InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Only I can touch you ❯ Alluring ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Please enjoy.
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Only I can touch you
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Chapter Eight>' Alluring
The moon was almost full in the midnight blue sky. A clearing in the forest of the west was a meadow; the moonlight was beaming down in the center like a spotlight. Standing in the moonlight was the lord of the western lands in his domain engaged in a masterpiece that will bring him his mate.
Only she was able to hear the lovely tune he fluidly plated with grace. Well, he could hear it of course. It didn't take her long to come. Watching as Kagome steps into the area he recites in, he notices with a ghost smirk that she was dancing.
Gracefully, beautifully, and seductively, he might add. `I would have no less.' Sesshoumaru mused.
He watches Kagome through half close eyelids. His golden honey eyes traveled from her slender fingers that were in the air, to her slim smooth arms. They glided down to her face.
Kagome's eyes are close. Her hair falls down her shoulders to her back. Sesshoumaru's heated half close-lidded gaze travels from her exposed neck to her rising and falling breast.
Looking over Kagome's flat tummy then hips. His gaze slid down her thighs and her creamy smooth slender legs that were in his view. `What is she wearing?' Sesshoumaru briefly thought. Kagome was wearing a silky very soft pink sleeveless nightgown that came a couple of inches above her knees with an inch spilt adoring each side.
Kagome's arms would lift into the air while her fingers move as if they were softly playing a piano. Her hips sway from left to right. She seemed as if she were moving with a type of feline feminine conduct. Kagome slowing circle Sesshoumaru once then stands in front of him slowing down her movements.
Noticing what she just did, Kagome looks to the ground to hide her flaming cheeks that were red with embarrassment. She could still hear her heart beating in her ears. Ba-dum, Ba-dum
Ba-dum, Ba-dum, Ba-dum
Sesshoumaru stops the melody. Remembering and looking at the gown that barely covered her, he lifted her head to meet his golden gaze. Raising a fine eye brow, he says, “Why the indecency?”
Kagome glances down at what she was wearing and blushes again with embarrassment once she notices exactly what she had on. Lifting up her head, caramel milk chocolate met with honey liquid. Kagome remains flush while her arms wrap her self.
“This is one of the night gowns I wear.” She relies appearing innocent although gazing up at him.
“I don't want you wearing that around others.” He stated indifferently.
Kagome takes on the expression and aura of anger. “Where I come from, this is what we wear to sleep in! You can't stop me-”
“I can. You will only wear that in my presence.” Sesshoumaru stated impassively.
“No. You can't. And I can wear this when I want.” Kagome shot back.
“You will do as I say.”
Sesshoumaru studies her heatedly with an intense gaze. Kagome was about to explode her anger, but Sesshoumaru spoke before she could do so. “Do you agree to be my mate, Kagome?”
Kagome filtered for a moment. `Why did Sesshoumaru do that? He changes the subject and says my name when I least accept it. I don't really have an answer. I guess I have to have one now. Okay! He has been treating me nice lately. Or is that just to get me to say yes? He is gorgeous. Wait! Why is he looking at me like that?'
“Did you forget?” His asked coldly.
“Forget. Forget what?”
“I can hear your thoughts.”
“Oh.” Kagome blushes. “I don't actually have the answer yet, may I have another day to compose?”
Sesshoumaru captures Kagome's right hand in his right claw hand and places it over his heart. Then he takes hold of her delicate chine in his left claw hand and lifts her brown sprinkling eyes to met his golden gaze.
Kagome stutters whiles being drawn into his amber slit eyes. Sesshoumaru silence her with a small chasten kiss. Moving away to brush his lips upon hers he speaks with a little passion in his voice, his forehead touching hers. “I gave you time to decide . . . Kagome, my Kagome.”
Sesshoumaru whispered upon her soft lips. Kagome pulls away to look more directly at him.
“You only gave me a day. `A day' Sesshoumaru.”
Sesshoumaru narrows his eyes while gazing into Kagome's. Kagome felt a shiver run down her spine. “A day was enough. Your answer.” He responds coldly, pulling her soft body against his. Sesshoumaru began kissing her. Kagome could feel him travel open kisses upon her jaw line, down the left side of her neck, to her bare slender shoulder.
Kagome close her closed eyes while he kissed her gentle. Sesshoumaru's tongue glided over her ear, then he whispered into her left ear. “Say yes, Kagome.”
Kagome shivers and nods her head than buries her face into his chest. `Stupid armor.'
“Speak.” “Yes.”
“Do you choose to be mine?” He growled low, which sounded close to a purr. “Yes.”
“Forever and always?” “Yes.”
“I will come for you at noon of morrow. Say your farewells to your companions.” Kagome begins to make her way back until she was grabbed by her left arm and pulled toward him.
“I did not dismiss you, and you forgot this as well.” With that he kisses her breathlessly. “Good night.” He said while embracing her. “Good night, Sesshoumaru.”
Sensing something that's blocking its scent, Sesshoumaru decides to escort her back to camp.
Lifting Kagome bridle style in to his arms Kagome gives a light squeal. “Sesshoumaru, what are you-” “ Some one in near.”
The figures in the shadows stood watching them fly off, one in anger because the Tai youkai noticed their presences. `That Tai youkai will get what's coming to him for ruining my plans.'
The other was slightly angry to found out the miko is Sesshoumaru's soul mate. But that anger didn't stay long, the being decides to find a way to use them as a freeing out let. Their red crimson glowing eyes stood out manically in the dark black night that covered them.
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>' Tangerine_Mikan AKA Mala Valvah