InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Week Till Summer Break! ❯ Problems ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

**~ One Week Till Summer Break! ~**

<Ok, this is our first time doing an Inu-yasha fanfiction, actually it's our first time even doing a fanfiction! So please go easy on us!>

<Disclaimer- Oook! Me and Faux don't own anything, so that means we don't own Inu-yasha and the characters! Inu-yasha was created by Rumiko Takahashi, NOT US! WHAAA!!! * sniff *>

(a/n)Ok umm.. Inu-yasha and Sesshomaru are not brothers in this, there is no well leading to the fudal Japan, Inu-yasha and the other demons are STILL demons, uhh, and that's it! On with the story!

Chapter 1: Problems

It was only one week until summer break and even more whispering was going on about a half demon named Inu-yasha.

"Is he like, gonna kill us for making fun of him?"

"I don't know, I sure hope not."

"I'd hate to tell you this but he's actually kinda cute!"

"Shhh…. He can hear you, but I really have to agree!"

"Ohayou-gozaimasu (good morning) class. Please take your seats." Their teacher walked in and sat at her desk to start teaching.

'Only one more week until summer break! I can't wait!' Thought Kagome Hirugashi at her desk.

Minutes passed by, then the lunch bell rings for them to go outside to eat.

"I'm not hungry at all, I ate during class." Said a girl named Sango.

"As did I Sango." Said a calm boy named Miroku. All of a sudden Sango felt a swift pat on her butt then a hand that was willing to stay there and not to move from that spot.

Sango jumped a little. "Ahem, Miroku," Miroku looked at Sango. "THAT'S MY BUTT YOU'RE TOUCHING, GET YOUR FILTHY HAND OFF IT!" screamed Sango with a shout of rage.

"Hey guys!" Kagome came running up to them.

"Oh Hey Kagome!" Sango said happily, relieved not to be alone with the pervert.

"I can't wait till summer break! Maybe we could do something special…." Kagome said thoughtfully. "Well I'll catch up with you guys later!" said Kagome as she walked away.

Just then Kagome ran into Inu-yasha "Hey watch where you're going wench!" he said mockingly, then casually walked away.

"Sheesh what a jerk." Said Kagome. 'But like I've heard, he is sorta cute!' Kagome giggled at the thought and kept walking.


As Kagome walked home from school a car pulled up to her with 4 boys in it. One of the boys smiled "sweetly" a "Hey Babe wanna go for a ride?" Kagome looked at the boys like they had called her something rude, she just kept her mouth shut and kept walking.

The car just drove along side her. "Come on baby, come with us and have some fun!" said the full demon who was driving and nudged his friend next to him. "Yea that's right Kouga! She'll have some fun!" said the boy who's name was Naraku. He was the boy next to Kouga.

"No way, I would never go with you!" Yelled Kagome harshly. But she didn't know that some one was following them and listening to this little conversation.

"Awww, come on Kagome.." begged Hojo, who didn't really want to do this to Kagome. "No, I don't want to!" yelled Kagome as she saw the lust in Naraku and Kouga's eyes.

"You guys are so hopeless, you have to beg a girl, just to get in the car with you. Besides, have you forgot we have this hottie?" commented the second full demon, Sesshomaru, as he put his arm around a beautiful demoness, named Kagura.

"No, it's just there's four of us and one of her." Explained Kouga.

"Now come on and get in the car." Said Kouga strernly as he started to reach for Kagome's arm.

"No! Leave me alone!!!" cried Kagome as she struggled to get free.

"Hey, let go of her, she said no." The person who was observing this whole thing stepped out of the shadows.

<Hey, got ya on a cliff hanger didn't we!? We're SO evil!! *^___^ * ^___^* PLEASE Review!!!