InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Year's Time ❯ 1 Down, 365 to go (Part 2) ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Sesshomaru stood in the middle of a department store shifting the mountainous pile of clothing in his arms. He knew what this was. This was torture, a new kind of torture that was invented over the years from his time until now. He also knew that this torture was created by a woman. No man, human or demon, in his right mind would create tasks this horrific and put another male through it.
After being hauled here in that godforsaken beast called a vehicle, he had to walk around an overcrowded, over pungent, noisy mall listening to the incessant chatter of humans. Humans, which if they were in his time would have died at his claws long ago. Walking around her could hear people commenting about anything and everything they could see.
`Oh mommy, mommy lookie can we buy this?' (Obviously a child)
`Oh my gosh, do you see that guy over there?'
`That one over there with the long white hair and the fur boa. He's hot.'
`Wow. No kidding I'd definitely do him.'
`For sure.' (Wenches in heat)
`What's with the show off rock stars with the long hair? Don't they realize they're making it difficult for the rest of us guys to score?' (And a male in heat)
The department store safe haven was a welcome to aggravating main area of the mall until piles of clothes were thrown upon him. He smelt the older of the two women approach before he felt her place more clothing onto his pile. This was torture all right. Torture he was almost willing to submit to and tell his every secret for. Almost.
“Okay you two that should be enough for now. Let's get you over to the dressing room to make sure everything fits.”
Inuyasha verbalized the groan that he knew Sesshomaru was holding back. They had been in this damned place for who knows how long hopping from store to store looking for something that Kagome's mother said would suit their tastes. Once they had found “it”, fabrics were stretched across his and Sesshomaru's back and different styles of pants were held up to their waists. After finding a few tops and bottoms that were similar to Sota's clothing he thought they were done. That was until Ms. Higurashi had said something about pajamas, shoes, undergarments, dressy dress clothes, dressy casual clothes, and a whole list of other thing he couldn't even try to remember. Now they had to try it all on before they bought it. This had to be torture.
Kagome looked up from the chair she was sitting in when she heard her mother directing Sesshomaru and Inuyasha into the mirrored area of the dressing room. She giggled at the sight of clothing piles with legs. Her mother was having so much fun picking out clothes for them and she wasn't willing to spoil that for her. Hesitantly, while her mother's back was turned, she reached up and rubbed her fingers against the tender spot in her shoulder. She could feel the blood seeping deep into the bandage and she pulled the sweater she was wearing to cover it more. There was no need to let her mother see it and get her all worried. Besides she had her hands full enough trying to get Inuyasha and Sesshomaru organized enough to get in the dressing rooms.
“Just take a few shirts and some pants in there to start off with. I want to see if they will look okay on you. Don't forget to come out after each set of clothes.”
Reluctantly Inuyasha and Sesshomaru stepped into the changing stalls with a considerably less amount of clothes in their arms. Doing as they were asked they came out in every set of clothes in the hopes that if they amused the older woman they would be able to return to the shrine.
Sesshomaru was the first to exit the changing room. After seeing the reflection of himself in the multiple mirrors he had to admit that the older woman had taste and actually caught some of his personality. The black pants he wore hung loosely at his hip and he could traces of his markings peeking out from under the edge of the “T-shirt” he wore when ever he moved his arms. The large canine howling at the crescent moon printed on the shirt was a nice touch.
Inuyasha came out shortly after. He was still pulling the tight red athletic shirt over his head when he opened the door. He pulled the shirt down to reach the top of the blue jeans he changed into. Looking in the mirrors he noticed that the pants were similar to what he was wearing earlier except for the fact that sat lower than the other ones. Overall the effect of the look was good.
`Not bad.'
Kagome and Rumi watched Inuyasha and Sesshomaru enter and exit the changing room several more times each time wearing something different. They made comment on how the clothes looked and what different pieces looked good together. When they came out in their “dressy dress clothes” Rumi made the comment about them looking very handsome and Kagome couldn't do anything but stare.
Inuyasha looked like the complete definition of a trashy romance novel lover. He wore a red silk shirt with the top two buttons undone. The fabric clung to the muscles of his arms and rib cage and the tails of the shirt hung loosely around his hips. Black slacks added to the class of the silk shirt. The ensemble over all made you wonder what was underneath it all. Even though Kagome knew she still blushed at the thought.
She looked over at Sesshomaru who was dressed on the completely other end of the spectrum. It seemed to speak the well know truths of his personality and then some unknown ones. A pristine white button down covered his upper body and it tucked into a of dress slacks that rivaled the crescent moon adorning his forehead in color. The blue and yellow tie that dangled from his hand made him look like a business man coming home from a long day that left him anything but tired.
Kagome felt her cheeks grow brighter. Both men were equally attractive in their own right in their regular attire, Inuyasha the rough and tumble hero and Sesshomaru the stark, noble assassin, but putting them into modern clothes sent Kagome into a sensory overload. She had to shake her head and straighten out their thoughts when her mother asked for her opinion.
“Well Kagome what do you think? Don't you think they look absolutely handsome?”
“Yeah mom. They look really nice.”
“Good. That's what I really wanted to make sure fit. The others were just an indulgence since Sota doesn't want me to shop anymore. You two can change back.”
Inuyasha whooped his enjoyment and dashed back into the dressing room.
`Yes, almost done.'
After paying for the clothes and exiting the department store Rumi handed her daughter some folded up bills.
“I promised Sota and grandpa I would bring them something back. Why don't you find something for you guys to do and meet me in the food court an hour from now?”
Kagome watched her mom walk away. She turned to Inuyasha and Sesshomaru whose hands were both filled with multiple bags.
“What do you say after I make a quick stop in that store right over there we head to the food court and get a bite to eat?”
“Do they have ramen?”
Kagome almost laughed at Inuyasha predictable outburst.
“I'm sure we can find someone to make you some fresh ramen. Come on follow me.”
Just outside the store Kagome found a spot for Inuyasha and Sesshomaru to take a rest. It seemed like the only place in the entire building that was natural. They sat down on the bench that was shadowed by a large tree that could have rivaled one from the feudal era. Kagome told them to wait for her out there before rushing into the store. It was a good thing too, because the tiny seemed to be filled with more people then the mall all together. She was in and out in less than ten minutes with a small bag clutched in the hand supported by the sling.
“You two ready?”
“Wow, Kagome that was quick.”
Inuyasha said jumping to his feet.
“Indeed. You seemed to now exactly what you were looking for. Tell me what exactly did you buy?
“Feh. Don't worry about what she bought. It's time for ramen.”
“Do not presume to tell me what to do little brother. I will not put up with the insolence.”
“Heh, if you don't like it, why don't you do something about it?”
Inuyasha stepped his left foot back and crouched into a fighting position. Flexing the muscles in his hands he cracked his knuckles and growled. A grin spread across his face when Sesshomaru set his bags down and took a fighting stance of his own.
“Picking a fight you will not win? Fine this is…”
“…Is not the time, nor the place.”
Kagome hissed snatching two different shades of silver into her free hand. Pulling the demons close to her face by their hair she let loose an inu-like growl.
“You can't go around picking fights in this time. People get taken to jail for that. When we get home I'll show you a different way for you to fight in this time.”
Sesshomaru saw the angry fire burning in her eyes. He couldn't help but feel compelled to respond in compliance to her words. He stood to his full height and retrieved his abandoned bags from the floor.
“Very well, if you say there is a better way to fight in this time, this Sesshomaru will wait to see it.”
Inuyasha stared at Sesshomaru dumbfounded. Normally the bastard wouldn't turn down the chance to fight with him, but he did. That pissed him off to no end. He was purposely picking a fight in order to release some of that pent up frustration from being stuck inside all day. But no, Kagome had to step in and stop it. Huffing he stood and collected his own bag.
Sensing Inuyasha's frustration Kagome decided to try her best to console him. She stepped to his side nudging him lightly with her elbow whispering a small hey. When he turned his head away and snorted she had to resist the urge to kick him. What kind of example would she make especially after she told them not to fight? She nudged him a little harder and let out a low wine.
“Don't be mad okay. I know you're tired of being here. We'll go home soon. In the mean time, how bout I but you some double beef ramen in the food court?”
`Roughly translated from inu-ish, “Fine, let's go.”'
Kagome giggled at her joke and let the two brothers to the food court.
The food court was quite a bit fuller than what she expected it to be. By the wince that Sesshomaru and Inuyasha gave she figured it would be best to sit near the outside of the food court. Scanning the area she found an open table by the indoor fountain and garden.
`AH perfect.'
Sesshomaru nearly growled in appreciation when the young woman directed them away from most of the noise. For the second time that day she took them to a resting place that showed similarities of being outside compared to the rest of the building.
* Hmm. She is very considerate isn't she?*
`You, again?'
*Calm yourself. I am merely here to watch. She does take care of you and the brother though.*
`Go away.'
Sesshomaru growled loudly. He realized that when he saw the miko jump the growl had not been a mental one. He resisted the urge to press his fingers to his forehead when she started to question him.
“Sesshomaru, are you okay?”
“Hai, miko I am fine.”
He took a seat in the chair closest to the large tree in the man made garden. He hadn't meant to verbalize his frustration with his inner beast. Lost once again in his own thoughts he faintly heard the woman that his beast fancied mention something about staying and being back with ramen.
Inuyasha waited until Kagome was carefully making her way through the crowd before turning on Sesshomaru. He growled and kicked the leg of the chair when he paid no attention to him.
“What the hell is wrong with you? Kagome was only trying to be nice to you. Whether you like it here or not we're stuck here for a year. You need to quit being your normal jackass self.”
“I am aware of the miko's effort. My verbalizations were not directed at her whelp. I was preoccupied with my thoughts. Not that I owe you an explanation.”
“I couldn't give a rat's ass about you owing me shit, but you own Kagome and her mom a lot. A whole hell of a lot.”
“Something else that I am fully aware of Inuyasha. If you have nothing other to tell me then what I already know Inuyasha save your breath.”
Kagome slowly moved past several people excusing herself along the way to her destination. Once there she patiently waited in the line. At her turn she ordered a double beef ramen for Inuyasha and two individual servings of chicken ramen. She wasn't exactly sure what Sesshomaru wanted if he wanted anything at all but she would feel awful if she came back with nothing for him. Something was bothering him she could tell that much, but what it was she didn't have any idea.
`Maybe he's just trying to adjust.'
When the food came out on the tray she slowly found a way to balance it on her hand dismissing any of the offered help. Centering the tray she lifted it over her head and made her way back to the table. She nearly the dropped the try when she came close to the table to find Yuka, Eri and Ayumi crowded around Inuyasha and Sesshomaru.
“What are you guys doing here?”
“Oh hey Kagome… (Gasp) Kagome what happened?”
Ayumi said pointing at Kagome's arm.
“Um, I kinda tripped in the storage shed at the shrine and fell on an arrow.”
“Well that's just weird. You've lived at the shrine practically all your life without any problem and just one day you go and get hurt. That just doesn't add up. What's really going on?”
Yuka pondered aloud.
Kagome paled at Yuka's statement. She did not want to have to reveal anything about her trips to the past. Not that she didn't trust her friends she just believe that they wouldn't be able to handle it. If she hadn't spent so much time in the feudal era and actually lived it herself she never would believe it if someone told her that. And then finding out that the two men that sat mere feet from them were not men at all but rather they were demons, they'd lock her in a loony bin for sure. Her saving grace was Eri's levelheaded voice of reason.
“Yuka that's not nice. Kagome has been very ill as of late and you accuse her of making things up. She was probably feeling better at the time and was trying to help at the shrine when she had the misfortunate accident. It's not fair for you to berate her for wanting to help her family whenever she gets the chance.”
Kagome had to smile at Eri's elaborate imagination. You could give the girl just a little bit of information and she could come up with a complete scenario in great detail. Unfortunately Sesshomaru had to interject his opinion into the conversation at the news of Kagome being ill. All color drained from her face once again.
“Other than your resent injury you see to be in rather fine health to me. Why do they speak of you being ill?”
Kagome had to think of a lie quick otherwise her cover was going to be blown. She knew when she got home there would be some explaining to do but right now was damage control.
“Well that's because, um with you being over seas on… business Inuyasha didn't want to worry you with stories of me being sick.”
She looked at Inuyasha with pleading eyes begging him to play along. He learned a long time ago why Kagome's family told so many stories to cover up what she was really doing in the past. Smelling the panic rolling off in waves he stood up and took the tray from Kagome's hand and led her to a vacant chair. He knew that Kagome's friends believed he was courting Kagome so he figured he would play the part. Of course he barely had an idea of what he was talking about but he was going to wing it.
“Yeah Sesshomaru. I knew if I told you that Kagome was sick so frequently you'd come back early from your business trip. You know how upset Kagome would be if she was the reason you came back without finishing.”
Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes. He didn't know what Kagome and Inuyasha were playing at, but he did not like the idea of being out of the circle of known knowledge. Interested in how things were going to progress he sat quietly and listened to see if he could put the puzzle pieces together on his own. There did not need to be rumors flying around of the Lord of the Western Lands not knowing of what goes on around him.
“Oh Inuyasha you are such a sweet boyfriend being so considerate of Kagome's feelings.”
Eri smiled dreamily with stars in her eyes.
Inuyasha blushed lightly at the complement. However it quickly went away when Yuka made another comment.
“Yeah that's sweet and all, but why would this guy need to know when Kagome is or isn't sick?”
`Damn it, wench. You really want to make things difficult don't you?'
“That is because I am concerned for my family. Inuyasha is my brother and Kagome is like family to me. She has presented me an arm to hold myself up with when I did not have one of my own. It would and does concern me deeply to hear that she has been sick constantly. It also fills me with great remorse that she was hurt because of me. Had she not been preparing things for me she would not have been hurt in the process.”
Sesshomaru smirked on the inside at the looks on Kagome and Inuyasha's face. To say the least they were shocked. He caught on quickly that Kagome's companions were not aware of her time travel and he produced and elaborate store to keep the secret hidden. Most of what he said was true albeit some of the truth was bent in the process. Overall his little speech had it desired effect. The three chattering girls in front of them stood quietly with their eyes cast to the ground.
“Wow. Um, I'm sorry Kagome. I didn't mean to presume anything. I hope you can forgive me.”
Yuka bowed forward in an apology.
“Yeah Kagome we're sorry too. Right, Ayumi?”
Kagome waved her had dismissively telling her it was okay. Boy oh boy did she owe Inuyasha and Sesshomaru big for this one. Not only did they keep her secret but they did it in such a way that she didn't think they would ever ask any more questions about the situation. Kagome smiled when her friends informed her that they needed to be going. They had made some other plans that they were going to be late for if they didn't hurry.
“Okay guys. Have a good time. Bye.”
“Bye Kagome. We'll see you at school when you get to felling better.”
Yuka waved.
“Be sure to take care of her Inuyasha.”
Ayumi smiled.
“Nice to meet you Sesshomaru-sama.”
Eri bowed.
After Yuka, Ayumi, and Eri left Kagome slid the tray with the steaming bowls closer towards her. She placed the double beef ramen in front of Inuyasha and nearly burst out laughing when he nearly dove face first into the bowl. Placing a set of chopsticks onto Sesshomaru's bowl she slid it to him smiling warmly.
He really wasn't hungry but when she smiled at him he didn't want to deny her. Even though she was injured and in pain she tried so hard. For an instant he saw Rin's smiling face shining in her eyes.
`So that is why I show this girl emotion. She reminds me of Rin.'
*Keep telling yourself that.*
`I believe I commanded you to go away.'
*Command all you would like I shall never truly be gone.*
Quietly they ate and waited in the food court. As scheduled Kagome's mother appeared with arms fill an hour after they had last see each other. Adjusting the bags in her hands she smiled.
“Are we ready to go?”
“Mom what all did you buy?”
“Huh? Oh all of this? Well I picked up some basic grooming items for Inuyasha and Sesshomaru; I forgot about that earlier. Also I bought some new clothes for Sota, some things for grandpa, and a few odds and ends for the house.”
Kagome shook her head. Sometimes her mother went overboard, but gods love her she meant well. Wearily standing she gathered the empty bowl and disposed of them in the nearest trash can. On her way back to the table she gave a large yawn.
“Okay ready to go.”
`Oh, maybe we overdid it today. My poor baby, she looks so tired. Normally when she comes back from the feudal era she's so zealous that taking it easy for a while didn't occur to me. I so used to her taking off two to threes day after her return that I forgot they are going to be here for a year. Well we can slow things down right now.'
Rumi led them back to the car. After opening the trunk she helped Kagome into the passenger seat. The drive back to the shrine was peaceful and quiet. Most of the road became emptier the closer they got to home. Once there she led Kagome to the house and instructed Sota to help Inuyasha and Sesshomaru to bring the bags in. Helping Kagome to the couch she covered her up and brought her a pain pill.
“Here sweetheart.”
“Thanks mom.”
After putting their bags in their room Inuyasha and Sesshomaru came back down into the living room. Taking a seat in either of the arm chairs they watched as Rumi took the glass of water from her daughter and headed back to the kitchen mumbling about making something special for dinner.
“You guys still want to find out how to fight in this time?”
“You need to rest miko. You can teach us modern fighting later.”
Kagome giggled.
“I'm not going to teach you anything.”
“Then how are we gonna learn to fight in your time Kagome?”
“Simple. Hey Sota, come here.”
Sota came running into the room pulling a t shirt over his head.
“Yeah what do you need?”
“Can you plug in the game system and put in one of your fighting games?”
Sota looked at his sister. He actually got off the phone, got dressed, and came in here for that? When she called him she thought it was something important.
“That's what you called me out here for? Nothing doing Kagome. You do it.”
“Aw come on Sota please.”
Kagome gave him her best puppy dog eyes. That combined with the effect of her medication was sure to make him crumble.
“Do this for me just this once. Please.”
Sota could see the fatigue in his sister's face. He groaned as he smacked his hand over his face. Stooping down he pulled the game system out and hooked it up. He went to hand Kagome a controller. When she pointed at Sesshomaru and Inuyasha he just gave her a quizzical look. She never answered his unasked question so he handed one controller to Inuyasha and the other to Sesshomaru. Firing the game up he decided to stay and watch. If anything this was definitely going to be a good show. He saw Sesshomaru jump at the noise when the game started so he turned to volume down. He explained to them how to pick their characters and what the buttons did and watched as the match started.
Inuyasha was having fun. For the past twenty minutes, with Sota's pointers, he and Sesshomaru were fighting without laying a finger on each other. He assumed that Sesshomaru was having just as much fun as he was because every time his character won he released a typical `you should never mess with this Sesshomaru' humph. He had to admit Kagome's form of fighting with Sesshomaru was a lot better than going head to head with him.
“Not bad Kagome. This was of fighting is a lot less hard on the body. Thanks. Kagome? Kagome?”
Inuyasha turned his head slightly to see Kagome asleep on the couch. Pausing the game, much to Sota and Sesshomaru's protest, he turned the volume down so she could sleep better. Before he restarted the game Sesshomaru gave him and odd look. He flicked his thumb over his shoulder to point at Kagome and Sesshomaru nodded in understanding. Hitting the pause button again he muttered low under his breath.
“Now I'm really gonna kick your ass.”
“Try if you think you can Inuyasha.”