InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Only You ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

“And then all these little lights started falling! Was the moon angry at the stars, mom? Why did it throw them down?”
Kagome listened to her son's stories and questions with a smile on her face. He was the light of her life, her pride and joy. With his black hair, fair skin, and bright green eyes, he had the face of an angel. At six years old, Muteki was very bright. Kagome, 28 and single, was very proud of her son's accomplishments.
As she stood in the kitchen making dinner for the both of them, She glanced at her son with her azure gaze, and saw him staring back at her with his solemn eyes, his little feet kicking his chair. Kagome piled her long black tresses in a messy bun, and padded softly towards her son, two plates in hand. She set the plate in front of her son, and chuckled when he wrinkled his little nose at the vegetables.
“The sky wasn't angry, Teki. It was just a star shower. Now you finish all those vegetables.” Kagome told her son.
They ate, the comfortable silence been broken several times with Muteki's unending questioning. He was a very curious boy.
After dinner, Kagome dumped the dirty dishes in the sink, and walked her son up to his room. She tucked him into bed, much to his protest, and read him his favourite story. Before the story was even half done, the room filled with her son's soft sighs. Kagome peeked over the book, only to find her son clutching his favourite dog, Caesar, and sleeping peacefully. She put the book away, kissed her son on the head and softly left the room.
Kagome padded downstairs and collapsed against the wall. There was no way she would let her son see how sad and lonely she really was. Kagome headed to the kitchen and put the dishes in the dishwasher. As she was settling down with a book in hand, she heard a thump at the door. She cautiously got up and headed towards the sound, and open the door. A pile of silver and gold suddenly collapsed in a heap, filling her embrace.
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Je Ne!