InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Only I can touch you ❯ Combating ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

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Yeah! I hope you like this chapter!
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Only I can touch you
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Chapter Six>' Combating
“ Kagome, tell me you didn't just say `yes'?” Inuyasha stammered out with a horrified expression. Ignoring Inuyasha for now, Sesshoumaru addresses Kagome.
“You know how to find me when it is time.” The words were not a question but in a flexible order tone. Standing in front of Kagome he takes her chine into one of his claw hand with a feather touch and gently lift's her head to meet his golden gaze. Leaning forward Sesshoumaru's lips descends to connect with Kagome's, placing a soft and loving kiss upon her ruby lips. A moan escaped the teen miko.
“Sesshoumaru, don't you touch her! ” Shouted an angry Inuyasha.
Inuyasha sprints over to them with the Tetsusaiga drawn. He jumps up into the air and brings Tetsusaiga from over his head attending to dispose of his brother. Then, everything seemed to have gone in slow motion. Sesshoumaru puts an arm around Kagome's waist and then moves out of the way. In normal motion, he moved within a blink of an eye. The Tetsusaiga is brought down on the ground where his half brother and Kagome was suppose to be.
`What was I thinking? I could've killed Kagome.' Was his frighten and guilty notion.
It went to fast for Kagome that she was unable to say the word `sit'. The most things that she did notice though, was an arm of Sesshoumaru's wrapped around her waist holding her tightly against his body and Inuyasha with Tetsusaiga drawn touching the ground that presented a large gash in the soil.
Sitting a slight bewildered Kagome onto her feet by Sango, Miroku, Shippou, and Kirara, Sesshoumaru approaches Inuyasha. Still wearing his emotionless mask, Sesshoumaru speaks to his younger sibling.
“Your rage would have harmed `my' Kagome. I will remind you `brother,' do not touch her. That is, if you value your life.” His voice was monotone with a mischievous glint in his eyes. Inuyasha unconsciously took a step back.
“Pervert!” Yelled two feminine voices in union.
The perverted monk landed on the ground. Gifted with Sango's punch on the head that gave him a bump and Kagome's slap on the face, which left him with a red handprint in her size. Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha turned part of their attention to the voices.
`Why did I forget about that perverted monk? Next time he touches her he'll be met by the consequences.' Thought Sesshoumaru.
“I could not resist your lovely curves that screamed for me to touch them.”
BAM! Well, Sango punched him again and this time he decided to stay to himself, for now.
“You will `not' take Kagome from me.” Inuyasha yowled while charging toward his half elder brother. He swings the Tetsusaiga.
Sesshoumaru dodges the attack. The Tai youkai saw an opening and an unguarded area. BAM! Inuyasha had left himself, well, unguarded.
Sesshoumaru punches Inuyasha's left jaw with his right fist. Inuyasha was toss backwards and ended landing on his butt. There were chucks of dust, dirt, grass, weeds, and little wild flowers that were heaved up into the air. They came raining down on the land and some found a place to rest on Inuyasha. The ground was damaged with an ostentatious gash in the forest floor. Inuyasha stood back up panting a little.
“Stop fighting!” Yelled Kagome. Her attempt to stop them was not achieved.
“So little brother, you want to have a duel over my mate. Not likely, because she is already ready mine.”
The Tai youkai replied with a tiny evil smirk. It really wasn't that much seeable though. The hanyou narrowed his eyes. Then Sesshoumaru's impassive mask fall back into place again. Inuyasha began to charge, but then stopped.
“How'd you get your arm back?” He growled the question with a hint of disbelief.
Sesshoumaru narrowed his eyes. “None of your business.”
“ Well, I'll just have to cut it- ofh” BOOM, BOOM BAM
“Never let your guard down `brother'.” Sesshoumaru said in a smooth cold voice. Inuyasha lifted his arm and wiped the blood off his face with his sleeve.
“Why you-! Ahh!” He came toward Sesshoumaru again with the Tetsusaiga above his head. Inuyasha jumps up into the air and comes gilding down making a massive gap hole in the ground. But his elder brother wasn't there. Inuyasha turns to his left. Sesshoumaru took out his yellow glowing poison whip that's like toxic venom and slashed it at Inuyasha.
Inuyasha was blocking the attacks with his red fire rat sleeves. The brothers went at it for a while. Then Sesshoumaru was able to hit one of Inuyasha's wrists. “Ahh!” Blood came flowing out of the newly wound. His claw hand seems like it wanted to detach itself.
“Inuyasha!” Came Kagome's anxious voice.
Inuyasha was breathing hard. They both turned their attention to the owner of the voice. Sesshoumaru's armor was just about gone. Both of them look like they did not do much to each other. But then again they did. Then they began fighting again. Sesshoumaru knock's the Tetsusaiga out of Inuyasha's right claw with his yellow glowing whip. CLINK
THUNK it lands at least two yards away from Kagome's feet. Dust came up fogging the air and than cleared. Inuyasha runs forward and punches the Tai youkai on the right jaw with his fist. Sesshoumaru stumbles back than brings his right free claw up and wipes the blood off his lower lip. Then he punches Inuyasha in the stomach. Inuyasha doubles over holding his stomach in pain. When he lifts up some, Sesshoumaru takes his fur from his right shoulder and wraps it around Inuyasha squeezing him tightly while burying him into it. The only thing showing is his face and feet.
“Ahh, cough, huh!” Inuyasha was feeling weaker by the pain all over. It felt as if a giant snake- not preferring to the fur- was squeezing the life out of him. Sesshoumaru brings his left claw up and green liquid venom begins seeping out. He brings Inuyasha forward.
“Little brother, you see? She doesn't belong to you. She belongs to me.”
Now his poison claw is ready. “Do you want a taste of my poison brother?” Bringing the claw towards Inuyasha's face Kagome intervenes.
“No! Please, stop Sesshoumaru!” It was a desperate and tearful plead. “Please, stop it.”
Sesshoumaru looks to the side and sees a crying Kagome. “D-don't kill him.” She says softly looking up at him.
Sort of frowning at Kagome with disappointment, he looks back at the hardly awake Inuyasha. He didn't feel like taking Tetsusaiga. “Bring the Tetsusaiga and place it in the sheath at his side.”
He ordered in his normal tone with an unemotional expression. Kagome nodded. Walking towards the fallen rusty sword, Kagome picks it up and comes where the males are, then slides the Tetsusaiga into its sheath. After that was down, Sesshoumaru throws Inuyasha near his friends. “You didn't ha-!” She began angrily. He grabbed Kagome and gently wraps her up in his tail. Her hands along with most of the top part of her body were not covered.
Sesshoumaru brought her face close to his and whispered in a serious tone over her lips. “ You will have my answer by tonight.”
Closing the gap between them he pressed his lips upon hers in a demanding kiss. She didn't hesitant in responding. When the tip of his fur rubbed against the inside of her thigh she gasped. That's when he deepens the kiss by his wishes. Pulling away he gives her to Sango. Kagome wore a silly expression as if she was high on something.
Sesshoumaru forms a cloud with his youki under his black boot covered feet. Then he takes flight into the air and heads back to his quarters to finish what he was doing, after he cleans himself of course. Kagome faints and Sango looks on in amazement. Shippou and Miroku where checking to see if Inuyasha was okay. And he will be after some treatment.
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>' Tangerine_Mikan AKA Mala Valvah