InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Only Heartbroken ❯ The Many Pleasures of Tokyo ( Chapter 3 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A/N: I'm so sorry that it took this long to ublish this chapter but I was at my dad's house and he didn't have Microsoft office word ^_- well here you go!!!
Only Heartbroken
3- The Many Pleasures of Tokyo
Kagome woke up to a tiny sliver of light coming out from a crack in the curtains. As she looked over to the alarm clock, the digital, green numbers read 9:47. Deciding that it was pretty late, she crawled out of bed and noticed a piece of paper by her door. She walked over and picked up the pamphlet. `Join us in the lobby café, for a mouth watering breakfast. Hours: 6:00-10:30.' Kagome read it over again and smiled. `Might as well,' she thought and began to get dressed. She put on some jeans, a pink spaghetti strap tank-top, some metallic flip-flops, and a baby blue jacket. She fixed her hair into a messy bun and put on a light cover of blue eye shadow.
After getting dressed she grabbed her purse and walked out the door, retreating to the lobby. When the elevator doors opened a second time, she scurried hungrily toward the café. When she walked in, right before her was a room with many, round tables and chairs along with one long table. The long table was what dazzled her the most. It edged the north wall perfectly and barely touched the corners of the room. A very elegant, white netted table cloth was placed evenly above the table's surface along with the divine plates and silverware. Fancy food dishes were lined up across the table each having one type of food on them. At the end of the table were glass pitchers that, apparently, held the drinks. Kagome walked to the table and grabbed a plate, fork, and knife. She was extra careful not to drool over the food. She gathered the food of her choosing then came back for a cup of delicious apple juice.
Kagome ate quickly, but carefully and disposed of her dirty dishes and pushed in her seat. She began to walk back to the elevator, but then her phone rang. The same `Barbie girl' ring tone went off and Kagome reached into her purse and flipped it open.
“Hey Kags, how ya doin'?”
Kagome froze at the name Kags then smiled. Only her father had called her Kags and she loved hearing it again.
“Uh, Kagome?”
“Oh, sorry, InuYasha! My dad used to call me Kags.”
“Oh. I won't call you that anymore if you don't want me to.”
“No! I miss hearing it, I want you to call me that!”
“Okay. Well, I was wondering if you wanted a tour of Tokyo? You know since you'll be staying here a while.”
“I would love that!”
“Great, I'll pick you up at the front of your hotel.”
“Sounds good, see ya in a few!”
After she heard a click from the other line, she closed her phone and stuck it in her purse. `How exciting! A tour of Tokyo!' She thought and walked outside of the hotel. She looked around anxiously, to see if he was here. She let out a disappointed sigh and sat down on a near by bench. Kagome grew very impatient and just before she reached into her purse to grab her phone, a red motorcycle pulled up in front of her.
“Hey, Kags! Hop on!” InuYasha called.
A big smile formed on Kagome's lips and she ran over to the motorcycle. She sat on the seat behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist. InuYasha blushed at first, but then smiled.
“Hold on!” InuYasha ordered and pulled off into the road at incredible speed. Kagome was astonished. It was so scary going this fast, she even wondered if he was going past the speed limit. But, it was also at the same time fun. She enjoyed the feeling of the wind beating against her.
“Where are we going?!” Kagome asked, over the wind and motor.
“You'll see!” InuYasha yelled back.
Kagome smiled again, even more excited and anxious then before.
She watched as they drove under bridges and looked above them at the tall office buildings and hotels. After watching the moving scenery, Inuyasha came to a stop. He turned off the engine, put up the kickstand, and helped Kagome off the motor cycle.
“So, where are we?” Kagome asked, slightly confused as why they were at a station type thing, that usually was for a ride.
“I'll show you,” Inuyasha replied and , not knowing they were still holding hands, led her out of the station.
When ever Inuyasha paid to get in they walked through to find a big boat floating on a wide river, waiting for them. It was mostly wood with yellow and white paint across the edges. On one of the sides it said `Tokyo Riverboat' in red letters. At the front there was a man behind a box with a microphone, telling everyone that the boat would leave in about 5 minutes. While Kagome was gaping at the boats features, Inuyasha dragged her on and sat her down next to him.
“Have you ever been on a riverboat before?” Inuyasha asked and Kagome shook her head.
At first Inuyasha was wide eyed, but then calmed down knowing that she must have not had the time. The man with the microphone, or the tour guide, told everyone that the boat was leaving and that they would have to catch the next ride. Kagome turned around in her seat on saw the wheel in the back start to turn. She turned back around as the tour began. (A/N I'm going to warn you now I still haven't thought of a great description of the tour so bare with me!!!)
“Hello everyone and welcome to Tokyo!! There are many fascinating places to visit and enjoy here! One of those places is Tokyo mall that you will see on you left. There are many different restaurants and stores located here and you can find most at very low prices and to your right is the…” the tour guide continued.
Kagome looked at every place the tour guide mentioned and tried to remember where they were so she could one day visit them. She was completely surprised at how big Tokyo was. In her hometown, people said it was small and dirty, but the way she thought of it was BIG and clean. Inuyasha just watched Kagome's dazzled eyes drift from one place to the other, in complete awe.
`She's so beautiful…wait a minute! What am I thinking at a time like this?!' he thought and mentally shook it out of his head.
Kagome looked up at him and he looked back. It seemed time had just stopped as they looked into each others eyes. Kagome was imediatley drawn into Inuyasha's amber orbs while he was drowning in her blue pools. Their eyes both glistened in the rays of the sun as the two stared. After realizing that they had been staring for almost 15 minutes, they both blushed and looked away and unlocked their hands.
The rest of the tour they both watched and listened to the tour in silence. Both embarrassed by the whole `staring incident'. The riverboat slowly came to a halt at the station and dismissed the tourists from the boat. Inuyasha and Kagome climbed onto his motorcycle and he sped off to Kagome's hotel.
The drive back soon ended and Inuyasha stopped in front of the hotel and Kagome climbed off. She faced him and smiled.
“I really appreciate you taking me on a tour. It was great,” she said softly, beginning to blush.
Inuyasha reached him arm above his head and rubbed the back of his neck.
“It was nothing. Really,” he said.
“Well, thanks.”
She began to walk off, but Inuyasha grabbed her hand. Kagome turned around to ask what's wrong, but watched him pull her hand up to his lips and kiss it. She started blushing furiously as he let go of her hand. Before she could say anything, he sped off into the street. She grabbed her hand and smiled. Excitement built up and she twirled around.
“I love Tokyo!” she said under her breath before retreating into the hotel.
Well? Did you like it?! Okay I need at least 5 reviews to continue and right now I have three so I need just 2 more! Okay? Okay, until next time! Bye!