InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Only I can touch you ❯ Proclaim ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

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Thanks for the reviews. Sesshoumaru is supposed to be some-what out of character.
Plus it's seems hard for me to write his, but I'll still try.
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Only I can touch you
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Chapter Five>' Proclaim
“Uh-oh.” Was Inuyasha's responds.
“What do you mean, uh-oh?" Demanded Kagome in a soft voice.
`It means, I like Kagome in the way I would like a mate.' Thought Inuyasha.
“Kagome, you might as well have mated with him!” Shouted Inuyasha with a growl.
“How was I supposed to know that this would happen?”
“I don't understand. What are you trying to say Inuyasha?” Spoke up Sango.
“I can't touch her.” He snapped at Sango.
“No.” Kagome softly whispered.
“That's what he meant last night.” Kagome told them.
Every one was looking at her with confusion clearly written on their faces, because they have no idea what she is talking about. She decided to explain.
“He told me only he could touch me. I didn't know he meant it in this way.”
“Than how come it didn't happen to Sango and me?” Said Shippou.
“He is a Inu youkai. The evidence of me not able to touch her proves it.” Came Inuyasha voice.
“Am I able to touch lady Kagome?” Asked Miroku.
“Try it monk. I'd like to -“
During his time of talking Miroku advanced towards Kagome to see if his suspicion was right.
Reaching his hand out to touch her shoulder, nothing happened when he made connect with it.
“- see you go -WHAT! You can touch her, but I can't?”
Inuyasha thought for sure that the monk would have been scent flying the way he did.
“Bu-But you're a pervert!” Sango stuttered while stating the obvious.
“Well, my suspicions were correct. It only works on those that wishes to be with her sexually.”
BAM! “Pervert.” Sango said, standing over the monk that now lies on the ground with her big boomerang in her hand.
“Ah, Sango? I think Miroku was being serious.” Commented Kagome.
“Well that answers my question.” Said a child's voice.
“So Inuyasha can't touch me because he has interest in me?”
“That! And I can't smell the b on you either.” `Oh, did I just admit to that out loud?'
“I guess he sealed it for the time being.” Commented Sango.
“Who is `he' anyways?” Inuyasha said crossing his arms over his chest.
“He is - a youkai is all!” Answered Kagome, trying to avoid the question the way he wanted it to be answered.
`I know who he is, but I'll just pretend like I don't know.' Shippou thought.
“No, Kagome that's not what I meant and you know it.”
“Why do you want to know? So you two can fight over some thing else? I don't think so.”
“Just answer the darn question.” Argued Inuyasha.
“Who is he Kagome?” Asked Sango.
“He-um, guys can we just leave it be?” She pleaded.
“I want to know who he is.” Piped in Shippou.
“I -he, um . . . he-“
“Spit it out alrea-“
“SESSHOUMARU!” She cried the answer out. `I can't believe they made me tell them.' The youkais and hanyous covered their ears at the high pitch scream. Then all went silent. Everyone was just standing and staring at her with shocked faces.
`I guess I over did It.' She turned into an interesting shade of red from embarrassment after her out burst.
After a while Miroku was the first to collect his self and decided the break the silence.
“Ahem, you weren't lying Kagome when you said we knew of the individual.” He stated.
“Our you implying that I was lying?”
“No. Of course not lady Kagome.” That's when every one snapped out their stun state.
“Kagome is Sesshoumaru's soul mate?” Inuyasha said in a disbelieving whispered tone.
“Yes, dear `little' half brother, she is.”
Sesshoumaru was in his domain in his castle. He was sitting in his library reading a scroll, yet again sent by the other lords about him needing a mate that's fitting. `Why can't those idiots mine their own business?' Rubbing his temple with his fingers he puts the paper down.
`I was not like myself the night before.'
Covering his ears he remembered that voice. `Yes, I have not been myself lately.'
Getting up and out of the chair Sesshoumaru exits the castle. He began speeding toward the sound of where the voice had come from. `Any one that tries to kill what is mine will die a slow and painful death.' When he arrived at the scene the monk was speaking with Kagome.
There was no one else around besides the ordinary group. `Why did she call for me if she were not in danger? Did she choose to answer the question now?' Inuyasha broke his thoughts.
“Kagome is Sesshoumaru's soul mate?” He heard Inuyasha say in a disbelieving voice. `So, she told them, huh? The Idiot must of tried to touch her.'
“Yes, dear `little' half brother, she is.”
Everyone's attention was on him now. Kagome for some strange reason paled when she locked eyes with him. He frowned at her reaction.
That's when he noticed that she didn't really mean to call for him. Walking up to her he asked.
“Do you have the answer?”
“Hah, you idiot, she said no.” Inuyasha said in a stupid childish voice.
“No Inuyasha. I said I don't have the answer `yet'.” Kagome corrected.
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Please don't forget to review.
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>' Tangerine_Mikan AKA Mala Valvah
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