InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Only I can touch you ❯ Flabbergast ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

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Only I can touch you
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Chapter Four>' Flabbergast
Everyone had awoken in the morning. Except, Kagome of course. She was up all night with her prince charming. Anyways, everyone had notice that she was smiling in her sleep. Inuyasha was complaining about them needing to get moving and finding the shards. So, Sango went to Kagome and to wake her up.
"Time to get up sleepy head." Sango's voice sang in Kagome's ear. Kagome smiled and rolled to the side.
"It's all fluffy." She mumbled.
Then she grabbed her pillow, hugging it while nuzzling her head into her sleeping bag.
Sango gasped then giggled and shook her friend.
Kagome sat straight up, still sleepy. "Is something the matter Sango-chan?"
Sango looked back to see if the guys heard her too. It looks like they did. Then she looked back to Kagome.
"Ah, Kagome-chan what's all fluffy?" Asked Sango in a teasing voice.
"Well, Sango I-I " She started but stopped. She was blushing and didn't want to tell them what happened last night.
"You what?" Inuyasha asked almost yelling.
"I would like to know what's Fluffy, Kagome." Stated Miroku.
"Me too, me too." Piped Shippou.
She sighed. `They are not going to let me off that easy. Might as well tell them and get it over with.'
"I met my prince charming." She said in one quick breath.
They heard her just fine though. Everyone was shocked at what they heard, because they thought it was supposed to be Inuyasha.
…"WHAT?" Yelled Inuyasha.
Everyone turned his or her attention from Kagome to him. Kagome was blushing like crazy.
"You do know what I mean, right?" Kagome asked.
"Is it someone we know?" Asked Sango. Kagome nodded.
"Are you crazy? You could of gotten yourself killed." The hanyou spoke angrily.
"That would be stupid of him to kill his soul mate Inuyasha." Miroku stated calmly but seriously.
"Feh" was his only reply.
"Who is he? Since we know him. " Spoke Shippou's little voice.
"Sorry, I can't tell you now. "
Later that day, after eating breakfast Shippou was being held by Kagome, when walking down a messed up pathway with the group. Inuyasha thought that they were going to slow. So he did the next best thing he could think of.
"Here, Kagome get on my back."
So he reaches out to touch her and got the shock of his life. Literally.
As soon as his hand made contact with her he was sent flying into a tree. She looked at her hand. She couldn't figure out how she did that. But she did, didn't she? Her friends were looking at her with shock expression on their faces. Inuyasha came walking back to where the group was, looking angry as ever.
"Hey! Wench, how did you do that and what was that for?" Growled the hanyou.
"I-I don't know."
"Oh Kagome. You didn't kiss him did you?" Asked Inuyasha afraid of the answer.
"Ah, y-yeah." She replied in a nervous tone.
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Do review. If you haven't caught on to what is happening, it'll hopefully be uncovered later on in the story.
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>' Tangerine_Mikan AKA Mala Valvah
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