InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Only Heartbroken ❯ Take My Hand ( Chapter 12 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A/N: ThAnKs FoR tHe ReVieWs!!!
Chapter 12
Take My Hand
The group (ex Inuyasha) sat in the waiting room, waiting to hear that their dear friend was okay. Everyone was asleep, except for Kagome. The nurse steeped from the room and cleared her throat loud enough to wake everyone from their slumber.
“I'm sorry, but visiting hours are over. If you like, one person can stay over night. But I'm afraid the rest of you will have to leave,” the nurse informed, caressing her clipboard on her hip.
“Is he okay?” Rin asked, holding her boyfriend's hand.
The nurse frowned.
“We aren't sure,” she said, hanging her head. “He hasn't woken up yet. We don't know.”
Rin started crying again, Sesshomaru holding her tight. Miroku and Sango stared with disbelief. He was fine, they assured themselves. No one as hardheaded as Inuyasha could die from a stupid fire. Kagome buried her hands in her face. `It's my entire fault! If I hadn't complained about losing that picture, he would be fine!' she scolded herself. The room was silent for a moment until a voice said,
“Kagome should stay.”
Everyone looked up and saw Miroku staring at Kagome. Kagome's eyes widened. What? Sango stood up.
“I agree, if anyone should stay, it should be Kagome-chan.”
Sesshomaru and Rin nodded their heads solemnly. Kagome sat up.
“Are you sure?” Kagome asked, sure that someone else besides her would like to stay.
“Yes,” Rin said.
Kagome was about to ask a question, Rin seemed to read her thoughts.
“Miroku and Sango can stay with us. Call us, if he…wakes up,” she said, almost crying again.
Miroku wrapped his arm around Sango's waist, and to his surprise, she allowed him to. He smiled to himself. `Maybe this will give Kagome-san and Inuyasha some time alone together.'
They left and Kagome walked in Inuyasha's room. There he was, lying there, motionless. His chest would rise and fall occasionally, but not enough for his own health. Kagome pulled a chair up next to the bed and sat down. She felt tears begin to run down her cheeks again as she saw his ash-covered face. She moved his bangs from his face and grabbed his hand.
“Inuyasha,” she whispered. “Please, you have to wake up. We are so worried about you. Y-You can't just d-die. I'm so s-sorry. P-Please, just wake u-up!”
Her head fell onto the bed as she continued her sobbing.
“K-Kagome?” a voice croaked.
Kagome's head popped up as she looked at Inuyasha. His eyes cracked open, but squinted back closed.
“Damn bright light,” he muttered.
“Inuyasha! You're okay!” Kagome gasped, covering her mouth with her hands.
“Feh, `course I am!” he stated, his eyes adjusting to the light.
Kagome jumped up from her chair and brought him into a tight embrace.
“Inuyasha! I'm so sorry! If I hadn't complained about losing the picture, you wouldn't be here, hurt! I'm so sorry!!” Kagome cried.
Inuyasha hugged her back, trying to calm her. Though, her death grip on him was kind of starting to cut off his circulation. When Kagome finally let go and looked him in the eye.
“Don't worry about it Kagome,” Inuyasha said. “Don't blame yourself, it wasn't your fault.”
He wiped some stray tears off of her face and smiled.
“Okay,” she smiled back then put a hand to his forehead. “You have a fever! Let me go get a cold rag!”
Kagome quickly scurried into the bathroom to wet a rag with cold water. Inuyasha smiled. Nobody had ever cared so much for him, well, except his parents. Kagome came back with a rag.
“Really Inuyasha, do you always have to have a hat on?” she asked in an amused tone.
“Huh?” Inuyasha asked. “Well, I guess.”
Kagome reached for his hat, to take it off, but Inuyasha grabbed her wrist.
“But I have to lay the rag on your forehead! The hat's in the way!” Kagome protested.
“Then don't put the rag in my forehead. Simple as that.”
Kagome winced. Inuyasha had never spoken so harshly to her. Something's wrong.
“Inuyasha, what's wrong?” Kagome asked, obviously concerned.
“Nothing.” He answered.
“Oh, alright.” Kagome said, hurt in her voice.
Inuyasha regretted speaking so harshly to her, but she couldn't take off his hat. He didn't even let the doctors take off the hat. If he had let them…who knows what would have happened.
Kagome lay on the bed with her eyes closed and Inuyasha was asleep. Kagome opened one eye, just to make sure Inuyasha was REALLY asleep. To her relief he was. She opened both eyes, and slowly got up. Her gaze shifted to his hat.
`What's under there? It can't just be hat-head or Inuyasha wouldn't have made such a fuss over it.' Kagome thought. `Okay, slowly and carefully…'
Kagome slowly reached for his hat, when Inuyasha flinched, but quickly returned to his deep sleep. Kagome let out a breath and gracefully grabbed the hat and slowly lifted it off his head.
She gasped…
a/n:::: HOLY CRAP!!!! KAGOME TOOK OFF HIS HAT!!! I honestly thought this was going to be a longer chapter but apparentlyit wasn't…-sigh- I'M SOOO SORRY!!! PlZ rEvIeW!!!