InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Simple Question ❯ The Other Little Talk ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

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“You don't suppose Shippou went to hound InuYasha do you?”
“I don't think so, Miroku—“ his heart still fluttered slightly when she called him by name, “he's been gone a while. If he went to see InuYasha I think he would have returned with a few lumps already.”
“Very true, Sango my love. So, what do you say we enjoy our time alone together to the fullest extent?” His eyebrows lifted lecherously. A part of her was sorely tempted to give in. They were promised to each other and very much in love, but she was not willing to bear him an heir until Naraku was good and dead. There was, in fact, a reason Kagome had suddenly needed to go home.
The girls had concocted a plan during their many bathing trips over the past weeks. Kagome had taken days to fully explain birth control pills to Sango, even going so far as to bring pamphlets and such from her time. Once Sango had wrapped her brain around the effectiveness of the pills she decided that if Kagome could supply her with them there would be no need to make the houshi wait until after Naraku was destroyed to be married. Considering that he would be gaining a wife and a sex life neither girl thought he would object to waiting for an heir.
About three days ago Sango had finally swallowed her pride and asked Kagome to begin supplying her with the pills. On one hand Sango felt bad about asking her friend to procure such items, especially because Kagome wouldn't even be the one using them, on the other hand, Sango was the one who had to break the news to Miroku. She almost envied her friend.
“We need to talk.” The deep pink dusting her cheeks and serious tone in her voice let Miroku know he had better be on his best behavior.
“Anything, my sweet. What does your heart desire?” And with those words she launched into a whole explanation of the pills Kagome had gone back to get and the wedding that she assured Miroku would take place before they would be engaging in any such activities. As expected Miroku was more than willing to agree to every stipulation she made, grinning like an idiot all the while.
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“PAPA! Papapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapa!!”
A hand clamped down over the kitsune's mouth as the red-clad hanyou dropped down from the branch above him, startling the kit. The dark glower he received from InuYasha barely made a dent in his proudest moment.
“Lookit! I did it! I did it! I did it!” Shippou held the biggest, fattest and probably slowest rabbit InuYasha had ever seen up for his new `papa's' inspection.
In the two days Kagome had been gone Shippou had not left InuYasha's side. Apparently he held infinitely more respect for `papa InuYasha' than he did for `buddy InuYasha' and had gotten bopped on the head only twice in those two long days.
True, they had avoided talking about Kagome, as Shippou had absolutely no idea how to handle those conversations now. How did one talk to their `dad' about their `mom' and about why they weren't actually together yet, the concept alone made his little red head spin.
He had always felt the need to defend Kagome. But InuYasha had been unbelievable in the short time since his mama had gone home. Ever since the first time he had called InuYasha `papa' the hanyou had been doing his damnedest to teach the young kit everything he knew about survival. He was using his time for purely unselfish reasons, and Shippou just couldn't call him a baka for not going back for Kagome yet. Truth be told he missed his mother, but this time he didn't feel the aching loneliness that settled over him each time she went away.
In the two years Kagome had been coming through the well Shippou had been content to let everyone else take care of him. The young hanyou was furious at his friends for letting the runt become so dependant, and he was even more furious with himself for letting them do it. He had been livid when he realized the kit couldn't really even pick out different scents from the air unless it belonged to his pack or a select few others, like Kouga and Naraku. The entire first day was spent on scents. The first thing InuYasha had done was make sure Shippou could always find water. Next came edible mushrooms and plants. And so on until the poor little kitsune's nose and brain stopped talking to one another and he identified a sakura blossom as ramen.
And of course at the mention of ramen InuYasha had become hungry. Then he pouted, one of the reasons Kagome went back was because they ran out of ramen.
He kept Shippou on his shoulder as he hunted down a pair of rabbits, explaining what he had done as the critters roasted over the fire the two had made.
At the end of the night they had settled down in the Goshinboku together, and Shippou had awoken early to InuYasha calling him and telling him he could have a break from `scenting' and they would practice a little hunting today.
“Wow. Not bad, runt. We can take that back to baba's with us. The girls can use that for stew.”
“Can I tell them I caught it, papa?” InuYasha winced slightly and Shippou hung his head, he didn't like the idea that he upset InuYasha, they had been getting along so well.
“Yeah. You can tell them you caught it. Just do me a favor, runt.” InuYasha dropped lightly to his haunches to look the tiny kit in the eye.
“Don't call me that around the others.” InuYasha wouldn't look away from Shippou's eyes, he wasn't ashamed of the kit and he knew if he turned away that's exactly what the child would think. Shippou's lip trembled and his eyes began filling with tears as he silently pleaded with InuYasha to give him a non-asshole reason for the request. InuYasha sighed, he really liked the idea of having kids with Kagome, but he didn't think he'd ever be able to handle the fucking tears. InuYasha wiped a hand across his face, buying himself a moment's peace away from the watery gaze of his new son.
“Look, it's still kinda weird to me. I need time to get used to being somebody's daddy.” The water level in Shippou's gaze receded a bit and InuYasha wanted to huff a sigh of relief as he continued, “Besides, how often do I shit like this?” The kit's face scrunched with deep thought as he tried to think of instances where the hanyou had acted this mature and selfless. Sadly he came up with very little and it showed on his face. “If we go back to Kaede-baba's with you screaming `papa' Miroku's going to have a fucking field day trying to pry and figure out why, `cause there's no way he'll believe I didn't do this for some kind of reward.” Shippou's face became confused again and InuYasha prayed he wasn't going to be asked to explain.
“You mean Miroku will think you're just doing this to make Kagome your mate.” The kit proved once again that he was never as naïve as the humans expected him to be. InuYasha folded his arms into his haori sleeves.
“Keh. He'll think that or worse.” The hanyou grumped.
“Are you?” Shippou's voice was quiet and shaky, the tears which had all but vanished were shining brightly in his eyes yet again.
InuYasha's eyes narrowed and he reached out to bonk the kitsune gently on the head, a sad smile on his face as he did. Upon being bopped Shippou raised his head angrily, ready to yell and curse the baka, but the look on InuYasha's face made him pause.
“See? Even you have trouble accepting that I'd do shit like this. You expect that pervert monk to believe anything I say?” Shippou wanted to hug the hanyou and apologize for doubting him, but still the question remained.
InuYasha snorted, “Why? Why didn't I kill Shiori? Why didn't I make Kagome leave you to fend for yourself after the thunder brothers were killed? I'm a fucking outcast, Shippou. I grew up hunted and alone. You think I'd want that for you? Hell, I thought the others were raising you ok. Shoulda fucking realized humans can't raise a youkai.” He raised a hand and rubbed the back of his neck, “If I had realized I would have started teaching you a lot earlier, runt. I ain't doing this for Kagome. I'm doing it for you, nobody should have to grow up like I did.”
Shippou took off like a shot and barreled into the crouching hanyou, sending him back onto his butt, hugging him as tightly as his tiny arms could manage. “Papa.”
After letting Shippou try to squeeze him to death for a few minutes the half demon pried the child off his haori and plucked the dead rabbit from where it had fallen.
“Lemme clean this and then we'll head back to baba's. If we hurry we can get this to them before they start preparing supper.”
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A/N: Ok, I decided the first chapter wasn't really enough for people to get a feel for so here's part 2. Hopefully this will entice a few more of you to review and let me know what you think.