InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Year's Time ❯ 1 Down, 365 to got (Part One) ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Inuyasha placed a blanket over Sota who was asleep on the couch next to him. It had been well over sixteen hours since Kagome and her mother disappeared in the metal beast. Kagome's grandfather explained that they were going to the hospital which was a place that had a lot of healers. What he couldn't figure out was if this place had so many healers why the hell was it taking so long? Kaede would have had an arrow wound taken care of in less than an hour. He looked at Sesshomaru who was sitting in the arm chair. His feet were tucked up underneath him and his eyes were closed peacefully.
`How the hell can he be so damn calm?'
On the outside Sesshomaru looked calm but Inuyasha couldn't see the war he was waging with himself in his mind.
`Why did I protect the woman, not only once but twice?”
His demon side snickered.
*You wanted to. You need to.*
It was true that over the years of her traveling with Inuyasha, he had grow accustom to seeing the young woman. She intrigued him, yes, but not so much to the need of her. He just couldn't understand his beast's logic.
`Why? Because she returned my arm? It was her duty to return my arm.'
*Ah yes, it was her duty to return the arm you lost to distraction.*
Sesshomaru could see in his mind's eye the fight in which he lost his arm. He could see the young miko cheering his half-brother on from the side of the fight. It seemed the moment his attention was draw to her he had lost his arm.
`The miko did not distract me in that fight.'
*I never said it was the miko that distracted you.*
Other visions of when he met up with you young miko flashed in his brain. Each time she willing stood proud in her actions. Each encounter seemed more vivid than the ending with their most recent encounter the previous morning.
`What does any of this have to do with why I saved her?'
*Everything and nothing.*
`You make assumptions to know why I saved her, but they make no since. Your ideals don't hold any standing because I have not bothered to take the time to learn her name.'
*DO NOT LIE! You know her name almost as well as you know her scent. Go ahead say her mane. Ka…go…me.*
Sesshomaru's eyes shot open at Inuyasha's shout. He watched as Inuyasha ran out the front door as the sound of another metal beast pulled into the front. Faintly on the air he could smell Kagome and her mother. The scent grew stronger and he could hear them approaching the front door.
“Inuyasha there is nothing wrong with my legs. I can walk you know.”
“Nothin' doing Kagome. I ain't taking the chance.”
Inuyasha walked back into the room carrying Kagome cradled in his arms. He left arm was tucked safely next to her stomach in a dark green sling. She looked pale amplifying the dark stains that circled her eyes. He placed her on the couch next to Sota.
“Thank you, Inuyasha.”
Ms. Higurashi walked in the room and smiled at the sight of Inuyasha and Sesshomaru still awake.
“I see that you two are still up. I'll go make us some tea. Something tells me we need it after today.”
Inuyasha waited for Rumi to leave the room before taking a seat on the floor next to Kagome. Absentmindedly he began to rub her ankles. Not wanting to upset her he spoke quietly.
“What took so long?”
“Where, at the emergency room?”
Inuyasha nodded and she smiled at him.
“Well when we got there the emergency room was full and there were still more people coming. They had to treat the people with the more serious wounds first. I wasn't able to see a doctor for about four hours.”
“So they let you sit there and bleed for four hours?”
Inuyasha whispered harshly.
“No ,no, no. Some of the nursed took care of me until the doctors could see me. They said that if you guys hadn't up in the effort to help me before the ambulance got here I might not have survived. I want to thank both of you.”
Kagome unsteadily pushed herself off of the couch. Leaning down she wrapped her good arm around Inuyasha and kissed him lightly on the cheek. Standing and turning she gave Sesshomaru the same treatment. Kagome furiously wiped away the tears that were forming in her eyes.
“Um, I'm going to see if mama needs any help.”
Kagome left the room. Inuyasha glanced over at Sesshomaru with a deep blushed staining his cheeks. Sesshomaru's head was tilted forward his bangs shadowing his face. Both sat in silence until Kagome and her mother reentered the room deep in argument.
“I don't care Kagome. The doctor said you need to rest so your shoulder will heal properly. You're friends on the other side of the well are just going to have to understand.”
“But, mom…”
“Don't `but mom' me young lady. I've never stopped you from going back but this time I am putting my foot down. Not until your shoulder has healed some. And, I know that look on your face, if you even think about sneaking back I'll ground your butt so fast your head will spin.”
“Actually you don't have to worry about Kagome going back before her wound is healed.”
Inuyasha scratched the back of his head giving a sheepish smile.
“Oh why is that dear?”
Rumi smiled and placed the tray of tea on the table.
Inuyasha stared at her blankly for a moment. Now he understood where Kagome's massive mood swings came from. The sudden change in the older woman's mood nearly sent his head spinning.”
“That is because the well seems to be sealed.”
Sesshomaru stated, inclining his head at Kagome's mother as she handed him some tea.
Kagome yelled. Her mother shushed her motioning to her sleeping brother and grand father. Lowering her voice Kagome sat back down on the couch.
“Sorry. What do you mean the well is sealed?”
“Well, when we came through the well we heard somebody chanting a sealing spell. We tried to pass back through several times while you were gone. It didn't work.”
“So how long do you suppose we are going to be her?”
“One year.”
Sesshomaru said calmly placing his cup back on the table.
“One year, are you sure? Maybe you heard wrong.”
Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes at the would be insult. He was a tai-youkai, he did not `hear wrong'.
There is no mistake to what I heard. The well will be sealed for one year.”
“So you and Inuyasha are going to be here for a year.”
Rumi mused aloud.
“That is how it seems.”
“Well then later today we'll all go into town and pick you two up some clothes.”
“Clothes, why?”
Inuyasha placed his empty cup back on the tray.
“You two can't very well go walking around dressed like that. Wearing your traditional clothes would be fine here at the shrine but out in public most people wouldn't understand it. Besides this is something I feel I should do. You two did save Kagome's life after all. I think that this would be a good way to show some of my gratitude.”
Rumi gathered the dishes and took them back into the kitchen. She came back carrying tow fuzzy throws. She handed on to Inuyasha and the other to Sesshomaru.
“We'll discuss sleeping arrangements later when everybody is awake. For now I think we all just need some rest. It's been a long day.”
Kagome got off the couch to make room for Inuyasha. After whispering a quiet `see you later' she clicked off the side table lamp and followed her mother upstairs.
Several lights flashed on and ff up stairs. Sesshomaru watched as the last light was flicked out. Planning on speaking with Inuyasha he turned his head to find him already asleep. He understood how that was though. The moment all the lights were out a calming motherly embrace seemed to envelop the entire house. Reaching out with his senses he closed his eyes for a brief rest.
Sesshomaru slowly cracked his eyes open. The once full room he was in was now empty and a low chatter was coming form another room. He moved his arms to find that the blanket that was handed to him earlier was tucked over his shoulders. The young man of the family came funning in the room, Sesshomaru caught him in a stare.
“Good, you're awake. Mom told me to come tell you that lunch is ready.”
Sota smiled and ran back out of the room.
`Lunch I slept until the mid-day meal?'
Sesshomaru stood and place the blanket on the arm of the chair. He led himself to the kitchen where everybody was gathered around the table. It was filled with, surprisingly, delicious smelling food. He was used to human food that smelled sour or spoiled but this display made his mouth water. There was steamed rice, seared fish, fresh vegetables, and a large pot of the noodle and broth concoction that Inuyasha ate all the time.
“Good afternoon, sleepy. I wasn't sure what you liked to eat so I made something simple. You're welcome to whatever you would like.”
Rumi smiled as she placed the last of the fish on the table. She motioned to the open chair and took her own seat.
Sesshomaru took his seat next to Kagome and plated his own food. Quietly he ate his food in a polite manner. He enjoyed the food very much so but he was not going to disgrace himself by eating in the same manner as Inuyasha did. There are other means to show you appreciation to something other than slurping it down so fast you don't even have time to chew it. Glancing at Inuyasha out of the corner of his eye he spoke low enough for only him to hear.
Inuyasha shot a glare at Sesshomaru and growled.
Kagome looked up from her plate at the feel of clashing youki around her. Glancing between Inuyasha and Sesshomaru she could see the fight looming over the horizon. Not feeling well enough for the battle nor wanting her mother's kitchen to be destroyed she decided to nip the problem in the butt. She let her miko energy flare up just enough to force theirs back a little bit.
Their youki caressed against her energy in a return gesture and retreated just as quickly. She gave them a questioning look for a moment ant turned back to her meal.
“So what's the game plan for today, mom?”
Sota reached across the table and filled his plate for a second time.
“Well, today while I take Kagome and the boys to the mall to shop for clothes, you and grandpa are going to clean out the study and put some spare futons in there.”
“What! Why?”
“Because our guests need a place to sleep. If you're unwilling to help by cleaning the study then you will be more than willing to offer up your room for them to sleep in and you can bunk with grandpa.”
Sota's face paled. He looked at his mother, then at his grandfather, and back at his mother. The teenager smiled at his mom.
“Would you like me to put the stuff from the study into the shed or the attic?”
“The shed will be just fine honey, thank you.”
Sota grumbled under his breath and began shoveling his second plate of rood into his mouth. Sesshomaru arched an eyebrow at the almost silent obscenities coming from the youth mouth. Inuyasha nearly spit his ramen across the table. He couldn't believe how much Sota had change since he first met the boy. Instead of being the timid little boy he used to be, Sota was turning into a self assured young man with an extremely foul mouth. He snickered know that he was most likely the reason behind that aspect.
“Oh I almost forgot, Sota, you and grandpa need to take care of the dishes as well. Kagome and I need to find something for Inuyasha and Sesshomaru to wear to the mall.”
Rumi stood from the table and placed her plate in the sink.
“Come on you three. I'm sure that something in my husband's old clothes will fit you.”
Kagome, Inuyasha, and Sesshomaru left the table. After placing their dishes in the sink as well they followed Kagome upstairs to her mother's room. In the room Rumi was found crouched down rummaging in the bottom of her closet mumbling to herself. Rejected articles of clothing were tossed over her shoulder accompanied by an aggravated no. Suddenly a cry of victory echoed in the closet. Hs. Higurashi backed out of the closet with an armful of clothes.
“I thought these were thrown out ages ago. I can't believe they're still here. These will do nicely.”
She handed both Inuyasha and Sesshomaru a stack of clothes. Smiling again she retrieved two pairs of shoes from the closet along with some socks. Placing them on the bed she moved to the door.
“I going to help Sota and grandpa finish the dishes. It didn't take as long as I though it would to find clothes. If you have any trouble figuring out the clothes Kagome can help you.”
Kagome stared at the doorway where her mother once stood. Her cheeks were stained a deep crimson, half from embarrassment and half from frustration.
`How exactly does she suppose I help them with my arm in sling. And it's not like they aren't capable dressing themselves. They're grown men.'
“Um Kagome…”
Kagome turned her attention to Inuyasha to see him struggling into a pair of blue jeans. He had already managed to trade his fire-rat kimono for a red short sleeve button down which was buttoned unevenly. Kagome walked over to Inuyasha grateful for the fact that she introduced him to boxers over a year ago. She took the jeans from Inuyasha.
“These aren't like your pants Inuyasha, you actually have to undo the button and zipper before putting them on. Then you have to redo them after you get them on.”
With one hand Kagome skillfully undid the button and unzipped the sipper. She handed the jeans back to Inuyasha after reminding him the zipper went in the front. After he put the jeans on properly and had them zipped and buttoned Kagome set forth on helping Inuyasha with his shirt.
Quickly she undid the buttons. She stopped in awe for a few moments at how handsome he looked wear modern clothes. Especially modern clothes that weren't on him all the way. Fighting back the blush, she helped him line his shirt up properly. After Inuyasha was buttoned and handing him a pair of shoes with much complaint, Kagome turned to see how Sesshomaru was fairing.
This time she couldn't fight the blush on her face as she watched him pull a pair of leather pants up over his hips. Granted she only say his butt, but the fact of the matter was she saw it. She heard the distinct sound of a zipper being pulled up and she had to bite her lip at the unexpected naughty images that popped in her head.
`Oh no Kagome not now pull yourself together. This is not the time, nor the place, to get your hormones kicking into overdrive. Besides this is Sesshomaru we're talking about, it wouldn't happen in a million years anyway, he detests humans.'
Sesshomaru pulled the silken shirt over his head and carefully loosened the stings that held it tightly closed over his chest. He had smelt the slight arousal coming from the young miko and he assumed it was directed at Inuyasha. It was faint but most defiantly there.
`Sometimes I wonder if that moron can smell at all.'
Sesshomaru turned to see Kagome staring directly at him. The inner beast gave a pleased growl that he silenced immediately. He reached for the other pair of shoes and made eye contact with Kagome.
“Is there something that I have done wrong with this attire?”
“What? Uh… no the clothes look fine. I… um… I was just wondering where in the world my dad got clothes like that. But you look great in them. Actually you both look good, very…um very handsome. Um… I'm gonna go downstairs with mom. You know see if she is ready to go.”
Kagome backed away towards the door. Quickly she darted out of it before her whole body made the impression of a lobster.
Inuyasha watched as Kagome ran out the bedroom door.
“What the hell was that about?”
“The answer is unknown to me Inuyasha, but we better go downstairs as well if we are going to go to this mall thing.”
“Feh, whatever.”
Inuyasha stuffed his hands in his pockets. He moved to follow Sesshomaru from the room but stopped when he caught scent of Kagome's arousal.
`I wonder what that is from. Better if I just forget about it. I can't ask her about it, she'll sit me into the seventh circle of hell if I even bring it up. It is pretty nice though.'