to hers.
He pressed his body up against her, moaning into her mouth softly at the contact of his hard chest against her soft breasts. They broke apart for air, both panting heavily, as Naraku laid his head against her forehead, trying to catch his breath and slow down his rapidly beating heart. He looked at Kagome, her lips red and swollen from their kiss, her chest moving up and down quickly as she tried to catch her own breath. Slowly, Kagome wrapped her arms around his waist, letting him know that this was okay. She couldn't really deny herself any longer. Yes, she loved her best friend, but more so than she thought she ought to. Before her indecisiveness could make her change her mind, Kagome pushed her head against his, making him move his head back. Boldly, she let her lips press firmly against his, licking and nipping on his bottom lip.
At her willingness Naraku moaned against her lips letting his body press more firmly to her own. He grasped her hands and held them in his own, moving them up above her head to hold her in place. Kagome whimpered against his lips, wanting to feel him as much as he was feeling her. She pushed her body back against his, her breasts and hardened nipples pressing against his chest. Moaning, Kagome pushed against him again, loving the feeling of his hard chest.
Naraku's fingers tightened around her hand, her body pushing up against his making it hard for him to keep himself back. When she moaned again he couldn't help but grind his hips into hers, letting her know just how much he wanted her at the moment. Without thinking about it he let one of his hands travel down her body to grasp at her backside. When he made contact with it he squeezed, giving it a light tap before squeezing it again. Breaking their kiss again he whispered against her ear. “Kagome,” he panted as her hips ground back against his, his quickly growing erection brushing against her thighs, “I need you now Kagome.”
His words made her blush a little but she nodded her head. As he stepped back Kagome reached down and unbuttoned her pants, letting them slide down to the floor along with her panties. She was about to unbutton her shirt but never made it as Naraku attacked her lips again. Her thighs spread apart as Naraku moved his hand down between them, slipping a finger gently and slowly into her already wet core. Kagome clenched around his finger making it slide in deeper. Her hips rocked against her hand, moans slipping past her lips as they vibrated against his. He let another finger push in, stretching her a little as he pumped them both back and forth against her rocking hips. Naraku let his thumb slip up to her clit to rub it in tight fast circles, her body arching against his, as her body got hotter.
As he felt her walls clench around his fingers he knew she was about to cum, so he slipped them out and brought them to her mouth to let her suck them clean. Naraku moaned at the sight as she sucked his fingers into her mouth greedily, licking them clean with her tongue. After his fingers had been completely washed by her mouth, Naraku hastily pulled them away and reached down to his pants buckle. He ripped them apart letting them fall to the floor, not caring that they just fell around his ankles. Reaching down with both hands he grabbed hold of Kagome's ass, squeezing roughly before picking up slightly. At the feeling of him squeezing her ass, Kagome moaned and lifted her legs letting them wrap around his narrow hips. Her arms found a place around his neck bringing his face closer to her still clothed chest.
She closed her eyes as Naraku let his large member press against her opening, pressing gently letting the tip slip into her. Naraku drew back, “No, I want to see those pretty eyes of yours.” Kagome snapped her eyes open and looked him directly in the eye as he shoved the rest of the way in to her dripping core. Her juices coated him and he slid in easily, moaning at the heat and tightness. He couldn't hold himself back any longer and started to pump faster into Kagome. Her mewls and moans were music to his ears as he felt her tighten around him more so. He watched as she gnawed her bottom lip, making it swollen and red. Kagome's hips pounded back against the door harshly as Naraku pumped furiously and hard into her body.
“Naraku..,” she pleaded and whimpered. Sweat rolled down from her forehead and down around her face. Her hair was stuck to her head as their movements jostled her breasts up and down. “What Kagome, tell me.” The intent look in his eyes made Kagome almost weep from the force they carried. She had to close her eyes against the pleasure, not being able to look at him anymore for fear she would go crazy. Wet sounds reverberated throughout the empty house, along with their moans and cries. “Please Naraku, I need you,” she panted for breath in-between moans, “I need all of you, please.”
He groaned at her request, feeling a tingle run down his spine and to his stomach. Naraku ground his hips into hers harder making his cock hit deep before pulling back and slamming back into her again, hitting that same spot over and over. He leaned forward and kissed her deeply, swallowing her moans as he felt her tighten around him and spasm. Kagome moaned loudly against his lips as she felt her stomach tighten in knots before moving down lower. Her toes curled a little before she threw her head back and cried out, her orgasm washing over her in tides. She let her fingers dig into Naraku's back as her face scrunched up and her body lifted itself more to his body.
Feeling Kagome orgasm around his cock was all it took for Naraku. He slammed hard into her body and groaned out at the tightness. Hitting deep in her dripping core he stayed still, letting the jets of his cum coat her insides before pumping back and forth slowly. His teeth clenched and his eyes shut as his cock was milked, his balls drawing closer to his body as he emptied himself inside her. After the tension had left his body, Naraku slumped against Kagome, letting his forehead rest against hers again. His breath panted out heavily against her face as did her own.
Cupping her cheek again, Naraku leaned in and kissed her softly. When he pulled back he just smiled at her sincerely. “I've always loved you Kagome, always..just remember that.” He slipped his softening erection from her, sighing a little at the added pleasure. Gently, he let her legs go back to the ground and just stood there, holding her. Their heart rates slowed and Naraku let her go, bending down and lifting his pants back in place. Kagome cautiously bent over and picked up her discarded panties and pants, slipping them back on quietly before buttoning her pants in place. They embraced again and Naraku just held her tight, not willing to let her go at the moment. Both of their heads jerked towards the door when they heard the lock turning. Separating from her, Naraku flopped on to the couch, looking as though nothing had happened. As her husband walked in the door Kagome went to him and hugged and kissed him. Hojo waved and said hey to Naraku before going back to their bedroom to change. Both friends exchanged nervous glances. Kagome giggled at her friend as he placed his finger up to his lips and made a `shush' motion. Shrugging her shoulders a little, Kagome just nodded and joined him on the couch. When Hojo came back in the room he sat down between them on the couch and placed his arm around Kagome's back. All three just lounged around the rest of the night watching movies and playing games, as was normal for the three. Kagome caught stares from her friend, but shrugged them off as she felt his eyes rove over her body. Hojo was a little oblivious to the fact and just continued to have fun with his wife and their best friend.