InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Only I can touch you ❯ Discussion ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

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Only I can touch you
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Chapter Two>' Discussion
The girls arrived at the camping area where the guys where. They all sat down after eating roman. Inuyasha was sitting in a tree, brooding. Miroku was sitting on the ground in Indian style, his back against a tree with his staff lying on his lap. Shippou was in Kagome's arms on her lap munching on a chocolate candy bar that she'd given him. Sango was patting Kirara while she sat down. "Guys, Kagome has been waking up at night. S-"
Sango starts speaking but Inuyasha interrupted. "What! I told the wench to get some sleep."
Inuyasha Barks as he jumped off his pitch to be on their ground level.
"Shut up Inuyasha. Don't make me say the word. Let Sango finish!"
"There's nothing for her to fin-"
"Ouch, Wench."
"Now Sango please, do finish what you were going to say before you were rudely interrupted."
Kagome seems to be glaring at Inuyasha as he was getting up. He sees her glare and backs up a little, startled. Inuyasha crosses his arms over his chest, looking away then sat down giving a 'Feh' afterward.
"Kagome-chan has not been getting any rest. A melody is what keeps her up. What do you think of it Houshi-sama?"
'My dear Sango, why say Huoshi when you could just call me Miroku?' Thought the monk.
"Why have we not heard it? Humm, Lady Kagome, is this something you hear alone?"
"Ah, yes."
"Well, how long? I think I've heard of this before."
"Um, the first time I heard the melody was in Keade's village when I came back. Now I hear it every night."
"If I am right, the melody is coming from your soul mate."
"Shut up, you perverted monk. You ne-"
"Houshi-sama is right! But only youkai find their mates that way." Sango said interrupting Inuyasha.
"Inuyasha, you should know. I bet you knew all along and didn't want Kagome to know her mate was calling for her. You mean dog boy!" Spoke up Shippou. He wasn't in the safety of Kagome's arms and forgot.
"Why you little -" He was about ready to thump Shippou.
When . . .
Kagome screamed standing up with her fists balled at her sides. You could barely make out Inuyasha cursing in the dirt. "Inuyasha? Is what Shippou saying true?" She asked furiously. He whimpers in the dirt.
"Huh? Dog boy I'm waiting for an answer." The miko began tapping her feet impatiently.
Inuyasha begins to pick himself up from the ground. He looks at Shippou and bared his fangs at him. Then Inuyasha directs his attention on an angrily Kagome.
"Kagome I- I . . . yes, I knew. I . . ." Inuyasha stutters. `What if it might be Kouga?' Came his frightening thought. Miroku, Sango, and Shippou were watching their friends from a distance.
"You mean to tell me you knew! YOU KNEW! And here, I thought I was going crazy! You know what . . . oh, never mind." She put her hands up in the air as a sign that she was getting tired of the conversation. Then she took a deep breath and exhaled.
"All I'm saying is that you should of at least told me is all." Kagome vowed to herself that she would find out that night. She would find who is playing the lovely tone, which makes her heartbeats feel affection. It was night and the tone was even more on the romantic region. Kagome awoke thinking that she could just fall in love with whomever it was playing a find irresistible melody.
She climbs to her feet standing up and looks around to see everyone asleep.
Or . . .
At least she thought so.
Kagome wore her soft light pink pajama pants outfit on, which has short sleeves. She slipped her slippers on and walked into the woods of the forest following where she thought the melody was coming from.
'The prince is calling for his princess.' She thought dreamily. To the woman-child it seem like she'd been walking for hours.
But she hadn't.
Kagome could tell she was getting closer because the melody got louder and louder.
When Kagome stepped in a meadow she halted and she gasped.
This was definitely `some one' she wasn't expecting to see.
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>' Tangerine_Mikan AKA Mala Valvah 
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