InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Year's Time ❯ Nightmares and SWEET dreams ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Pulling the covers up to her chin Kagome snuggled deep into the fabric and closed her eyes to welcome sleep. Almost instantly he body relaxed and she felt herself being pulled into a dream state. Vaguely she wondered if this dream was going to be similar to the ones, which she had been having as of late, that stared either one or the other certain silver haired brothers. Blushing lightly her eyes fluttered open and closed one last time before sleep claimed her fully.
~~~Dream state~~~
Kagome slowly stepped towards the closed door. A faint light flickered under the edge of it. Shadows caused by the light danced across the floor and over her bare feet. To Kagome the glow seemed oddly familiar.
`Fire, maybe?'
The closer to the door Kagome drew she began to hear a distant chuckle. Chills ran down her spine; she knew who that laughter belonged to. Only one being could have such a sinister laugh and she knew it was impossible to hear it coming from the other side of her bedroom door.
Hesitantly reaching for the door she grasped the handle and at the count of three she jerked it open. The moment she opened the door the flickering light vanished and a cool mist curled around her ankles. Stepping through the door she looked astonished at the sight before her. She was back in the feudal era. Looking over her shoulder through the open door she could faintly see the outline of her bed and desk.
She smiled lightly but the grin fell from her face when she heard the laughter again. Facing the feudal era once again she gasped and stumbled backwards when she came face to face with the nightmarish baboon pelt. A chuckle erupted from beneath the pelt as she lay haphazardly across the floor.
“Ku, ku, ku, ku, ku.”
“What is the matter Kagome? Aren't you happy to see me?”
He sneered from underneath the pelt as he knelt down and reached for her ankle.
Kagome jerked her leg from his grasp. Her heart pounded in her ears as she scooted backwards away from him.
“You can't be here. We destroyed you.”
Never taking her eyes from the baboon before her she scurried backwards until she hit something solid. At first she thought it was the wall until clammy fingers encased her shoulders. She felt Naraku lean forward and place his chin on her shoulder and rubbing his cheek against her own.
“No matter how often you change the face hell is still hell.”
Kagome dared to glance at his face. It was changing into many different forms. Momentarily it formed Inuyasha's face before turning into that of a modern bum and then finally setting back to the known face of evil. She gasped when his ruby colored eyes shifted towards her and pinned her in a stare. Roughly Naraku turned her and slammed her back against the floor. Pinning her to the floor he threw his leg over her straddling her lap causing her night gown to ride up. Slowly he laid his body against hers and traced his hand up her arm towards her neck.
“I don't have the shikon-no-tama anymore.”
She spat struggling under the weight of his body.
“Believe me, the yearning I have is not fore the jewel.”
Kagome felt his fingers trail lower on her neck and she began to struggle more violently. She tried desperately to buck him off of her lap twisting and turning frantically. Prayers to any god that was listening spilled from between her lips.
“Hm, so rejecting. Maybe if I were to take a form more pleasing to you. Perhaps that Ookami prince that you are so fond of.”
The body and face above her changed into that of Koga's. He leaned forward and the long birch colored ponytail brushed her cheek. Sapphire connected with cerulean and a gruff voice rang through the air.
“Is this face pleasing enough for you? Or maybe you need something more closely related to a canine.”
Kagome watched blue turn to gold and she automatically closed her eyes. Not wanted to see the form he took this time she turned her head to the side. Doubling the efforts in her fight she lifted his body from hers slightly. The air rushed out of her chest when she was forced roughly back to the floor. Tears spilt from underneath her lashes as a familiar voice whispered into her hear. An involuntary shiver ran down her spine when a clawed finger traced the line of her cheek bone.
“Open your eyes. Look at me.”
She whimpered.
“Feel me. Look at me.”
Kagome felt her hand being lifted. Her fingertips brushed against the smooth contours of a face. She knew that the mask was just that. The feel of Naraku's lips brushing her palm sickened her.”
“Look at me.”
He whispered desperately this time.
Sensing a faint moment of weakness, Kagome jerked her hips violently to the side and dislodged him from her lap. After hearing him topple to she floor she felt him reach for her again commanding for her obedience to look at him. Screaming she rolled away to dodge his grasp.
~~End D. S. ~~~
Kagome tumbled from her bed and onto the floor. Thrashing wildly she detangled herself from her sheets. With her heart pounding in her ears and adrenalin pumping thickly in her veins she scrambled to her feet and glared at her bed. A sick feeling in her stomach told her to stare because if she looked away Naraku would exit from the confines of the comforter and come after her. Slowly her confidence ebbed away and she began to tremble. Stepping closer to the door she reached for the knob and opened it to reveal a darkened hallway. Quietly she made her way down the hall fighting back the tears that welled up in her eyes.
Inuyasha faintly heard somebody calling his name and shaking his shoulder. Assuming it was Sesshomaru waking him for another midnight sparing match he brushed it off and burrowed deeper into the covers. He had some sleep to catch up on. Ever since that incident at the grocery store Sesshomaru had him out sparing every night until dawn. The shaking became more persistent and his name was whispered again. Taking in a deep breath to tell the asshole to `fuck off' he was greeted with the scent of Kagome and salt water. Fully roused from his sleepy state by the scent he rolled over to find Kagome shivering at the edge of his bed with tear brimmed eyes staring at him desperately. Throwing his feet over the edge of the bed he sat up.
“Kagome? What's wrong?”
She clenched her hands tighter to the lace collar of her nightgown and blinked more tears from her eyes. A visible shudder passed over her body.
“C-can I sleep in her t-tonight?”
Inuyasha stared at Kagome. He'd always hoped that Kagome would come to him in the middle of the night, scantily clad, and asking to share his bed, but this in not what he had in mind. In his dreams she would shake with anticipation and he would know what to do but right now she was shaking in fear and he had no idea what to do. He looked from her to the turned back of Sesshomaru.
Kagome followed Inuyasha's gaze to Sesshomaru. He had his back turned to them and he appeared to be sound asleep. Taking Inuyasha's silence as a no she turned to plead with him again.
“Please Inuyasha. I swear I won't bother you or Sesshomaru. I'll be as quiet as can be. And you won't have to worry about sharing your bed. I'll sleep on the floor”
“If something has frightened you that severely you are more than welcome to share a bed with this Sesshomaru.”
Kagome turned to see Sesshomaru holding his blanket up offering a space in his bed. Glancing at Sesshomaru then to Inuyasha and the back again she worried her bottom lip and crinkled her brow in thought. Quickly lunging forward she clasped her hand around Inuyasha's arm and jerked her into Sesshomaru's bed along with her. She tucked her body against Sesshomaru's and pulled Inuyasha against her draping an arm over his chest.
Sesshomaru nearly growled when she pulled Inuyasha into his bed as well. The feel of the trembling body against his kept him quiet though. Lowering his arm next to hers he rested his hand on hers which held a firm grip on one of Inuyasha's forelocks of hair. She brought her elbow up and placed it over his arm to keep it in place. Sesshomaru laid his head back down and smirked into her raven locks. Apparently she didn't want either of them going anywhere far. Breathing her scent in deeply he let sleep claim him.
Sometime during the night Sesshomaru was awakened by a low whimpering from the woman tucked beside him. Thinking it was another nightmare he moved to stroke her arm in the same soothing fashion he witnessed Inuyasha's mother do for him so long ago. He stopped when a heavy moan escaped her lips and she bucked her hips back against his own. Visually showing his surprise he peered over her head to make eye contact with a frazzled Inuyasha. Kagome ground against his body again and he fought the urges from his inner beast to grind back. Gritting his teeth he hissed at Inuyasha.
“How long has she been doing this?”
Inuyasha closed his eyes and swallowed to relieve the dryness in his throat.
“Nearly an hour.”
Kagome shifted restlessly. Her body pushed Sesshomaru's closer to the wall and she pulled Inuyasha closer to her. Cradling his head to her chest she threaded her fingers into his hair and draped a leg over his ribs.
Sesshomaru was finding it more and more difficult to control himself the closer she pressed her body to him. Closing his eyes in concentration he focused his thought on his body and not the young supple body before him. That however did not work when she suddenly jerked he hips backwards against his and moaned deeply.
“Wake her this instant.”
“Fuck you.”
Inuyasha mumbled around Kagome's breasts.
“You only want me to wake her up so she can see how we are, get pissed, and sit me until my back breaks.”
Kagome pulled Inuyasha's moving lips closer to her body. Gently she massaged his scalp with her fingertips just at the base of her ears.
The feel of Kagome's nimble fingers dancing over his sensitive ears caused a low rumble to vibrate through his chest. He hadn't meant to come to the temptations but it was such a delicious sensation that he couldn't help but submit. A pure testosterone induced grin spread across his face when a deep moan escaped Kagome as she thrust her hips toward him and tossed her head back onto Sesshomaru's shoulder.
From his vantage point above her shoulder Sesshomaru watched along the line of Kagome's body as her hips slowly began to grind her hips against Inuyasha. Dampness dropped on his arm from the light sheen of sweat that appeared on her forehead. He surprised himself when he grasped her wandering hand with his own as her movements became more frantic. His own chest rumbled when she threaded her fingers between his own.
*Help ease her need.*
`You thing I would be dishonorable enough to take my pleasure from a sleeping woman?'
*I don't remember saying anything about easing your need. Though I am sure fulfilling her need would be quite pleasurable.*
Much to his inner beast's pleasure he leaned forward and pressed his lips to the nape of her neck after gathering her hair in his other hand. Slowly he slid his mouth from the back of Kagome's neck to right behind her ear. Tracing the shell of her ear with his tongue he smirked when a shiver passed through her body and there was a hitch in the grinding movements of her hips.
Inuyasha looked up when Kagome's hips hesitated in movement. Surprisingly the sight before his was an erotic one causing the blood in his veins to heat. He should have been irritated that Sesshomaru was making a move on his Kagome, but deep down something about the entire situation felt right. The only thing that seemed slightly off to him was Sesshomaru's seemed like his normal self. Of course ever since they came to this time he hadn't quite been himself.
“What are you doing?”
“What does it look like to you Inuyasha? The sooner she is stimulated enough to complete her vivid dream the sooner we can return to a peaceful sleep.”
`Keep telling yourself that.'
Inuyasha arched an eyebrow at Sesshomaru. He wasn't as dumb as his brother enjoyed believing so much. Faintly he could smell Sesshomaru's arousal peeping through the windows of Kagome's scent. Shaking his head he placed a hand on Kagome's ribs giving her the same treatment he was giving his ears. Gently he pressed a light kiss to her cleavage.
Kagome's eyes fluttered and she sighed in her sleep. The dream she was having was wonderful and it felt so realistic. Never before had she had a dream that contained both brothers but she had to admit she was enjoying it immensely. Goosebumps rose on her flesh at the authentic feel of the warm lips against her sensitive skin. Every muscle that tightened in intense pleasure was soothed by nimble exploring fingers. Every muscle except for one; with every caress the muscles in her lower abdomen tighten in the anticipation of a much need release. The release she needed was so close and yet just out of her reach. Her imagination my be very vivid and running rampant at the moment but right now the key to completion eluded her leaving her aggravated. Releasing a frustrated moan, she pushed and pulled until Sesshomaru was sandwiched between her and the wall and she was sandwiched between Inuyasha and Sesshomaru.
Inuyasha and Sesshomaru were reaching their breaking points. It the woman between them didn't reach some sort of platue soon they were going to wake her and finish the job themselves. There was only so much sexual torture a body could take before it snapped. Steadily their arousals were rising with Kagome's. Feeling desperate Inuyasha spoke to Kagome and prayed to the gods that she didn't wake up.
“Come on Kagome.”
At the sound of Inuyasha's voice Kagome released such a loud moan that Sesshomaru had to cover her mouth so not to wake anyone else in the house. A deliciously evil grin crossed his features when her moan subsided. He made eye contact with Inuyasha and leaned close to her ear again.
“Keep going. Inuyasha and I both want to hear how good you feel. Do you feel good Ka-go-me?”
A cracked and muffled yes came from behind Sesshomaru's hand. The yes was such a quick answer that for a moment he thought she had woken up. Taking a peek at her face there was no such luck, but the honest look on her slumbering face made him realize that he wanted to see that look on her face while she was awake. She looked to be somewhere between euphoria and the deep throws of carnal pleasure. Just the sight of her angelic face shining a light filled with such a wonton pleasure nearly made him reach his completion there. Barely being able to control himself he slid his fingers down the thigh that was draped over Inuyasha's ribs. Locking the leg into place he started a rocking motion that all three of them kept rhythm to.
Kagome reached her peak not long afterwards. Her back arched, her hands fisted into Inuyasha's hair, and her jaw fell open behind Sesshomaru's hand. After staying in that position for a few moments the muscles in her body started to relax. Tremors shook her entire body from the release of such an extreme tension. Slowly her body relaxed completely and she fell back into a deep slumber.
Inuyasha looked at Sesshomaru over Kagome's shoulder with a deep heat staining his cheeks. Panting heavily he had to fight the goofy grin that graced his face.
“You have to admit that sure beats the hell out of midnight sparing sessions.”
Sesshomaru lightly combed Kagome's slightly tangled hair straight before tucking it behind her ear.
“There is something that we will need to talk about later when Kagome is not around. It is important if something like this is to ever happen again.”
Inuyasha said louder than her meant to causing Kagome to stir slightly.
“Lower your voice Inuyasha. Yes again. Before that though you and I will talk and then we will talk with Kagome. I would suggest you sleep because whenever Kagome goes off to this school of hers in the morning you and I are going to have a midmorning sparing session.”
Inuyasha stare unbelievingly at Sesshomaru as he placed his head back on the pillow.
“Why the hell for?”
“Because until we have the discussion, all three of us, that is the only way this Sesshomaru will deal with the present uncomfortable frustration.”
It only to Inuyasha a moment to understand what Sesshomaru meant. He had a throbbing frustration of his own and the best way to deal with it was out of the question. At least right now anyway. Plan B, spar until it goes away or there is not enough blood to support it, was the next best option. Inuyasha carefully placed Kagome's hand back on his ears and tried to reclaim what was the rest of the night for sleep. He was going to need it.