InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Simple Question ❯ The Kit's Mistake and the Monk's Confession ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Tears streamed down the child's face as he quivered uncontrollably. His little arms reached for the hanyou racing towards him.
InuYasha felt his eyes flash red, felt his demon blood rising.
I'm holding Tetsusaiga.
The calm thought floated through the haze of rage that gripped him by the throat, threatening to strangle his self-control.
I'm not hurt and I'm fucking holding the goddamn sword! The thought chilled his boiling blood. He heard the snarl vibrating through him slowly die. And yet he didn't break stride. He felt his equilibrium return as he leapt onto the mantis' knee and ricocheted upward, slicing through the arm that held his pup.
Pushing off of the severed limb that was now hurtling toward the ground InuYasha snatched Shippou out of the air and leapt to land in front of his stunned friends. He dropped Shippou into Kagome's arms without a word and turned, facing off with the injured youkai once more. The snarl spilling forth once again, now that what was his was safe.
His human companions, however, were still in shock. `Papa' ?!
Sango quickly dismissed it as a slip of the tongue, Kagome was his adopted mother so it made sense to her that InuYasha fit into the boy's empty father figure role. Much the same way she thought of Kagome as her sister and the hanyou as a brother. She smiled and hefted hiraikotsu, ready and willing to go to her adopted brother's aid.
Kagome's eyes misted over. She had always known they were close. She thought it was sweet that Shippou would look up to the hanyou that way, but she was afraid of InuYasha's retribution when the fight was over. It tore at her heart to think that InuYasha might be upset at what Shippou called him, she didn't want her son rejected as brutally as she knew said hanyou was capable of. She smiled sadly down at her son, hoping against the likely outcome.
Neither woman entertained the possibility that it wasn't a slip on the kit's part.
Miroku's face held a contemplative smirk. You just took him hunting, my friend? Somehow I doubt that. Miroku chuckled quietly. Something was afoot. He just knew it. He also knew he would be the first to find out exactly what. The hentai wheels began spinning as the ningen all turned to watch InuYasha fight the giant mantis.
Leaping from the ground to one of his opponent's knees, InuYasha dragged his sword along the other leg, cutting it in twain. Bouncing off the knee he flicked his wrist and sent the sword through the insect's other forearm, sending it to join the first on the ground. One final bounce off the creature's back and InuYasha took of its head as he fell back to the earth.
With one thrust into the creature's neck the shard came flying free and the enormous mantis began decaying at an incredible rate.
Kagome ran over and picked up the shard, purifying it instantly.
“Everyone alright?” His friends looked at him a bit strangely, since when is InuYasha so concerned with everyone's health? He saw the looks his friends shot him and did what he does best; ignored them.
When everyone nodded the hanyou turned and walked off without a word, much to the relief of the young miko, who was still fearing InuYasha would rebuke Shippou for the `slip.'
They stopped early that evening. The hanyou's sensitive nose picked up the crisp scent of water nearby and led his pack off the path. Green spring growth greeted the weary travelers as they found a tiny clearing that would just be able to hold their numbers comfortably. The brightly clothed trees seemed to holding their arms open in welcome as the group dropped their things and stretched languorously. The sound of birds singing gaily and the gentle swish of the wind through the trees lent a peaceful calm to the area that temporarily eased the burden the young ones carried.
Kagome offered to run to the river to fetch water for dinner as Miroku began hunting down firewood and Sango set up the sleeping arrangements. The pretty schoolgirl looked to the hanyou, silently asking the direction of the nearest water source and was surprised when said hanyou told Shippou to lead her.
The boy looked unsure but willing to try. He sniffed around, cocked his head to the side to listen and finally chose a direction, happily informing his mama she had no reason to worry, that he was now a `super-water-finder.'
InuYasha watched Shippou lead Kagome off with a small smirk on his face. The resounding slap of flesh on flesh brought him back from his thoughts as Sango fumed at her fiancé.
“I'm going hunting.” He said gruffly, and then bounded off into the forest.
Miroku turned to watch Sango as she prepared their beds, a contemplative frown settling on his face as he rubbed his cheek absently. He was still wondering about InuYasha's peculiar behavior.
“Miroku?” He shook his head slightly to clear it of the hazy thoughts that refused to solidify, refused to be understood.
“Yes, Sango?” He said softly. The girl's heart fluttered. She preferred the sincere sentiment in his voice when he simply used her name to the flowery appellations he would spontaneously bestow.
She shifted nervously and cleared her throat.
“I was wondering. Why the change of heart? You had once said we would be together after Naraku was dead. But since that…talk…you seem eager to be wed. I'm curious about your motivation. Is it nothing more than sex?” Her voice was frank, brutal, but her face was pained. She kneeled delicately on the bedroll she had just set up, more than ready to bolt after her sister if Miroku upset her and she ended up needing a shoulder to cry on.
But the monk just sadly shook his head. His voice was soft when he spoke.
“It was easier to see a warrior woman who fought beside me as a good friend. Like a dam, it allowed me to hold back much of my turmoil. To admit my feelings for you would mean marriage, which would in turn mean lying together as man and wife. That, in turn, would eventually mean children.” He sighed and looked over at the woman who held his very soul hostage, his heart squeezing painfully at her beauty alone.
“What man who truly loved his wife could stand by and let her fight, day in and day out, all the while she might be carrying his child inside her womb. It was easy to go after village women for the simple fact that I would not be around to be a husband. At that point in my life it would have been enough just to know there was a son to go on after me.” His eye looked pained as he focused on the cloth and beads around his right hand and forearm.
He looked into her eyes, straight through into her soul. “Things have changed, Sango. But how in good conscience could I stand aside as my wife fought for our lives? How could I lay with you at night without fear? Having you bear my child would be the most glorious, wonderful thing I can dream of. The idea that pregnancy might slow you down enough to get you killed is the hellish nightmare I see when I close my eyes and think of being with you before Naraku dies.”
He smiled at her, a gentle smile that spoke of love without any ulterior motives. “No matter how badly I wished to be with you, I would not do that to you. The very idea of placing a value on my own sexual gratification above the value of your life sickens me. That such thoughts flicker through my mind is cause enough for self-loathing.” His violet eyes turned inward, seeing something within himself he found worth hating. It made Sango rise and sit by his side, her arm around his shoulders, her head resting on his arm.
“Those pills of Kagome's are a gift. To be able to express my affection without calling your honor to question. To love you as I long to, without fear of tomorrow. My life was stagnant before this. I had everything I have ever wanted within arms reach, and because of Naraku I have been denied. Because I have chosen to be responsible about this I have suffered. Thanks to Kagome I can feel my life advance once more. I am making progress towards complete and ultimate happiness. I am elated. And I am very thankful.” He turned his head and kissed the top of her skull.
“No, it is not just about sex. It's about the moment my life truly begins. The moment you become my wife.”
Sango lifted her head to meet his gaze, her eyes glowing brightly with unshed tears.
“Miroku…” It came out a choked sob.
With delicate fingers the monk tilted her chin up and placed a chaste kiss upon his beloved's lips.
As they parted his breath ghosted across her parted lips, and felt as much as heard his gentle whisper.
A sigh, too soft to be heard by the two at camp, came from the young miko as she watched her friends from the sidelines. She sniffed delicately, rubbing the stray tears from her eyes, holding her son tighter.
“That was so romantic.” She whispered.
A/N: Sorry this chappie is a bit short but, as I explained in my other fic, my life is hell right now and I figured something is better than nothing. I am curious. Was anyone moved by this chapter? I've never cried at movies, maybe twice at books, and I think I'm a bad judge of writing that classifies as `moving.' So I'm wondering if Miroku's words evoked the feeling(s) I was going for…OH! And I know how the last chap/epilogue is going to end up, came to me in a flash of brilliance if I may say so. So now we just gotta get there! lol
Leila-chan - Hehe sorry for the cliffy, the original chapter got split into 3 pieces so it wouldn't be 20 pages, this would be part 2.
Cricket42 - Oh geez hun, I was just playing, don't get in trouble, the story will still be here even if you get grounded lol
Cactusflower - I appreciate the high marks and I'm gratified to know you like it =)
Bulma, Heartstar, bettychan, Sanjuno, and J.A.S.G. - hehehehe each of your reviews spurred me on to write another chapter out of the blue, you guys/gals/ewoks/wookies make me smile and laugh and feel appreciated, thank you. *huggles*
And I can't see reviews after J.A.S.G.'s so I'll get around to those as soon as I can see `em. Toodles! - Pixie